August/September 2011 Volume 20, No.8 TM www.aps.org/publications/apsnews APS NEWS Remembering Jack Marburger A PublicAtion of the AmericAn PhysicAl society • www.APs.org/PublicAtions/APsnews/index.cfm see page 4 Members Elect Beasley to the APS Presidential Line APS Protests Iranian Jailing In the Society-wide elections, dent Barry Barish of Caltech will and Sciences. Beasley retired in which ended on June 30, APS remain on the APS Council and 2010, but stayed on as an emeri- Of UT Austin Physics Student members elected Malcolm R. Executive Board as past-President. tus professor and continues his re- APS’s Committee on Interna- “Mr. Kokabee has no training “Mac” Beasley of Stanford Uni- Beasley has been at Stanford search. tional Freedom of Scientists is- in nuclear physics, is not politi- versity as the next vice-President. since 1974 when he moved there Beasley’s research has been sued a letter calling on the Grand cally active, and is not associated As the newest member of the pres- from Harvard. While at Stanford primarily focused on supercon- Ayatollah of Iran to release an with any political movement in idential line, Beasley will become he was appointed the Sidney and ductivity. He is most well known imprisoned physics student. The Iran. Rather his primary concerns APS President in 2014. Theodore Rosenberg Professor of for determining that the Kosterlitz- committee believes that he has were his science studies in the The members also voted for Applied Physics, helped establish Thouless-Berezinskii theory of committed no crime, and his ar- field of optics. This area of phys- Annick Suzor-Weiner, of the two-dimensional phase transitions rest will discourage future scien- ics has essentially no overlap with French Embassy, to be the interna- plays a role in superconductors. tific collaboration. nuclear technology,” the letter tional councilor, and Keivan Stas- Currently he is focused on improv- Omid Kokabee, a first-year read, adding that they believe the sun of Vanderbilt University to be ing and finding new high tempera- graduate student at the University arrest came as a misunderstanding general councilor. In addition Sal- ture superconductors. of Texas at Austin, and an APS of his science. ly Dawson was elected vice-chair “I really had not imagined be- member, has been imprisoned in Kokabee had returned to Iran of the nominating committee, and ing in this position and am obvi- Iran since January or February during winter break to visit his will become chair of the commit- ously honored,” Beasley said, and is currently awaiting trial. For family. When he stopped respond- tee in 2013. “Looking down the list of past the first month of his arrest he was ing to emails, officials at the uni- Beasley will assume his office presidents is sobering. I also think held in solitary confinement. He versity started getting concerned. in January of next year, replac- it is a very interesting time to help has been jailed in Evin prison in At first, word came through an ac- ing Michael Turner of the Kavli lead organizations like the APS. northwest Tehran, where the Ira- quaintance who also hailed from Institute for Cosmological Phys- As I said in my statement, really nian government holds many of Iran that he had had an accident its political prisoners. The gov- in Iran and wouldn’t be return- ics at The University of Chicago, Malcolm R. Beasley fundamental change is all around who becomes President-elect. This us. This makes being part of the ernment of Iran is accusing him ing the following semester. Later year’s President-elect, Robert Byer the Geballe Laboratory for Ad- APS leadership at this time par- of leaking Iranian nuclear secrets the same acquaintance revealed of Stanford, will assume the office vanced Materials and served as ticularly interesting and important. to the United States, accepting “il- that he had in fact been arrested. of President, and current Presi- dean of the School of Humanities legal earnings” and “communicat- BEASLEY continued on page 6 ing with a hostile government.” IRANIAN continued on page 6 AIP Releases Complete Goudsmit Papers Online NSF Task Force Fields Comments The complete papers of Samuel with George Uhlenbeck proposed Goudsmit retired from Brookhav- A. Goudsmit (1902-1978) have the concept of electron spin. He en in 1970 and from his editorial On Broader Impacts Criterion been digitally scanned and are helped set up the celebrated Mich- duties in 1974. By Michael Lucibella weighs such issues as whether now available for free download igan Summer School in Theoreti- The compilation of documents A recently announced review of the proposal would promote edu- from the Niels Bohr Library & Ar- cal Physics at the University of spans his career from 1920 through the National Science Foundation’s cation, broaden the participation chives of the American Institute of Michigan, before moving to MIT his retirement. It includes drafts grant process has reignited discus- of underrepresented groups in Physics (AIP). The trove of docu- during World War II to help devel- of his scientific papers, recovered sion about whether it should award science, enhance scientific infra- ments will offer historians and op radar. Towards the end of the scientific memos and documents grants based solely on scientific structure, improve scientific un- the public an unprecedented look war, he was named scientific chief from the Third Reich, academic merit or whether it should weigh derstanding or otherwise benefit at one of the twentieth century’s of the allied Alsos project, which notes and correspondences. Goud- societal issues as well. society in some way. most notable physicists. sought to determine how close the smit was a meticulous record- NSF receives about 45,000 The Broader Impacts criterion, “It’s our most popular collec- Germans got to developing their keeper, often retaining copies of funding requests each year, of introduced in 1997 and renewed tion in our archives,” said Melanie own atomic bomb. his own outgoing letters. The col- which about 11,500 are successful. in 2007, has been controversial Mueller, the assistant director of After the war, Goudsmit took lection includes correspondences Each proposal is evaluated based within the scientific community. the digitization project. She added the position of senior scientist at with such luminary physicists as on two main criteria. The first is In early spring of 2010 the Na- also that the wide diversity of sub- the newly established Brookhaven Enrico Fermi, Albert Einstein, Intellectual Merit, which looks at tional Science Board, the over- jects that Goudsmit touched on in National Laboratory. In 1950 he Max Born and Werner Heisenberg. the proposal’s potential to advance sight body of NSF, announced that his career makes it so sought after. also became the editor of Physi- Many of the documents are in Ger- knowledge in a given field. The a task force would be reviewing “It’s a really good snapshot of his cal Review and helped propel the man because of his work as head second and more controversial cri- the criteria for awarding grants. It really diverse career.” journal to the forefront of physics of the Alsos mission. terion is Broader Impacts, which NSF continued on page 5 Goudsmit first made his mark publications. In 1966, he became The primary purpose of the on physics in 1925 when he along the first editor in chief of the APS. PAPERS continued on page 5 Selling Like Hotcakes DOE Weighs Its Options for Underground Lab By Michael Lucibella Board, the NSF unexpectedly mulling over how to move for- A now defunct gold and silver pulled out of the project, citing ward and build the three biggest mine in South Dakota was all set concerns over the cost and their physics experiments planned for to host a next generation under- broad role in running the lab. This the mine. ground science lab until the Na- halted the project, and the Depart- The biggest hurdle facing the tional Science Foundation backed ment of Energy had to go back to facility, now officially known as out. The Department of Energy is the drawing board and rethink its Sanford Underground Research working to save the biggest phys- plans for the site. Facility at Homestake, is that of ics experiments, but because of The original plan for the Deep funding. According to a recent re- the uncertain nature of future bud- Underground Science and En- port by the Department of Energy gets, it is unclear how much will gineering Laboratory, known as that reviewed the proposed experi- ultimately be built. DUSEL, featured a massive mul- ments, the total cost for the facility The DOE and the NSF had tidisciplinary lab at multiple levels would likely come to around two planned to jointly build and oper- in the mine. In addition to phys- billion dollars. Photo by nick hammer/university of maryland ics, the lab would have had fa- The three experiments the DOE ate the expansive underground lab rebecca thompson, head of public outreach at APs, hands out a free set of in the Homestake mine in Lead, cilities for biological, geological is still considering would probe comic books to passers-by during preview night at the 2011 comic-con inter- South Dakota. In December, fol- and structural engineering experi- some of the most fundamental national comic book convention in san diego, calif. over five days, the public ments. That comprehensive vision questions about the makeup of the outreach team gave out around 7,000 sets of physics-based comic books to lowing a directive from its over- conference attendees. sight body, the National Science is essentially dead. The DOE is DOE continued on page 7 2 • August/September 2011 APS NEWS Members This Month in Physics History in the Media August 15, 1758: Death of Pierre Bouguer “Of course we know those sec- July 3, 2011.
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