Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-3-1978 Arbiter, April 3 Associated Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. • I f ntr t by Mnry Stmhs that Hooten mentioned is a 110 minimum of sixty days. than SAGA and the food service "SAGA's bid provides that a page book of specifications Several committee members contract committee felt that student can cat 10 or 14 meals Some people regret the which lists specific rules that visited SAGA's local programs the extra $264 "would buy a out of any of the 20 meals change. Others say it's time for food services must conform to at at Northwest Nazarene College much greater program." provided. This is something I a change. Whatever .the senti- Boise State. in Caldwell and Idaho State - S~me improvements that understand that the students mentv the, change is inevitable. ARA bid second highest with University in Pocatello,. to SAGA will makc to the Boise . requested a couple years ago As of June 30, ARA Food SAGA coming in fifth highest, obtain students' and administa- State program include generat- but ARA couldn't provide it Services' five year contract will at least $40,000 les than ARA. tors' opinions. of SAGA andto ing more people to cat in their unless there was additional cost expire and ARA will be replaced Sam Marotto, ARA Food Ser- test the food for themselves. facilities. Boerl remarked that to the student." by SAGA Food Services. TIle vices. Director, maintains that According to Dave Boerl, SAGA is very interested in Marotto referred to comments decision was recently announc- - his bid was conservative and is Assistant Director of Residential promoting their food service to he had heard from students who ed by the Boise State Food skeptical of how SAGA could bid Life, the members made a point off-campus residents through were on campus five years ago Service Contract Committee so much lower. Hooten said-that of suprising the food service use of a "very aggressive whe'n SAGA had BSU's food which was formed last summer. both service's food eost js much directors. Marotto said, "Per- publicity campaign." Accord- service contract. He remarked, Under new state purchasing thc same and remarked that the sonally speaking, I am of the .ing to Bocrl, ARA has sold 12·15 "I think a lot of kids forgct how laws the state' division of difference in bids may be opinion that SAGA poured a few off-campus resident meal tickets bad SAGA was." purchasing is ultimately reo accounted to SAGA's use of bucks into their program know- while on the ISU campus SAGA sponsible for the bids submitted their employees. "SAGA utiliz- ing that some representatives-of has sold approximately 300. by the national food services. es their managerial staff in nsu would be seeing them." But Al Hooten, Assistant production considerably greater He added, "I am basing this on Another improvement men- Vice- president for Financial than what ARA docs." said only two things. One, our . tioned by Hooten is that, Affairs, obtained special per- Hooten. Also, "SAGA is able to salesman have been to their mission to allow the bidding to produce the same number of accounts before and they've be handled on campus. meals (as ARA) with fewer seen a major improvement in fBi lica! studies Composed of two representa- employees." their program recently. Two, we tives from Student Residential Marotto commcnted, "If have an awful lot of ISU kids Life, two representatives from there is a labor savings. fine, I'll here that say that our foodjs offers ioor classes the Student Union Buildine and accept $10·15,000 perhaps. much better here." , three students, the Food Service Let's assume that ,we're that In response, Hooten as wcll as The Bibical Studies Center will Studies Center with thc tuition Contract Committee was creat- inefficient" - though I'm not committee members Dave Bocrl bc pre-registering students in of $15.00 per course. The Greek ed, with Hooten as chairman. convinced that we are. Not and ASB President Mike Hoff- three classes for next fall, April course is offered throught the On February 24, the committee $40,Ooo... you can't do it." man noted that student reaction 3·14. The courses arc: The book Foreign Language Department opened up bids for management Because Marotto and the about SAGA on both campuses of Romans 11:40·12:30 MWF, and in the Continuing Education' of the food service contract committee members were con- that they visited was, "very History of the Bible 10:40·11:55 program as a special topics which includes the Snack Bar cerned about ARA's presently positive." TFh, Joshua thru Nehemiah course, Students are asked to and dorm cafeteria which arc employed full-time staff losing The new - state purchasing 7:00 p.m- T, New Testement contact the Bibical Studies both located in the SUB'. their jobs when SAGA arrives, laws stipulate that unless Greek 5:30·6:45 MW. Center at 324·2182 or 345·3784, According to Hooten, ··We. bid they placed, what Marotto justifiable cause can be found, The first three courses listed or 'go by at 1025 Belmont (one exartly the same program.that is called, an "unusual" clause in the lowest bid from a ,company arc accredited extension courses block south of the, stadium) for here now ... with the sifme level the contract. SAGA must rehire , must be accepted. The lowest from the Oklil1lOma Christian pre-registration forms or in- of service." 'JlIe "program" , and retl,!in th?se employees for a food serVice bit was $264.00 less College ' through the Biliical formation. ' ARBITER I Apr! I 3, 1978' '. ' .. ' '.··'··.·.r·.·t· ;'~ ..' t't' : (ll ~l.,'"·".. ·.. : re istr Ii s I I e· by Collcen Drennen ccrtain course attracts a large in'May. Students may then Those students who did not students and faculty are now This year, with the adoption of number of students, adjust- pick up copies of thcj,t· new pre-registcr and those students able to avoid thc"confusion of a ncw pre-rcgistration system at ments will be made so that the schedules. In late July, who failed to meet thc August prcvious years' traditional open 'BSU, a common complaint cOurse will be divided into students will receive a compu- 16 payment deadline will have registration. No longer will directed toward frcshmen and comfortablycsized classes. Simi· ter-processed bill through tre qnc day, August '29, to students enjoy the old race from ncw studcnts need no longer larly, if few students sign up for mail, indicating fees due, the register. Here lies one basic onc comer of the gym to another circulate among continuing stu· another course, it may be courses they have enrolled. in, advantage of the new systern~ in order to sign up for a class dents. The procedures of the dropped from the curriculum' and any financial aid ,that has Bugge pointed out, pre·regis· before it closes. A.nd no longer new system arc set up so that altogether. ' . been awarded to them. TIle tered students ne~d 1I0t,come will continuiilg students have continuing students with more Adiustments will have been <Ieadline for the payment of- back to school at this early date. cause to blame freshman for credits arc given a higher completed by the second week' i'hese fees' is August 16. Another clear advantage Is that filIing certain_.~lass£~ _ priority, explained Jack Bugge, Assistant Registrar. Students Hall seeks're"asons"-fo'r'u-il"ren-ewed contract should pick up a fall schedule of enmity of some of the BSU iog the action further than the director of the Information courses from the counter just by .Bod' ilompbroy faculty when he publically State Board. "We just want to Services until his contract outside the Registrar's Office in Bob Hall, director of DSU criticized the'tone of the memo , have a good frank talk with the expires June 30. the Administration Building. Information Services since its distributed by Arts and Sciences president and with the State Bullington said that any Course request forms and inception in 1974, was informed' Dean Wil1iam Keppler to BSU Board, and see if this cao't be action to find another director demographic data cards arc Wednesday afternoon that his administrators seve raJ weeks settled right here."· of Information Services will be available along with the course working contract would not be In any case,' said Roden, Hall schedules and arc necessary for, renewed for the 1978·79 aca· ago. "up to Dr. John Keiser," has told him he will serve as meeting with one's advisor. demic year. Han says he has , BulIington said if any meeting!> BSU's next president. Beginning April 3 and continuo requested a meeting with the were to be held on the matter. it Dr, Rolando Donachaa, ABsocl.- ing thrOligh April. 14, continuulg interim BSU preseident Dr. would probably be held Mon· State, recently received lID ate Profcsoor of Htstory at Boloo students should meet with their . Richard Bul1ingto~ to "find out day. "Iwasn't'uware he had appointment to the National advisors to decide on a course some of the reasons why" his asked fl,lr the meeting:' I was Review Panel (NRPj of' the load for the fall semester, contract was discontinued.
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