V18, N38 Thursday, June 6, 2013 Context in misappropriated funds 221 cases in 4 years reveals relative good character of Indiana local government By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – Misty Buck was a deputy clerk in the Muncie clerk’s office and failed to de- posit $11,325.50. Brittany Cohee of the Benton Township trustee’s office in Monroe County made $2,370 overpayments of salary. Chandler Clerk-Treasurer Timothy D. Osha rolled up $143,010.36 in personal expenses on credit cards, personal property use, penalties and interest and audit costs. Bunker Hill Town Court Judge Melvin Smith didn’t make deposits of $37,052.50, including speeding tickets some of you might have incurred on U.S. 31 in Miami County. Supt. Marion Chapman of Cannelton School Corporation rolled up $615,586.55 misap- propriated compensation and benefits and improp- er handling of a trust fund principal. Melody Buchanan, deputy clerk-trea- surer of West Terre Haute, was responsible for missing cafeteria receipts. $463,752.19 in missing collections. These public servants are part of a rogues gallery Debbie Deitrich was a cafeteria employee at Lo- gansport Memorial Hospital responsible for $60,403.24 in Continued on page 3 Support for life after birth By CRAIG DUNN KOKOMO – This column is not about advocating for a position regarding the issue of abortion. That is not a minefield that I care to cross at this “We will have to keep wrestling time. This column is directed at with this octopus until it gets pro-life advocates in our government tired.” who are under the lamentable belief that the issue stops at the point of - The late Gary Mayor birth. They seem to labor under a Rudy Clay, on cutting thought process that says, “If you have an unwanted pregnancy, have $13 million from the the baby.” “If you have been told that city budget HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 2 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, June 6, 2013 you will have a baby with congenital They intuitively know that birth defects, have the baby.” their child will be different, be treated “If you’ve been raped and are differently, be more expensive and be www.HoweyPolitics.com pregnant, have the baby.” more difficult to raise and will present Then, when the baby arrives, challenges when it reaches adulthood. their attitude transforms to, “It’s your Their dreams of sports stars, rocket Howey Politics problem, deal with it!” scientists and cheerleader beauty Indiana Politicians postulate all of queens go up in smoke. is a non-partisan newsletter the time about creating environments I am the father of four chil- for success. They talk about creating a dren so I can speak with some author- based in Indianapolis and tax structure that will make our state ity on this subject. Nashville, Ind. It was founded more attractive for business develop- Children are scary! in 1994 in Fort Wayne. ment and expansion. They introduce They make constant de- It is published by bills to make certain industries more mands to be fed, clothed, entertained, WWWHowey Media, LLC lucrative in the name of jobs. They educated, coached and nurtured. It build sports stadiums and induce pro- is a darn difficult job when they are 405 Massachusetts Ave., fessional teams to locate in them in an healthy and have loving parents with Suite 300 effort to make their community “world good jobs. I can only imagine how ter- Indianapolis, IN 46204 class.” rifying the prospect of raising a child in They spend to build jogging a single parent household, a child with Brian A. Howey, Publisher paths, bike trails, swimming pools, a disability or a child in poverty can concert halls and parks to improve the truly be. Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington “quality of life” for their citizens. Who cares about the quality Jack E. Howey, Editor But what about the “quality of life of one of these children? What Matthew Butler, Daily Wire of life” for the newly born child with choices do they get to make? a birth defect or disability, the mother Those who advocate for struggling to find childcare so she pro-life legislation, regulations and Subscriptions can work, the mentally or physically policy are duty bound to help create $599 annually impaired adult who has lost their sup- an atmosphere that is conducive to Ray Volpe, Account Manager port system or the couple struggling the birth, development, education and ' 317.602.3620 through the expensive morass of the quality of life of children born with email: [email protected] adoption process? disabilities, children needing adoption I believe that many well- or those born to a struggling single meaning politicians care more about mother. We simply can no longer Contact HPI the quality of life in the womb than demand that a woman give birth to www.howeypolitics.com the quality of life after birth. It is a a baby and then feel no sense of [email protected] problem that must be addressed. responsibility for the well-being of the There are many reasons child. 'Howey’s Cabin: 812.988.6520 why a woman chooses to have an We are a nation that has 'Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 abortion. There are selfish reasons spent vast amounts of money over the 'Washington: 202-256-5822 such as an inconvenient lifestyle years on every type of special interest 'Business Office:317.602.3620 change. Many times, the father of the handout known to man and lobbyist. child has disappeared and the mother We have bailed out, handed does not feel that she can bear the out and stimulated with trillions of © 2013, Howey Politics Indiana. time and financial demands of single dollars. We have run up a staggering All rights reserved. Photocopy- motherhood. There are issues of pain federal debt by spending funds on ing, Internet forwarding, fax- and grief with a pregnancy resulting duplicative weapons systems, alter- ing or reproducing in any form, from rape. native energy boondoggles, massive whole or part, is a violation of Science has progressed to a federal government employment and point of recognizing birth defects in programs of immense waste. federal law without permission the womb and confronting the parents Yet we have failed to serve from the publisher. v with the difficult decision of whether many of those who have been unfor- or not to terminate the pregnancy. tunate enough to not be able to afford HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 3 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, June 6, 2013 a K Street or Statehouse lobbyist. I believe that it is just as important for the people, If we really want to dramatically reduce the politicians and organizations whose goal is to make abor- number of abortions, we will take actions that support our tion illegal or extremely difficult to speak out for the babies words. who are born and the mothers who have made the decision We will provide adequate pre-natal care, to choose life. support infant nutrition programs, aid the adoption pro- Until we see an equal emphasis on postnatal qual- cess, provide sufficient physical, occupational and speech ity of life issues, the divisive battle of our time will continue therapy for those with disabilities, support special needs to be fought in legislatures and courtrooms and not in the education, foster expanded child care programs for working hearts of scared pregnant girls and women. v mothers and support occupational and residential programs for adults with disabilities who are unable to work and live Dunn is chairman of the Howard County Republican on their own. Party. agencies and various districts (library and sewer), and 11 Misappropriations, from page 1 with the state. The message for the tiny fraction of unscrupulous which in combination misappropriated $9,785,401 between characters is that the State Board of Accounts, the two 2009 and 2012, according to the office of the Indiana At- federal District Attorneys and the 92 county prosecutors are torney General. There is $9,017,490 in original balances for watching. audit report cases still open. They are part of what is called When the State Board of Accounts in a certified the civil prosecution of public corruption that included 142 audit report finds that public money has been misappropri- cases between 2009 and 2012 during the Zoeller adminis- ated from a local government office, the audit authorizes tration. the Indiana Attorney General’s Office to attempt to collect Another 29 cases have been filed as of last week the amount in order to reimburse the public treasury. The in 2013, pushing the total to more than $10 million. There attorney general’s office does that by sending demand have been 221 audit report cases, some of which did not letters and then filing legal actions to freeze the assets of result in civil litigation to recover funds. The amount still public officials and seeking civil judgments against them to owed by defendants in currently open cases is $8.8 million, according to AG spokes- man Bryan Corbin. Indiana has some 30,000 public employees, around 10,000 elected officials and 3,000 units of government, so 221 misappropriation cases over a four-year period is, in a way, good news. A fraction of 1% have been caught. And $10 million in misappropriated funds in the context of more than $40 billion in government funds is also heartening. Of the more than 164 cases provided on a SBA spreadship provided by the Attorney General, 37 cases involved towns, 33 in school corporations, 26 in townships, 23 in cit- ies, 20 in counties, 18 in HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 4 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, June 6, 2013 require repayment.
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