https://doi.org/10.5272/jimab.2021272.3718 Journal of IMAB Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers). 2021 Apr-Jun;27(2) ISSN: 1312-773X https://www.journal-imab-bg.org Review article ANTHROPOGENIC DISASTERS ON BULGARIAN TERRITORY: CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS ON LAND AND AT SEA Maria Panteleeva1, Rositsa Chamova2, Nikolina Radeva1, Hristianna Romanova1 1) Department of Disaster Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Public Health Fac- ulty, Medical University Varna, Bulgaria. 2) Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Public Health Faculty, Medical University - Varna, Bulgaria. ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Natural and anthropogenic disasters become more There has been an increase of the natural and anthro- frequent worldwide. As technology advances, the risk of pogenic disasters and catastrophes worldwide in the last major industrial accidents increases. Often accidents in the few years. They are an inevitable part of our daily lives – chemical and oil industry, in agriculture, or during trans- being present in the news and social media, on radio and portation, lead to mass poisoning and extensive environ- television. As technology advances, the risk of major in- mental pollution. The particularities of the medical sup- dustrial accidents increases. There is a growing trend, es- port in case of such chemical incidents are challenging the pecially in chemical plants’ breakdown. Many accidents healthcare system. involving toxic chemicals have also been reported in Bul- The article aims to analyze the chemical accidents garia. [1] Every year, over 100 industrial accidents are reg- and the measures taken to reduce their effect in Bulgaria istered on the country’s territory, with an increasing ten- and in the Black sea aquatory. dency. Many of the compounds used in the various indus- Historical and documentary methods have been used tries are explosive or easily flammable, and almost all are to gather information on disasters and accidents in Bul- toxic to a certain degree. Many toxic chemicals are pro- garia, where toxic chemicals have been released into the duced or stored in many different locations in the country, environment, causing material damage and human casual- posing a risk to the environment and the population in the ties. We have researched and analyzed various articles and region. Often, accidents in the chemical, petroleum and ag- publications in Bulgarian and foreign scientific journals ricultural enterprises cause poisoning of large numbers of on the subject. people. [2] Have to be noted that the medical support to Major industrial and transport accidents in the last the intoxicated casualties has to be provided within an ex- 50-60 years on land and water had been selected from the tremely limited timeframe in order to be efficient. Medical literature sources. Both the reasons that led to them and support includes wide range activities that are fully de- the measures which were taken to eliminate the conse- pendent on the type and quantity of the toxic chemical re- quences were discussed. leased, the place of the accident and the weather condi- The major industrial accidents with a release of in- tions at the moment of the accident. [3, 4] Therefore, spe- dustrial toxic substances into the environment are relatively cific training for chemical incidents medical response, as common and result in contaminating large areas and many a part of the major incident medical support educational casualties. Chemical accidents at sea are indicative of the program, [5] is required for the medical teams involved into need for joint action by different organizations to quickly the accident management. Availability of specific drugs and overcome and avoid environmental impact. The risk of in- medical consumables for treatment of chemically injured dustrial poisonous substances entering the environment is people into the admitting hospital is another prerequisite significant and measures to avoid such accidents have to for the adequacy and efficiency of the chemical major in- be taken, as well as training of a wide range of health pro- cident medical management and support. fessionals and the general public on the proper behaviour in case of a chemical disaster. AIM The article aims to research and analyze anthropo- Keywords: anthropogenic disasters, industrial toxic genic disasters, connected with industrial toxic substances’ substances, chemical accidents, environment, spills and their environmental impact. Wherever available information, analysis of the measures taken to reduce the effect of chemical accidents in Bulgaria and in the Black sea aquatory is done. 3718 https://www.journal-imab-bg.org J of IMAB. 2021 Apr-Jun;27(2) MATERIALS AND METHODS mobilized in the cleanup. The local Hygiene and Epide- Historical and documentary methods have been used miology Inspection’s capacities were enhanced by teams to gather information on anthropogenic disasters and acci- sent from the capital for assuring the full control over the dents in Bulgaria with release of toxic chemicals into the sanitary treatment of the affected area. environment. Of particular importance are the ones, caus- ing material damage and human casualties. We have stud- 1.2. Explosion and Fire in a Chemical Complex in ied and analyzed various articles and publications on the Devnya - 1986 subject in Bulgarian and English languages, which have Vinyl-chlorine (VC) – gas cloud explosion on the been published in different scientific journals. We have also territory of the Plant for Chlorine and PVC Production No. researched the daily press from the time period of interest. 2 in Devnya Chemical Complex in 1986 turned out to be one of the deadliest accidents in Bulgaria. The facility was REVIEW RESULTS one of the most modern for its time. 15 minutes before the 1. ChemicalAccidents on Land morning shift workers arrived, a blast shook the plant. Ma- 1.1. The Zgorigrad (Sgurigrad) Tailings Dam Acci- terial damage and the number of victims were unprec- dent - 1966 edented for the time. The Vinyl Chloride Plant was com- Tailings dams pose a great risk of accidents, the most pletely destroyed, the laboratories housed in a four-story common reason being the collapse of the dam’s wall. The building were flattened to the ground. A crater remained worst case in Bulgaria was on May 1, 1966, in Vratsa in the place of the blast. An earthquake Magnitude 3, ac- county. At the beginning of the 20th century near the town cording to the Richter scale was registered in Varna, 30 km of Vratsa, there were two mines - “Plakalnitsa” and away. 18 people were killed, another 19 were seriously in- “Sedmochislenitsi “. In 1957, the “Mir” lead-zinc mine jured and admitted for treatment in Varna’s hospitals, and took up work. Two years later, a flotation plant was opened. hundreds were exposed to the gas and have sought medi- The mines were known for their nugget lead which cal assistance. The organization of medical assistance for reached over 90% of the ore content. During the year prior the affected population was done into accordance to the to the accident, the dam wall was inspected several times municipal disaster medical support plan and has granted by specialists and the presence of cracks in it as well as swift and smooth mobilization of the required medical overloading of the tailings dam itself was found. Design means and capabilities. If the released polyvinylchloride errors had also been reported, including the fact that the gas had not ignited, the tragedy would have been much water towers did not work. At the end of April 1966 torren- greater, as the fire prevented the formation of large toxic tial rains flooded the area for several days. The tailings dam cloud that could have reached Varna. was overflowing, and on May 1 at 11 o’clock the dam wall At the moment the plant is in liquidation. Due to collapsed, providing a loud thunder and causing an earth- low security control, new accidents happened on its terri- quake. tory. In 2005, as a result of a thunderstorm, poisonous chlo- Over 500,000 cubic meters mud mass, containing a rine gas was released; a reservoir of toxic substances was high concentration of cyanide and heavy metals, ran along damaged in 2012 and flaw detectors were stolen in Sep- the Leva River, sweeping houses on both banks. The wave tember 2012 for scrap metal, exposing the perpetrators, their washed away about one-third of the Zgorigrad village, relatives, as well as police officers and emergency medical passed through the Vratsata pass and reached the central teams to ionizing radiation from the radioactive substance square of Vratsa minutes after the festive manifestation was in the container. [10] over. Official statistics counted 118 dead, many injured, re- quiring emergent medical support provision on the site and 1.3. The Debelets Toxic Substance Release in all available hospitals nearby, more than 150 destroyed One of the more recent cases was a transport inci- houses and more than 1,000 people without a roof. Apart dent with the release of toxic substances into the environ- from the drowned, over the next few days, some of the ment near the town of Debelets. wounded and those who had swallowed mud and water with In the early hours of July 11, 2011, a Turkish chemi- a high concentration of cyanide and other poisonous cal tanker truck turned and blocked the Kilifarevo - Veliko chemicals also died. [6, 7] The final number of victims has Turnovo road. The tanker truck’s content was 20 tons been estimated to be about 500. Such serious disruption styrene. This is a volatile, colorless liquid that penetrates of everyday life due to disaster led the health system to the human body through the respiratory system and, to a work under pressure. [8] In order to respond to the demands lesser extent, through the skin, mainly accumulating in the of the medical situation, the National Disaster Medical fat tissue.
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