Reference Name/Description Address Ward Funding Total Spend Total Date Authorised Last Spend Date Belsize Terrace, adjacent to/junction with no. 41a Belsize LCIL011 Belsize RA Notice Board Lane NW3 5AU Belsize £725 £725 10/05/2017 22/05/2017 Belsize and Swiss Cottage Market Area: Swiss Cottage Farmers Market, Adamson Belsize and Swiss Cottage Air Quality Road, Eton Avenue, Winchester LCIL056BE Monitoring Road Belsize £2,510 £2,510 25/05/2018 30/07/2019 1. Belsize Village, Belsize Lane and 2. Belsize Park Gardens/ LCIL057 Belsize Community Safety (CCTV) Englands Lane Belsize £92,000 £92,000 11/04/2018 08/01/2019 Belsize Community Library Chairs and Belsize Community Library, LCIL058 Extractor Fan Antrim Road London NW3 4XN Belsize £7,529 £7,529 14/11/2019 14/12/2019 Belsize Community Library, 8 Antrim Grove, Belsize Park, LCIL106 Restoration at Belsize Community Library London NW3 4XN Belsize £12,840 £12,840 12/12/2019 06/01/2020 Wac Arts, The Old Town Hall, 213 Haverstock Hill, London LCIL120 Inside Out Wac Arts NW3 4QP Belsize £25,000 £25,000 08/08/2019 04/09/2019 LCIL137 NW3 School Run Belsize £1,035 17/10/2019 TOPSLICE 1 10% 1st May £16,627 £16,627 The project will span three wards: Belsize, Hampstead Town, Frognal and Fitzjohns and will be LCIL226BL Belsize Streatery Belsize Village, NW3 Belsize £18,637 03/07/2020 financially split by 1/3 per ward. £158,266 £157,231 Gays the Word 86 Marchmont Street LCIL105 Gays the Word Video Bloomsbury Bloomsbury £55 31/05/2019 33 Conway Street 14 Goodge Place 27 Tottenham Street 19-21 Ridgemount Street 3 Huntley Street (new lamp column) Endsleigh street, east side, junction with Tavistock square. 32 Tavistock square opposite 27 Montague place LCIL110BL EV Charge Points Bloomsbury 11a Fitzroy Square Bloomsbury £20,584 25/07/2019 Fitzroy Street and Warren LCIL143 Fitzroy Street Furniture Street Bloomsbury £1,611 13/11/2019 LCIL148 Huntley Street Cyclehangar Huntley Street, Bloomsbury Bloomsbury £8,000 17/12/2019 LCIL199 Bloomsbury Cycle Hangars Bloomsbury £16,000 13/05/2020 29.03.20 - Application received as the project covers Bloomsbury ward, the councillors were asked Age UK Camden, Great Croft for a contribution. Centre, Cromer Street, London 30.01.20 - Bloomsbury councillors LCIL164BL Age UK C19 Emergency Food Supplies WC1H 8LF Kings Cross £4,000 01/04/2020 confirmed support. TOPSLICE 1 10% 1st May £25,514 £25,514 £75,763 £25,514 Primrose Hill Community Library, 11-16 Sharpleshall LCIL003 Primrose Hill Community Library Street, NW1 8YN Camden Town with£159,293 Primrose Hill £159,293 13/01/2017 15/02/2017 Primrose Hill Community Library, 11-16 Sharpleshall LCIL003a Primrose Hill Community Library Street, London NW1 8YN Camden Town with£150,000 Primrose Hill £150,000 17/09/2018 27/09/2018 Primrose Hill Community Library, 11-16 Sharpleshall LCIL003b Primrose Hill Community Library Street, London NW1 8YN Camden Town with£150,000 Primrose Hill 23/03/2020 Holy Trinity and St Silas School Holy Trinity and St Silas School Playground Hartland Road LCIL071 Refurb London NW1 8DE Camden Town with£88,701 Primrose Hill £88,701 22/10/2018 14/02/2019 In the vicinity of 54 King Henrys LCIL126 Cycle Hangar King Henry's Road Road, London NW3 3RP Camden Town with£4,000 Primrose Hill 31/10/2019 Clime-it Brothers Academy, E7, Arches 4-7, River Place, LCIL145 Clime-it Brothers Academy London NW1 8QG Camden Town with£23,000 Primrose Hill 29/11/2019 Clarence Way MUGA Roof Netting Clarence Way Estate, Lewis LCIL153 Installation Street, London NW1 8PX Camden Town with£4,338 Primrose Hill £4,338 26/02/2020 17/03/2020 Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, Kentish Town, LCIL119CT Voice Not Violence London NW5 2SP Kentish Town £14,720 13/11/2019 Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Mental Health Service, 37 Greenwood Centre Mental Health Service Greenwood Place, London, LCIL150CT Music Project NW5 1LB Kentish Town £2,100 £2,100 31/01/2020 07/02/2020 St. Marys Church Primrose Hill, St. Mary's Church Covid-19 Response Elsworthy Road, London NW3 LCIL178 Project 3DJ Camden Town with£2,500 Primrose Hill £2,500 17/04/2020 11/05/2020 North London Cares Alone Together Covid- North London Cares, 5-7 Buck LCIL175 19 Response Street, London NW1 7JE Camden Town with£2,500 Primrose Hill 20/04/2020 The Pirate Castle Gilbeys Wharf, Oval Road, London LCIL184 The Pirate Castle Improvements Phase 1 NW1 7EA Camden Town with£48,860 Primrose Hill 06/05/2020 Chalk Farm Foodbank RCL, C/O Chalk Farm Baptist Church, Berkley Road, Eglon Mews, LCIL194 Chalk Farm Foodbank Covid-19 Support London NW1 8YS Camden Town with£2,500 Primrose Hill 20/05/2020 Castlehaven Community Association, 23 Castlehaven Castlehaven Community Association COVID-Road, Camden Town, London LCIL213 19 Support NW1 8RU Camden Town with£15,000 Primrose Hill 08/06/2020 25.02.20 - Initial funding request but S106 to be used instead due to existing LCIL funding commitments. Cllrs Callaghan and Cotton support the application and approach. 30.04.20 - Updated funding request as the cost of the works has increased and exceeds the S106 funding. Balance to be covered by LCIL. Cllrs support the allocation LCIL but Cllr Pietragnoli wants to know who owns the building. Community Partner 4 Carol Street, Camden Town, confirmed Camden is the owner. LCIL211 Women and Health Flat Roof Repairs London NW1 0HU Camden Town with£1,926 Primrose 23/06/2020Hill 03.06.20 - Application received. 30.01.20 - Funding request from Cllr Callaghan. 25.02.20 - Awaiting application Redundant Car Club Bay CC- form from Transport Strategy. 148, at the South End of Albert 13.05.20 - Application form LCIL154 Cycle Hangar Albert Terrace Terrace, London NW1 7SU Camden Town with£4,000 Primrose 23/06/2020Hill 29/06/2020 received. £673,438 £406,932 Maiden Lane Community Centre 156 St. Paul?s Crescent, London, NW1 9XZ Maiden Lane Community Centre Under 5s AND Camden Square Play LCIL013 Drop-ins Centre Cantelowes £6,000 £6,000 03/05/2017 29/06/2017 Camden Town Unlimited 37 Camden High Street Via Symes Mews LCIL033 Camden Highline NW1 7JE Cantelowes £10,000 £10,000 05/03/2018 03/05/2018 Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St. Pauls Crescent, London, NW1 9XZ and St Pancras Way Estate, Tenants and Residents Hall, St Pancras Way Estate, St Pancras Way, London, NW1 LCIL034 Maiden Lane Transitions 9HT Cantelowes £40,000 £40,000 05/03/2018 23/04/2018 Various locations within the LCIL070CA Kentish Town Planting Cantelowes ward Cantelowes £18,975 20/01/2019 Camden Square Gardens, LCIL107 Shakespeare in the Squares London NW1 9XA Cantelowes £500 14/08/2019 See attached CIL form for six LCIL108 Cantelowes Bike Hangars locations Cantelowes £24,000 20/05/2019 54 Bartholomew road 57 Batholomew Road 85 Patshull road 37 Patshull Road 33 Lawford road 38 lawford road 18 Rochester Terrace LCIL110CA EV Charge Points Cantelowes 6 Rochester Terrace Cantelowes £20,584 18/06/2019 Cliff Villas, Camelot House, LCIL116 Cliff Villas Play Area Improvements London, NW1 9AS Cantelowes £24,000 31/01/2020 Cantelowes Gardens, 212 LCIL139 Cantelowes SkatePark Camden Rd, London NW1 9HG Cantelowes £23,731 12/12/2019 The London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square, London NW1 LCIL166 The London Irish Centre Covid 19 Response9XB Cantelowes £5,000 02/04/2020 Home-Start Camden and Islington, 7 Dowdney Close, Kentish LCIL088CA Home Start Camden and Islington Town, London NW5 2BP Kentish Town £3,246 £3,246 15/02/2019 12/03/2019 Age UK Camden, Great Croft Centre, Cromer Street, London LCIL164CA Age UK C19 Emergency Food Supplies WC1H 8LF Kings Cross £5,000 01/04/2020 Director, Maiden Lane Community Centre Maiden Lane Community Centre - COVID19 156 St. Pauls Crescent, LCIL167 Emergency Fund London, NW1 9XZ Cantelowes £5,000 03/04/2020 £186,036 £59,246 Shoot Up Hill near to St. Cuthberts Road, London NW2 - LCIL081 Community Seating Shoot Up Hill exact location to be confirmed Fortune Green £2,370 £2,370 19/02/2019 23/02/2019 LCIL099 Cycle Hangars Garlinge Road Garlinge Road, NW2 3TR Fortune Green £8,000 £8,000 20/05/2019 11/06/2019 West Hampstead Community CAWH Keep In Touch Together C19 Centre, 17 Dornfell Street, LCIL198 Response London, NW6 1QN Fortune Green £10,000 27/05/2020 Emmanuel Church West Hampstead Covid- Emmanuel Church, Lyncroft LCIL200 19 Support Gardens, London NW6 1JU Fortune Green £10,000 27/05/2020 Age UK Camden, Great Croft Centre, Cromer Street, London LCIL164FG Age UK C19 Emergency Food Supplies WC1H 8LF Kings Cross £5,000 19/05/2020 Shomrei Hadath Synagogue, 64 Burrard Road, London NW6 LCIL176 Shomrei Hadath Synagogue Security Doors 1DD Fortune Green £5,040 29/05/2020 St Cuthbert's Church West St. Cuthbert's Church West Hampstead Hampstead, Fordwych Road, LCIL196 Covid-19 Support London NW2 3TN Fortune Green £10,000 £10,000 02/06/2020 09/06/2020 Sidings Community Centre, 150 Sidings Community Centre COVID-19 Brassey Road, London NW6 LCIL219 Response 2BA Fortune Green £10,000 15/06/2020 £60,410 £10,370 LCIL021 Holly Hill Railings Frognal & Fitzjohns£89,984 17/01/2020 Redington Frognal Conservation Area Redington Frognal Conservation LCIL035 Statement Update Area, London NW3 Frognal & Fitzjohns£24,000 23/03/2018 RedFrog Association Design and Website RedFrog Association, LCIL036 Development Hampstead, London NW3 Frognal & Fitzjohns£5,815 £5,815 12/02/2018 19/03/2019 RedFrog Association Design and Website RedFrog Association, LCIL036a Development Hampstead, London NW3 Frognal & Fitzjohns £861 £861 08/01/2019 15/03/2019 RedFrog Association Design and Website RedFrog Association, LCIL036b Development Hampstead, London NW3 Frognal & Fitzjohns£1,692 £1,692 28/10/2019 26/11/2019 Camden Arts Centre Cafe and Garden Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright LCIL039 Improvements Road, London NW3 6DG Frognal & Fitzjohns£76,729 £76,729 06/02/2020 03/03/2020 Croftway and Bracknell Way, LCIL040 Croftway and Bracknell Way Refurbishment NW3 Frognal & Fitzjohns£45,039 £3,189 23/04/2018 28/08/2018 At 30 locations across the Tiled Street Name Signage in Redington and Redington and Frognal LCIL041 Frognal Conservation Area Conservation Area.
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