i. 3- &u7~cll.~ PW /45 $i d3 ~ZTd ww - ii. ~ZF~IWX?~&~~~FITJZI~W~~ZEIT~GT&F~~ iii. iv. 5 AIW 3 w d3 \~i~l+iislq~& sW. 00 Union Bank of lndia Human Resources Department Industrial Relations Division Central Office Union Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Staff Circular No.6240 Date: 5th September, 201 5 To :All Branches 1 Offices Sub : Payment of House Rent Allowance (HRA) and City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) to................................................... employees per Census 201 1. I. Indian Banks' Association have advised payment of HRA and CCA to employees in Banks, who are parties to the Bipartite Settlement, on the basis of classification of areas depending upon the population of the Centres. The official figures as per the All lndia Census 201 1, has since been published by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. 2. In terms of the Official Census 2011 figures, 37 places have been upgraded from a lower area to a higher area. A detailed list of such places is given in Annexure - I. Employees working in branches 1 offices in such Centres which are upgraded as per Census 201 1 are eligible to be paid higher rate of HRA I CCA w.e.f. 01.03.201 1. 3. Annexure-ll contains the list of places falling ~lnderthe following categor-ies:- a) Major "A' Class Cities 1 places with population of more than 45 lakhs. b) Places with population of over 12 lakhs and be!ow 45 lakhs. c) Places with population of over 5 lakhs and below 12 lakhs d) Places with population below 5 lakhs. 4. In respect of Centres which are downgraded as per Census 201 1, lower HRA I lower CCA will have to be paid from 01.03.201 1. 5. Necessary adjustments for payment of higher HRA I higher CCA and recovery in respect of lower HRA I lower CCA will have to be made w.e.f. 01.03.201 1. All the Branches I Offices are advised to confirm l~avingpaid I reco HRA 1 CCA payable to employees on the basis of All lndia Censure 2011 t respective Regional Offices. Prlansl2015lCircularlHRC CCA as per Census 2011 Abbreviations: BBMP Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike GVMC Greater Vishakhapatnam Municipal Corporation C.B. Cantonment BoardICantonment C.M.C. City Iblunicipal Council E.O. Estate Office G.P. Gram Panchayat I.N.A. Industrial Notified Area I.T.S. Industrial Township lbl . Municipslity 1bl.B. Mur~icipalBoard M.C. Municipal Committee M.CI. Municipal Council M.Corp. Municipal Corporation/Corporation N .A. Notified Area N.A.C. Notified Area Committee1 Notified Area Council N.P. Nagar Panchayat N.T. Notified Town N .T.A. Notified Town Area S.T.C. Small town Committee T.C. Town CommitteelTown Area Committee T.M.C. Town Municipal Council T. P. Town Panchayat T.S. Township C.T. Census Town U.A. Urban Agglomeration O.G. Out Growth ANNEXURE l RE-CLASSIFIED AREAS I PLACES WITH POPULATION ABOVE 45 LAKHS STATElUNlON TERRITORY CITY I CLASS I POPULATION GUJARAT I ~urat I LIA 45.91 246 MAHARASHTRA 1 ~une UA 50,57,709 MADHYA PRADESH Jabalpur UA 12,68,848 MAHARASHTRA Nashik UA 15,61,809 Vasai-Virar City M.Corp. 12,22,390 UTTAR PRADESH Meerut UA 14,20,902 Allahabad UA 12,12,395 Ghaziabad UA 23,75,820 WEST BENGAL Asansol UA 12,43,414 ANNEXURE ll(1) I LIST OF PLACES HAVING POPULATION OF MORE THAN 45 LAKHS STATE/UNION TERRITORY CITY CLASS POPULATION Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad UA 76,77,018-- (a) GHMC - .-. -. .- (i) GHMC M Corp . OG (ii) Tellapur -- (iii) Bandlaguda OG (ii) Gagilapur OG (v) Dommara Pochampalle OG -. (vi) Bahadurpalle -OG .- (vii) Borampet , OG --. __ OG --- (viii) Mallampet - (ix) Nizampet 0 G -- -- -- - -- -- OG -- -- (x) Dulapalle -- -- _ _ _ OG -(xi) Singaipalle -. -- -- -- -- - - .- - - .- - - - - (XI~)Ahmadguda -PA - - -_ (xiii) Rampalle OG --. --- - -- -- - -- (xiv) Chengicherla - --- . -- - - - - -- I, -- .. --- - - (xv) Narepalle OG - -- - -- - -- -- (xvl) Miyapur OG - (xvii) Parvathapur -- OG - - -- --- -- (xviii) Maktha Bibi Sahebguda -- --- - - -- - - -- - Hathiguda OG -- (XIX) - - -- (xx) Tattiannaram OG - - -- -- - (xxi) Tatti Khana -OG - -- (xxii) Kalvancha OG 3 (xxi~~)Manneguda OG - - - - -- - - - -- - (XXIV)Toroor (Faroor) - _ --- -- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- OG - - - - (xxv) Munganoor --- - - - - xxvi) Pedda Amberpet (Kalan) OG xxvil) lnjapur - - - -- (xxvili) Kuntloor -- - -- - --- (xx~x)Medibowl~ - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - (xxx) Almasguda - - --- -. OG tI OG xxxr) Dawoodkhanguda - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- (xxxil) Chlntalakunta OG 0 S - - - - - - (xxxii~)Renukapur -.-- - -- -- - -- - --- (xxxlv) Jalpalle -- - - -- - - -- -- (xxxv) Mamidlpalle OG - --- -- - - - -- - -- (xxxv~)Kurmalguda --- -. - - -- -- - -- - - --- (xxxvii) Nadargul --- OG (xxxvill) Balapur (OG - -- - -OG - -- - -- OG - - -- -- - (xxxix) Venkatapur - OG (xxxx) Mallapur -- -- - -- (xxxxl) Hydershakot - - OG (xxxxll) Allzapur 0 G - - - -- p----p------- (xxxxill) Neknampur 0 G --- -- -- -- - -- --- --- (xxxxiv) Kokapet 0 G .-- -. -.- -- - ---- - -- 0 G (xxxxv) Manlkonda (Jagir) --_- - - -- - _ _ - - _ _ -- (xxxxvl) Manikonda (Khalsa) (UI) -- --0 G (vxxxxvii) Puppalguda _-- -_ ----OG - OG - - (xxxxvli~)Shahjadi Begum (UI) (XXXXIX)Satem Ral -.0 G ,' ,' 12' - -- .- --- - ,/ (xxxxx) Pashambanda 0. G- - \L - *.,3" - --- - (b) Secunderabad - ---- - . - -- (4 pi'p CB - -2- (c) Chitkul CT - - -- - - - -. - - -- -- -- --- -- --- (d) lsnapur CT Page 1 of 10 STATE/UNION TERRITORY CITY I CLASS I POPULATION (e) Muthangi - - - (f) Ammenapur CTcT t (g) Ramachandrapuram (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) CT (h) Osmania University CT (i) Dundigal CT (j) Bachupalle CT (k) Kompalle CT (I) Jawaharnagar CT Nagaram -- - - - .- -- (n) Boduppal (o ) Medipalle CT ........... -- .. (p) Peerzadguda CT ... .. ..... (q) Turkayamjal CT ~ (r) Jillalguda CT .... - -. .. (s) Meerpet - -- CT -- -- (t) Badangpet .- .- (u) Kothapet - -- - - (v) Narsingi CT - --- (w) Bandlaguda (Jagir) Z-l-CT -- -- (x) Kismatpur CT - (y) Shamshabad CT 7Gujarat Surat UA - --45,91,246 (a) Surat (i) Surat (ii) Kavas -- (iii) Bhatpor -- -- - -- -- -- - I- OG I I (iv) Bhatha - -- -- .- -. -- --- -- - - - -.- . .- - - (v) Talangpor .-- .. --. .......... -............. -- .- - ..-- -- . (vi) Pali J (b) lchchhapor -... -- (c) Sachin (d) Sachin INA ......... .... (e) Hajira INA .- (f) Magdalla INA ~--- - .. (g) Limla -- -. -. .- - - - - - -- - - (h) Kanakpur - Kansad - - -- - -- .... --(i) Pardi Kande - ..... I Ahmadabad I UA 1 63.57,6931 (a) Ahmadabad --- 1- -. -- ....... ....... (i) Ahmadabad --- M.Corp (ii) Kathwada -- .. .... OG.- ---- .- it (iii) Enasan 0 G -- .. - ....... (iv) Bilasiya . ... .. (v) Kanbha (vi) Kujad .... -- . ....-. (vii) Ghuma .- -- -. -- .-- (b) Ahmadabad Cantonment -- -. -- (c) BOD^ (d) Singarva ~~ ~ ~ (e) Sanand . -- - - - -- -- .-- - -- . .- --- - - li) Sanand .-.~ (~i)Sanand (Rural) (Gibpura) 0 G -- - - - (iii) Telav - I::.. (IV) ~anathaj--- - - (v) Shela ....... - ...... -- - -- - -- -- - (VI) Kaneti -. -- - - - -- - - - - --- (vii) Manipur ~ - - - - - . - .- - - - - - - -- - - - .- - -- t (VIII) Nldhrad OG Page 2 of 10 STATE/UNION TERRITORY CITY CLASS POPULATION (ix) Godhavi OG (x) Navapura OG (xi) Changodar OG (xii) Moraiya OG -- I fxiii) Matoda I OG I -- -. (xiv) Sari (xv) Vasna Chacharavadi -- -- - .. ff) Bavla ................... ... ----.---pp-p I (iii) Rasam ............ 1 (g) Ku:ql - . ~--- . - - . .-. .- - -- -- -. -- -- -- - ~ (i) Kalol I M I lii) Dhanot I OG 1 (i) Chhatral INA l IVA (j) Chhatral CT (k) Kalol INA INA (I) Arsodiya CT .. ... (m) Gandhinagar -.........-.............-...... .........-.--........ ... (i) Gandhinagar NA O NA .. .. ..... ..... ....-....... (ii) Kolavada OG . ~ (iii) Shertha OG -. -- - ~.. ~ ---p-----p-- ~ -~--~ -.- ~ , (iv) Unvarsad OG ... ... -- -- -. -- ..... - -- .....-.... - . -- (v) Vasana Hadmatia OG ................... -- ....-.... ..... ... (vi) Tarapur 0 G ............................. -.-...-----p.pp-----p .. (vii) Jamiyatpur .. ............. (viii) Sargasan .. ....- OG .. ..-....... ........-.... ...... ....... (ix) Randesan OG .......... .......... - .. .. (x) Kudasan OG I.-.~- ~ (xi) Por OG -- .- ~ -. -- -- - - (xii) Ambapur OG .... -- ........- -- (xiii) Koba --- .- -- OG -- (xiv) Raysan OG . .... - ...- (xv) Karai OG ........ .- -.----p - -- - -. .- - -. (xvi) Nabhoi .. ..... 0 G ....... (xvii) Sughad 0 G ................. .........--............ ...... ....... ~ ~- - ........................... , (xviii) Amiyapur OG . - ~ .. (xix) Zundal ~ ~- ~~ - ~- .-~ ~ -~~ ~. - OG ~ .~ ~ -~ (xx) Koteshwar OG -. ............ .-. ~ ~- .- (xxi) Ranasan ........................ ----r ... --.....-p-..-------. .................... (xxii) Raipur OG ~ ~~~~--- . ............ ...................... -- - CT ~- -~ .~ ............. -....... ................................. M -- - ~ ~~ ~- ~ . .. .. ................. CT ............ ... -- .-.... ............ ...........-..-. CT -.................. .. .. ............ .. ..........- CT ...................... .. CT Karnataka Bruhat Bangalore -- UA 85,20,435-- (a) BBMP M Corp ... - ... -~ -. ... .. ~- .... , ' .. ................... .-................ OG.. (iii) Totadaguddadahalli OG ...... .... OG - ... .... ........ OG -~ ....... -~ -- (vi) Ramasandra OG Page 3 of 10 STATE/UNION TERRITORY CITY CLASS POPULATION (vii) Doddathoguru -. -- OG -.. (viii) Doddagubbi 0G .-- ._ (ix) Chikkagubbi OG -- - .--. - . .- (x) Kannur . OG (xi) Suggatta OG --- --. -- (xii) Vaderapura OG -- .- -- .- (b) Hunsamaranahalli CT - (c) Chikkabidarakallu CT Maharashtra Greater Mumbal UA ---1,83,94,912 (a) Greater Mumbai M Corp -. ..-. .. .- .. (b) Mira Bhayandar M Corp -. - .-. Vl Corp (c) Thane -- -M Corp -.. M Gorp
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