- _ VOL. 2 NO. 3 MAY - JUNE 1982 Features WIZARDRY: PROVING GROUNDS... 6 Review of Sir-tech's popular fantasy game Mark Marlow A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO STRATEGY AND 10 TACTICS IN EASTERN FRONT Bob Proctor TIME ZONE: AN INTERVIEW WITH ROBERTA WILLIANIS 14 VOYAGER I: SABOTAGE OF THE ROBOT SHIP 16 Avalon Hill's new game reviewed Dave Jones SOME SCENES FROM THE 7TH WEST COAST COMPUTER FAIRE 20 LONG DISTANCE GAMING: GAMES VIA 22 THE SOURCE AND COMPUSERVE Deirdre Maloy JABBERTALICY, IN DEPTH 26 Automated Simulation's word game reviewed Marty Halpern GREATEST BASEBALL TEAM - RESULTS 30 OLYMPIC DECATHLON: A CLASSIC COMPUTER GAME 32 Muse's popular game analyzed Russell Sipe THE EAGLE HAS LANDED: A TRS-80 REVIEW 34 Adventure International's Lunar Lander game reviewed Richard McGrath SWASHBUCKLER: ANOTHER KIND OF PIRACY 36 A new game from DataMost Michael Cranford Departments Letters 2 Hobby & Industry Notes 4 Initial Comments 4 Atari Arcade 18 Silicon Cerebrum 24 Writing for Computer Gaming World 39 Reader Input Device 40 is against its objective and how well players of Cartels are aware of this LETTERS it is met. In several places on the reasoning, the vast majority found packaging and in the game manual that the animated interlude made FROM "CARTEL" AUTHOR Cartels states its goal to be a play- the game "feel better". A reviewer able game built on a foundation of a could very well miss the subtlety of very realistic business simulation. this element, but one not so obsessed Dear Editor: If we look only at those sections of with "delays" might have at least A magazine that deals exclusively your review that deal with this issue not wasted a whole paragraph on a with the field of computer games is such points as follow are made: point that in no way reduces the an idea whose time has come! As a "well executed economic simula- game's overall fitness as a playable, computer games designer (I have tion", "quite good...market simula- realistic business simulation. written Computer Quarterback and tions", "well executed and allow Cartels & Cutthroats for SSI) I was interaction by players", "a good However, though I obviously take optimistic about the impact a publi- introduction to micro-economics", issue with the perceptions of your cation such as yours could have on and "an excellent program". How- reviewer concerning Cartels & Cut- our young industry. However, after ever, the overall impression of re- throats, I feel the greater damage is considering the Micro-Reviews in viewer ambivalence is conveyed by done by the fact this demonstrates your Jan/Feb issue, I am seriously the fact that with each positive your lack of a standard policy for concerned as to whether that impact comment (dealing with an issue of reviews. Product reviews can poten- will be as positive as it could be. major importance to the objective of tially help consumers choose be- tween competing programs, but if With an ever expanding array of the game) there is also a negative your current review practices are competing products available each comment (concerning some super- ficial element of the program). The continued, we are back to "buyer month, responsible reviews that beware". The review of Cartels & give authors and publishers critical casual reader, therefore, gathers a Cutthroats was preceded by a simi- feedback and that provide consu- mixed impression from sentences like: "The market simulation seems lar look at a program called "Wall mers with reliable information to Street" by Donald Brown. I do not aid buying decisions are a major quite good although even the manual admits that beyond 40 quarters the wish to "pick on" Wall Street, but a part of the role of a publication such comparison of the two products and as yours. Regrettably, at least as re- economic simulation begins to break- down". The two points are hardly reviews is a perfect example of how gards the Jan/ Feb Micro-Reviews, I the lack of a formal review policy feel your accomplishment fell short parallel! The reason we said the simulation "may" breakdown is destroys your credibility. While the of your promise. The review of reviewer of Cartels points out the Cartels & Cutthroats, of which I am that we never played a game that long. In Cartels a short game is 8 limitations of its 15 page (12,000 co-author, was very disappointing word) full-size typeset manual, no both in itself and as regards po- quarters, a normal game 10 or 12 quarters, and a long game (re- mention is made of the six page tential comparisons with another (2400 word) full-size notes that ac- business program reviewed at the quiring over 8 hours to play) would company Wall Street. Cartels & same time. be 20 quarters. Why would anyone consider not being able to play a Cutthroats is packaged in SSI's So as not to sound "sour grapes" I attractive four color box (that has will tell you that Cartels has been game for over 16 hours (40 quarters) as a serious flaw? become the industry standard for reviewed in print by educators, econ- sophisticated software products) and omists, management training con- Another draw-back, at least ac- includes a short rules reference card sultants, and observers of the micro- cording to the reviewer who devoted and a pad of planning sheets while computer software field (most nota- an entire paragraph to it, is the Wall Street is in a simple "zip-lock" bly David Ahl - owner and publisher "tedious" graphics and sound ef- bag with a disk. Cartels & Cut- of Creative Computing) --all of whom fects. In our play-testing, these fea- throats costs $39.95 while Wall Street had high praise for the achieve. tures were found almost universally sells for $29.95. I won't attempt to ments of Cartels & Cutthroats. In appealing. In fact, the cute sayings make distinctions in the less tan- addition, the information that my and animated interlude that the gible aspects of the two products publisher has received in the form of reviewer considered repetitious were except to say that they differ sig- "feedback/warranty cards" indicates introduced as a result of "human nificantly in realism and playability. that purchasers are equally pleased engineering" that found that people However, the overall impression in with this product. Since its intro- had a better "feel" for the time the Wall Street review was slightly duction a year ago 99% of the people pattern of the game if such delays negative and in the Cartels review it returning cards (a demographically were introduced. In my observation was somewhat positive. I am certain diverse group) have stated that it was disruptive to people who that if one reviewer wrote both Cartels was fun to play. Cartels was spent a relatively large amount of reviews (instead of the two very also ranked consistently first or time observing the results of their different writers you employed) there second in playability and realism previous plans and developing stra- would have been much broader against SSI's impressive portfolio of tegies for the next turn if the com- distinctions drawn than appeared 20 games by consumers during that puter simply returned the results in the Jan/Feb issue. year. Thus, I feel safely sure of the instantaneously. The delay was quality of Cartels & Cutthroats even introduced to "simulate" the fact I propose that you have a panel of though your reviewer had doubts. that the player's review and plan- reviewers for each field of interest Although the overall impression ning took place at a "no-time-in- (such as business games, wargames, of your review was positive, the re- terval" between three long months adventures, etc.) who would com- viewer wrote an awkwardly unbal- during which plans were imple- municate frequently enough to stan- anced report on the game. The basis mented, products were manufactured, dardize their perceptions. Thus, even on which a product must be judged and sales were made. Although few if different reviewers look at dif- ferent products the overall rating of games is to discover things on your of the numerous new games for Atari a product would reflect some objec- own, but it can be quite frustrating were even mentioned. Every game tive standard. This method has been until you find the correct procedure. (except 1 TRS-80 game) review was used very effectively by InfoWorld. I For example, I lost three of my best for the Apple. hope you accept my suggestion in Swordthrust characters trying to There also seems to be a pre- the constructive spirit in which it is scale the cliff in Swordthrust #3 occupation among your staff with offered. (Kidnapper's Cove) before I learned wargames. Although these can be the alternative from a friend. Dan Bunten enjoyable, the arcade style games Management Systems Engineering Joe Ankenbauer are much more exciting and hold Little Rock, AR Council Bluffs, IA one's interest longer than a game that may take hours or days to As Lucretius said "What is food to complete. one, is to others poison." This is with Dear Editor, no one more true than with com- The graphics and sound are far I am greatly enjoying CGW. How- superior on the Atari 800 and it's puter garners. There are many dif- ever, I hope you will PLEASE avoid ferent types of computer games time the computer gaming world giving away answers to challenges, realized this fact. Software for the which appeal to many different as was done in Deirdre Maloy's types of gamers.
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