·Intereollegiate Press Member of I Hand," by and College Humor North Carolina CoUegiate The central Press Association ;he fact that Mail Service ~lp everyone He still ex­ Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest CoDege ;o all today. • ;he platform taking part Ten Cents Per Copy ~o. WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1929'30 IS making it Vol. 13, 20 :Jroadcastlng Training School ·Petition· Circulated About (_s_PEA_KsT_o A_LuM_NI __l Pan-Hellenic Scholarship To Be Held. Here Campus A~ks _For Kitchin During. Next Week As Next President Here -Cup Won By Kappa Alpha Two Times ·In Succession ---------------------------+ Alpha Pi Delta Is Run­ I . BryanT ells About PETITIONERS ASK FOR ner-up for the Pa:t;t­ F ACUI:.TY PERSONNEL OF ALuMNus .As PRESIDENT 1 I First Frats Here Hellenic Cup SCHOOL NOTED IN STATE Qualifications for New President Importance of Fraternities As Central Association and Various GENERAL AVERAGE IS Included; Will Be Presented An Aspect of College Life General Board Departments AN INCREASE OVER 1928 Sponsor Sessions To Trustees Shown By Dean A petition drafted by friends of Dean D. B. Bryan, in an address de­ Pitt Allen, President of Greek The Central Associational Training [TLY Dr. Thurman D. Kitchin requesting livered at the annual award of the School to be held here under the· FRANCIS PENDLETON GAINES, Council, Gives History of Cup the board of trustees to elect him inter-fraternity scholarship cup by the ~ET" auspic~s of the Central Association president of the institution was cir­ M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. and Organization and the various departments of the Pan-Hellenic Council here Tuesday j culated among the facult·Y and stu­ Dr. Gaines will leave Wake For­ night, gave briefly a history of fra- dng ·~ general board of the Baptist· State dent body Monday, March lOth. est at the end of this ses)lion, but is ~ ternities at Wake Forest particularly Convention, will liold its first session About 480 ·of the student body of continuing his efforts to better \Vake Lma on Monday Iiight, March 17, and con­ and attempted to show the importance 600 and 27 members of the faculty Forest College. Fraternity A verttges tinue' through the following Friday of fraternity as an aspect of college of 40 signed the petition. · Some of For Spl'ing and Fall -Wed evening~ . life. the students and some members of "Until seven years ago," said Dean I or 1929 The curriculum of the school will the faculty had not been reached THURMAN D. KITCHIN, B.A., M.D. :Bryan, "there were no legitimate fra­ ~CE include instruction concerning the in the canvass, it was stated tonight Kappa Alpha .................. Bible, stewardship, missions, Sunday Dean of Medicine Gaines Speaks At ternities on the campus, the authori­ 85.43 ,N.C. by. admirers of Dr. Kitchin who had Alpha Pi Delta .............. .. 84.54 school organization and administra­ ties being compelled to dismiss .all Professor of Physiology and' Pharma- been active in soliciting signatures D. V. L ............................. 84.50 tion elementary Sunda,y school , · cology men who in any capacity affiliated to the petition. Alumni Meeting Chi Tau ______ .. _________________ _ 84.44 work, B. Y. pl} U. organization and themselves with a social fraternity. Dr. Kitchin, who has done a great Dr. Kitchin is dean of the medical Theta Kappa Nu --·-----.. -· 83.60 administration;,' W. M. U. methods, These were unhappy experiences; for work· with the School of Medicine, school here, is ex-president of the Alpha Phi Omega ........ .. 82.71 and religious education in the home. Retiring College President Gives every few years some men were dis­ lin and who is wanted as the next presi­ N. c. Medical Association and a Phi Kappa Beta ............ .. 81.63 DISE" The daily schedule will be as fol- dent by maity of the student body, brother of the late Congressman Reason for Departure To missed who were great then and have Delta Sigma Chi __ ........ .. 81.11 grown 'great since that time. lows: Claude Kitchin, and William Walton Virginia College Lambda Tau ___ , ............. 80.88 6:00 p.m.-Worship. Kitchin, congressman and governor. Accordingly seven years ago consid­ eration was given to this matter by 6:10 p.m.-Classes. The Petition. Average for this year.. 83.30 7:00 p.m.-Supper. Law School Has The inspiration offered by the his- the trustees of this college, and they Average for last year.. 8 2. 7 2 7:30 p.m.-Classes. The petition is as follows: torical background and the vision and appointed a committee to come here ~~·-11 8: 15 p.m.-Address.' · Enviable Record "To. the Trustees of Wake Forest dreams of Gen. Robert li:. Lee, who and study the situation. The commit- Increase over last year 0.58 9:00 p.m.-Adjournment. College: has- always been the hero of his life, tee decided that fraternities be al· . wed to operate, according to their The following will constitute lhe "Aetnat e d so1 e 1Y b Y our love for actuated Dr. Francis P. Gaines in 10 .,.,_ personnel of the program: Dr. W. R · Dr. N. Y. Gulley, Founder and Wake F ores t C 0 11 ege and Our l'nt~r"' • accepting the presidency of Washing- own charters which embodied "Scholar- F or the secon d successive· year • · h 1 -"d'ate needs and hope ship, high ideals, and the betterment K ' _,. Cullom, Chair of Bible, Wake F ores., est m er mme• 1 ton and Lee University, the retiring appa Alpha, with an average of h f t · · believe it impera of Wake Forest College." College; Mr. Perry Morgan, Sund ay Dean, Has Many Leading for er u ure, we • Wake Forest head told two-score alum- 85.43, was awarded the cup donated t I t ·mmediately a presi " 'Does it pay to come to college School Secretary, Baptist S tate C on- uriS· t s T 0 H"IS C d"t1 tlve· o se ec 1 • ni of the Baptist institution at Rocky b h p H J re and spend time and money?' was a annua11 Y Y -t e an- e 1lenic Council vention; Rev. J. A. Ivey, B. Y. P. U · dent. · Mount recently. ·· ·secretary, Baptist State Conventi on; of "We f ee1 th a t th e qualifications ·of Dr. Gaines was the principal speak- question asked by the American Tele- to the fraternity having the highest · B. Howard, President .At the present time the faculty 'the new president should be as fol· graph and Tetephone Company," said scholastic average, Rev. Chas. k F t er at a meeting of the Twin: County State B. Y. P. U. Convention; Miss the S ch 001 0 f L aw 0 f W a e ores lows: w k F t AI · A · t' Dr. Bryan. Alpha Pi Delta, with an average of Madaline Elliot; student Secretary, Co.llege consists of N.Y. G~lley,,E. W. "1 That he shouid be an alumnus a e ores umm ssocJa Ion, com- They found their answer through an ~I T berlake Jr R B Whlte and R · C • f d w.t"th posed of alumni from Nash and Edge- experime.nt . conducted among _thet'r 84.54, was second, closely followed Meredith College; Miss Mary Ayscue, 1m . • ·• ·. · . • . ..· · of Wake Forest o 11 ege, m use · . · , , state B. Y. P. u. Field worker; Mrs. L. McMillan;_ U~D:ald G;ulley, libra-_ the Wake Forest spit:it' and. devoted .. ~~i~ counties, held at Pates Cafe· own employes, using as a basis pres· by D. V. L. with an average of 84.50 • . .:.r, o. Gough-,.-iW~ ·M .. u. superintend-. rian aT,\d-.dire.qto~. Qt Legal Research. to t11'~-idea;ls'of'the-col1~&;:~,, ,._ .. ·. - ~~~~.His.a!ldreSR was prel)ederl by the e'nt~sa1arres·::received.' The ·B.:lil Tela:- Thf: "to"t"al avElrage of all frate.rnif.ies ent,.. Cen'trar ·Association;· Mr.· :Cia- ·. Th~s. schqo~: offer!! courses,- requirll1g · "-2. That· ·he should· be· one who s. Y.vtng of a supper and the transac· phone system ·_had ij2s college men 1for the fall and spring of 1929 was renee :Patrick, Wake Forest.. 'College;·· the tiii~;e of ~he student for three years. has been and· is entirely loyal to Bap- tiOn of several routine business mat- at work in thetr system. These came 83.30, an improvement over last year Mrs. .A...v: wa.Shburn, Special Worker The courses prescribed by the Supreme tist . principles and the cause of ters. from 104 different colleges. About. for Sunday ·school-Board; Mrs. R. M. Court for .applicants for license to Christian education; C. C. Ward, president of the asso- 300 of these had done other work than of nearly one pomt. · The average Squires, Wake Forest. _practice law is included in the first ."3. That he should be a scholar dation, called on °· B. Moss, of Spring work in the telephone system. They last year was 82.72. During the course of the week a and second-year courses. All law stu· who commands respect; Hope, Nash County, vice-president of were eliminated from the study. The The history of the scholastic cup series of lectures will be given by dents are required to complete 60 se- -continued on page two the organization, to present Dr. study, therefore, related to those who was given by Pi~t Allen, president of Dr. W. R. Cullom, using the subject, mester hours in the academic work Gaines, whom he eulogized al).d for had been with the' company between the Pan-Hellent'c Council.
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