JL Jacob Oberholtzer Of Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ©2009Overholser Family Asscoiation Compiling editor Dennis L Oberholtzer, Paradise PA compiled info onto computer format Originating compiler Rev Isaiah E Oberholtzer, CHINA & MA, in OFA Files Originating Compilation Loomis Manuscript Originating editor Barbara B Ford 1995 The Oberholtzer Book Generational Index William H Oberholtzer, 1st issue 8/11/1989 Contributing editor Debbie Mohler, Lexington VA Contributing editor Marion Overholtzer, Tarzana CA Contributing editor Shirley Kantner, Reading PA Contributing compiler Jeanne Trump, Palmyra PA Early History There are several places in the district of Wald which the Oberholtzer families lived. The original homestead was in the town of Oberholz. Also called the Upper House typically by the Alemanni families. The Upper House families stayed Catholic (at least till the 20th Century). The valley families became Protestant. The younger generation moved to the "unter" (or Lower) House. This was at the Aa (meaning Spring) in the valley. A village grew up on the lower side of the Aa, and it became Aathal. The town of Wald is north, down the thal or valley from Aathal. The family or Oberholz worshipped in the Catholic Church of Eschenbach, on the west side of the ridge. Some church records still exist. This changed when there were enough people to build the Chapel in Oberholz. Some moved to Goldingen,remaining Catholic; with its first chapel in 1667. And some moved to St Gallenkappel, both toward Lake Zurich. Some of the Catholic Oberholzer family moved to Uznach, at the pass along the southern end of Lake Zurich. VI--1 Mr & Mrs Oberholtzer Lived in Lower House, Aathal (Valley of the Spring), Wald, Switzerland V--1 Jacob Oberholtzer 1537 Wald - d aft 1568 6 children m bef 1559 Annli Cuntz - d aft 1568 IV--2 Matheus Oberholtzer Jan 1561 Wald - Living in Aa 1582 11 children m Sept 11, 1580 in Wald to Annli Strehlerin Aathal, Wald, Zurich, SWI - III--6 Marti Oberholtzer 1595 Wald, Zurich - Drowned by Zwinglians 1670 9 children m bef 1633 Margaretha Schollenberger c1595 Zurich - Aa, Wald, Zurich, SWI II--JL Jacob Oberholtzer 2/1/1620 - bap Jan 23, 1625 - d aft 1683 m 1/27/1646 Ann Buchman of Mettmenstetten c1626 - Emigrated from Wald in 1657, aged 32 years d/o Casper (Anabaptist) and Vreni nee Wyss Buchman Jacob was the brother of Margaret's husband Marx Oberholtzer. Wiedertauffer at Immelhausenhof 1663 1--1 Hans Jacob Oberholtzer Dec 20, 1646 - m Nov 7, 1676 Lisabet Nauer 1--2 Samuel Oberholtzer c1644 - bap Oct 27, 1647 - d Nov 12, 1705 Immelhausen Hoff Wiedertauffer, aged 61 years 2--1 Maria Oberholtzer m Apr 22, 1704 Sinsheim to Jacob Kundig of Ittlingen 1--3 Regel Oberholtzer Mar 4, 1649 - 1--4 Barbara Oberholtzer c1656 - m Apr 26, 1674 by Weiler to Jacob Frey 1642 - Jacob Frey is s/o Felix Frey c1614 - May 24, 1682 I--JL (1--5) Johannes Oberholtzer c1660 - at least 3 sons m May 13, 1683 at Immelhausenhoff to Ann Frey Feb 16, 1652 Ottenbach - d/o Felix Frey c1614 - May 24, 1682 2--1? [AO] Anna Oberholtzer c1699 - 1st m Hans Heinrich Martin 1701EUR - Oct 1784 Immigrants with 4 children from near Heidelberg, Germany on Sept 21, 1731, with parents Christian (not wrong name Andrew) & Elsbeth Martin to Brecknock Twp. Anna & Hans Heinrich lived for two years beside JL Jacob's land, before moving to Conestoga Ck. 3--9 [AO9] Margaret Martin m Jacob Stauffer 1740 - Oct 1821 Jacob is s/o Matthew Stauffer c1700 - 1758 & [JF3] Anna Oberholtzer c1711 - Anna Oberholtzer c1711 is d/o [JF] Jacob Oberholtzer of Franconia 4--1[AO91] Catherine Stauffer Oct 30, 1771 - May 15, 1834 m 1795 Michael Weber 1772 - 1841 5-1 [AO911] Anna Weber 1799 - 1871 m Daniel Eby Martin 1798 - 1854 JL Jacob Oberholtzer of Brecknock Page 1 2--2 [JL] Jacob Oberholtzer c1704 - Late 1755 Brecknock Twp , PA 1732 immigrant on Samuel from Dirnheim near Sinsheim, GER 3--1 [JL1] Elisabeth Oberholtzer, imm. m Christian Bauman Bowmansville Line 3--2 [JL2] Samuel Oberholtzer, imm. Virginia Line 3--3 [JL3] Johannes Oberholtzer Lived on Homestead Farm 3--4 [JL4] Christian Oberholtzer m Christina Musselman Adams Co Line 4--1 [JL41] Christian M Oberholtzer Taneytown MD Oberholtzers 3--5 [JL5] Anna Oberholtzer m Peter Good 3--6 [JL6] Barbara Oberholtzer m Johann Heucher/Heiger 3--7 [JL7] Maria Oberholtzer m Abraham Martin , Red Run, East Earl Twp 3--8 [JL8] Jacob Oberholtzer m Anna Lehman -1823 murdered 1 son 3--9 [JL10] Veronica Oberholtzer c1753 - wpOct 1831 m Jacob Guth (Good) 1 son, d single 3-10 [JL9] Magdalena Oberholtzer c1755 - aft 1791 m Jacob Weaver, Somerset Co, PA 2--3 Johannes Oberholtzer Possible the brother John that came 1732 with Jacob & Hans Groff REF: Letter of family history by Bertha Oberholzer Weiler 2--4 Samuel Oberholtzer Too young to be [SL] Samuel Oberholtzer JL Jacob Oberholtzer c1704 - 1755 Brecknock Twp, Lancaster Co PA He came on ship Samuel 8/11/1732 with his two children, Elisabeth & Samuel from Dirnheim near Sinsheim in the Upper Palatinate region of Germany. 1st m Barbara ?Kilheffer - GER From the Community Dihenheim: Jacob Oberholtzer, widowed with 2 children finds himself thus with the forture of 60 florins, additional from his brother and friends as reported. - The Palatine Immigrant Vol 7 #4 p 175 REF: Strassburger-Hinkle, PA German Pioneers Vol I/59; Jerold A Stahly, "The Family of Jacob Oberholtzer (1704-1755) of Brecknock Twp, Lancaster Co PA" PMH 4/1989 pp 13-26; Lancaster County Intestate Rec Bk 1/65, 1755; Shirley O/H Dobson; Emery Shetler, Chesley, ONT Canada; Generaltiona Index, William H Oberholtzer, 1st Issue 8/11/1989 JL1 Elisabeth Oberholtzer 8/27/1724 GER - 2/27/1791 both bur Allegheny Mennonite, Berks Co PA m c1745 Rev Christian Bauman 8/13/1724 - 7/25/1790 s/o Imm Wendel Bauman & Anna Labeled a Tory in 1779 Berks Co tax list. Built log house which lasted about 100 years. REF: Dorothea B Strappe, Elmwood IL; Jeanne Trump, Palmyra JL11 Barbara Bauman 9/9/1746 - 5/14/1810 m John Good 1731 - wp 8/4/1792 Brecknock, Lancaster Co PA gristmiller John s/o Christian Guth & Susanna Schmidt 3 sons 5 daughters res Bowmansville PA REF: Jane Evans Best & Howard C Francis "Six Good Families of Early Lancaster Co PA", PMH 7/1989 pp 21-22 JL111 Barbara Good Bowmansville PA m 11/1788 Peter Mosser 1/22/1761 - 3/25/1845 s/o Henry & Frony JL112 John Good 11/20/1773 - 12/23/1843 m Elizabeth Mosser 11/1/1771 - 1/29/1849 d/o Henry & Frony res Bowmansville PA both bur Pine Grove Mennonite JL1121 Barbara Good 2/15/1796 - 4/24/1850 m Abraham Good 1/28/1793 - 2/1/1856 JL1122 Elizabeth Good 12/19/1798 - 8/14/1877 m Daniel Bauman 6/24/1796 - 3/24/1875 (JL136) JL1123 Mary Good 5/1/1800 - 10/25/1865 m Martin Bowman 6/20/1791 - 11/30/1850 JL1124 John B Good 1/22/1805 - 6/2/1891 1st m Anna Good 11/14/1808 - 4/16/1864 2nd m Leah Musser 5/2/1831 - 6/21/1910 JL113 Anna Good JL114 Samuel Good 1777 - JL115 Christian Good - 1798 single JL116 Magdalena Good Bowmansville PA m Peter Becker - wp 5/27/1837 JL117 Elizabeth Good - wp 10/7/1834 Brecknock m Martin Good c1767 - wp 7/24/1824 Brecknock JL118 Catharine Good m Christian Mosser 12/12/1781 - 4/16/1867 (2nd m Veronica) JL Jacob Oberholtzer of Brecknock Page 2 JL12 Jacob Bauman 2/20/1751 - 7/4/1820 Cumberland Co PA Rev War m Maria Schantz 1/10/1752-3/24/1814 Imm w/parents Nicklaus Schantz & Elizabeth Martin on ship Phoenix 10/1/1754 (Maria Fohantzer m name?) JL121 Christian Bowman 12/12/1773 - 9/12/1850 m Barbara Wanner 1/4/1780 - 8/21/1860 d/o Henry both bur Diller Mennonite Cem, Cumberland Co PA REF: Glenn Miller, Carlisle, PA; Wanner not Warner; Dorothy B Strappe, Elmwood IL 1984 JL1211 Jacob Bowman 2/4/1812 - 7/25/1863 m Catherine Hemminger 10/8/1808 - 12/15/1893 JL122 Samuel Bowman 6/11/1776 - 6/11/1847 m Elizabeth Diller 4/24/1786 - 6/18/1853 Cumberland Co PA JL123 Elizabeth Bowman 7/25/1777 - 2/2/1846 m 3/25/1800 Francis Diller 3/17/1776 - 5/17/1845 Cumberland Co JL124 Mary Bowman - dp 1815 JL125 Madalena Bowman 10/29/1785 - 2/20/1857 m Henry Gehman 6/6/1784 - 6/6/1883 Daulphin Co JL126 Abraham Bowman 12/11/1788 - 4/21/1846 both bur Diller Mennonite, Cumberland Co PA m 11/24/1812 Maria Magdalena Messner 4/29/1788 - 1/9/1855 JL13 Christian Bauman 10/21/1753 - 5/26/1807 1st m 2/17/1782 Anna Huber 9/17/1756 - 3/10/1792 d/o Martin Huber & Magdalena Musser res Berks Co both bur Allegheny Mennonite JL131 Magdalene Bauman 1/9/1783 - 3/22/1859 m 1800 John Good 3/18/1777 - 1/10/1862 s/o Jacob Good 1752-4/25/1812 & Magdalena - bef 1786 moved to Waterloo Canada 1818 REF: Ruth (Good) Baker, The Good side of My Family (1961) pp 1-5; Best & Francis, "Six Good Families" PMH 7/1989 p24 JL132 Joseph Bauman 1/22/1784 - 1/9/1841 m Mary Huber 12/13/1791 - 9/1826 Berks Co PA d/o Jacob Huber & Elizabeth Weber 12/22/1764-2/4/1843 REF: maiden parents by Jeanne Trump, Palmyra PA JL133 Elisabeth Bauman 11/20/1785 - 7/6/1866 m Jacob Good 11/22/1781 - 8/12/1844 Berks Co PA s/o Jacob Good 1752 - 4/25/1812 & Magdalena - bef 1786 JL134 Samuel Bowman 12/1/1789 - 1/9/1857 m Elizabeth Bauman 7/1/1794 - 7/24/1854 Bowmansville PA (JL13) 2nd m 1792 Anna Gehman - 7/5/1830 d/o Daniel Gehman REF: Jeanne Trump, Palmyra PA JL135 Anna Bauman c1794 - 1843 m Samuel Weber 1783 - 1852 Cumberland Co OH s/o Heinrich Weber & Maria Huber 1758-1797 JL136 Daniel Bauman 6/24/1796 - 3/24/1875 m Elizabeth Good 12/9/1798 - 8/14/1877 (JL1112) d/o John Good 11/20/1773-12/23/1843 & Elizabeth Mosser 11/1/1771-1/29/1849 JL137 Mary Bauman 4/21/1799 - 2/17/1847 m 3/20/1851 Jonas Good 3/25/1794 - 9/15/1881Bowmansville PA s/o Abrahm Good JL138 Salome Bauman
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