24192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 17 September 11, 2007 Nonattainment Area to Attainment for tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Century Freedom PAC; $1,000.00, 4/8/2006, Ger- Ozone’’ (FRL No. 8466-4) received on Sep- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule lach for Congress; $5,000.00, 4/8/2006, Straight tember 7, 2007; to the Committee on Environ- entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; APEX Talk America; $1,000.00, 3/31/2006, Michael ment and Public Works. Aircraft Model CAP 10B Airplanes’’ Steele for Senate; $4,200.00, 3/31/2006, Mar- EC–3249. A communication from the Prin- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. 2007–CE–020)) tinez for Senate; $2,500.00, 3/23/2006, Mark cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office received on September 7, 2007; to the Com- Kennedy ’06; $4,200.00, 3/19/2006, Coleman for of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Envi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Senate; $5,000.00, 3/17/2006, IRL PAC; $1,000.00, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, tation. 2/14/2006, Tom Kean for U.S. Senate; $1,000.00, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled f 2/9/2006, Friends of Ginny Brown-Waite; 1/24/ ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Implementa- 2006, Republican Party of Florida; $1.000.00, 1/ tion Plans; Tennessee; Approval of Revisions REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11/2006, Tom Delay Congressional Committee; to the Tennessee SIP and the Nashville/Da- $2,200.00, 1/9/2006, Friends of George Allen; vidson County Portion of Tennessee SIP; The following reports of committees 2005—$2,100.00, 12/27/2005, ERIC PAC; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and were submitted: $5,000.00, 9/29/2005, RJC PAC; $2,000.00, 8/17/ Nonattainment New Source Review’’ (FRL By Mr. BIDEN, from the Committee on 2005, Ed Bryant for U.S. Senate; $200.00, 8/9/ No. 8466-5) received on September 7, 2007; to Foreign Relations, without amendment: 2005, Friends of Katherine Harris; $4,000.00, 7/ the Committee on Environment and Public S. 1138. A bill to enhance nuclear safe- 13/2005, Friends of Katherine Harris; $5,000.00, Works. guards and to provide assurances of nuclear 6/28/2005, Solutions America PAC; $1,000.00, 6/ EC–3250. A communication from the Prin- fuel supply to countries that forgo certain 4/2005, Friends of Clay Shaw; $1,000.00, 3/30/ cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office fuel cycle activities (Rept. No. 110–151). 2005, Friends of George Allen; $1,000.00, 3/22/ of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Envi- S. 1687. A bill to provide for global patho- 2005, Friends of George Allen; $1,000.00, 3/19/ ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, gen surveillance and response (Rept. No. 110– 2005, Friends of Clay Shaw; $2,000.00, 1/6/2005, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled 152). Santorum 2006; $400.00, 1/6/2005, 21st Century ‘‘Revising the Budget Period Limitation for By Mr. LEAHY, from the Committee on Freedom PAC. Research Grants and Cooperative Agree- the Judiciary, without amendment: 2004—$2,000,00, 10/6/2004, Martinez, for Sen- ments’’ ((RIN2080-AA12) (FRL No. 8466-9)) re- S. 1027. A bill to prevent tobacco smug- ate; $25,000.00, 9/23/2004, Republican National ceived on September 7, 2007; to the Com- gling, to ensure the collection of all tobacco Committee; $2,000.00, 8/26/2004, Martinez for mittee on Environment and Public Works. taxes, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 110– Senate; $25,000.00, 8/11/2004, 2004 Joint Can- EC–3251. A communication from the Sec- 153). didate Committee. retary of Health and Human Services, trans- f Per federal election law, contributions to a mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to joint fundraising committee are attributed actions under the Prescription Drug User EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF among the ultimate recipients of the com- Fee Act during fiscal year 2006; to the Com- COMMITTEES mittee’s proceeds based on a pre-existing al- mittee on Finance. location formula. Based upon available infor- EC–3252. A communication from the Chief The following executive reports of mation, Ned Siegel’s contribution was at- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, nominations were submitted: tributed as follows: Internal Revenue Service, Department of the By Mr. BIDEN for the Committee on For- Richard Burr Committee (Richard Burr), Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the eign Relations. $2,000.00, Senate, GA; Cathy McMorris for report of a rule entitled ‘‘Modification of * Margaret Spellings, of Texas, to be des- Congress (Cathy Ann McMorris) (via WA–05 Rev. Proc. 2006-53 to Reflect Statutory ignated a Representative of the United Congressional Victory Committee), (Gregory Changes to Section 179’’ (Rev. Proc. 2007-60) States of America to the Thirty-fourth Ses- Edward Walcher), $937.50, House, WA–5; received on September 7, 2007; to the Com- sion of the General Conference of the United David Vitter for US Senate, $2,000.00, Senate, mittee on Finance. Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul- LA; Northup for Congress (Anne M. EC–3253. A communication from the Chief tural Organization. Northup), $937.50, House, KY–3; Bob Beauprez of the Publications and Regulations Branch, * Nancy Goodman Brinker, of Florida, to be for Congress (Robert Louis Beauprez), Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Chief of Protocol, and to have the rank of $937.50, House, CO–7; Friends of Dave Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Ambassador during her tenure of service. Reichert (Dave Reichert) (via WA–08 Con- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Surrender of Prop- * Harry K. Thomas, Jr., of New York, a Ca- gressional Victory Committee), $937.50, erty Subject to Levy’’ (Rev. Proc. 2006-42) re- reer Member of the Senior Foreign Service, House, WA–8; Pete Sessions for Congress ceived on September 7, 2007; to the Com- Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Director (Pete Sessions), $937.50, House, TX–32; mittee on Finance. General of the Foreign Service. Walcher for Congress (Gregory Edward EC–3254. A communication from the Gen- * Paula J. Dobriansky, of Virginia, for the Walcher) (via CO–08 Congressional Victory eral Counsel, Federal Retirement Thrift In- rank of Ambassador during her tenure of Committee), $937.50, House, CO–3; Neugebaur vestment Board, transmitting, pursuant to service as Special Envoy for Northern Ire- Congressional Committee (Randy law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Privacy land. Neugebaur), $937.50, House, TX–19; Porter for Act Regulations, Periodic Participant State- * Ned L. Siegel, of Florida, to be Ambas- Congress (Jon C. Porter, Sr.), $937.50, House, ments and Court Orders and Legal Processes sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of NV–3; Simmons for Congress (Rob Simmons), Affecting Thrift Savings Plan Accounts’’ (5 the United States of America to the Com- $937.50, House, CT–2; Friends of Martinez, CFR Parts 1630, 1640, and 1653) received on monwealth of The Bahamas. $2,000.00, Senate, FL; Heather Wilson for September 6, 2007; to the Committee on Nominee Ned L. Siegel. Congress (Heather Wilson), $937.50, House, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Post Ambassador to the Bahamas. NM-l; Nethercutt for Senate (George fairs. (The following is a list of all members of Nethercutt), $2,000.50, Senate, WA; Charles EC–3255. A communication from the In- my immediate family and their spouses. I Boustany Jr. MD for Congress (Charles spector General, Railroad Retirement Board, have asked each of these persons to inform Bustany) (via LA–07 Congressional Victory transmitting, pursuant to law, the Board’s me of the pertinent contributions made by Committee), $937.50, House, LA–7; Bush-Che- budget request for fiscal year 2009; to the them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ney ’04 Compliance Committee, $2,000.00, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and formation contained in this report is com- Presidential; Tauzin for Congress (Wilbert Pensions. plete and accurate.) Tauzin III) (via LA–03 Congressional Victory EC–3256. A communication from the Prin- Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: Committee), $937.50, House, LA–3; Max Burns cipal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Of- 1. Self, 2007—$2,000.00, 4/12/2007, Tom Roo- for Congress (Maxie Burns), $937.50, House, fice of Legislative Affairs, Department of ney for Congress; $2,300.00, 4/3/2007, Friends of GA–12; Geoff Davis for Congress (Geoffrey C. Justice, transmitting, the report of draft leg- John Thune; $4,600.00, 4/3/2007, McConnell Davis) (via KY–04 Congressional Victory islation intended to amend the law relating Senate Committee; $2,300.00, 3/14/2007, Committee), $937.50, House, KY–4; Rick Renzi to the appeals of those who have been sen- ORRINPAC; $2,300.00, 3/1/2007, Citizens for for Congress (Richard Renzi), $937.50, House, tenced to death; to the Committee on the Ju- Arlen Specter; $200.00, 2/27/2007, John McCain AZ–1; PA–15 Congressional Victory Com- diciary. 2008; $2,300.00, 2/13/2007, Coleman for Senate; mittee, $937.50, House, PA–15. EC–3257. A communication from the White ($1,900.00), 3/31/2007, Coleman for Senate; 2004 (continued)—$500.00, 7/19/2004, Citizens House Liaison, Office of Legal Counsel, De- $2,100.00, 1/15/2007, John McCain 2008. for Arlen Specter; $500.00, 5/24/2004, Mario partment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant 2006—$2,000.00, 9/14/2006, Santorum 2006; Diaz-Balart for Congress; $500.00, 5/25/2004, to law, (7) reports relative to vacancies with- $1,000.00, 8/9/2006, Lieberman Campaign; Lincoln Diaz-Balart for Congress; $4,000.00, 5/ in the Department, received on September 5, $2,000.00, 6/14/2006, ERIC PAC; $5,000.00, 6/14/ 22/2004, Martinez for Senate; $500.00, 1/13/2004, 2007; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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