PUBLIC LIBRARY FEB 7 -19' 3 PETHOIT, MICH. Monthly Cat logue United States Public Documents (WITH PRICES) No. 396 December, 1927 ISSUED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON 1928 Abbreviations Appendix_________ —app. Octavo_____________________________ 8° Congress__________ Cong. Page, pages_________________________ p. Department_______ Dept. Part, parts--------------------------------pt., pts. Document_________ ._doc. Plate, plates________________________ pl. Facsimile, facsimiles. facslm. Portrait, portraits_ ________________ por. Federal Trade Commission_______ F. T. C. Quarto_____________________________ 4° Folio______________________________ f° Report_____________________________ rp. House------------------------------------------- H. Saint----------------------------------------------St. House bill________________________ H. R. Section, sections____________________ sec. House concurrent resolution__ H. Con. Res. Senate. Senate bill___________________ S. House document--------------------------H. doc. Senate concurrent resolution__ S. Con. Res. House executive document_____ H. ex. doc. Senate document_________________ S. doc. House joint resolution_________ H. J. Res. Senate executive document_____ S. ex. doc. House report____________________ II. rp. Senate joint resolution_________ S. J. Res. House resolution (simple)________ H. Res. Senate report--------------------------------S. rp. Illustration, illustrations_____________ il. Senate resolution (simple)________ S. Res. Inch, inches________________________ in. Session___________________________sess. Interstate CommerceCommission ___ I. C. C. Sixteenmo________________________ 16° Latitude___________________________ lat. Table, tables_______________________ tab. Longitude________________________ long. Thirtytwo mo______________________ 32° Mile, miles_________________________ m. Treasury________________________ Treas. Miscellaneous________________ mis., misc. Twelvemo_________________________ 12° Nautical_________________________ naut. Twentyfour-mo_____________________ 24° No date__________________________n. d. Versus__________________________ vs., v. No place---------------------------------------n. p. Volume, volumes_________________ v., vol. Number, numbers_______________ no., nos. Year-----------------------------------------------yr. Common abbreviations for names of States and months are also used. * Document for sale by Superintendent of Documents. t Distribution by office issuing document, free if unaccompanied by a price, t Printed for official use. Note .—Nearly all of the Departments of the Government make a limited free distribution of their publications. When an entry shows a * price, It is possible that upon application to the issuing office a copy may be obtained without charge. Explanation Words and figures inclosed in brackets [ ] are given for information, but do not appear on the title-pages of the publications catalogued. When size is not given octavo is to be understood. Size of maps is measured from outer edge of border, excluding margin. The dates, including day, month, and year, given with Senate and House documents and reports are the dates on which they were ordered to be printed. Usually the printing promptly follows the ordering, but various causes sometimes make delays. The L. C. card number appended to some of the entries is for those libraries ordering printed cards from the Library of Congress. The number at the extreme right of an entry indicates the classification of the publication in the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. HOW TO ORDER PUBLICATIONS—FOLLOWS CONTENTS il Monthly Catalogue No. 396 DECEMBER 1927 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT N?Tu BT71?- accordance with a recent order of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Depart- ment bulletin senes will be stopped at no. 1500, being replaced by a series designated as lecimical bulletin; the last of the Department circular series will be no. 42-5 to be replaced by a series designated Circular; and the last of the Miscellaneous circular series no- 110’. to be replaced by a series designated as Miscellaneous publication. Each ot the new series begins at no. 1. Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale will be sup- plied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington D. C. The Department Issues, at irregular intervals, announcements concerning its publications, which will be mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and bulletins as interest them. Official record, Department of Agriculture, v. 6, no. 49-52; Dec. 7-28, 1927. [1927.] Each 8 p. il. 4° [Weekly.] * Paper, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.10. L. C. card Agr 22-146 A 1.33 : 6/49-52 Report of Secretary of Agriculture, 1927. 1927. iii+90 p. * Paper, 10c. A 1.1:927 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS BUREAU Agricultural situation, brief summary of economic conditions, Dec. 1, 1927; v. 11, no. 12. [1927.] 24 p. il. [Monthly.] * Paper, 25c. a yr.; foreign sub- scription, 40e. L. C. card Agr 26-1797 A 36.15:11/12 Apples. Factors influencing yield of apples in Cumberland-Shenandoah region of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia; by Carl R. Swinson F. P. Weaver, A. J. Dadisman, J. J. Vernon, H. P. Gould, and J. B. Kincer. Dec.’ 1927. 26 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 54.) [Prepared in cooperation with Plant Industry Bureau, Weather Bureau, Virginia Agricul- tural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, College of Agricul- ture, West "Virginia University, and School of Agriculture, Pennsylvania State College.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 27-792 A 1.36: 54 Crops. Crop and livestock reports [Nov. 1927; Price situation]. [1927.] 410- 4114-446-447 p. 4° [From Crops and markets, v. 4, no. 11.] t A 36.11/3a: C 883/4 Dry farming. Settlers’ progress in dry-land farming in eastern New Mexico; by E. O. Wooton. Nov. 1, 1927. 43 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 4.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 27-784 A 1.4/2: 4 Flour for pretzels; by J. H. Shollenberger and Walter K. Marshall. Nov. 1927. 16 p. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 46.) ♦Paper, 5c L. C. card Agr 27-796 A 1.36: 46 Horses. Cost of using horses on corn-belt farms; [by M. R. Cooper and J O Williams]. [1922, reprint 1927.] [2]+16 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farm- ers bulletin 1298.) [Prepared in cooperation with Public Roads Bureau and Animal Industry Bureau.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-421 A 1.9 :1298/1-2 Jfeat. Commercial cuts of meat; [by] W. C. Davis. Mar. 1924, revised Dec ^-l]- P- “1 P- Pb (Agriculture Dept. Department cir- cular 300.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 25-619 A 1.14/2: 300/3 How to order publications—See iifformation following Contents 80841—28—No. 396---- 2 q2M 330 Dece mber , 1927 Report of chief of Bureau of Agricultural Economies [fiscal year 1927]. [1927.] 54 p. t L. C. card Agr 24-37 A 36.1: 927 Service announcements. Amendment 1 to Service and regulatory announce- ments no. 105 [Regulations of Secretary of Agriculture under cotton futures act, effective May 15, 1927; Aug. 30, 1927]. 1927. 1 p. * Paper, 5c. A 36.5 :105/amdt. 1 ----- Amendment 2 to Service and regulatory announcements no. 105 [Regula- tions of Secretary of Agriculture under cotton futures act, effective May 15, 1927; Nov. 5, 1927]. 1927. 1 p. * Paper, 5c. A 36.5: 105/amdt. 2 ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Beef on farm, slaughtering, cutting, curing; [by W. H. Black and E. W. Mc- Comas]. [May, 1924, reprint 1927.] ii-f-34 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farm- ers’ bulletin 1415.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-832 A 1.9 : 1415/1-2 Report of chief of Bureau of Animal Industry [fiscal year 1927]. [1927.] 50 p. t L. C. card Agr 12-377 A 4.1: 927 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, Nov. 1927; [no.] 247. Dec. 1927. p. 89-100. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card Agr 7-1658 A 4.13: 247 Tumors. Subcutaneous tumor in primate caused by tapeworm larvae experi- mentally reared to maturity in dogs [with list of literature cited] ; by Benja- min Schwartz. 1927. [2] +471-480 p. il. 2 p. of pl. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 35, no. 5, Sept. 1, 1927.] t A 1.23/a: T 161/2 White snakeroot. Toxic constituent of rich weed or white snakeroot (Eupa- torium urticaefolium) [with list of literature cited] ; by James Fitton Couch. 1927. cover-title, p. 547-576. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 35, no. 6, Sept. 15, 1927.] t A 1.23/a : R 419 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU Birds. Common birds of southeastern United States in relation to agriculture; [by F. E. L. Beal, W. L. McAtee, and E. R. Kalmbach]. [Oct. 26, 1916, revised Nov. 1927.] [1927.1 ii+44 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 755.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 18-950 A 1.9: 755/5 ■----- Our migrant shorebirds in southern South America; by Alexander Wet- more. Oct. 1927. cover-title, 24 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 26.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 27-791 A 1.36: 26 Rabbit-house construction. [Dec. 1927.] [2]+6 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Leaflet 15.) [Prepared in cooperation with Public Roads Bureau.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 27-788 A 1.35:15 Rabbit skins for fur; [by D. Monroe Green], [Jan. 1927, revised Nov. 1927.] [1927.] ii-j-14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 1519.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 26-1798 A 1.9:1519/2 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, [no.] 69: Regulations for issuance of permits for bobwhite quail imported into United States from Mexico. Dec. 1927. 2 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 16-608 A 5.6: 69 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK OFFICE 1,-11 clubs. Boys’ and girls’ 4-H club work. [1927.] [2] p. oblong. 48° t • A 43.5/2: F 82 How to order publications—See information following; Contents Decem ber . 1927 331 Home management. Ten-year review of home-management extension, 1914-24; by Madge J. Reese. Dec. 1927. 46 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 17.) ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 27-789 A 1.4/2 : 17 DAIRY INDUSTRY BUREAU Cattle. Purebred dairy-sire introduction; [by] W. E. Wintermeyer. Nov. 1, 1927. 24 p.il. (Agriculture Dept. Circulars.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 27-793 A 1.4/2: 6 Milk. Cooling milk & cream on farm; [by J. A. Gamble], [May, 1918, revised Nov. 1927.] [1927.] 16 p.
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