Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 6-1964 Nor' by East, Summer 1964 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Summer 1964" (1964). Nor' by East. 9. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FAIR VISITORS Hr . Allen Bernstein 66 Hicks Road Augusta, Ma i ne BAY ISLANDS - MAINE ..: UMBERLAND COUNTY VOL. 6, NO. 2 TA LK IS CH EAP BECA USE THE SUPPLY IS GREATER THAN THE DEMAND SUMMER - 1964 NEW SIGNS LEAD TO BAY ISLANDS CITY HALL REPORTS By Charles R anlett The complete lack of signing along the main highways approaching Portland indicating the presence of the Casco Bay Islands has been a frequent and well­ justified complaint in the past. Faced with many oompeting and well-marked attractions, too many times the motorist will completely avoid Portland or will reach the bay wharves only after con­ siderable effort and inquiry. In a direct attack on this problem, the City has erected 30 directional signs indicating the route to the waterfront and wharves. Introductory signs have been set up on the major roads (US 1 from the south, Interstate 295 from the north, Brighton Avenue, etc.) at points near the city limits. With directional signs at key or confusing intersections, the motorist is carried to the Commercial FOR OLD FORT GORGES - Marine Reserve engineers may b last channel enabling small craft to land Street wharves. at all tides. Development for tourist attraction foreseen. Photo from House Island shows Peaks car This is similar to the function of the ferry passing by. DED Photo "guiding gull" signs which have so effec­ tively served the central business district. it is hoped that greater attention will be present condition of many street signs The signs are of reflectorized material made by the State, both in erecting signs on the various islands leaves much to in blue and white. outside the city limits and in better be desired. The P ublic Works Depart­ The project has been carried out with indicating the location of the islands on ment is aware of this condition. It is the assistance of the Casco Bay Lines. the State H ighway Map. developing a new standardized street With this b ig step forward in signing, Also on the subject of signs, the sign and post to be used throughout Portland, both on the mainland and on the islands, and hopes that subject to budgetary limitations a start may be CASCO BA Y'S YOUNGEST LICENSED " LOBSTERMAN" made on the islands th is year. She looks like a boy and handles a boat like a man! But she can also cook a fine breakfast for a whole family. This is Cherylene R ich, pony-tailed WATERFRONT STUDY nine-year old third grader of Long Island, Casco Bay. She's a third genera­ BRINGS PROMISE tion, fully licensed lobsterman who will Islanders are following with interest enter the retail and wholesale market the work of the ·waterfron t T ask Force. this summer with her own traps. H er I ts first report to the Chamber of Com­ brother "Skipper" Zoeth R ich II a stu­ merce showed the value of self-analysis. dent at Jack Junior H igh, is proud of While it pointed to defects and in­ his sister's prowess with the motorboat, adequacies, it found that over one-fifth much of which she learned from him. of the businesses surveyed indicated th at Cherylene's father, D ouglas R ich, is they would commit themselves to plan t a lobs term an and so is her grandfather. improvements if the City were to im­ Perhaps being an islander has some­ prove its facilities. thing to do with breeding self-sufficiency. Importance of the area under study is Anyway, Cherylene's grandmother says illustrated in part by these figures: 214 proudly that she can start a boat and acres with 300 buildings employing about ply little Harbor. de Grace along with 19% of Portland's working population , the best of men. H er father wisely limits taxable valuation of over $10,000,000, her lines short of the outer bay. Cherylene Rich paying about $300,000 in taxes. a PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SUMMER 1964 SUMMER CALENDAR Staff of Nor' by East Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine CLIFF ISLAND Published by Island Development Associa­ July 2 - Food Sale tion for res-idents and visitors of Casco Bay July 21 - Fair - Mothers' Club. lsl;lnds. A non-profit publication supported Community House. by advcrt1$ers and members of the Associa­ July 16 - Picnic Cor "City Fathers" tour o( tion. All work except printing donated by Bay Islands. members. August 4 - Fair, Library Association. Editor .. Beatrice M. Chapman Advertising ... ...... .............. J ohn W. Chapman SKILLINGS HAYWARD Louise Dunham LONG ISLAND Circulation .. Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane July 4 - Dinner Cabaret, VFW Hall. Editorial Committee: NOR' BY EAST July 7 - Dr. Martin Barron will hold pre­ Ra) mond Hayward, Chebeague; Lawrence school clinic VFW Hall, for children through Stevens. Long; Rober t Skillings, Peaks; Maureen UNDER NEW EDITORS fifth grade. D. Mulkern. the Diamonds. July 11-Ivy Class Fair. Photographers ...... Ruth Sargent Starting with the Fall issue Nor' by Leon Clough East will be published under the join t July 18 - Cabaret. endeavors of two veteran staffers who August 8 - VFW Fair. August 22 - C.abaret. will become co-chairmen of the Editorial Sept. 5 - l)inner Cabaret. PEAKS CAR FERRY LANDING Committee. They are Robert Skillings, Negotiations are under way with state Peaks Island, and Raymond Hayward, <;>fficials and. re.presentatives of major Chebeague Island, whose names are PEAKS ISLAND fami liar "by-lines" in the paper. Both are June 20 - Eighth Maine Assoc. Annual Re­ island organizatwns to pursue the issue union. of the Peaks Car Ferry landing to obtain experienced in matters of the "fourth June 20 - Fried Clam supper. at the earliest possible time the modern estate" and have life-long associations Brackett Church .. combination facility needed. with the islands. June 22 - Lions Club Auction. Bob Skillings is a summer resident Leo Sinnott, chairman. 1L was hoped that this could be ac­ June 23 - First meeting, complished this season, but it now seems who lives at the Eastland in the winter, was managing editor of his college daily, T refelhen-Everi,.,.een As.soc. that the appropriation will have to await Jw1e 27 - Food Sale, another Legislative session. Conse­ Brown Daily H erald. H e is semi-retired Catholic ·women's Council. quently emergency repairs by C.B.L. and is associated with the Seavey Print­ June 27 - Open House, ing Company where he works part-time. Fifth Maine Community Center. have been ordered by the PUC to hold June 30 - Luncheon Hridge, Jones Landing at its present maximum His family dates back to the early settl­ ing of Peaks Island. T . E. Association. Every Tuesday. of 6,000 pounds. July 3 - Military Whist, Ray H ayward is a retired teacher of A meeting was held with all concerned T. E. Assoc. Every Friday. English and a dramatic coach who lives July 3-"Miss Peaks Island" Contest at the Maine Port Authority on March on Chebeague the year 'round, except for and Dance. Fifth Maine O>mmunity Center. 23, with Senator Ralph D. Brooks serv­ mid-summer months \.vhen he goes to lDA. ing as chairman. Although outcome of Birch Island. A native of Connecticut he July 7 - Fifth Maine Fair. 1.he meeting was not as productive as an- July 9 - Children's Penny Auction. retiree! to Chebeague following many 1.icipated, it was a step toward further Fifth Maine. years at Winchester High School. He is negotiations which will be carried on at J uly 11 - Peirny Sale for the Fifth Maine. a graduate of \Vesleyan University. July 11 - Legion Auxiliary Fair. the highest level o( state government. Continuing to serve as advertising soli- . July 18 - Summer Fair, Brackett Church. Those meeting on the issue in March citors will be Miss Louise Dunham, main­ July 25 -Annual Lawn Party & Fair. were, in addition to Brooks; Robert Luncheon on the grounds. land ads; and John Chapman, coordi­ St. Chriswpher's Catholic Church . Moore, Governor's Council; Frederick nating the ads from the various islands. August I - Annual Fair. -:-,;;. Allen, PUC Commissioner; Edward New editorial assistants from the islands Trefethen.Evergreen Assodation. Langlois, Maine Port Authority; Peter will be announced in the fall issue. August 4 - Penny Sale, T. McLaughlin, C.B.L. ; Vinvetn Dahl­ C.atholic Women's Council. The present editors wish to thank all August 8 - Annual T ea, Calends Club. fred and Charles Ranlett, CiLy; and the who have so faithfully assisted over the Memorial Hall. following island residents: Winthrop K. five years of publication including those Aug·ust 14, 15 - Lions Annual Variety Show. Deane, IDA; George Sundell and Charles who have tended the mailing lists, August 15 - Baked Bean Supper, Franco, Lions; Robert Skillings, Tre­ FHlh Maine. addressed, stamped and mailed the grow­ August !!, - Lobster Luncheon. Legion Hall. fethen-Evergreen; John and Rea Chap­ ing list of subscribers. August 19 - Silver Tea, Memorial H all. man. I D/\. We also wish to thank especially the Willing Workers.
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