A K u J J Wildcat Champions “Rollo’s Wild Oat” Invade Providence (Ehr *\Vu» Hampshire at Murkland Tonight Volume 22. Issue 8. DURHAM, N. H., NOVEMBER 19, 1931. Price Ten Cents DEBATING TRYOUTS 630 Dads Visit PROGRAM OF WORK CAMPUS ACTORS APPEAR TO BE HELD NOV. 24 NEARLY COMPLETED VARSITY ENDS SEASON Campus Saturday Rest House, Dairy Barn, Steam Tun­ IN “ROLLO’S WILD OAT” Professor Edmund A. Cortez An­ IN BATTLE AT BROWN nel, and Wall Around University nounces Date for Varsity Candi­ Pond All Nearing Completion as dates—Two Veterans from Last Festival Brings Largest Cold Weather Approaches New Hampshire to Move En Masse to Providence Second Showing of Claire Rummer’s Farce-Comedy Year’s Championship Team Number Ever Recorded to Take Place Tonight in Murkland Little Theatre Remain to Cheer Co well’s Wildcats “On to Victory” Fathers Attend Classes, Witness Reg­ The University program on con­ imental Review, Meet Faculty struction is practically completed for Feline Eleven Emerges from Springfield Game in Battered Shape—Wildcats Thomas Day, Mary Connor, John Clarey, Bernard Alpers, Beatrice Luce, Professor Edmund A. Cortez of the Members and See Wildcats this fall. The Charles Harvey Hood Hope to Repeat Startling Upset of Last Year— Bruins Seek Revenge Donald Fassnacht, Anne Meader, Harold Waite, Edwin Gale, English department and coach of de­ Win Small College Cham­ infirmary and rest house is nearly at Stadium Saturday— Eustis New Hampshire’s Main Threat Arline Hooper, Allan Ring and Ruth Towle bating has announced that the try­ pionship ready for interior finishing and land­ Appear in Production outs for varsity debating will be held scape gardening. The dairy barn, on November 24 at 4 p. m. This year The seventh annual Dad’s day at the steam tunnel, and wall around the Dr. Eastman Made by J. B. M. Military Society the team will have a high reputation University brought 630 dads here University pond are completed. Recovering slowly from their bruis­ A Mask and Dagger first night— to live up to for last year’s team was from all over New Hampshire and The infirmary and rest house is be­ Associate Dean ing encounter with Springfield, the the thrills of excitement, the music, to Sponsor Dance New England Intercollegiate Foren­ many surrounding states. This year’s ing built from a fund of $125,000 do­ Wildcats are preparing for their the flowers, and in short everything sic conference champions, besides de­ total is the largest number ever re nated by Charles Harvey Hood, ’80, objective game of the year with that goes to make a first night a bril­ feating New York university and corded since the inauguration of Dad’s of Boston. The external brick work, College of Agriculture Brown, at Providence, Saturday, with liant success or a dismal failure. And Innovations Planned for maintaining an undefeated season. day in 1925. Last year there were roof laying, and the partitioning of Administration Revised high hopes of annexing their second to say that last night’s production of The team lost through graduation 532 dads here and 490 in 1929. the interior has been completed. The consecutive win! over the raging Scabbard and Blade Ball Bruin. Claire Rummer’s modern farce- some of its best speakers, Edward Most of the dads arrived on the interior partitioning is terra cotta to Supervision of Farm Properties to be campus between 8:00 and 9:00 o’clock According to Coach Cowell, New comedy, Rollo’s Wild Oat, was any­ Thomas P. McKoan, Chairman of Haseltine, J. Raymond Sawyer, and which will be applied steel laths and in Charge of Dean Taylor—Dr. and registered immediately at the Hampshire’s chances of victory are at thing but a success would be as Committee in Charge of First Frederick Vintinner. The returning plaster. The floors are composed of Eastman to Head Department Faculty club. However, some dads present resting in the University in­ erroneous a statement as to say that Formal This Term veterans are William M. Stearns, ’33, cement supported by steel beams. The of Agricultural Economics director and Mrs. William G. Hen- who succeeds C. Monroe W alker, ’31, had previously made tours of the Uni­ chimneys and incinerators have been firmary tackling wheelchairs, block­ nessy had not turned out a produc­ Plans for the annual Military ball, as manager, Robert Ayers, ’32, Rob­ versity, and did not come until af­ built. The building will be the latest ing slings, and passing crutches and An important change in the admin­ tion which was worth seeing. The to be held under the auspices of Scab­ ert Griffith, ’33, and Joseph Schwartz, ternoon. in modern fire proof construction. the extent to which the injured regu­ istration of the College of Agricul­ completeness of their work is beyond bard and Blade in the men’s gym­ 32. The last two men did not de­ Inspection tours of the campus Painting and decorating are due to lars recover before the game, will ture of the University announced all words of description and it only nasium on November 27, are rapidly bate last year although they were on started at 8:30, and at 9:00 for those start the latter part of this month. serve as the criterion by which the Monday, makes M. Gale Eastman remains for one to witness a perform­ going forward, according to Thomas the squad. dads who arrived after the first The general construction is under Wildcat hopes may be judged. Associate Dean in charge of resident ance to realize the truthfulness of P. McKoan, chairman of the commit­ This year an interesting schedule is group had started. The dads were the supervision of William Wright, Wrenched knees, twisted ankles, and instruction, and delegates to Dean that statement. tee in charge. assured for definite dates have been divided into three groups to make superintendent, and Robert Sharpies, general bruises at present offer a Frederick W. Taylor, the supervision Although the production itself did The dance, the first large formal set to debate with both Dartmouth these inspection tours. One group '27, engineer. The contract was let more serious problem to the Wildcat and general oversight of the larger not run as smoothly as some Mask affair of the term, is expected to draw and New York university at Durham spent an hour or so in the College of to the Davison-Swanburg company of mentor than do the Brown tackles, as farm properties of the College. and Dagger performances which we a large number of the student body. and Boston college will be met at Technology, and the rest of the time Manchester, which started work on the forward wall is rifled by injuries, The public announcement of the re­ have been privileged to see, it still As in past years, the affair will be of Chestnut hill. in the other two colleges. The other August first and expects to have the with Hanley, Learmonth, and Knox organization is as follows: “In view was far above the average of an a formal nature, the dress consisting Tentative debates are planned with two groups spent most of their time building ready for dedication next kept from scrimmage as a result of of the increasing business and larger amateur play. Conceived by Claire of either military uniform or tuxedo. in the College of Agriculture, and the June, as one of the features of Com­ their hard play against the Gymnasts. Tufts, Rollins, Clark, Connecticut Ag­ projects resulting from recent land Kummer, it represents the first An entirely new idea, suggested by gies, and North Dakota at Durham College of Liberal Arts, respectively, mencement week. In the backfield, Captain Dick Eustis, acquisitions, the President’s office an­ appearance, for some time, of an Scabbard and Blade, will be carried then went to the other two colleges The new steam tunnel and side­ New Hampshire’s most effective while it is planned to meet Spring­ nounced today a change in the ad­ American playwright in Murkland’s out this year in that the cadet com­ for a short time. All classes were walk is practically a part of the cam­ offensive threat, is suffering from a field, Bowdoin, Colby and Maine at ministrative organization of the Col­ Little Theatre. The theme follows missions for the remainder of the open to visitors and a member of the touch of grippe, while Loping Lou their respective campuses. pus life already. The sidewalk has lege of Agriculture. A new office of the trials and tribulations of Rollo in year will be announced during the in­ faculty was in every laboratory and Lisabeth, who co-starred with the The questions for debate will be as seen considerable traffic in spite of Associate Dean and director of resi­ the sowing of his one wild oat, his termission instead of in the spring department to explain the "work. Wildcat leader in last year’s game follows: “Resolved: That the five day the attempt of workmen to finish the dent instruction has been established ambition to produce Hamlet in a truly term as has been the usual custom. Classes were dismissed at 10:50, so with Brown, is still on crutches from week be adopted by industrial Am­ grading, seeding and planting of and Dr. M. Gale Eastman has been modern manner. Devotees of Shakes­ These presentations will be made by that preparations could be made for a broken bone received in the B. U. erica,” and “Resolved: That compul­ shrubbery without interference from appointed to the position. Dean Tay­ peare would doubtless be shocked at the officers of the military depart­ the regimental parade.
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