I •■: ■! , - ’ • i ■ - V •*, . r / ' , ' - h •/- V. : ‘ MONDAY. MAY 14, ld62 PAOBBDCTEEN - . y • V-. i0anrl|90t9r lEtt^nlng'UpraUt Average Daily Net PreM ltiin , For toe Week Ended f llie Weather Ajp- ^■, ■■ ’ i f i v x t , 19«S -i-i -:. btiui^eater Assembly, Order of < - Foreoaet of V. 8 . Weather Bureoa Ralnbotv for Girls, w ^ have m busi­ r About^ To’wn L u tzH onars ; Dedicatioh Planned Sunday « 1 fe*re « » ? < dondy, little change In temper­ 'f ■ . _ ness meeting tonlglft j|t 7:30 at 13,578 the Masonic Temple. Them will be, near at ' ■ ■ ■ ature tonight. Low In iWs. Wednee- Dwightcni at tAMrty Ifo. 317 wiU an aMoHon o f officers. Officers and Member ef the Audit , Mrs. Sweet Par Mary Cheney Library y o u r Bateuii o f aroaU aon day, partly clondyt.- wanner la n M t tom onw at S.p4n. |n Oranga Installeid choir members. are' i«> afternoon. HSgh. dround 70. Halt, ntere will Jia m memorial minded to wear white; street- telep h o n e Manchestot’’" ^ City of Village Charm ■ervida and mambara are reminded tength, dresses, For Service Plass hav« baen aat for tha for<'•^lub members will seyve refresh- order for dinig neede aad to wear tyMbe. After the service mal dedication o f the Mary C|bansy manta. Sour eoemetiee wiO be takcB enre of VOL. LXXXI, NO. 191 (FOURTEEN PAGES) thata-wM be a social time with re- *The Chaminade Itoalcal d u b Will Mis. George H. Marlow of the MANCHESTEp^ (X)NN., TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1962 (CXaaeffied Advertising on Page U ) sponsor jts annual spring concert Mrs. Frederick A. Sweet. 43 N. LHrrary wito Ita $960;0Q0 addition library board planned the itodlca- Immediately- > PRICE FIVE CENTS ^ School-St;, was honored as ‘’out­ ■ ■ V*; ' I tonight at 8:16 in the chapel of Siuiday, May 27 at 8 p.m. Uon program, which is followed by -<£l. •, ^ ^ standing volunteed of the^year” at Spencer Group, Second South Metoodlst Church, There will *nie oeremoniet will begin with an open house. Other library board be a club soloist, guest soloists and a luncheon meeting of the Lutz J- -^r^^tlonai Church, will meet Junior Mueeuiti Volunteer League an invocatioa delivered by the Rev. mentbers, besides Mrs. Marlow and FREE Chorus numbers. Refreshments will Buckley, who ivil! be present are WeuiMKiay afternoon: after a niin- today at Wtliie’a Steak House. Laurence Vincent, associate pastor maga ai^ ^ m 9 a.m: to noon. be served. Proceeds ®f » freewill Hiss Catherine BL Putnam, secre- DELIVERY offering will be used for Laurel New officers, elected and in­ o f Center Congregational Church, /'Members are reminded to bring stalled ay the meeting, are Mrs. taiy; and Leo F. Diana, (Jhmes F. Music Camp scholarships for Man­ followed by greetings from Mayor Gipeon and Russril P. Grannlsa. sandwiches. Mra. Joel Nichols and chester High School Sttudents, Neal ^ le r , 21 Comstock Rd., Mrs, tiOuis Tuttle will serve des­ preai^int; Mrs.'Frank Gates, 311 Harold A. Turklngton. .Mary Cheney Library reopened sert and coffee. Members of the Emma Nettle- WoodorU^e St., first 'vice presi­ William E. Buckley,, chairman of recently after a three-month clos­ ton group of Center Congrega­ dent;; Mrs. Merrill Adams, 80 the library board, , and Mias Anna ing while the addition ’was being The Martha Circle Emanuel tional Church will meet tomor­ Grandview St., second vice presi­ C. French, head librarian at Mary finished. Alfred Reinhardt of Man­ Ijutheran Church, will meet Thurs­ row at 8 p.m. in the Robbins Room dent; Mrs. Sweet, secretary, and Cheney Library, will welcome chester was architect for the PRESCRIF'nON PHARMACY day at 10 a.m. for sewing. Host­ o f the church. Miss Aima French, Mra Carroll Barrett, 28 Mt. Nebo townaper^le. The RL Rev. Msgr. project and the AnnuUl Construc­ esses for a luncheon at noon will PL, treasurer. tion 0>. of Manchester was con­ head of Manchester public libra­ John F. Hannon o f St. James* 901 MAIN STv—M l S-0S21 be Mrs, John Hinrichs and' Miss Mrs, William^ Moore, retiring Church will give the benediction. tractor. Alma. Johnson. There will be a busi­ ries, will present book reviews. president, presented two gifts ness meeting at 3 p.m. Mrs. George from the Volunteer League to the Tours pf the library building, Okerfelt wifi lead devotions. The. Members of Miantonomah museum, given in honor, of Mra with Ita new children’e and ref­ Reds If They Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor, Tribe, Improved Order of Red Sweet. The gifts are a book, "In­ erence wings and renovated in­ wQi speak m “ Oomparatlve Study Men, will meet tonight at 8 at diana,** by Edwin *TuhiB, and a bul­ terior, will be conducted by mem- of the Gospels.'** Tinker Hall. Reports will be pres letin o f the Archaeoli^eal Socle^ ben of the League of Women ented on the recent convention in of C::pnnectlcut. Voten, led by M n, Edward P. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS Denied hy Yar^orouffh m U i • Robertson School PTA will meet Bridgeport at which Roland Rock­ . Mrs. Sweet, who also serves as Coltman, president, and Mra. State N ew s Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the school well, chief of records and past secretary of the museum’s board Jerome Nathan, tour ohainnan. auditorium. There will be installa­ sachem, was elected as Great Jun­ of tnisteea worka at the museum Mrs. John C. Aronson, president Will Build Up Force tion o f officers and a discussion on ior Sagmore of Connecticut. Mem­ every Tuesday aftemocm and of the Junior Century Club and DOUBLE Paper Claims Estes stimulating memters Interest in bers of the Great Council com­ makes many field (rips to acquire Roundup the fimcUon o f the organization. mittee will-'meet tonight at 7:30 <UsplayLlt«ms-fer~the museum. Advertisement— Refreshments will be served. at Tinker Halt before the general To About 5,000 Men membership m e^ n g. Small Plane Craahea Everybody's Past Chief Daughters of .Daugh­ STAMP DAY Paid.^ Texas Senator Three Students The Manchester YWCA New­ ToHring A beiit:- ters of Scotia will meet tomorrow TUXEDO, N. Y. (AP) —An An- WASHINGTON (AP)— President Kennedy today ordered at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mias comer’s Club will meet tonight at Bonia, Conn., youth crashlanded "Old Masters Uqnld Wood*’ AT YOUR STOP8SHOP At UCoiin Held Creates beauUfoI. Mend wood 1,800 U._S. Marines into Thailand, and the Defense Depart­ Elizabeth Brown, 20 Arch St. 8 p.m. in the dining hall of the his small plane in a marshy area WASHINGTON (AP) '—9 Th« News said In addition that Community Y. The program will near Sterling Forest Saturday flnishee on edd woodwork and For 14 Breaks ment said U.S. military forces there will be built to i^ u t furniture, wlthont Sen. Ralph W; Yarborough, Estes made monthly payments to The Manchester Civic Orchestra include a crazy hat contest and after the c r ^ t developed engine Yarborough of up to $300. 5,000 men. bingo. Members are reminded to trotmie. e measy mnovlng D-Tex., acknowledged today will rehearse tonight at 8 in the S’TORRS (AP) — Three The announcement made plain the U.S. forces will go into, band room o f Manchester High bring an individual serving of des­ Edward Offchdas, 21, was taken a tiresome semping the receipt o f $1,700 in con­ The Dallas Times Herald quot­ a costly bleaching ed Yarborough as saying he ex­ students at the Universitjr of battle if the Communists in neighboring Laos cross the ”” *' SchoM. V sert for an exchange. to Tuxedo Hospital in fair condi­ tributions from Billie Sol tion with a possible concussion and Vernon Paint and WallpailM' pected to produce photographic Connecticut have been firfest border. Estes tPwajrd payment for his proof he did not receive the $1,(XX> other injuries. Vernon Center ed on charges of breaking and “These forces are to help insure the territoHal in t^ ity of weekly ntdio broadcast to check in quesUon. He declined entering. this peaceful country,” the President said of th6 dispaten of Texas constituents. further comment, cKplalning he had hot seen the published report. Campus police ..said the youths Marines to Thailand. ' Yarborough, in a state­ "As I have had three different were involved hv-i series of breaks In a follow to the announcement,-Secretary of Defeiue at the university during the past ment, said there were no versions of it related to me, all Robert McNamara said the U.S. ihilitary force in Thailand three weeks. They said the stu­ strings to these cmitributions, erroneous in some respects, 1 shall would be given a new over-all command and increased to defer further comments untU such dents had SI keys to rooms in which he said were received university buUdlngs. about 5,000 men. , ^ Exporr SPECIAL at a time Estes “was being time as I see the report and com­ pare ita statements to my re Af-reated yesterday were John , ’Th^ buildup will include the 1,000-man Arm y battle grOup One Tree Taken Ddlvn FREE feted by Chambers of Com­ ord." A. CMscuoIa, 19, of 62 Middle- already in Thailand. Spet^iah for Monday^ merce as the ideal young town Ave., New Haven, a fresh­ r To this will be added the Marine battalion of about 1,800 OF THE MONTH! man in engineering; John H. Hub­ American.” Senate investigators try today to men, from the 7th Fleet.
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