UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED PAGE B16 — THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1997 AUTO FOR SALE AUTO WANTED AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE 1989 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE. 16V DOHC. Reinventing classics 1988 HONDA ACCORD Hatctibaok. O*p*& $$$WE PAY TOP D0LUR$$$ Anti-crime coalition Putting feet first 1986 CHEVY MONTECARLO,. white, blue automatic al options, new red. 87K. $3500. AUTOMOTIVE interior, 4.3V6. Good condition, great trahspor- awe: Automatic, goM, cassette,. eJr, 58k. Re- 906-273-6751. > r> >-' >^ -"• tation. $1800, negotiable: 908-686-3735. cords. Newer battery. Urns, exhaust, brakes. For Your Junk Car Cops countywide announce their Kean College in Union willhost The Union County Arts Center Bigger tamttv. S5460. 201-761-O05K 1994 PREM LSI. 5 speed, AM/FM cassotte. air •i rr r- rr. ~o •"• 1995 CHRYSLER NEON. 4-door. 5-epeed, conoWortng. 43.000 miles. Pplynestarhgreen.. 24 Hour Service.. Calk Anti-lock brakes, alr-condiUoning. AM/FM cas- - 1988 ISUZU IMPULSE S speed, new dutch, aray interior. $9500. Call Krlstina third annual hate crime forum an evening of 4 ballet premieres presents unique silent films AUTO FOR SALE sette. 5,000 miles. $9,000 or best offer power brakes, am/hn cassette, turbo.Inter- 908-687-7696 201-560-2067 ' . : ., • 1986 CADILLAC SEDAN De Vllle. Fully loaded, 201-275-0182,6pn>iopm, weekends anytime.. converter, air. 59,000. aiWng $4,500. Mr. Otto, 908-688-7420 ' will, be held in May, Page B1. on Saturday. See Page B3: See Page 6. 80,000 miles. Very Clean, as is. Must sell 201-373-5535.. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches. Cad»- 'QtlMi! 1989 CHRYSLER LfSBARON Convenfbte fully S2.000 or best offer. 908-688-5564. lacs. Chews. BMW's, Corvanes. Jeeps. loaded, alarm system, air conditioned, am-fm 1994 MAZDA IX 4-rtoor. alr-condltlon' AM/FM 4WD's. Your area. Toll free 1-«00-218-9000 BOATS """ 1986 CHEVETTE, 2 DOOR Hatchback, power. stereo cassette, excellent condition. $3,000, cassette, 56,000 miles, automatlcflrey Interior/ extension A-7019 current Bttings. CM" •"• brakes, steering,.new extras. Great work and. best offer, 908-688-6123; 908-283-5317. • grey exterior. Mint condition. $9,200. COLEMAN RBERGLASS Jon BoaL 14'/, \ town car. S5k, $595. Mornings 908-381-9564, 201-761-4371. '•-.'• SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsche*. CadB- Mkinkota. electnc motor. 2 swivel fishing seats. 908-3*0-0690. : ' • 1986 CONTINENTAL SIGNATURE lacs, Chevys. BMWs. Corvettes. Also Jeeps. 4 4 life'jackets, best offer over $325. SERIES Moonroof, 4 door, fully 1992 MAZDA MX3, power steerlno/ brakes, wheel'drives.- Your area.- Toll free 906-241-0958. • . 1993 ACURAINTEGRA-GS. 5-speed, sunroof, windows, locks. AM/FM stereo cassette. Sir, 5 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-5139 for current AM/FMcassatto. ABS, powereverythlng.Onry loaded. Excellent condition. 60,000 speed manual, alarm. 51,000 m»es. $6000. listings/directory. _^_ '> 38K miles. Mint. $12,500/ best, oiler.' miles. Black/black cherry. $4500 or MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 201-743-2706. 1992 TOYOTA PASEO, auto, air. power steer- 201-7AO-9190, leave message. best offer. Call 201-379-4768. 1991 MERCEDES 300E. Black/ silver exterior, Ing, brakes, am/Tmcasette, sunroof, new ires,. 1977 SUZUKI CLASSIC GS 550- Mint condi- 1985 AUDI TRESER. Super 5000 Turbo. 210 leather Interior,'low mDes. electric everything. 49,000. $7,900 or best offer. 908-964-3948, • tion, new paint, runs grsaL $1500*br best offer. horse power, rare edition, converted by Treser' "1987 DODGE DAYTON A., Loaded. Excellent Excellent condition. Priced to sen, $18,900. Call Jason at 201^569-4815. GMBH in Germany. 60K miles, loaded, special condition. Power everything, sun roof. $2900 or 1994 TOYOTA TERCEL DX. Uke new 2-door, 201-731-2503. Kenny. wheels, tires, spoilers, side valance panels, best offer. Call 201-736-8895. automatic, alr-conBltton, AM/FM cassette. Only 1985 KAWASAK1-700 VULCAN. Low mileage, c suspension, Jenders. lights, exhaust, never 3,400 mBes! $9,995. Can 201-258-0138.. excelem condition, Recent tunerup. Priced to . 1989 DODGE SHADOW, silver metallic, gray. 1965 MERCEDES BENZ. Classic 220S.E. 2 o registered.. Dan Jr. 201-743-7516 days or door coupe sunroof, 4 speed on floor, runs/ sell at $1800/ best offer. CaB 201-669-1647. 201-857-1557 evenings. Interior, 4 door, 4.cylinder, auto. One owner, 1988 TRANS AM GTA. 5 speed, anVTm cas- excellent condition. $2200, negotiable. looks good, $4500/ best offer. 201-657-1730. sette. 6 disc player, equalizer; amptlfler. air, AUTO SPECIAL - S24.00 lor 10 weeks prepaid. 908-686-3735. ' 30.000 miles. Garage kept. $12,500; 1985 NISSAN 300ZX Turbo. Dark blue. T-tops, TRUCKS FOR SALE "Your Best Source For Community Information" Call Classified-tor details. 800-564-8911., . 201-373-5535. ;_ DREAM MACHINES - got a picture of your car? 5-speed, 47K. good condition, loaded. $4600 or 1988 FORDF-150. MINT Condition. Stereo/ 1994 BUICK REGAL 2 door, white, all fea- Run It lor 4 weeks, only $40. Call Classified at best offer. Call 201-731-9040. 1994 VOLVO 940 TURBO Waoon. 30K. cassette, air. bedllner. chrome wheels, power' Get It in gear with tures, one owner. 28K miles, $14,900 or best 800-564-8911 for details. Excellent shape. $19,900. White/ tan leather 1993 NISSAN ALT1MA. 38K steering and brakes. Low mileage, good price!' the Auto Special ' offer. Call 908-241-2209. Interior. Can John: days. Z12-236-3285: after OUR AO-eouM i WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER" -6om. 201-378^7906. HAtiWAY, VOL./ NU iSUAT, AfnlL TWO SECTIONS - 25 CENTS .10 Weeks - 20 words 1985 BUICK RIVIERA. Good looking! Grey with $14.00 DOT week. Call for more details. Our equipped. Very Clean. $1.0,000,201-762-5295. 1979 JMC PICKUP Truck. 78.000 miles, de- grey interior, loaded. moori-roof,.cassette sie-' ; friendly classified department would be happy - tachable snow plow, ns'w battery and tires. 1992 NISSAN PATHFINDER XE, gray, 4 wheel only $24.00 prepaid reo excellent running condition, well main-' to help.you. Call 1-800-584-6911. • • •AsWnrj $1,800. 908-355-3636. One vehicle per ad 'tained. S3300. 201-736-5960.. _' drive, air, excellent condition, 90.000 miles. .. AUTO WANTED 1996 FORD F25O. Fully loaded, new Myers $11 500. 201-429-7477; Evenings, weekends, • Nb°abbreviatiohs -'." 1978 CAPRICE CLASSIC, 2-door coupe, runs plow, new easy dumper. Asking $24,000. Call. 609-466-2883. ^- ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH : No refunds well. Best offer. Call 201-381-3576. • . Chris 201-669-1202. 1987 NISSAN SENTRA,.new cfchch, new rear Incinerator burns radioactive medical waste Cars, Trucks and Vans AUTOMOBILE . Private party advertisers only. CARS FOR $100 or best offer. Seized and 1987 FORD MUSTANG. Hatchback, automa- brakes, new exhaust, air conditioning, am-fm -tic,-air:-82.000 rnfles.-S2,50Q/-bes otfei.-Can_ Spatola w.as on. site.thatday^giving_ "'Pilce"6lvBrircle IsonlyTcopy "change" -auctioned by-OEArFBIrlRS':: AH-modets.— —cassetted brTg!nal~owner.~$2;ooor~" ancfAJFTWhiif brnras" . ~ 4WD's, boats, computers and more" Your area 908^964-7886. ' . '• ' • ' ... Staff Writer . .a.tour to officials from the Republic of snowed. 9O8-499-086a . - • • CREDIT Highlights now! 1-600-451-0050 ext C198. ' Jus! |ol down your ad and mall II In with 1990 FORD TAURUS Wagon, V6'. power o A small amount of radioactive Korea who had come for ideas in cort- ' 1990 PLYViOUTH LASER. Red; sunroof, mam FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS. 95 /i. Credit Approvals. your paymonl. 1984.CHEVY CAMARO Sports Coupe. Not everything, third seat roof-rack, good condi- extras, or* owner, 82K mites, mint condition; • No Money Down material, used in medical research, structing a similar facility in one of Worrall New»p»pei« runnnlng- will sell for parts. Car in Union. Call tion, tuns wen, 99K miles, S33O0/ best offer. $5,900 or best offer. CaB 908-862-3583.. Blanket on sale 908-964-4069. \ 201-762-5625. • 1-800-953-9328 could have been burned in the Union their own residential areas. Spatola Claiilded AdTertUIng Dcpt. 1985 PONT1AC FIERO GT. Red, Mack Interior, . 93 CHRYSLER Due to popular demand, the County Utilities Authority's, incinera-. said ihat he was unaware that the 1983 CHEVY CAMARO. Excellent condition, GOVERNMENT SEIZED Cars. Pennies on the ' fully loaded, auto, sunroof. Garage kept, excel- P.O. Box 158 $1. Jaguar, Corvette, BMW, Porsche. Honda, LEBARON Rahway Public Library is reor- fully autornatic, AM—FM cassette. Runs great.. lent condition; Asking • $2450. negotiable, 908488-2929 tor in Rahway. , material was on the site at the time M«plewood, N.J. 07040 Trucks,. 4x4"s. Local sales/ directory. S795 or best offer. 201-376-6710. .908-686-3735. dering more of the Historic and was notified only after Merck Search your loca.l classllieds 1-800-669-2292: extension A-4017. \ According to Donna Norbury of. YOUR AD could appear here for as lido as Sites blanket which has sold out on the internet 1988 PONTl AC GRAND AM, 2 door, blue. New $ Merck & Co., two vials of radioactive called the facility at about'5 p.m. $14.00 pot week. Call for mere details. Our 1986 HYUNDAI EXCELGLS. Sspeed. AM/ FM FREE Information! htipJ/vYww.localsou rce.com/classtfieds/ ' transmission, exhaust and battery, 76K miles. twice since last November. The friendly classified department would be happy cassete. 110K miles. Good condition. $750.00. 6,995 iodine-125 from NEN.Life Science Norbury said that Merck normally $2500 or best Offer, 908-851-0755. third weaving of the blanket to help you. Call 1-800-564-8911.. Call 908-687-2024. CALL Products could have been thrown out stores its used iodine-125 in a radioac- •93V-WPASSAT will be in cream;and navy blue.
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