. ¦ MMff* ,.r - ¦* ASIC#EWE UOAROl'K* AM) WAWTEO, BOAKDEITm AND LOOOBItS WANTJEP. AMl'SEMENTS. AMUSEMENT*. LODg«M ABOTR ROOM housb, LYMPIO THEATRE. GAMUT OF MUSIC. Z BMM-U KBOJI CITY HALL. I il AN K FORT HOUSE, 1 IP MACDOl'OAL gTH^ET, .iku Dooi FURNISHBD Waited.by a iRaViToPKIU and A GRAND ITALIAN OPERA. of Wiiilam; 260 roomi; a room ilT) Amity. PleuiaDt from Room ou «ero n1 floor. with AOOODyoung geutiemt'n, with nartlai Boird, In a private \T Corner Twenty-third afreet Eighth avenue. 0 TO-MORROW f(MONDAY), I Kiaakforlatreet,corner tiro hiho U*" Hooin family; location not above Thirty-fourth atreet, cut aid*. JAMES FISC, Proprietor NINTH performance OP TO-MORROW, MONDAY, fKBKUARY 31. (0 asc. toiuc. per day; «1 W to *3 per weels. Open closets attiu'Lt.i, guJubi-j for liptltmen; OP KELLOGG, hi'. I.LOGO. younelt on lue lo tlurnt cai routfli; ploaiaiit Addioat, with partlculara, T. W. H., Herald office. JOHH F. com ......Managsrand Traaaurw NINTH PERFORMANCE KELLtMHJ. ¦ jad Uoor, uottv«ui«Mit LBFRANO. all oljjhl. NEW YORK JUBILANT. NINTH performance OP CON LKhKA.SC, J.KFHANQt locality. A EXPERIENCED IN TEACHING HOUSES CROW DEO TO OVERFLOWING. T*B OR EAT CONIC ACHIEVEMENT, BON I, RON C.OHI, *OjiC0*L I SL IT or RLKWANTLY PUBNJKlfKD AI'AKIMKNT.S LAST BNOLISH, IUlB'»Uni'4IIU»Bt GREAT comic Posltlvaly the last tlm* of Verdi a <>n«r% 801 fifth avenue, with or without wavkrlev flack, neat* sixth avkn(te.-*- JX French and uuiic, dealrea a Room and Board In ex¬ TllO Mlghtly 1'UK ACHIEVEMENT, I at WORTH HOUSE, 1 will* Hoard, ior *euiloman anil change the belt reference*. Addre** box 100 STANDING KOi >M ONLY. OKI). L. FOX'S HAMLET. RIOOLKTTO, Iu.ard. 1»>J, Fumiahu! Hooiun. LXCIlANUli, SECURE YOUR SEATS. (IJSO. L. POX'S HAMLET. ud last Joint appearand* of ____________ wife or single gentlemen. Kefercuees exchanged. Herald oltlce. kellogg, SECURE YOUR SEATS. GEO. L. POX'S' HAMLET. ___ 1ST BLOCK BOl'TH OF CHATHAM SQUARE..100 HEATH. eulogized BY THE ENTIRE I'RE^B. LF.KRANO, it 8- c *n<1 .Sttc. I -.1 EAST FIFTY FIRST. STREET TO LEX, WITH wanted-rt a in a pri- SKOURK YOUH RON CON I. J newly foralehed Room*. per day; and Bedrooms. r»te French In gentleman, rnirtrt^llr Qndorted by preia and nubile U ID* noit applai'DED BY OVERPLOWI.NO iO i ur'weok. At tbe UraM Houao, 4# New Uoweiy. J . )«5 Board, fin gentlemen, Uro bell Board family, Brooklyn. Rofereuce* exchanged. mod ELABORATE ANO appreciative AUDIENCES. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2>, $'i Addraaa, mutiny icitua, L. P., box 1,4115 1'oat office, Sew GORGEOUS, moil MAGNIFICENT. _ Mererbeer's mailer work, - .ad moil WONDERFUL of EVERV EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTIOl. BLOCK ABOVE BREVOORT FIFTH 1 r west EOHKTEKNTH STREET..Bl'LENDID York. ipectaele TIMES. AND AND SATURDAY VATINKES. ROBERT LE HI ABLE. 1 HOUSE, l»)t) fi.ri.nii>11 Uomiis, null Boaid.'.u Hint andeoeonJ ANCIENT OK MODERN WEDNESDAY Seats for sale at the Hchlrtner'a. 701 I avenua (No. al). Ni.-uly furntahad Uoomi, with hral In.I 63,WK) GEO ROE L. POX, THE FAVORITE HAMLET, Academy BroadwayI ernea. Rcferaueee. floors; inmtn ui lo If house claim; location WANTBD-POB OENTLEMAN, WIFE AND DoiJiJ'n Express, 114 Broadway, and 114 Bioalwajr. ,c»m Board, lor gent unsurpassed, terms moderate; references exchanged. BOARDchild; Room and Bedroom raiielalle, location weat aide, <18,1 liQ eupporud by below second faunlv term* (UNO A HI'lHLY EFFICIENT COMPANY, I HALL BOOM, NEWLY H'RNISHED, CONTAINING Forty atreet; private preferred; urrioui have wltnfMed thin EXTRAORDINARY PRODUC¬ Mwinl elaborate Scenery. Vocaland Iualruweulal Muale, PI < THEATRE COMIQUE AMl'SEMENT COMPANY. a 1 /<«> EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET. CORNER Of about $1J5 per moutb. Addraaa, with particular*. J. D., box . oslte St. Nicholas. I uaaand water; alto larR.i Room will be lot, with exeat- Stuvvesanl TION diyjOK the put two week*, butnx the tarMil Bud! together with a huat of auifilariee. )1t Broadway, opi r«ut»ouabie tn tli« cla»« buuae 4ti Il)«) Livingston p'aee; Kooiut froMm* park; S.U31 foal office. or In your SEAT* RI'BKRT w. BUILER lentoil terme, tirsl f <>. tablo tlonaole con¬ ever uitmbwd In any modern theatre amphitheatre SECURE Manage* Ferenlb avenue, near Fourteenth nu-eet. m ».. Room* ou fourth >r; uue«'-e| AMERICA OR EUROPE. (the boi plan opan at the Theatre, and at tlio Theatre Ticket The cblaf building for amusement imckera venient to three car iinea; aiso >iiu id war »Uje«. wanted ?or two ladies, where EVERY FVKNINU sod SATURDAY MATIVEE. OlDce, 114 Broadw ty) TWO weeks IN ADVANCE. RECEIVES KRESH HKIN FORCEM 1SNT8, .l LABOR PLEASANT ROOM AND It A Mi ROOM Boardmuilo leaaona and uae of piano will be considered EVERY EVENING ami MATINEE. ¦ III) addlug new triumphs lo Its luas Usiof unprecedenteC ON WEST THIRTV-KOUKTH htri ET.-Bl.'KKRlOR equivalent for on*. Address D. O., nation 1). SATURDAY IN J a. com! I' or; alto a Hat: Koom with I! ard, tome rea¬ EVEiiV EVENING and SATURDAY MAI EE. MATINER OP HAMLET. managerial vlotorlaa. sonable. 7< seventh avenue, near Fonrteenin atreet. ! ')»> accommodation fur famine* or alible sefitlemen, THE 1?xtrali FEBRUARY », UOUGEOUS NOVELTIES. with private litl'lu If preferred, Rclerencts lutaniwl. wanted-for two persons; unfur- IS TEMPTATIONS. U TUESDAY,ia fionor of By comparing our programme with all others the obserrof Boardnt*hi>J Room tei tut #15 week. Addre(a, will b# at once conrmcaj that this ia the only really BEACTIEI'LLY FURNISHED ON FIRST OR preferred; per "" WASHINGTON'S birthday, Q ROOMS THOMPSON fcl'KEKT..RLEOANT Fl'RNISHED with 0. box 177 Herald In the o nc whereeglltj m<c i,d lloor M let to MittWaiMi, to a private fniully of particular*, U. office. 12 TEMPTATION8. U 0e0roe L. FOX'S TRIUMPH.HAMLET. mate »wlely iheairo New York ouly all iwn; liuuae brown itone. ttii West TliIrl/-fotir»h alrct-t; ref- n|1 Room* lor gentleman nnd wlie j Board for lidy; T. T. T. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY If. tbo most popular amusements of the age we llva la are ttit ercm-e* required. No house ha* ali tno'ieru imtiroiements. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, PARLOH AND It TEMPTATIONS. » TUESDAY, FKHRUAKY 29. presented In our evening's performance. moving. 15Y} Sleeping "Room, on floor next above parlor, with excel- T. T. T. THB MATINEE WILL COMMENCE AT I. THIS WEEK EIGHT NEW &TA1H, «> HANDSOME ROOMS, ALSO \ PARLOR FLOOR: U,L OAK WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET.BACK I'AR- ent table. Addreaa AlOKES WILSON, Uerald office. SPECTACLE, BALLiET, DRAMA, Ihe eame hour aa together with ilia regular company . on r » I modern with nr without Hoard. 48 I ast lor and Bedroom on tint floor ami back Hooiu OPERA. PANTOMIME, BURLESQUE, THE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES, THE OREA CL1 >DOOMS TROUPE Tw<iiiiy-nlutbiwprovdtnenta,atreet. second floor, with Hoard, on moderate term*. and board wantbd-fob oenti.fman DRAMATIC, LYRIC. TBKPSlCHOHBAN. ami for which will appear in a new ootulu trick at"l lalry paulomlme. Roomund wife. In altrlctly private family mint be near llio THE O&KAT FRENCH BALLET. seats MAY BR SECURED. JOCKRI.-SE; «J ST. MARK3 FLACK, IR9T BROWN' STONE BOUSE 9flft EAST FORTY-SIXTH STREET..I'LBAHANT Central Market, cornar or Fort»-elghth\jreet, near Seventh THE GREAT FRENCH BALLET. OR, HARLEyt'IN AND Tilt; GENIUS OF Pi.ENTY. with or Room for a Kentlemau ari l wife, al*o three band- avenue; telina moderate. Addreaa K., atallon (J. T!IE GREAT FRENCH BALLET. allack'S. Clown Mo a. Dorst ClodooM O lr.uu Third aTetitle KurfMahed Ri inn to let, Pantaloon Stimuli Clodooh* without Board, to otn'.lemttu mid wife or tingle gentlemen. some Rooms for a family, with Hoard; small Room for DKVRENA'S Proprietor and Manager.. ..Mr. LESTER WALLACE i Mona. .;'iifl. gentleman. wltli or without Hoard terms, with board, ~V\rANTED.GOOD AC< OMMODATIONS FOR A FIR8T GORGEOUS TRANSFORMATION SCBNfS, Doora open at ~k. Commences at R. Harlequin Moua. Cholrt Clodoch® rTH 491.-TWO LARGE BACK RuOMB, fio:n if .> to .flu j sr week hou.e with modem improvements; it elan dentlat, from May 1, In the Immediate vicinity of GORGEOUS TRANSFORMATION SCENE. MONDAY, Feb. 81 Uaat time), CENTRAL PARK. CoiumliliieMiss Gabrllle Krluittal AVENUE, no In the corner of Fourth avenue and a With OOKOEOCS TRANSFORMATION SCENE, Feb. 22 ia«t tim« but ours. Lovsil Mona. Conataut < iodoch# » ' with or without lirat .Ima Board, tunable .'or a gentleman moving May. Twenty third tree). Tuesday, one), Other to., the and wife or <>r alto two » Boomt. Hoard for aelf und wife. Addreaa DENTIN!', auuou U, OWO PRONOl NCED THE MARVEL OF THE AOS. WEDNESDAY, Feb. S3, iiecond time), MASKS AND characters, by Company, pai ty gentlemen; tine uvenuo. In at the box o31ce; FACES. THE GrtANI) BALLET EAST THIRTBBNTH STRKHT A WIDOW Blith Seed recured ten day* advance, of TROUPE, rTH AVENUE, OPPOSITE BBEVOORT HOUSE. 9 .iyO la>ly living a'.ona wishes lo rant a handsomely fur' a!fo at Schlrmer'B mualc Htore, 7ul Broadway, and at the THURSDAY, Feb. 84 (laat time), CAPTAIN OF THE 'composed the most i>nlsUed daueera of tho are, n'.ihnd Room 10 an with Hoard for HE- Ticket corner etreat and WATCH and WOODCOCK'S little IIAHK. Mibi Jennie Kimball ami Mias Agnes Sutherland, Mr. Wmi «) perlnr accommodation* for a large family, with F.oard gentleman 1 wife, lady; FIFTH OR MADISON AVENUES, Erie Railroad OOee, Twenty-third Ashernft and house h.i< all twean and stie a Parlor Feb.
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