UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Served: September 12,2007 NOTICE By this Notice, we invite U.S. carriers to file exemption applications for new U.S.-Mexico combination and all- cargo air transportation services as set forth below. Under the amended U.S.-Mexico aviation agreement, additional designation opportunities become available to both combination and all-cargo carriers for direct carrier (own-aircraft) services between points in the United States and Guadalajara and points in the United States and Monterrey. 'These new opportunities are available as of October 26. 2007.' For Combination service, the United States may designate up to a total of three (instead of two) U.S. carriers to provide direct-carrier scheduled combination air transportation between (1 ) any U.S. point and Guadalajara and (2) any U.S. point and Monterrey. Similarly, for all-cargo service, the United States may designate up to a total of three (instead of two) U.S. carriers to provide direct carrier scheduled all-cargo air transportation between (1) any U.S. point and Guadalajara and (2) any U.S. point and Monterrey. The attached Appendix A reflects those U.S. carriers that are currently designated and providing scheduled combination and all-cargo services between US. points and Monterrey and Guadalajara, respectively, and indicates the number of designation opportunities that will be available as of October 26, 2007.2 Between all other U.S. points and Monterrey and Guadalajara, respectively, three designation opportunities will be available as of October 26. ' On December 12, 2005, certain opportunities became available under the United States and Mexico aviation agreement, providing for the expansion of both combination and all-cargo air transportation services between the two countries. For detailed information about the agreement, see the Department's Notice dated October 5, 2005, describing the then-ud referendim agreement, and inviting applications for the soon-to-be-available opportunities at: ~:lldmses.dot.~ovidoci1iia~eslpd~~~~.~47701 web.pdf . In that Notice we stated, among other things, that additional opportunities would become available in October 2007. 2 We note here that U.S. carriers holding U.S.-Mexico route authority are required to file dormancy notices when a route becomes dormant. The list we have provided in Appendix A reflects carriers that are currently designated and, based on our U.S.-Mcxico licensing records and dormancy notices filed by the carriers, are presumed to be operating direct-carrier service 011 the listed U.S.-Monterrey and U.S.-Guadalajara routes. 2 SuDplements/Apdications By this Notice we are soliciting applications for the subject authority.’ Applications should conform to Part 302, Subpart C, of our regulations (I 4 CFR Part 302), and include, at a minimum (for each city-pair market where service is proposed), the following information: the city-pair market(s) to be served; the proposed start-up date(s); the type of service proposed (year-round or seasonal); the number of weekly flights proposed; and the type of aircraft to be used, its capacity, and the availability of that aircraft. With respect to applications involving Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, applicants should also specify the airport to be served. Applicants are free to submit any additional information that they believe will help us in awarding the subject authority. Applications should be filed no later than seven business days from the service date of this notice, and should be served on all U.S. carriers listed in Appendix B. All pleadings should be filed with the Department of Transportation (Room PL-40 I), 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, D.C., 20590,4 We will serve this notice by electronic mail on all parties listed in Appendix B, and hereby authorize service of documents by facsimile and by electronic mail. By: PAUL L. GRETCH Director, Office of International Aviation (SEAL) Dated: September 12,2007 An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: http /&ns do/ gov, ,Ieportr reports awcrtiontrcp Consistent with our standard US.-Mexico licensing procedures, we will only consider applications where firm plans are presented for the requested authority. Filers are encouraged to use the electronic submission capability available through the Dockets DMS Internet by following the instructions on the web site: http:ildms.dot.pov. In the alternative, all filings should be on 8-1/2” X 1 I” white paper using dark ink (not green), and be unbound without tabs, which will expedite use of our docket imaging system. APPENDIX A Page 1 of 2 U.S. Carriers Designated for Direct-Carrier Air Transportation U.S. and Monterrey Routc Designation(s) Carriers Currently Designated Available 10107 Atlanta-Monterrey I 2 Atlantic Southeast Airlines DallasRt. Worth-Monterrev I 1 American and American Eagle I Houston-Monterrey 1 Continental and ExpressJet Route Designation(s) Carriers Currently Designated Available APPENDIX A Page 2 of 2 U.S. Carriers Designated for Direct-Carrier Air Transportation U.S. and Guadalajara Combination Service Route Designation(s) Carriers Currently Designated Available 10/07 Atlanta-Guadalajara 1 Atlantic Southeast and Delta Chicago-Guadalajara 2 ATA DallasiFt. Worth-Guadalajara 1 American and American Eagle Denver-Guadalajara 2 Frontier I Iouston-Guadalajara 1 Continental and ExpressJet Los Angeles-Guadalgjara 1 Alaska and Delta Phoenix-Guadalajara 2 Mesa Salt Lake City-Guadalajara 1 Delta and Skywest All-Cargo Service Route Designation(s) Carriers Currently Designated Available 10/07 Austi n-G uadalaj ara 2 Astar Boston-Guadalajara 2 Centurion Cincinnati-Guadalajara 2 Amerijet Ft. Wayne-Guadalajara 2 Kitty Hawk l~arlingen-Guadalajara 2 Federal Express Houston-Guadalajara 1 Astar and Florida West Huntsville-Guadalajara 2 Centurion Los Angeles-Guadalajara 1 Centurion and UPS Louisvi I le-Guadalajara 2 UPS Memphis-Guadalajara 2 Federal Express Miami-Guadalajara 1 Amerijet and Centurion San Antonio-Guadalajara 2 UPS Toledo-Guadalajara 2 Capital Cargo W ilmington-Guadalajara 2 Astar APPENDIX B Page 1 of 2 John L. Richardson Steve Alterman Counsel for Amerijet International Counsel for Northern Air Cargo and jrichardson~iohiiIricliardson.eoni Horizon Air cargoair@,aol.com Russell E. Ponimer Bruce Keiner Counsel for Atlas Air Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc., rpominer~~atlasair.com and Southern Air, Inc. I.bkeiner~cro~Yell.eoin Stcphen t I. Lachter Counsel for Astar Air Cargo and Alexander Van de Bellen Reno Air Counsel for Northwest Airlines lachterk3crols. coin [email protected] Jonathan Blank William Evans Counsel for Capital Cargo I? ill.evans~~piperrudnick.coi~ iblank~prestoiijiates.coiii- Joanne W. Young Lorraine Halloway Counsel for Centurion Air Cargo and Counsel for Express.net Airlines A mer i ca West Iliallo\[email protected] j you n g@y k 1aw .coin Nancy Sparks Marshall Sinick Counsel for Fedcral Express Counsel for Florida West International, nssparlis~~)fede?c.coin Aloha, and Alaska Airlines m s i n i eke9 s sd .co ni Moffet Roller Mark Atwood Counsel for Gemini Air Cargo Counsel for Kalitta Air, LLC, Custom mroller@,rollerbauer.corn Air, Skybus, and Transcontinental matwood~,sherblacl~~~ell.com Kevin P. Montgomery Counsel for Polar Air Cargo Pierre Murphy Kevin [email protected] Counsel for USA 3000, Tradewinds, and Lynden Air Cargo [email protected] David L. Vaughn Counsel for United Parcel Service David Kirstein d vau g han f$ ke I I eydrye. coin Counsel for World and N. American d k i rs te i n@ yk I aw .coin Robert Si lverberg Counsel for Kitty Hawk Aircargo, ABX Howard Kass and Evergreen Counsel for US Airways rsilverbergiij),,sgbdc.com I4oward Kass~,iisairways.coiii APPENDIX Page 2 of 2 Nat Breed Robert E. Cohn Counsel for Caribbean Sun Counsel for Delta, Midway, and npbreedi~zsrlaw.com- Atlantic Southeast recohnGjhhIaw.com Joanne Young Jonathan Moss Counsel for Spirit Airlines Counsel for United and Polar you ii g i($yk law .corn [email protected] Glenn Wicks Carl Nelson Counsel for GoJet Counsel for American Airlines and gpwicksC3wicks-group.com American Eagle Car 1. ne 1son @,aa .com Edward Faberman William Kutze Counsel for Frontier Airlines, Ryan Counsel for MaxJet International, Air Carrier Assoc., [email protected] and AirTran efabermanGWi1evrein.com James Tello Counsel for Miami Air janiestello@,earthlink.net- Brian Hunt Counsel for ATA Cecilia Bethke Brian.hunt@i flvata.com Managing Director, Air Transport Association Ken Redetzke cbethke@,airlines.org Counsel for Champion Air Ken.redet~kc(a?championair.com Aaron Goerlich Counsel for Sunworld Josh Romanow alroerlic1i~ggh-airlaw.com Counsel for Planet Airways romanow(8pillsburywinthrop.com Russell Pomnier Jonathan Hill Counsel for Atlas and Polar Counsel for Hawaiian Airlines and JetBlue rpoiiimer@at lasair.com j h i 11 (idow I ohne s .coni John Fredericksen Brian Gillman Counsel for Sun Country Counsel for Mesa Air Group Jolin.frederickseniiL?suncountry.coiii Brian .Ei I 1man (ld ni esa-a i r .coni Gary Garofalo Ronald Priddy Counsel for Air Transport Int’l National Air Carrier Association g garo fa Io @ gg h - a i r I aw .c o ni rpriddy(r?>naca.comI .
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