California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 10-3-2011 October 3rd 2011 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "October 3rd 2011" (2011). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 63. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/63 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. XLVI, No. 2 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE Monday, October 3, 2011 OFCoyote CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO FOR 44 YEARS Chronicle coyotechronicle.comcoyotechronicle.com Robert Whitehead | Special to the Chronicle Above, President Dr. Albert K. Karnig gave his annual Convocation speech while also announcing his retirement after 15 years of service at CSU San Bernardino. He is scheduled to retire in June of 2012. His replacement hasn’t been selected yet. Beloved President to retire this June By LENA TORRES dergoing the transition. Some of the milestones of Karnig’s some of which include the “El Sol Az- Staff Writer When asked what his plans after for tenure include: expanding student hous- teca Award” from La Prensa (2001), the after retirement were, Karnig said he still ing, decentralizing the budget, raising over “Keeper of the Light Award” from the CSUSB President Dr. Albert K. has nine months to decide. However, he $40 million towards building the non-state CSUSB Black Faculty and Staff (2002), Karnig announced on Sept. 19 that he will does plan to travel with his wife Marilyn, funded campus in Palm Desert, as well the NAACP’s “Pioneer Award” (2003), retire June 2012, ending a 15-year stint as visit his grandchildren and focus on his as expanding the campus by 1.5 million the Diocese of San Bernardino’s “Vision head of the CSUSB campus. writing. square feet with the development of new of Hope Award” (2003) and most recently, The position is a 24/7 job and Karnig Karnig began his career as president facilities such as the Student Recreation “Outstanding Educator Award” from the feels it’s time to put his focuses elsewhere. of CSUSB in 1997. He is only the third and Fitness Center and the university’s Inland Empire Chapter of the American “It’s a good time in a sense to retire,” president in the history of the campus. own observatory, which is currently under Society for Public Administration (2011). said Karnig. Throughout his time here he has made construction. Karnig emphasizes fi nding ways to Karnig mentioned the campus has many signifi cant contributions to the cam- Since his arrival at CSUSB, Karnig reach back to the K-12 students to help en- strong leaders and is fully capable of un- pus. has been recognized with many awards, Continued on pg. 3 No more fee increases Smoking put in the corner By MONICA GALLEGOS By STEPHANIE PANIAGUA new No Smoking On-campus policy since Staff Writer Staff Writer his arrival. “The policy was actually signed last The CSU Chancellor has decided not The CSU is still strong in enrollment Not only can smoking cost you your year by President Dr. Albert Karnig, but it to increase tuition again for the 2011/2012 and was not a reason for the Chancellor’s life, it may also cost you money out of your Continued on pg. 4 year, despite an upcoming mid-year budget decision, but the mission is to be afford- pocket if you are caught smoking on cam- cut. able and convenient for students. CSU’s pus outside of newly defi ned areas desig- Chancellor Charles Reed announced are still incredibly cheaper in comparison nated for smoking. that even with expected $100 million cut to the nation, and large enrollment is the It is possible that in the future CSUSB in the budget, tuition for all CSU’s will not result. may impose a fi ne that would be more ex- increase to make up the costs. There already has been $650 million pensive than a parking violation. “Increasing tuition is the last resort, cut from the CSU system and even with “A parking violation won’t kill you,” we don’t want to increase and it is not the the rise in fees and tuition, only $250 mil- said Carlos Carrio, Health Educator and way we want to go with this $100 million lion was made up in the loss because of Wellness Coordinator for the Student cut,” said Erik Fallis, Public Affairs for tuition increases. The remaining loss was Health Center at CSUSB. Chancellor Reed’s offi ce. cut from the Chancellor’s offi ce as well as He went on to speculate that the smok- “Chancellor Reed expects the $100 other programs. ing fi ne will be around $75. million (cut) to hit programs rather than the With the next $100 million cut ex- Carrio has been working at CSUSB Stephanie Paniagua | Chronicle Photo students,” said Fallis. Continued on pg. 3 since 2007 and has been trying to enact the Designated smoking areas may be found on school maps. Bowling Night strikes CSUSB Catch all these stories and much more online at Accused CSUSB See Page 7 PLURR raving, coyotechronicle.com kinesiology a perspective Uberyummy hits CSUSB’s palate Scan this code with your mobile prof makes See Page 10 from inside the device to visit our site. Download headlines lights & sound the free app Scan Lite for the iPhone, See Page 3 Android & Blackberry to get reading. Competing Coyotes update theirSee look Page 13 See Page 5 Chronicle Page 2 News Monday, October 3, 2011 Karnig gives annual Convocation By KARA DEMENT the CSU system agreed on a 12 percent fee Staff Writer increase for tuition this fall quarter and it will only go up from there to make up for CSUSB President, Dr. Albert K. money lost. Basically, we’re paying more Karnig led the annual Convocation Cere- money to make up for what the state has mony, an annual campus wide address, this taken away from us. past Sept. 19, 2011. “Students at CSUSB are actually pay- Budget cuts and rise in tuition were ing 56 percent of the direct cost of their amongst the numerous topics the President education,” said Karnig, relating to the of CSUSB announced at the Convocation pressing budget cuts issue. Ceremony. During his Convocation speech, “I’ve never been Karnig explained his more proud of what suggestions he pre- the CSUSB faculty “I’ve never been more sented to the Univer- and staff has contrib- proud of what the CSUSB sity Budget Council uted to the lives of which included having our students and for faculty and staff has the enrollment team the wholesome way look for resident en- you interact with one contributed to the rollments, and the de- another,” said Karnig lives of our students....” velopment of online before he started the programs that would ceremony. be available to stu- President, Dr. Albert K. Karnig Eric Brown | Chronicle Photo Karnig, who has dents in the military Karnig sits in a board room adorned with student art and gifts to the university shortly after Convocation. Despite his been President of and outside of the re- attention to the coming year in his address, many are focusing on the legacy and smile (above) that he will leave behind. CSUSB since 1997, shared with his fellow gion. colleagues and students the everlasting With these two suggestions in action new additions as well. Once the Convocation video was rise in tuition and budget cuts that are due revenue would increase. However, there The Executive Committee members, shown to those who attended the ceremony to the lack of support from the California aren’t very many alternatives. ASI offi cers, new deans, new assistant Karnig praised the faculty, staff and stu- government. “Personally I agree with President deans and directors of departments were dents mentioning that we’re among the He announced that in the last year the Karnig’s opinions. I don’t think there are some of the many different organizations, top 25 percent best universities in the U.S., CSU system was “slashed” by $650 million many alternatives. The university is ag- teams and personnel recognized for their according to the Princeton Review and and could receive another $100 million cut gressively fundraising to offset the budget hard work and dedication. Forbes. by Jan. 2012. You ask why the increase in cuts,” said ASI President Aaron Jimenez. Various awards were given out to fac- Before ending the annual Convocation tuition? Well, there’s your answer. The Convocation Ceremony was not ulty and staff as well such as, the Presi- Ceremony, Karnig announced his shock- Karnig mentioned that to make up for all bad news however. Karnig recognized dent’s Outstanding Employee Award and ing plans for retirement as he reaches his the $650 million budget cut the trustees of numerous groups on the campus and some the President’s Achievement Award. Mary fi fteenth year as the campus’ third presi- Texeria was presented with the Golden Ap- dent. ple Award and Steven Tibbits was awarded Karnig will truly be missed on campus the Outstanding Faculty Award. by many faculty, staff and students. Coyote Chronicle Editor in Chief Richard Bowie Managing Editor Eric Brown News Editor Kyla Cook Asst. News Editor Eric Sanchez Features Editor Isabel Tejada Asst. Features Editor R. Anthony Diaz Arts and Entertainment Editor Matthew Bramlett Opinions Editor Louis Penna Asst.
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