Standard Form For HembQrS of th~ Le91slature Name of ·Representative ~h-•r " . ·12 ' A I I ~ lr l./.<t/:l~ 1. Birthday and place 2. Harriaqe (s) date place r· P 3. Significant events f or example : .: A. Business ________________________________________________~- . B . Civic: res pons i b i 1 it i e a-------'-----------------'------------''------ -'- 4. Church member3hip~--~~~,----------------------------------- 5. Sessions serv•d /~ 19-1'4/6i , ~ .,. ', ,f.!_,.aJ t:,.!f;, .,~:/ /Lg-~ lf"6'J. 6. Public Offices A. Local ________________________~---------------------------- B. State _______________________________________________________ C. National ___________________________________________________ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. lO.Education_________________ __ 11. Degrees _______________________________ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ' Sources Log For Legislation lntries Applicability Information obtained -/lt l:.?~;·~"'./' /Ji'-r-.-"1' f?t<.._ .. '( , l .· , l(jl 1 6 '. p //'[ --~· .) if Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. , !lli :J ;·· : 1 ! tl l , i .'• I 1 .. •·•1 : ~ . ' 1 il l' !.• ) c·\• ;1 j \,1 i: l :\,1 1 . t ·• ••··. 1· r l ' :·'' ~ 1.! • · :·. :.1 1 . lf . T. I \: :- •I . f • : • ., . r. ; :. .,., .1 ·' l • ·: 1 I' ll• · ·! . ~,:, • !1· ·, ·.: 11:, · n::1r•·t ~ to( ld : ll'd lt :• .- r•·:urtl·, r•il•"i lf'l•lll Ill•' :• t·!H,• tl '"r !• ·•:• · :,~ '·:i­ 1 d,_ tt 't·~: :l! tl\ ' :'>i•· !t': <l!'illl h•1"' · : dt l!', l ;11\1\ ii i~ p:·il h;ill\•· \\\:11 ll• • \\ \l i :11~ · :t u;ont.\1' :" V\\C'I:\,, n ll l :• : ; t:tl;~ · :: ti:l· t'• · t•J ~ - u:y ;,• '' '''l' :1· , l\r· : :·•., 1~1> - · r; . · ' :1r •.- I·" d ,. .... 1 11 r' . In Take McC oy C ar Her e illd :\iarie K•) \)j) l~ ·f < Frid ay . L ·,:· <li l•Ul i(··· < : ir<:lr~ ;-; ;-;Lil•." i ·_, ,d;, : hom i:' in ('\r; arfi•·ld. aftt-r ;; : tlt :ll t!11' Ford c:tr of .John :\1C'ny •.•i th i:­ :ic w ith Lh~· i r .-::-~ ·· : · . :\1 i:.;!'; : ci:y ·.·.: 1:- dri\·t:U a\\'(IY by r;!·.. •·r :.1t1 rl r· l\: upp. at ~11· · fl. C' . ~- (·~l ; .L:ii·d l'r•)lll :. IH· Elt:l't rk L ight Pl:J Itt : F r i ,; <1 :· n \ rn ·:1 i n ~ . o,•: h i l ·-· \ b 1~ o w n • -:· w :1.~ .\I r~ . Ro h•·rt (; ; h-:,•n . I,Ji : '~ · in-i.\• :_!;.• i<:.ir:•-· ; tltl··nd i11:; i , , ;.;r,:n•" in L. v.~ . Brov.-n <•f 1o wa : r·;,\"d tL·· :·ar a:1d r '· tnrnr-d ii t" tll'·: t : :~ ..:- \\''''''!.:: <•nd w it11 ),Ji ;::-:.; 0WIP·I'. E \·i .-!···:ltly t!; •· loc;d ;.-out b,; :11i t!1 of '\\·t~ "l :\I o:1:·oe :-:. : sr . tr ~t·d ou t r.111 i!·:t:ir liay of l:lwll·,.:..rt'.' ·'" s .Fern~c o f Hi llsh<J ro w;1s ; li •· r·- Frid~~- rnn rn in ~ ;: nd b y f'\'l~r:in i!· t: ·i en. i~ i rl t•ht- ('it_y Su:~ '1 ay. :. Ll!J t!t·ol i ll l l l'' cllltC lh'C' <If t!H: nlirling- i :\1 :·s. l l'<:J Guv an1l "r)n. :'-Jan- : :.u11 l)U!iP ·. - ~ i 1 n,~,! hnJne S"....nd ::tY fru!n a [ ·yul!l! ~ r;r. ~ ~ i" r~ . ·c t· ntly \ ·.-:J~ rt~l· .·L t:·.~ .~d I: :rh tn \Y at~rvi: ...· . \l in u. ; fro r1 1 r):., l i!rltt..:tri;d :.:r·JiWJl :111d Ju \·ing · 1 r· .. "~ . ,, t\ ·~' 1 , ,f l l i' < ~~~·~i ~-li;--: !J:tl"CJ!P \',' j }J {)l ... 1'·: : l! T'! liJd lf.1 \_ U. I J.! ! ''-' '•· ~ ~ '" i -- H ; : l 11 t- : ~.- 1i h o r! 1 n n tl v.· (:· r r~" ~ n i t t ~ ' · ~ n· ... t i r q r ; (J 1l . Ho v.. · a n Infant P atie nt i n Is l<;~;d~t \~ on t hr·::· \'::ty \u (jt . i'ie v.; York H ospita l \V as : R .H~fl':.' ~ hPy ~U tO lJLJ}\t?' :J f~·v\· C. W. PAYNE Snalched From t he Shad- ! P r· \\·. i j d_\·n~~. r1 i."-&? nr f-f ,:nr~· cc,unt~· · 's O \.V S of Death by a Q u ick- I a~ :; ~.,-.; it:·:_~rn!~J • ·:I 1. ciriz . ~ u::.. t'.J:"' :..; ~_,J a.v:tJ Y j T h inking Surgeon and (1i1 T\1 ,. ~. 1.. •;\V \\' ilit:-J " Y :Jnd :.t r : ~ 1,: ! ! {): ~ 1,: {' f hi·... r! ~ tll ~ 1l ~ r.: r tt n d no n· ~ L.: : - :5e. 1 b r: j .O!J a11d .l iJil ll \\'i1illli·y in-~ ~ ~ 11· . .\'fr. <ltld :\I r ~. B<:c:k in Ottum- --- 1 to 1 • !. : ._. q n i a. \ l o. :-; u t u r rl a y t r• In \ \ ·' Sunol;; 1· . A cc;c.!r~ llt:1 grea t citie~ !:\ lJnl•~- 1 b( f · t :1 1 .,,_.. "-' k n d ·.vi :1 rr · i i ,. '-"' . iTI I i!' l li !l 2:. J1 tl~· 4tlJ. liwe~ <tPJJ I:ar to bi-! the resul ~;; ur I b ~ th~ WOSt iJide<JU !:i plannlngs of arctl i 1'0 .\lr:- . H arr.1· (;ror·:I <Jtl d fal ll· :-; ;; 1< '(· i~"a\ ·i rl:!' tit •· fa.!'lll i n . l • · fft-r~ : t1eadd. Freque ntly it almost aeem~ I P'­ r . :1::rl :\Tr :". H:tY!lHJrt<:l Crn'' :'l :-' <lll t;;wn"llip ~buu:. fi \' •. · tha t ba c k o f the ru Is a devilis h Dlan ! n. 1 <l ' ..- . J.C' u i u r t' ; < 'J F t.: r ' :. J a d i­ .\J c. i ;;.:. n~:: ilas n1ade· ill::' hu w ~ in i I to u pset r e aso n and d eny t!:le e x· ! In :tl k. ~ .nrJ Burl int>:tn!l StnH.lay. CIt i ,. ago. w lt f: n: rn <Illy H e :1 r ~· f· o u n t y ! tsleuce or all justice. u. 1a ...: r: . I-lill ha:-· returned fr ic:l'.ls ,-i:::ilf:d l1irn •and alway;.; fqund ; An a c~ i de ntal fire In th f:! Ca nar!'li e 1 th rn :·ni:'. wll ~rr_· ;,! : ~-> ;<: as cal l~ h i m in r· x cc-\lr:uL it•·alth and s pirtts. section of Brooklyn, several rdgb t s i o~ I \•; ·••·k '-' ;q.:o nu <·.r:t·rJunl of -~ lJ u u t t w o ;1· e e k s a;; o :'·'1:". F . S . j a gn, s nurre d ou t th e ltv es of •3l ght j m slee pinr; p e rf! ons. Tho tire !tsel! m 'rd· !J;:or ~"1n. S !t~· left him P :n nf· of ('f~nte n~ it le. \"i :;i.t-:.d. his : . : w a;; COil fln ed to t he dwe lling Of th e ! ot r (J v t- rl i n h ,, a 1! h . I r:ttiH·r in Chir:a~o <.IIli ·l lJO~IJJg tllnt he : u n!orlunat e !amiiy Lhat was a lm ost I H . Tim1wrlakro •Jf CnionviJl r: \ 1\· ac-. ttot a ·~ 11·e Jl 1;:s us ual. pl!rsuade'l · completely wlped onL, yet another Ia s ..: \-:,itin g ~11. thP H. E. Brot· l hin: to l"'turn w it lt him to lite horn~ ! hurnan life rour bl oc k :~ away w.a.s 1 ar n T renton tow11ship. ancl \ of his d'-lu ght.er. in O t:t umwa . 'From \ ca at b e neat h the v e ry shadow of :'l. t \0 im]X>rtant. J,u ::;ine:-:c: mat - d e ath as a result o! that same fire. o [ 1 the time of hi!-' arr i>·a J in ' ittumwa, if:JjJ!J!i,, ! .\ir. l'a y ne failed grad u-a lly u n til the While Mrs. Anna H ug h es, her ftlft I five children, h e r brother a nd he r le ia2_r: ]i('Pns-e_ wa:: isc:ued ,_·tt \ •·nd. 11·hich came pe:.Jcf:'fully. withou t age d mother were dying In the of · or th"' Count:_\· Clerk h:­ p:! in O!' suffering. 1 ra.g1ng furnace which a re w m in- o! 'h•rl; l\1iss D i rr\iA Gla"hin,. C. \\". payne servPd a" a soldier j utes before had been their peaceful at u\'t<•rnr,on tCJ i\1 i .fa m r·;:. F. in 1 !:t· CiYil v;ar •a-s a m e mbe r of the i h o m e, Se ymour Romer, sixteen· d " I;l.' 21 ot J-o-:.a r \hrtm. Io wa and 2iit!t Iowa \ 'ol. In!. crn ') t1 " or .th€ ! mouths-old ch!ld, was uud en~ o l n~ I ll w Ann \\' lH~e l e r , age ?.0 or •: arl:• batL\es of th e w ar. t.he color- ! a.n operation tor ruaetoicli t1 s ln th e ll c I ~ - ·'-' Ma.be l Y\ 'hE>~ 1 er was a hea:·1:r wa? shot dowu and Lhe 00m- ' llrowns,-!lle and Ea~St New York Hospltlll, rour blocks distant. Dr. !n u:· .: :.1pp\ication. rua arlin; o flicP r ca.lle,J for \:J .
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