' .'-i. :.va flla w liF g te r t n ntittB BASEBALL Rev. Peter Latas of the PolUh tary la tamporary chairman of the be entered although many will not National .church went to Walling- THREE MATCHES PUYED Community University as tentative-' be eligible due to age limite. iiH: T O U R N A M E N T ford yesterday to assist' Rev. Walter CHOOSE A c n r m E S ly planned and a permanent chair- JUNIOR TRACK MEET The Junior evente will conelat of Hyseko, who was recently ordained, IN CHAMBER TOURNEY man will be alected at a meeting a BO yard daab, 23 .yard dash, 75 ILJ-HdULECi iwBSYS. Methodists conduct his first funeral service. The scheduled for sometime next month. yard dash, broad Jump, high jump -MANCHF.<>TFP/‘0NN.** young priest while still a student, COMMmiESATT Thomas Bentley, prlnclpsU of the HELD TOMORROW and baoeball throw: Ih e Interme- Special 3 To 6 Mombar of the Audit T omorrow night at 6 spent some time here last summer Hollister street school; A. F. Howes, diate events 'wlU be: 50 yard daab, Bureau of ClrculattonB. former superintendent o f schools in 75 irard daab, 440 yard run, shot r Mt Nebo with Rev. Latas. Echmalian-Keith Battle l8 Friday Afternoon! Best's© Far— Former Wins the Bighth and outlying districts put, broad Jump and high Jump. -4- Six Groops Named To Ron and Aaron COok are members of tbu lotennediates Also To Take The ninth annual show of the On the 20th Hole. Jack Frost VOL. NO. 265. IBed Advorttalat ea Page lAJi MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1934. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Connecticut Gladiolus society will committee on revenue and publicity. un„ PRICE THREE CENTS New membera now affiliated with FOURAREDEAD FLETCHER WALLOPS THRONGS WELCOME AS ROOD HITS m NEW DEAL POLICIES PRESIDENT AS HE DENM AREAS G. 0. P. Leader Issues Par- SEN. BORAH R A P S . REACHES CAPITAL Two Others Missing When ty’s Challenge to Adminis- •t. Creek Overflows Banks— CROP REDUCTIONS tration; Calls NRA "A SILVER ORDER I Tanned and Invigorated Floods Reported in Other Badge of Indnstrial Servi- Wonders Who Sold the Idea PUZZLES MANY; « '“ ».oooMa..TripH. States Also. at-Once Plunges into Con- tude.” to President— Says It Is Denver, Colo., Aug. 10.— (A P )— NOT INFLATION ferences. At least four persons perlshtd, and Springfield, HI., Atig. 10.— (A P )— All Wrong. twO*otbers. a mother and her son, National Chairman Henry P. were missing and feared dead, in a Silver Bloc Leaders Rejoice Washington, Aug. 10.— (AP) —, Fletcher of the Republican Party Meridian, Idaho, Aug. 10.— (AP) flood clogged death trap in twisting President Roosevelt, tanned and In- called on the country laet evening Bear Creek canyon west of here, —Senator William E. Borah today — Not Mnch Change In vigorated from his 13,000 miles of for a "verdict on the New Deal” on was on record with the statement Searchers continued today to dig through the derbis-covered area busirieas-pleaaurc travels, returned' November 6. that the present National Adminis- ' From the platform of the Re- that was swept by a terrific cloud- Prices on Foreign Markets to the White House today to grapple tration crop program Is "contrary to burst late yesterday, seeking any publican state convention here, in with a host of New Deal problems. what was regarded as the party’s every phase of President Roosevelt’s other bodies. political philosophy.” ABOVE—a makeshift shelter The Identified dead: The President arrived shortly be- National challenge, Fletcher branded — Morgenthan Is Silent. fore noon after a fast trip from Chi- The "amazing mystery” about the In a roadside ditch was toe John Husband, 56, of Denver, afid the NRA a "badge of Industrial home of E. J. Stevenson, Ohio cago. servitude" and lambasted the farm theory of crop destruction, he de- his ^ fe , 52. clared, Is "who sold It to the Presi- onion field striker, and his fam- Several thousand persons were st program as a "tragic disappoint- C!harles M. Juhnke, 58, of Denver, Washington, Aug. 10.— (A P)— dent?” ily until the state stepped in a tourist camp Operator. Union station to greet him after an ment.” with food and lodging for the The government's silver cup rang r.tsence of 41 days on his trip to His address delivered In the O o p reduction, the Senator held A boy, tentatively Identified aa In his address here yesterday, is not 44 men, women, and children the son of J. H. Dieken, of Detroit, all the range of the economic situ- outlying possessions and his Journey heart of the midwest prairies, was evicted from company houst.'3 across the United States from the expected to declare the Issues on necessary to save the farmer. Mich. ation today and echoed everything at McGuffey. With all their west coast. which the Republicans will do bat In Its stead he recommended ter- .The missing are Mrs. DIekIn and from Joy to bewilderment. mination of monopolies, protection possessions except their beds another young son, President Roorevelt’s order tak- Secretaries Hull and Morgenthau tie for more Congressional seats. piled beside the hut, and cook- Fletcher accused the Administra- from unjust freight rates and pro- Charles Juhnke, Jr., identified his ing possession of silver at a price were among the officials to greet ing in the open, the Stevensons, the Pre.sident on hla arrival. tion of fruitless spending and vision of a "sound' and sufficient father's body, wnich was recovered of 60.01 centx an ounce brought charged It had launched "danger- currency system.” despite a heavy rain, made the from a pile of brush near the Bear forth such varying reactions 'os Embraced within the scope of tbs best of matters until aid came. ous experiments." Prealdent’s Gift Creek canyon bridge at Morrison. these: mgent questions confronting the Noting what be regarded as a In the rear are shown some of executive’s personal attention are “The Black Crow" Young Juhnke said its father had Leaders of the "silver bloc" ex- conflict between the political phil- the large onion storage barns. been employed to drive Mrs. Dieken the widespread and devastating While building his party’s case of the Scioto Land Company. pressed gratification. Senator against the Administration, he put osophy of the Nation’s leader and and her sons through the moun- drought, labor troubles, possible new the farm program, be said: RIGHT—Fire ’ destroyed the Thomas, Democrat of Oklahoma, courses for' the alphabetical head- a new bird Into the political pic-: tains. He said ho recognized the predicted an International scramble ture. It was th.. “ black crow." He “The President of the United two barns shown ablaze on the boy’s body that was found as that liiiers—NRA and AAA — Latin States is rarely gifted with a deep Jay Rumbaugh farm, tn the for stiver that would force a world ^said: of one of the Dieken sons. He did conference to draft a uniform world American issues, preliminaries inci- "Suppose, In order to compel all and abiding sense of optimism. This onion area, near McGuffev, not know hts first name, nor hla dentto the 1935 Naval arms confer- causing loss of $5,000, This currency for exchange purposes. He farmers to come in under the A. A. is well illustrated in the last few brother's. cnce’ and many others, including; days In bis plan to develop power in was the third major fire In the foresaw a new era of prosperity. A., it decides to x x x decree that Dispatches from Detroit today Stock am commodity markets Reciprocal tariff negotiations, un- all those who do not paint a black the northwest, a quarter of a cen- marshlands since start of the said the Dickens’ boys were Wen- employment relief plana for next strike, but probes revealed no sensed Inflation. Stocks rose $1 to crow on their barnyard gate will tury in advance of demands. The dell, 15, and Gordon, 12. year, government financing, mone- destruction of food and things of . evidence of Incendiarism. more than $3 yesterday. The dollar get no government money. dropped. Wheat, corn and cotton tai^ problems, and last blit hot least, “This may sound like a lot of po- which clothing are made In the IN KENTUCKY political matters. midst of millions o f hungry and 111 rose. Bonds sold off. litical bOoey, but It is no more fanci- Morehead, Ky., Aug. 10.— (AP) — Not Inflation Train Is Delayed clad men and women Is the last ful than what has been done with Between 15 and 20 families were Many observers said that, aside The President s train, which had spasm of pessimism. It has never the Blue Elagle— the,, badge of in- ISSUE NEW ORDERS driven from their homes here to- from its possible Implications, the been scheduled to arrive at 11;30 a. dustrial servitude." seemed to me to be any part or par- day by floods due to tremendo'is m., had been delayed, but during th« cel of the philosophy of recovery or MRS. ANTONIO DEFIANT announcement did not mean infla- He told the convention crowd, that iplns that were reported to have tion. Treasury officials pointed but lost 100 miles It made up consider-* the farmer has suffered, rather the political philosophy of the extended through Rowan and Car- able lost time. President.” that silver certificates—for the than benefited, from the recovery TO U.S. DISTILLERS ter counties as far as east as Gray- present at least—would be issued As the train pulled into Union sta- activities.
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