..•.: 0 CHURCH OF GOD, MOVE ON BY B.ENRY li'.NAUS 0 Church of Cod, move on, move on, Clothed in th:y garments white; By Christ, th:y risen Lord, go forth And copquer in his might. · 0 Church of Cod, move on within This sin-benighted world; A m:yriad souls rejoice to see Love's banner now unfurled. 0 Church of Cod, move on, move on, Though Satan's hosts assail; Put on th:y strength; 0 Zion, rise; Thou shalt fore'er prevail. 0 Church of Cod, move on, move on, Till all of earth ma:y know Th:y peace and power, grace and love: Co forth to all below. 0 Church of Cod, from near and far All nations gather in; Within th:y pearly gales ajar They triumph over sin. 0 Church of Cod, thou blessed bride, We love losing of thee; With thee we'll rise, with Christ to dwell In all elemit:y. 178 (2) THE GOSPEL TRmfPET March 25, 1915- MORAL CONDITIONS IN SAN FRANCISCO be at a standstill; great international questions Will these religious exhibits and evangelistic may arise; bnt young vigorous manhood will enterprises serve to emphasize the necessity of Every great gatheril1g like the Panam11r soon find a way to adjust matters and overcome one fold and one tlock, or will they emphasize Pacific Exposition furnishes an opportunity for the ~bstaeles. Whaterer nation loses the flower · the distinctive doctrines that mark each reiigious reaching multitudes with the gospel by distribut­ of her manhocd loses her greatest asset. institution Y The world does not need more ing literature, holding regular meetings, etc. lrnowledge of these doctrines that have separn.ted Various religious institutions of our country the people of God and produced the xnultitnde and many sincere and honest people are eve1· of religious institutions. The world needr; the ready to do all in their power to beJp the fallen RELIGION AT THE EXPOSITION doctrines of Christ, which only will save from and to combs.~ the powers of evil, but the forces Religious exhibits will occupy a conspicuous sin and unite God's people into one body. of evil are also ready to combat the forces of place at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Of the righteousness. The Panama-Pacific Exposition floor space allotted to this class of exhibi.ts the is no exception in this respect. largest amount has been given to Protesta11t mis- SPEAKING NO EVIL lt is reported that although morality inside sions, home and foreign. Somewhat Jess space the grounds seems to be safeguarded by those in has been granted to Roman Catholics, .md still The Spirit of Christ is a gentle Spirit, and authority, the city of San Francisco has not less to the Salvation .Army and Ch1·istian Science. the prayer of every child of God is that l1e ma.y taken the same precautions, and indeed it is Other religions e.mibits have been refused, ow­ be more like the lowly Lamb of God that tnkcth frankly stated that the city is to be wide open ing t~ the limited amotmt of space. away the sin of the world. Those who are filled during the exposition. The different organiza- Many religious conferences and conventions with the gentle Spirit of Jesus will uot be 1'il1Nl tious interested are now urging upon the com- will be represented at the Exposition. In addi­ with resentment when they are pcrsecutetl or l1~~ioners, ~1at ·they take action relati~c ~o con- tion there is inside the exposition groUllds a when others speak evil of them. Nor will tlH!Y ?Jtlons outsule the gro~ds as well as lDS!de. It large building devoted solely to religious pur­ speak evil of others. Evil speaking is prompt,!d lS to be hoped that ~hClr efforts may. be succe~- _ poses. One entire floor is devoted to exhibits of by a desire to injure. One will not speak evil ful .. To thr~w ~be Clty ~pen to all kmds 0.~ . '1'1ce Bible work, missions, Sunday-schools, education, of one whom he truly loves. ..A. man who truly and lllllll?l:ahty 18 revol~g to every good Cl lzen, temperance, social service, etc. In the large lee­ loves his wife usually finds some way of ClWllS­ for condit10ns at best lvill not be any too good- ture-hall on the second floor, daily addresses will ing her. IIis love lleed not prevent him from be given at the noon hour by the most powerful seeillg her faults and, in a kind and loving way, speakers obtainable. l1e. may even tell her of them, bnt to others he speaks of het• only in words of kindest regnt·c1. THE GREATER LOSS Near the center of the city of San Francisco, The flower of the yot'lng mauJ10od of Europe outside of the exposition grounds, it has been Snripture says, "Love your enemies." r,ov ing is on t11e battle-:field. .And now it appeal'S that proposed to erect an inuneuse auditorium seat. our enemies need not blind onr eyes to their the death-grapple will continue until one side ing ten thousand people. Thi'l buildiug is to be faults. It may even be 1wc·.essary at timC>R to or the other is exhausted. devoted entirely to services of an evangelistic point out to the individual tl1at be is at fault bnt to speak evil of him to others would surely prove The greater loss to these countries and to the nature. The popular evangelists of the country the absence of that love. world can not be estimated in dollars and cents. arc to have charge. No, the greater loss will result from the death To some, these different religious exhibits and However, there are times when it becomC's of the men of physical strength, the men of services will furnish means for comparison necessary for the protection of God's cause to keenest intellect, the men of greatest ability to whereby they may be able to distinguish the true publicly expose an individual whose fanlts are work, the men of moral principle. Who will in­ fl·om the false. On the other hand, we find each of such a nature as to be detrimental to or de­ fluence these countries for good 1 Who will bear particular religious organi?.ation bidding for its ceive innocent souls. Again it may be necessary the burden of civic reform f Who will provide share of patronage much as different commercial to expose a false doctrine pr~pagated by a. cer­ for the many incapables 1 Who will fill the many establishments bid for trade. Competition may tain individual, or individuals. Usually when places of responsibility 1 be the life of trade, yet when a common foe is this is done, the persons affected take snch ex­ The banks of a nation may fail; industry may to be defeated, an army sh~uld be united. posure as evidence of a desire for evil speaking INTRODUCTORY NOTES tal mistake was made. Instead of abiding by 1-4), and thousands are responding to th is To Our New Readers the te.achings of the Bible alone .• and following. heavenly message. onlJ) the primitive plan of church government, The unitJ) which God demands is not a mere The Gospel Trumpet is devoted to the up­ human creeds, necessarilJJ containing a mixture ou[)))ard union or confederacJ) of man-made building and extension of Christ's kingdom by of truth and error, were formulated ; and di­ churches, but is a soul fellowship resulting from a faithful presentation of those divine truths visional sects were organized. Since no one the experience of spiritual birth into the family which establish and make manifest his own of these sects or creeds had the whole truth, it of God. This in)))ard unity is designed to gath­ church, named in the New Testament, "the became necessary, as light increased, that other er together in one all the true people of God church of God." bodies of people should arise from time to time, "from all the places where theJ) have been scal­ According to the Bible, the church of God in order to set forth those truths that )))ere not tered in the cloudy and darll da:y" ( Ezeft_ 3 4: is the universal bod:y of sa\lcd belic.vers. All accepted bJ) forrrer sects and creeds. Thus 12), and to restore the apostolic standard of who arc truly regenerated by the Spirit ·are hundreds of sects were formed, among which Christianity. " born again," are partal{ers of Christ. hence God's true people were scattered. As time The church of God is governed by the SJ)stem are accounted members of the bod:y of Christ went on, spirituality gave place to formalism of organization and government sci forth in the (Rom. 12:4, 5; I Cor. 12: 13). In apos­ and worldliness, gronoth in the knowledge and Bible. The saints ha\le no sympathy for that tolic days this spirilual institution was exhibited the grace of God was hindered by the multi­ fanaticism or independence which respects n o to the world in the visible form of local con­ ·tuue of people devoid of salvation, )))ho not :church government or organization; neither gregations of worshipers, and they were re­ only united l»ith the so-called church, but who, shall they maqc the fatal error of crystallizing ferred to, locally and collectivelJ). as the church in many cases, look the leading part. themselves into a sect, nor of hindering spiritual of God, the church which Chrisl "purchased This sadly corrupt and divided state of fello)))ship and advancement in the knowledge with his own blood" (Acts 20: 28).
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