Comparison of Pocket Semi-Automatic Handguns Last Update: to Assist in Size Comparison

Comparison of Pocket Semi-Automatic Handguns Last Update: to Assist in Size Comparison

Dashed squares are 4” x 4” Comparison of Pocket Semi-Automatic Handguns Last Update: to assist in size comparison. September 15, 2011 Blue line indicates a 2.25” Overall Length of Less Than Six Inches - .32 ACP or Larger 10:27 PM trigger-to-backstrap reach. MSRPs as of 6/19/11 .32 ACP Seecamp LWS32 .32 MasterPiece Arms MPA32 .32 ACP NAA Guardian .32 ACP Beretta 3032 Tomcat .32 ACP Kel-Tec P-32 .32 ACP Cobra CA32 .32 ACP Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Steel Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Aluminum Alloy Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Alloy MSRP: $446 MSRP: Black $323 MSRP: $402 MSRP: Matte Slide $380 ( ?) MSRP: Blued Slide $318 MSRP: $134 ( ?) Operation: DAO MSRP: Stainless $346 Operation: DAO MSRP: Blued Slide $400 ( ?) MSRP: Park. Slide $361 Operation : SAO, Manual Safety Capacity: 6 +1 Operation: DAO Capacity: 6 +1 MSRP: Inox Slide $470 ( ?) MSRP: Chrm Slide $377 Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.06/4.25” Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.49/4.4” Operation: DA/SA, Tilt Barrel; Safety Operation: DAO, Slide Catch Barrel/Overall Length: 2.65/5.51” Height: 3.25” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.25/4.37” Height: 3.3” Capacity: 7 +1 Capacity: 7 +1 Height: 3.92” Width: 0.86” Height: 3.22” Width: 0.85” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.4/4.9” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.7/5.1” Width: 1.00” Weight Empty: 11.5 oz. Width: 0.925” Weight Empty: 13.6 oz. Height: 3.7” Height: 3.5” Weight Empty: 25.9 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 13 oz. Weight Empty: 11.8 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 16 oz. Width: 1.1” Width: 0.75” Weight Fully Loaded: 29 oz. (Photo is flipped horizontally) Weight Fully Loaded: 14 oz. Weight Empty: 14.5 oz. (Inox 16.5 oz.) Weight Empty: 7.8 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 17 oz. (Inox 19 oz.) Weight Fully Loaded: 10 oz. .32 NAA .380 ACP NAA Guardian .32 NAA Seecamp LWS38 .380 ACP MasterPiece Arms MPA380 .380 ACP Magnum Research ME380 .380 ACP NAA Guardian .380 ACP Kahr KP3833 .380 ACP Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Steel Frame: Aluminum Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Polymer MSRP: $449 MSRP: $795 MSRP: Black $323 MSRP: $535 MSRP: $449 KP3833 Matte SS Slide $649 Operation: DAO Operation: DAO MSRP: Stainless $346 Operation : DAO Operation: DAO KP8334 Black SS Slide $690 Capacity: 6 +1 Capacity: 6 +1 Operation: DAO Capacity: 6 +1 Capacity: 6 +1 Operation : DAO, Slide Catch Barrel/Overall Length: 2.62/4.77” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.06/4.25” Capacity: 5 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.22/4.48” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.62/4.77” Capacity: 6 +1 Height: 3.53” Height: 3.25” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.25/4.37” Height: 3.64” Height: 3.53” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.0/4.90” Width: 0.95” Width: 0.91” Height: 3.22” Width: 0.85” Width: 0.95” Height: 3.9” Weight Empty: 18.5 oz. Weight Empty: 11.5 oz. Width: 0.925” Weight Empty: 13.7 oz. Weight Empty: 18.5 oz. Width: 0.75” Weight Fully Loaded: 20 0z. Weight Fully Loaded: 14 oz. Weight Empty: 11.8 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 16 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 20 oz. Weight Empty: 11.1 oz. ( ?) (Photo is flipped horizontally) (Photo is flipped horizontally) Weight Fully Loaded: 14 oz. (Photo is flipped horizontally) Weight Fully Loaded: 13 oz. ( ?) Kel-Tec P-3AT .380 ACP Ruger LCP .380 ACP I.O. inc. Hellcat .380 ACP S&W Bodyguard .380 ACP Rohrbaugh 308/308S .380 ACP Diamondback DB380 .380 ACP Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Aluminum Frame: Polymer Frame: Aluminum Alloy Frame: Stainless MSRP: Blued Slide $324 MSRP: $330 MSRP Nickel Slide: $240 MSRP: $575 MSRP: $1200 ( ?) MSRP: $430 MSRP: Park. Slide $366 Operation: DAO, Slide Hold Open MSRP Black Slide: $225 Operation : DAO, Slide Catch, Operation : DAO Operation : DAO MSRP: Chrm Slide $382 Capacity: 6 +1 Operation : DAO Manual Safety, Integrated Laser Capacity: 6 +1 Capacity: 6 +1 Operation: DAO Barrel/Overall Length: 2.75/5.14” Capacity: 6 +1 Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.9/5.2” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.8/5.24” Capacity: 6 +1 Height: 3.6” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.75/5.16” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.75/5.18” Height: 4.1” Height: 3.77” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.56/5.13” Width: 0.80” Height: 3.6” Height: 3.77” Width: 0.91( ?) Width: 0.75” Height: 3.57” Weight Empty: 9.8 oz. Width: 0.82” Width: 0.85” Weight Empty: 15.1 oz. Weight Empty: 10.4 oz. Width: 0.78” Weight Fully Loaded: 12 oz. Weight Empty: 9.4 oz. Weight Empty: 12.35 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 17 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 12 oz. Weight Empty: 9.0 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 12 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 15 oz. (Photo is flipped horizontally) Weight Fully Loaded: 11 oz. (Photo is flipped horizontally) .38 Super Taurus 738 TCP .380 ACP Jiminez JA-.380 .380 ACP Sig P238 .380 ACP Cobra CA380 .380 ACP Frame: Steel Frame: Zinc Alloy Frame: Anodized Alloy Frame: Alloy AMT Backup .38 Super MSRP: Blued Slide $336 MSRP: $159 MSRP: $515 + MSRP: $134 ( ?) Frame: Stainless Steel MSRP: Stainless Sld $352 Operation : SAO; Manual Safety Operation : SAO; Slide Catch, Operation : SAO; Manual Safety MSRP: $525 MSRP: Titanium Sld $453 Capacity: 6 +1 Manual Safety Capacity: 5 +1 Operation: DAO Operation : DAO, Slide Catch, Barrel/Overall Length: 2.75/5.3” Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.65/5.51” Capacity: 5 +1 Taurus Security System (TSS) Height: 3.75” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.41/5.5” Height: 3.92” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.63/5.8” Capacity: 6 +1 Width: 0.96” Height: 3.9” Width: 1.00” Height: 4.1” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.84/5.25” Weight Empty: 19.0 oz. Width: 1.0” Weight Empty: 25.9 oz. Width: 1.00” Height: 3.78” Weight Fully Loaded: 21 oz. Weight Empty: 14.8 oz Weight Fully Loaded: 29 oz. Weight Empty: 24.0 oz Width: 0.87” Weight Fully Loaded: 17 oz. ( ?) Weight Fully Loaded: 27 oz. Weight Empty: Blue & Stainless 10.2 oz. Full Size 1911 .45 ACP Titanium 9.0 oz. J-Frame Revolver Shown for Size Comparison Weight Fully Loaded: 12 oz. Shown for Size Comparison 11 oz. S&W 642 J-Frame, .38 S&W Special +P Frame: Aluminum Alloy, Stainless Steel Cylinder MSRP $449 Operation: DAO Capacity: 5 Barrel/Overall Length: 3.47 (incl. cyl.)/6.31” Capacity: 7 +1 Height: 4.16” Width: 1.28” Barrel/Overall Length: 5.0/8.5” Height: 5.5” Weight Empty: 14.25 oz Width: 1.3” Weight Fully Loaded: (???) oz. (Photo is flipped horizontally) Weight Empty: 37.0 oz Weight Fully Loaded: 43 oz. Page 1 of 3 Dashed squares are 4” x 4” Comparison of Pocket Semi-Automatic Handguns Last Update: to assist in size comparison. September 15, 2011 Blue line indicates a 2.25” Overall Length of Less Than Six Inches - .32 ACP or Larger 10:27 PM trigger-to-backstrap reach. MSRPs as of 6/19/11 9 x 19 mm (9 mm Luger / Parabellum / NATO) Boberg XR9 Shorty 9 x 19mm Rohrbaugh R9/R9S 9 x 19 mm Kimber Solo 9 x 19mm SIG Sauer P290 9 x 19mm Diamondback DB9 Kahr 9 x 19 mm Frame: Alum. Alloy Frame: Aluminum Alloy Frame: Aluminum Frame: Polymer Frame: Steel Frame: Stainless Steel MSRP: $949 MSRP: $1200 ( ?) MSRP: Black $725 MSRP: Nitron Slide $768 MSRP: Black $( ??? ) MK9093 Matte SS Slide $855 Operation: DAO Operation: DAO MSRP: Stainless $725 MSRP: Stainless Slide $768 Operation: DAO MK9098 Polished SS $932 Capacity: 7+1 Capacity: 6 +1 Operation: SAO, Slide Catch, Operation: DAO, Slide Catch, Capacity: 6 +1 Operation: DAO, Slide Catch Barrel/Overall Length: 3.35/5.1” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.9/5.2” Ambi Manual Safety Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.9/5.6” Capacity: 6 +1 Height: 4.2” Height: 4.1” Capacity: 6 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 2.9/5.5” Height: 4.0” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.0/5.6” Width: 0.95” Width: 0.91” Barrel/Overall Length: 2.7/5.5” Height: 4.08” Width: 0.80” Height: 4.3” Weight Empty: 17.5 oz. Weight Empty: 15.0 oz. Height: 3.9” Width: 1.10” Weight Empty: 12.8 oz Width: 1.10” Weight Fully Loaded: 21 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 18 oz. Width: 1.2” Weight Empty: 21.7 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 16 oz. Weight Empty: 24.0 oz Weight Empty: 17.2 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 25 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 27 oz. Weight Fully Loaded: 20 oz. Kahr 9 x 19 mm Sccy CPX-1 & CPX-2 9 x 19mm AMT Backup 9 x 19 mm Kel-Tec PF-9 9 x 19mm Kel-Tec P-11 9 x 19mm Ruger LC9 9 x 19mm Frame: Polymer Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Stainless Steel Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Aluminum/Polymer Frame: Glass Filled Nylon PM9093 Matte SS Slide $786 Slide: Black or Stainless MSRP: $525 MSRP: Blued Slide $333 MSRP: Blued Slide $333 MSRP: $443 PM9094 Black SS Slide $837 MSRP: $340 Operation: DAO Parkerized Slide $377 MSRP: Park. Slide $377 Operation: DA; Slide Lock; CM9093 Matte SS Slide $565 Operation: DAO, Slide Catch, Capacity: 5 +1 Hard Chrome Slide $390 MSRP: Chrm Slide $390 Manual Safety Operation: DAO, Slide Catch CPX-1: Ambi Manual Safety Barrel/Overall Length: 2.63/5.8” Operation: DAO, Slide Catch Operation: DAO, Slide Catch Capacity: 7 +1 Capacity: 6 +1 CPX-2: No Manual Safety Height: 4.1” Capacity: 7 +1 Capacity: 10 +1 Barrel/Overall Length: 3.09/5.89” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.0/5.68” Capacity: 10 +1 Width: 1.00” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.06/5.85” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.1/5.86” Height: 4.5” Height: 4.2” Barrel/Overall Length: 3.1/5.7” Weight Empty: 24.0 oz Height: 4.36” Height: 4.4” Width: 1.0” Width: 1.08” Height: 4.28” Weight Fully Loaded: 27 oz.

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