ww4alwAtt 416N115 0314001 R093-R09V (ad PERFORMANCE BUDGET 2013-2014 LAW AND JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT (Including all Offices) ( • Rocp-Rociv fad' a .m.zi fa9 Trri wrzii-aztfrie ) PERFORMANCE BUDGET 2013-2014 LAW AND JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT (Including all Offices) (ft) 118-(i) (iii) 3TTOTRWT CONTENTS TWIT-4'9T Page No. Introduction 1 Zig cm stPli Overall Performance 3 chi sbilgil-cm ef-cpur 3refitweflzr 314fvT, 2t394-Ro9li Programmewise--Details of Total Budget Estimates, 2013-2014 q 663T" E:..dement "A" 5 Lir 1:1W "n" Statement "B" 10 cbi shii - Programme 9. f4t wfT4 1:431117 f43IPT) Law and Judiciary Department (Mantralaya Department) 13 R High Court 43 . f4---4ruft, 3uf1r 4ilv1cI I -1Ii1ICI Civil, Sessions and Criminal Courts 65 V. AI. I. 3TPT. C .B. I. Nyayalya 93 7Pg -qv-0mq Gram Nyayalya 95 citiclI4 .44141(14 Small Causes Court 97 19. Its41 9511111 c.5Act)14.1 -041q1(14, 11614 Chief Metropolitan Magistrates Courts, Mumbai 103 C. iiismiptich 304 viiticgler fd74 ,tc1 Administrator General and Official Trustee 109 R 11-4 Sheriff of Mumbai 117 90. Wit liec11,111 1 TT 11 Legal Advisors and Counsels 123 99. ETzif~TZT FI is ii Charity Organisation 147 9? . ETTItaz/ W-44E/I Charitable Endowments 179 94. NT-TW, 21Pikrit sir • Registrar Partnership Finns 187 9V ii6tv it5 VW( NI 31701 Maharashtra State Law Commission 193 . curl TietWiliT 195 IA INTRODUCTION 1. In this document Performance Budget of the Law and Judiciary Department has been presented. The aim of the Performance Budget is to review the programmes and functions of a department on the context of programmes and functions allotted. The programmes which specifically require funds have only been incltided in the Performance Budget. The details of Budgetary grants under the control of Law and Judiciary Department • have been indicated in the Table "A and "B" 2. Law and Judiciary Department fuctions as Legal Advisory Department for the Government and as an Administrative department for the Subsidiary Courts and the offices under the control of Law and Judiciary Department Grants are released to the judiciary as per their requirements. 3. The functions which are being performed by the Law and Judiciary Department as an Advi- sory Department are basically technical. This department tenders legal advice to the departments in Mann alaya prominently on the following four subjects- 1) Legal points arising under the Constitution of India, several Civil and Criminal Acts. Rill and Regulations, etc. 2) Legislation (both Principal and Subordination) 3) Litigation(both Civil and Criminal) 4) Conveyancing. 4. As is inherent to the technique of Performance Budget, each programme is divided in lour parts, viz (1) Introductory, (2) Financial requirements, (3) Summary of work load of progranmes and Explanation Financial requirements, (4) Personnel Summary. The section regarding financial requirements has been further classified into three parts, viz. (a) Activity-wise - This explains objects of expenditure on the programme. (b) Object - It explains the authority and mode of expenditure. (c) Source - wise classification indicates programmes- - wise and head of account-wise provisions for expenditure. 5. Admittedly, a Performance Budget is not an evaluation repo:f Mto account the mit' ire of the various activities performed by the Law and Judiciary Department, rmus act iv ites, with the help oldie latest available date, have been indicated as far as possible. INTRODUCTION 9. tiT ITIY1-11c1 N4 4 -LIM f411-P-n4 (R) f4f41:49-Fi NUR 4 41)uf 3T mil), t1 a- clr0e11c1 34A- 31t. fkIrmr4 4)14c1 9 0) cif< (it4P311 4 Ovi<14) 3F4 3irfk 4,14 t,0Rck mqi-un trr4-41-4ft (V) 3Ti -k-lic-1•011N. WR131. 1)0) .gT 4>14sb11 3141•TI4014)1-cli 3*F I. ft41PTT4 yell c171 sh+-11*flajAft Di)4itici4) Trffruft *AI arr, 317F4 V. cb145111-1 3i4EATNWEVZIT -45-14-wff c171 0-)1-11-41 3iMit4 (I) 4 St) 41 3141■14-)1c1)T4 3fl1. lurriu ftlipTurzrra- 311aT 31t. •lrtfry' f4f4 4 .4.114f4Irrgrarr (9) T.TR7-c-Trzt;TT, (R) fZT-Alzi () 31-1-4rqrAT- cmild ciao' `3T' 4 '4' TiEz1 -141,4 ctr<w-110 chit si i+iITelI TITtITTRT-4T 4 31-OTT 4P,MiclIcid 3Tra. &rt. •411tcr14fr<ul, (V) 44E1141 F411-4T 71144M. 3114v4c14-4-4Eft-an. i zllurdt 41.1 21-1T1i4 f4f4 -4114044rrim f4f4ftErzr- c1114).01 cmuzild 3TT k 311* 4 c 4-6u1-4 fkz11rr 3TTFtt SafIT dAri it4m-rrarr z11---44tRT 3r1411MET-gra 1011*14z1 f411T4 4b11-1 (3T) WRIT4 cificir01 qr NttLiu) ■3c-elo.q cMcil. -11145o:4.41 cq41-c211 YIN1-il+il1 cl3T. 41q (4) 3111Z (t) tiff Rt-4 v114. .&urF Ntcrict01 f=441-Fr f4-14a -qm f4417r ct)14(-114-11)11 4 (-,1gRliqi4'14 4 313-T- 1 chii) IscoTd: 3TRT-d-ru. T r form eta: c-t1HAI 41TIRT tql-1TJ10- . c41,511v-41 UR*1 wiNicbriel ThNr4traw ,4-Rvii ad 3Ts i i. cbli61-1 31-41WcIT 11c-44,9N-11r) lap flc11-11-4 311*. fki4 4 -LIM -141m-rt4 4)elc,Loi 1)1a ,m,)Lu (9) 2TTiciIL1 3MEIT9' -cl T+103 it4Tuil 4 ,4cpoir ‘.3 4 eiGET 3riT 3ITZITTRITITIftart 1.61v141413aft49., 1)44-li4ell4N)414 111-413TUTh 1:14-044 cirCuqici 31TAA1 II +I wrzl ueild a 3114t 311td. (1-1) 118--1 3 OVERALL PERFORMANCE 49, Administrative Side.--- wirEfftlIFTT4147ibtich)4 4,111(bbsf 11713101 There are 26 Desks who look after the administrative work RE, chleiliA 311td. of the Department. • 2. Shri Siddhi Vinayak Ganapati Temple Trust Prabhadevi . 41. TrurErAl 4R1 unit .41 (Mumbai) (4144) 411. ftE41 TrurEM1 4er (0-e) wqr- 1 zif For the management of the Shri Siddhi Vinayak Temple at ializif WPM' 4I Iu 1I t1Ic "11.9-114 "41. Riat Prabhadevi.. The Government has consituted Committee called qu19 tcfa TiZ ar-4-mrtrff RRTFIffl A741- 30. "Shri Siddhi Vinayak Ganpati Temple Trust Management Com- mittee". The said Temple Trust has to its credit the fund IT-47 WITT *ilciciii f4Eft41 f)i)4)41. 4-i14T-4 which will be utilised by the Management Committee for the 11)4 ZITFEEI cbxi-1 u14-0.117-4,11 -m-4 -41 4 administration of the Temple, Puja, daily rituals and for pro- u4ifllizli 4 IT4TREITRuT cb,04141 5171-c9 viding best facilities to the devotees and the public at large. ar4RIFIff 4iftw UzIT '0;1 .iliciNrifiM The Committee has given donations out of these funds to itiNT9T 4 IlAuilrif TITAF TTT14 4i4c1 various educational and other charitable Public Institutions (31st January 2013) t-At 31-rt (59 .41-1,1141 8095 trzi-ki) and patients as mentioned below :- ci9iT41 3rr-0. Tr41 %evict, WIT kan iTh-Ti1 ,091.) is 17-4-d Year Opening Balance Amount Received Help given by way of Donation 1 2 3 4 2011-2012 5,44,97,578 70,25,31,546 6,15,59.793 2012-2013 7,04,05,400 49,95,53,400 6,87,43,200 41. 'R1114141 ‘3001 4 twri rzif irt514 3. Shri Saibaba Sansthan, Shirdi, is second largest pub- 4R-dr-Ala i SIT 041441 3131171TT tilciuincb 311E1 3111. lic charitable trust in India, as far as income and expenditure tilcluAct) ,it<dit 31Riftri, 99,40 are concerned. The Trust is registered under Bombay Public 3111311. Tilt414T TT9*, 41 H tI cirtikiicf 3i141 30. Trusts Act, 1950 in the name of Shri Saibaba Sansthan Shirdi. iiTIRA 31ft c4i9ch 4 ebetaubbiW1401 vivirgfflOT4r4ffi In order to implements schemes on large scale and in larger 4i cf ArRir81 01)4 ardT4frfi 3TRW 5Mt public interest so also for giving better administration to the chIcif +1;1-1416illtc 31feizfri, .R-ficb 90 31171RZ 80011 trust, the administration of the trust is brought under control u14-RITEN "Yi11t1-11-041 of Maharashtra State, by Maharashtra Act No. 14, dated 17th 3trufuzfff 3TT 3T11. wiRT 3Trfirwilewr 9cp1 3131ff August, 2004. The trust is financially self sufficient. It is extending helping hand to various religious and social ETAW ‘395b41k1 t1i9Acb WRI*1 31Tft il$W1 organisations. Unaudited income and expenditure of the trust .1U1.411z4f Ri1iq,91-447. 2o9R qiiff91 vi9ltgz1 'cif upto to November 2012 are as follows :- MfOra Tiletsiqiu) 3111t. aTitlfrAl (Neel' T. WIT '<ctcb41 T. zrif Year Opening Balance Rs. Amount Reveived Rs. Expenditure Rs. 1 2 3 4 2011-2012 5,35,89,42,536 2,68,55,37,007 1,69,54,42,809 2012-2013 645,67,64,467 298,39,44,723 101,37,10,589 V.-91ille1t1 4. ^4itgllelellci 41tIel Wadl, i4"-TRTff 4. The comparative Figures of the ('ases instituted, 451(scli 43/44ff 3TfOaff 4399-Ro92 disposed off and pending in the High Cow and other Courts fitra tsiclicisenu). for the year 2011-2012 are shown bdow -Liitneitlirl M4 3Trt41 Tre4d 41x1cf tZ44t Pcblelici (bid() 44 3TRIO1 T welf4a .71T-g-rimizil 3T-4ra-A TwO sw14 wlit Tithe' Irk Pending Cases at Cases instituted Cases disposed Cases pending at Strength of Name of Court of the end of the Judges Year 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. High Court 9. ■irti ^EIRI1C14- 75 Original side 9 vim( ... 78548 80528 27645 32819 25655 65288 80528 48059 314c 7m1".272749 282357 119453 120284109845 108731 282357 293910 Appellate side ITT ... 351297 362885 477098 153103 135500 174019 362885 341969 75 Total 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 1=44Ft a 1 City Civil and -4111(14. 37438 39646 39996 76552 37788 39808 39646 76390 80 Sessions Court 4 •t-1/ .RIFITOZI 3023184 2998096 1567965 1806222 2032705 3071919 2558169 2726636 2026 3.
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