US 20200078401A1 IN ( 19 ) United States (12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No .: US 2020/0078401 A1 VIJAYANAND et al. (43 ) Pub . Date : Mar. 12 , 2020 (54 ) COMPOSITIONS FOR CANCER (52 ) U.S. CI. TREATMENT AND METHODS AND USES CPC A61K 35/17 ( 2013.01) ; A61K 45/06 FOR CANCER TREATMENT AND ( 2013.01 ) ; C120 1/6886 ( 2013.01 ) ; A61P PROGNOSIS 35/00 (2018.01 ) ( 71 ) Applicants : La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology , La Jolla , CA (US ) ; UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON , (57 ) ABSTRACT Hampshire (GB ) (72 ) Inventors : Pandurangan VIJAYANAND , La Jolla , CA (US ) ; Christian Global transcriptional profiling of CTLs in tumors and OTTENSMEIER , Hampshire (GB ) ; adjacent non -tumor tissue from treatment- naive patients Anusha PreethiGANESAN , La Jolla , with early stage lung cancer revealed molecular features CA (US ) ; James CLARKE , Hampshire associated with robustness of anti - tumor immune responses . (GB ) ; Tilman SANCHEZ - ELSNER , Major differences in the transcriptional program of tumor Hampshire (GB ) infiltrating CTLswere observed that are shared across tumor subtypes . Pathway analysis revealed enrichment of genes in ( 21 ) Appl. No .: 16 / 465,983 cell cycle , T cell receptor ( TCR ) activation and co -stimula tion pathways , indicating tumor- driven expansion of pre ( 22 ) PCT Filed : Dec. 7 , 2017 sumed tumor antigen - specific CTLs. Marked heterogeneity in the expression ofmolecules associated with TCR activa ( 86 ) PCT No .: PCT /US2017 / 065197 tion and immune checkpoints such as 4-1BB , PD1, TIM3, $ 371 ( c ) ( 1 ) , was also observed and their expression was positively ( 2 ) Date : May 31 , 2019 correlated with the density of tumor- infiltrating CTLs. Tran scripts linked to tissue- resident memory cells ( TRM ), such Related U.S. Application Data as CD 103 , were enriched in tumors containing a high (60 ) Provisional application No.62 / 431,265 , filed on Dec. density of CTLs, and CTLS from CD 103 high tumors dis 7 , 2016 , provisional application No. 62 /522,048 , filed played features of enhanced cytotoxicity , implying better anti- tumor activity . In an independent cohort of 689 lung on Jun . 19 , 2017 . cancer patients , patients with CD103 high (TRM rich ) tumors Publication Classification survived significantly longer. In summary , the molecular ( 51 ) Int . Cl. fingerprint of tumor- infiltrating CTLs at the site of primary A61K 35/17 ( 2006.01 ) tumor was defined and a number of novel targets identified A61P 35/00 ( 2006.01) that appear to be important in modulating the magnitude and C12Q 1/6886 ( 2006.01 ) specificity of anti -tumor immune responses in lung cancer . Exhaustion signature (up genes ) Exhaustion signature ( down genes ) Lung cancer T cell signature (up genes ) Anergy signature (up genes ) Senescence signature (up genes ) 0 4 P0.04 0.2 P = 0.02 P = 0.02 0.4 P0.38 P = 018 q = 0.11 0.5 0.2 0 = 0.11 q = 0.03 q = 0 : 23 RES 0 . RES -0.2 RES -0.4 -0.4 1 10 10 Metric Metric Metric Metric 10 Metric -10 5 5 20 " 10 5 20 Variable index (x1000 ) Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 1 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 P0.18 0.23q= 20 Senescencesignature(upgenes) 15 10 6 0.4 RES -0.4Ò Metric -10 20 P-0.38 0.38=q 15 10 5 0.4 RES -0.4 Metric-10 20" P=0.02 0.03=q Exhaustionsignature(downgenes)LungcancerTcellsignatureupgenesAnergysignature(genes) 15' 10' Fig.1 5 0.5 RES -0.5 Metric-10 P.0.02 0.11=q ------------ 20" 15" 10' 5 ha 0.2 -0.2 0.4 10 RES Metric P=0.04 0.11=Q Exhaustionsignature(upgenes) 10*15520 Variableindex(x1000) 10 0.4 0.2 .-10 -0.2 Metric Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 -Log (Pvalue ) 2.5 7.5 5.0 -Log(Pvalue) 52 Upregulated Downregulated 70 47 lymphocytesinsignaling CD27 187 signalingINOS 87 junctionneuromuscular atinteractions Agrin 14 activationvirusesincell activation stellate NFB& fibrosis Hepatic 25225315 synthesisnovo de ATMP 40 RAsignalingincells cytokineendothelial IL6 in&kinases fibroblasts JAK ,Macrophages 247 38 signalingfactormetastasis activating cancer cellColorectal B 55 72 compoundssignalingmediated phosphate APRIL inositol ot pathway Super controlcycle cell in proteins CHK of Role 154117197 Signalingdifferentiationp53 Thelper 2A.Fig 27402 metabolismphosphate myoinositol -D signalingsynthesisAphosphoinositidekinase Protein -3 135 153 replication)chromosoma ofcontrol cycle Cell synthesistetrakisphosphate )3,4,5,8 (myoinositol -D 88 synthesisdegradationtetrakisphosphate phosphoinositide )1,4,5,8-3 (myoinositol -D 66 lymphocytesinsignaling 4-1BB RAinsignaling cell B& T Altered 78 KinaseLike -Polo of roles Mitotic 144238 HBCSregulationresponse checkpointdamage DNA damage inBRCA1 DNA of MRole/G2 : cycle Cell 59 RAinosteoclast ,Osteoblast 100 signalingATM Percent Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 JUNJUN 2kb Chr1 20.5 20.51 14 12 Polo-LikeKinase(9) ATMsignaling(13) 49.6kb Mitoticrolesof 4 P53signaling(9) Chr12 81 INFRSF9CD2 10.8, 10.8 12 10 ... www 7,3kb regulation(8) Chr114-1BB) cycle:G2/MDNACell damagecheckpoint FIG.2B 4.6 12 9 FIG.2C 68kb response10)( CCNB1 Chr5 0.6 3 RoleofBRCA1in 0.6 control(6) cancersignaling(14) DNAdamage RoleofCHKproteinsIncellcyclecheckpoint 4 Hereditarybreast PLK1 wwwwwwwww 7.3kb Chr16 0.4 0.47 ) RPKM ( ) normalized( Expression RNA Expression Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 NSOLOTIL Ligand Transmembrane receptor Transporter EnzymeTranscriptiora Mregulator Kinase Complex Upregulated TRAF5 Y V00271 CD27 ATRAF2 MEKK 45.3 SNIK InducedCell Death TRAF2 OIKK NFB TILLungN- psa FIG.2E 4-1BBL 4-1BB JASK1 MAPK INK Cytotoxicity FIG.2D TRAFI MEK1/2 oo ERKTA2UNK ASIAN extracellular space Cytoplasm CORNER Nucleus Proliferation PBMC 010 .. Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 left()UNTIL TILONcenter() Tilhigh(right) N-TL TILDW TILNgh TIGIT 7.3kb Chr3 11,7 11,7 117 13 12 11 10 LungTIL.N- NSCLCTIL 2.6kb LAG3Chr12 REG 901 9.1 9.1 13 12 11 (TIM3)HAVCR2 10.2kb Fig.3 2FFig. Chr5 5 Frequentclonotypes ???????? 11.7kb (4-1BB) ?????????????? TNFASFOOhi 62 62 62 12 10 8 clonotypes of Number PDCD1 3.9kb Chr2 ) RPKM( ) normalized( Expression RNA Expression Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 6 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 highTIL N-TIL TLbW STK38 23.5kb Chr6 8 2.2 2.2 2.2 11 10 KLF2 1.1kb honde 9 Chr19 17,3 13 TILhigh(right) S1PA1 2.0kb Chr1 4AFig. 13.7 13.7 14 10 N-TILleft()ATILIWcenter) CXOR 2.1Kb Chr3 4 23.7 23.7 23.7 13 12 10 ITCAE onhimpunan ..... 37.2kb Chr17 8 6.6 6.6 12 ) RPKM( )normalized ( Expression ANA Expression Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 7 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 31.5 26:3 28 OD103 NSCLCTIL 49.6 1.6 65.8 1.5 66 43.5 5.9 PD1 LungTILN- FIG.4B 1.3 918 1.2 FIG.40 0.7 44.8 0.05 0:1 CD8a PBM 54.2 1.35 97.2 CD103 0.8 97.7 CD103 CD103 CD8 PD1 4-1BB TILlowNSCLC NSCLChighTIL Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 8 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 SA 31.3 P<0.001 0.005=q 1520 Variableindex(x1000) CD49a TRM(downgenes) 5 CD69 COR7 31.7 0 0.2 -0.2 10 RES Metric SEN FIG.4D FIG.4E 1612 CD49a 12900 0.56P= 0.55q= 31.1 2.2 286 TAM(upgenes) 1551020 Variableindex(x1000) 28.6 CD103 CD69 KLRG1 CD103 nown 0.4 0.2 0.2 -0.4 -10 RES Metric Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 9 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 CD103low(center) CD103high(right) N-TIL(left) TILN- CD10310 CD103high Upregulated(all) 4.8kb Chir17BIRC5 BROW 73.7 Cytokine Enzyme TranscriptionalRegulator Phosphatase Peptidase Other 1.1 1.1 1.1 10 NSOLCIIL kb8.5 GBP4 GBP5 OUT 0.2 421.4 GBP2 Chr15CCNB2 GBP1 COWOTCH1 80453* 1.1 10 0.2 2016 ... 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Chr1 1.2 1.2 10 12.2 192.6 STATZCO STATU SEC11A RARRES K167 CD103 18.5kb 18 ACC Chr14.DLGAPS 0.8 0.8 ) RPKM( ) normalized( Expression Expression Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 10 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 P0.036= CDShightumors CD103high 200030004000 LCD1036 Days FIG.5G CD103low(center) CD103high(right) 1000 IN-TIL(left) 80 40 20 0 332 100 30.7 46.3 206 survival Percent IFNG SC 14 A Granzyme P=0.043 4000 ) normalized( .IFNY Expression IFNG 396 224 20.4 CD103high CD103low 3000 2000 Days FIG.5F GZMA FIG.5D FIG.5C 13.9 22.6 9.8 S 1000 B Granzyme 103CD ) nomalized( Expression GZMA 100 80. 60 40 20 CD103low CD103high survival Percent CD8*TILS GZMB 33.8 Perforin CD103 P=0.086 4000 ) nomalized( GZMB of MFI Expression GZMB highCD CD8low 3000 2000 Days FIG.5E 1000 100 80 60 40 20 survival Percent Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 11 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 CD103center() high(right)CD103 N-TIL(left) CD8+CD103TILS-left() CDB+CD103*Tiloright() RBPJ 15 - URC TUUT + CD39 of % 12 . NABI P2RX7 100 + CD38 of % 12 6 N BATF SIRPG FIG.6A 29.01 FIG.6B 8 CD39 29,9 10,5 7.5. KIR2DL4 CD39 2 CD38 ) namalized( expression 5.5. 0.5. CD38 ) Expressionnormalized( 59.8 35.2 KIA2DL4 CD103 Patent Application Publication Mar. 12 , 2020 Sheet 12 of 17 US 2020/0078401 A1 S100A10 6X3071 w S1PRI Reducedcellmovement G-proteincoupledreceptor Peptidase Downregulated Cytokine Other FIG.7A CAST TIMP7 0 TNF Patent Application Publication Mar.
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