TELFORD & WREKIN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 23rd July 2014 Schedule 1 - Planning applications for determination by Planning Committee TWC/2011/0821 Land At, Wellington Road, Newport, Shropshire Outline application for proposed new housing, open space/playing field and associated works ...................................................................................................................... 2 TWC/2011/0827 Land To The North Of, Audley Avenue, Newport, Shropshire. Outline application to include access for the erection of up to 215no. dwellings, highway works, public open space, allotments and associated infrastructure development following demolition of buildings *****Revised Section 106 package to that considered by Planning Committee***** .......................................................... 6 TWC/2014/0113 Former British Sugar site, Allscott, Telford, Shropshire Outline application for the erection of a mixed use development comprising of up to 470no. dwellings (Use Class C3), a primary school (Use Class D1), a commercial area (Use Class B1), clinic and health centres (Use Class D1), retail units (Use Class A1), financial and professional services (Use Class A2), restaurant and cafes and/or hot food takeaways (Use Classes A3 and A5) with associated allotments, sport and recreational facilities, open space, biodiversity enhancement and access (All other matters reserved) *****ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED***** 101 TWC/2014/0271 Land adjacent 9 Hillside, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire Outline application for the erection of 2no. detached dwellings and detached garages (All matters reserved) *** Amended location plan received *** .............. 187 TWC/2014/0333 Land corner of, Stafford Road/A41, Newport, Shropshire Erection of 111 no. residential dwellings and a 108 no. unit continuing care residential village with associated infrastructure ................................................. 196 TWC/2014/0335 Metal & Waste Recycling Ltd, The Old Smithy, Lightmoor Road, Lightmoor, Telford, Shropshire, TF4 3QN Erection of new building for aluminium storage, associated water tank for dust suppression, additional acoustic barriers and demolition of mobile phone mast and compound ............................ 222 TWC/2014/0366 3 Cherry Tree Hill, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire, TF8 7EQ Installation of roof mounted solar panels (Retrospective) ......................... 232 1 TWC/2011/0821 Land At, Wellington Road, Newport, Shropshire Outline application for proposed new housing, open space/playing field and associated works APPLICANT RECEIVED HDD Newport Ltd, 30/09/2011 PARISH WARD Church Aston, Newport Church Aston and Lilleshall, Newport West OFFICER Tim Williams OBJECTIONS RECEIVED: No. MAIN ISSUES: Modification of existing planning obligation, affordable housing provision. THE PROPOSAL: This report to Planning Committee relates to a request to modify an existing Section 106 agreement to an outline planning permission (TWC/2011/0821) which was granted on 8th January 2013. Planning permission TWC/2011/0821 gives consent for up to 285 houses, open space provision (including an informal kick about area and associated works) on land between Wellington Road and Moorfield Lane on the southern edge of Newport. The Section 106 agreement of 4th January 2014 in connection with the planning permission includes (inter alia) a requirement that 35% of the dwellings constructed are Affordable Housing Units and that 80% of those Affordable Housing Units shall be Rented Social Housing Units and the remaining 20% shall be Shared Ownership Housing Units. The modification request received by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) is being sought under Subsection (1)(a) of Section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act. This allows a planning obligation (Section 106 agreement) to be modified by agreement between a LPA and the person or persons against whom the obligation is enforceable – in this instance the developer of the site, Persimmon Homes West Midlands. Their request to modify the Section 106 agreement relates to the current requirements to provide affordable housing within the development as outlined above. The developer now wishes the level of on-site affordable provision to be reduced from 35% to 20% and for this to be provided in the following mix: Rented Social Housing Units: 2 bed 4 person house 5% 3 bed 5 person house 4% 4 bed 6 person house 1% 2 Shared Ownership Housing Units: 2 bed 4 person house 5% 3 bed 5 person house 4% 4 bed 6 person house 1% The request states that developer instead offers an off-site affordable housing obligation in the form of a financial contribution of £2,750,000, with payment triggers split into 3 stages of prior to 31st May 2015, 31st May 2016 and 31st May 2017. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS: The application site covered by the outline to 10.36 hectares of agricultural land between Wellington Road and Moorfield Lane (excluding land around an existing residence called Aston Grove). The access to Aston Grove splits the application into two parcels, with the northern parcel being substantially larger than the southern half. PLANNING HISTORY: TWC/2011/0821 - Outline application for proposed new housing of up to 285 units, open space/playing field and associated works – granted on 8th January 2013. TWC/2013/0928 - Erection of 61no. detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings and associated access and landscaping (Reserved Matters to outline consent above - Phase 1) – granted on 3rd April 2014. TWC/2014/0437 - Erection of 33no. dwellings with associated garages and landscaping (Reserved Maters to outline consent above - Phase 2) – yet to be determined. PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) Saved Wrekin Local Plan policies Policy H23 – Affordable Housing LDF Core Strategy policies Policy CS6 - Newport SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION RESPONSES: There are no publication or consultation procedures that apply to a modification request made under Section 106A(1)(a). However, the LPA has consulted the Inward Investment & Housing Group Manager to comment on the request to ensure that financial contribution figure being offered towards off site affordable provision is equal to the reduction in level of on site provision and the change of split being sought. The response provided is that the monetary contribution is equivalent to the 15% reduction on-site and that the tenure split on-site proposed from 80/20 to 50/50 respectively for rented/shared ownership accommodation enables a larger contribution to be made to unlock further affordable delivery in Newport as promoted 3 in Paragraph 50 of the NPPF. It is also noted that the scheme will still retain a large quantity of affordable housing within the overall site. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: This report to Planning Committee relates to a request to modify an existing Section 106 agreement to an outline planning permission (TWC/2011/0821) which was granted on 8th January 2013 with regard to the level of on-site affordable housing provision and the split between Rented Social Housing Units and Shared Ownership Housing Units. The proposed reduction in the percentage of affordable provision on site from 35% to 20% and the change in split would instead be provided by a financial contribution of £2,750,000, with payment triggers split into 3 stages of prior to 31st May 2015, 31st May 2016 and 31st May 2017. Planning obligations can be renegotiated at any point, where the LPA and developer wish to do so. Paragraph 47 of the NPPF sets out the Government’s key housing policy goal, which is to boost significantly the supply of housing. It states further in paragraph 50 that in order to deliver a wide choice of high quality homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities, local planning authorities should: • Plan for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic trends, market trends and the needs of different groups in the community (such as, but not limited to, families with children, older people, people with disabilities, service families and people wishing to build their own homes); • Identify the size, type, tenure and range of housing that is required in particular locations, reflecting local demand; and • Where it has been identified that affordable housing is needed, set policies for meeting this need on site, unless off-site provision or a financial contribution of broadly equivalent value can be robustly justified and the agreed approach contributes to the objective of creating mixed and balanced communities. The modification proposed would deliver 20% affordable housing within the site. Based on a development of 285 houses this would be 57 affordable residential units and would, therefore, fulfil a social role by delivering a mix of affordable and open market housing to meet current and future needs with a range of tenures. Policy CS6 of the Core Strategy states that new housing development in Newport will be expected to deliver affordable housing to the level of 35%. However, as stated above the NPPF does allow for off site provision or a financial contribution of broadly equivalent value. In this case the developer proposes an off-site financial contribution of £2,750,000 to be used for the provision of affordable housing. The Inward Investment & Housing Group Manager has confirmed that the monetary contribution is equivalent to the 15% reduction on-site and that the tenure split on- site which is proposed to be amended from
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