? Declaring war- No Meaney Feat- Keep Your Fingers Crossed- Coke and Pepsi Football p. 10 - -- 3 by TRACY ABEDON versity. The meeting was at- [have one], but because we tended by Dean of Students need one,” he said. The TuftsLesbian and G~~ Bobbie Knable, Tufts Com- TLGC’s recognition would Communityis seeking a L~~-munity Union Senate Vice present the group with “a bian and G~~ centerwith a President Elizabeth Skid- whole new set of responsibili- full-time coordinator, in an more, and Senator Megan ties,” Skidmore said. effort to move beyond club McCaffrey. The center would serve as a status, according to TLGC Orcutt said the TLGC meeting place, resource Co-President John Orcutt. center, and office. It would TLGC, in a meeting Mon- house a full-time coordinator day night, requested recogni- who would set up programs tion as a constituency, rather such as films, lectures and than as a club, by the uni- conferences, supervise the center and library, and serve the disabled is needed. (Photo by Chris Stevens). in part as a counselor. Orcutt says the gay and les- bian community realizes the Access For Disabled Sought goals cannot be achieved im- mediately, but that “this is by JUDY BURSTEIN a long way to go. cilities, disabled students what we are trying to attain.” Although Tufts is continu- Elder said Tufts could use won’t Want to here,” For now, the TLGC is asking ing in its efforts to increase more housing and said Tufts Community Union to be placed on the “adminis- accessibility on campus for Parking Waces, as as bet- Senator Erika Barnes, a tration’s priority list.” the disabled, one mobility ter to dining member Of tiit? Senate ser- A TLGC committee has impaired student, David halls and new bui!dings. vices Committee, which is been set up to work in con- Elder, said the school still has “If we don’t have these fa- researching accessibility on junction with Knable, Orcutt campus. She noted that since TLGC Co-President John said. Committee members are ’*admissions personnel are Orcutt- currently working on interim wants he administration “to goals and will meet with Campus Store Opens tryingment, theyto mustdiversify show recruit- a dedi- treat us as a minority on cam- Knable in weeks to dis- PUS,” adding, however, that cation to the handicapped. ” cuss findings, and lot of hoopla, pomp and cir- the TLGC is not comparing by JEN CLEMENTE “feedback.” Orcutt noted cumstance,” will be held on At the end Of last semester’ itself to other campus minori- After Hours, the new Tufts Elder discovered that he had tit,a Knable’s “attentiveness” in November 18. L’rCI‘ Student Resources-run con- few housing options for this venience store, will open The store’s name, After “TLGC doesn’t want a see TLGC, page 13 tomorrow, following a three- Hours, was suggested by see ELDER, . Page 18 center because others do week delay due to construc- senior Ellen Tracey, in a TSR tion. promotional contest. She “After Hours will be a full- received a $25 store gift certi- fledged Store 24 on campus, ficate and a free refrigerator Senate Rejects WMFO Board rental. with prices very competitive ings, every Sunday night at 8 “The establishment of a and very convenient for the As further promotion for by DEBRA JACOB the store, TSR will use After p.m. WMFO is located in board is inappropriatc at this students -- definitely lower Despite a recommendation Curtis Hall. time,” Hahn said. than the bookstore,” said Hours to sell tickets for a raf- by the Tufts Community McPhee, who took over as the WMFO will become estab- Moira Kavanaugh, TSR Vice fle raising money for aerobics facilities in Hill Hall. First Union Judiciary to establish a station’s general manager lished as a student organiza- President of Operations. tion open to new members prize is a trip for two to Or- WMFO governing body, the during rhe summer, needs a Although the opening is and new ideas despite its past lando, Florida. TCU Senate has no plans to chance to publicize the Tufts behind schedule, Kavanaugh reputation of an “under- TSR obtained the store area form any sort of board to radio station and implement said, “We’re glad we didn’t see WMFO, page 13 through an agreement with oversee the Tufts radio her policies. open too early and we’ve been station. able to use the extra time to Barnes and Noble, who did According to Senate Presi- fully prepare.” not need the extra space, in dent Tracy Hahn, “WMFO Though most products sold exchange for non-competitive is under new leadership,” in the convenience store do hours and TSR payment of and the Senate would like to not overlap with those availa- utilities. allow WMFO an opportunity ble in the bookstore, she said, Initial funding for con- to operate without outside After Hours will be open struction and supplies was intervention. from 4:OO p.m. to 12:OO mid- provided by Auxiliary Ser- vices, though TSR President The TCU J recommended night Sunday through that the Senate form a Thursday, and 4:OO p.m. to Janet Rosen said she hopes WMFO governing body re- 1O:OO p.m. on Friday and the money can be paid back over the next five years, so sponsible for budgeting, pro- Saturday, to assuage any gramming and overseeing the competition between the two that the store can become en- tirely a student endeavor. station after a former disk stores. jockey filed an official com- A grand opening and rib- TSR, a non-profit organiza- plaint against the station to bon-cutting ceremony which tion, will pay half of their surplus to the university for the TCUJ. Kavanaugh describes as “our Hahn said Mary Ellen The TCUJ recommended last month that the TCU Senate , real groundbreaking, with a see STORE page 13 conducts open weekly meet- form a WMFO governing body. (Daily file photo). page two THE: TUF’I’S DAILY Friday, November 6.1987 I_c - Think About It The Tufts Daily li) ihe Editor: Jon Newman Today I received from the cidents like it on the Tufts Editor-rii-Cliief Tufts-in-Tubingen director the campus. Last year and the year Wednesday, October 2lst edi- before students were prevented David Gerstmann tion of the Daily and I saw from having CIA recruitment Executive Business Director something that has finally interviews by protestors. To brought me to point of the protestors I say, “Who are - Stephen Clay .................... Executive Editor Jonathan Larsen.......................... Associate Editor \\riling, even from here. I you to decide for these people Scott Miller........................... Production Manager ... Production Managcr realize that this comes about what is right for them?” By Bill Labovitz.. ............................. ,...NewsEditor ...................News Editor two weeks late, but I feel very stopping them, the protestors strongly about this. This issue have violated their personal Sarah Crafts ........................ Assistant News Editor Diane Zitner.,..................... .Assisrunt News Editor is the ever-present prostesting rights and no one has the right Bret Thorn........... Features Editor Amy Vellucci ..................... Futuns Editor at Tufts, and its disruptions. to do that. Corinne Finegan .......................... Features Editor Mike Greenberg................................ Arts Editor After reading the article on the I say these things not -d protests, must confess because I’m pro-CIA, for in Arts Editor Adam Conn .....Assistant Arts Editor CI-A I that I am outraged. Protesting actuality I’m neutral. But as Kelley Alessi................................. .Sports Editor David Rothenstein.. ......................... Sports Editor at Tufts is commonplace, and we say here, “Das machts Randall Budd........................... Assr. Sports Editor Chris Stevens ......................... Phoiography Editor that’s fine and good. The pro- nichts” - it doesn’t matter. Waldek Wajszczuk................... Photographv Editor .....___. ........... .; Layour Editor blem is the .abuse, or the What I am “pro” however, is misunderstanding of the words their right and anyone’s right Sarah McEwen .............................. La-vout Editor Heather Zschock..................... .Advertising Drsign - ‘ ‘Freedom of Speech.” to speak and hold interviews Lynn Rosin ............................. Advertising Design Sharon Siben ............................ Classifieds Editor One protestor shouted in the \\.ithour disturbance of them Seth Krevat ................. Classifieds Editor Penny Makris............. .......... Office Manager middle of Hulnick’s speech, or the people who attend. “I have every right to express Basically my point and state- my ideas.” This statement is ment to the Tufts Community The Tulis Daily is a non-profit newspaper published weekdays during the academic vcar by the students of Tufts University. Printing h true, but the time and place is this: A university is a very IixbRiver Puhli.;hing. Cambridge. MA. Please address correspondence to: The Tufts Daily, Curtis Hall. Tufts University. Medford. M: are wrong. Yes, we have the diverse place with many con- P 1 I (i .I’clcpli~~nc:hi: XX I WW. Rusiw\\ hours: 1O:OO it1 h:OO wckdevs. 1’ S. posiagc paid in .~lcdlord.MA. freedom of speech, but we trasting views and the pro- don’t have the right to yell testors must think a little more “Fire” in a crowded theater. about this fact. Their view is Likewise, a protestor does not not the view of every single have the right to yell his pro- person on campus and tests in the middle of a speech, therefore they have no right to thus disturbing the others pre- decide for the entire campus .G sent who are listening. Also, he what is right and wrong. should keep in mind that the Those who do otherwise are person. .speaking also has a not helping Tufts or protecting All Letters to the Editor must be typed and double-spaced They may be sent on a group’s behalf, but right to present his ideas un- their rights, they’re taking the name and phone number of at least one member of that group must be included.
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