Kercheval business districts discuss joint marketing plans By Chip Chapman at the home of Hill Association presi- marketing campaign." "People have joined their associa- move should be." Staff Wriler dent D.J. Kennedy last week. "Alot of us have wanted this to hap- tion as a result of the directory so that One of the ideas coming out of last How can the three business dis. "A knowledgeable, well-trained pen for a long time," said Shari they can be in the next printing of the week's meeting is to have a trolley tricts in the Farms, City and Park sales staff and the opportunity to talk Nelson, president of the Park Kercheval Avenue Directory," Young run to and from the three Kercheval better market themselves and to and learn about merchandise from Association. "Advertising together said. business districts. Kercheval Avenue, not only to Grosse the shop owners is not a common brings down individual costs and Last week's meeting was a follow- ''We want to try this during the Pointe residents but to people outside ex~erience outsicie of Grosse Pointe," opens us up to each other." up to the directory, Young said. Christmas season," said Village the area? saId Betty Young, of bsYoung & Earlier this summer, Young put "We discussed marketing plans Association president Jerry Valente. That's what more than 100 mer. Associates, who helped plan the together the Kercheval Avenue using everything from billboards to "It would be nice to visually tie the chants and business people from the event. "Grosse Pointe merchants still Directory, a fold-out guide which lists direct mail," she said. "We put togeth- three areas together." Hill, Village and Park associations put the emphasis on the customer. businesses who are members of the er a marketing committee and sched· wanted to know when they gathered And that will be the thrust of the three business districts. uled a meeting to see what our next See KERCHEVAL, page 2A \"01. :>7· :\O.:H • 3X pages Grosse Pointe. ~lichig(Hl Home DdhTry :>()i • ~t'WSSHHl(17:>(, ,\ugust :!2. IBHh Parents, students Friday, Aug. 23 Students enrolled in a spe- protest transfer of cial summer music enrich- ment workshop at Grosse Pointe North will present South's 'music man' "Summer Showstoppers" at 6 By Shirley A. McShane High School to rally support, p.m. and 8 p.m. in the Grosse Staff Writer discuss a plan of action and to Pointe Community Parents, students, former protest Miller's transfer. They Performing Arts Center, 707 li students and friends of Grosse carried signs announcing, ''We Vernier. Tickets are $3. Call Pointe South music director love Ralph," and "Grosse (313) 343-2239 for more Ralph Miller are protesting the Pointe needs Ralph now." information. school district's Aug. 15 deci- Protesters were concerned sion to transfer him out of the about the future of the band Saturday, Aug. 24. high school's music program - and orchestra programs at . Take an early morning a post he has held for almost 20 both high schools and had stroll around· the grounds of years. questions about the manner in the Edsel & Eleanor Ford Miller, according to a written which Miller was transferred. House beginning at 7:30 a.m. statement issued by the school '"fhis is the end result of the as part of an ongoing series district, has been transferred district hiring an outside con- of bird walks led by Rosann from his assignment as instru- sultant to come in and work Kovalcik and Martin mental music director at with me. another teacher and Blagdum of Wl1d Birds South. He will remain the band administrators," MilleI" said. Unlimited. Admission is $5. and orchestra director at ''It was a long, drawn-out con- Call (313) 884-4222 for more Grosse Pointe North and con- flict resolution. At the end of information. tinue to. collect the same pay. the year, we were asked to sub- He was mailed a written notice mit a plan for acceptable The combined choirs of Summer fun of the transfer on Aug. 16. The behavior. My plan was to com- district, at press time, was still municate better with (the Grosse Pointe South. High Summer vacation cia,.. are numlag oat School will present a Grand - DIlly 14 more uatillehool opeIlS - and in the process of deciding other e.mployee)." I was noti- Finale Concert at 7:30 p.m. chIIdreD UOUDd the Polatell caa 8eIIH It. where Miller will be assigned. fied, by certified letter, frilm in the Grosse Pointe Tbat'. wily the mUDldpal pub ~ the As to the reason why Miller Mary Beth Herrmann, who Community Performing Arts 1aJl:eftoat are teem'a, with acthtty. At was transferred, involuntarily, was principal of South until Center. Tickets are $8 for o.t_ Park In GnJ.-e PoJate 8~. out of South, the district issued early July, that the plan was J adults and $6 for students above, from left, Sule, .JeMca. JecIde, the following statement: "The unacceptable." and seniors. IIarla aDd Joyce·ADD IIaaeI IaIock the collective bargaining agree- Washchuk said the district tether .... aroaDd. Tbe Ma..... were ..... ment between the Grosse paid $20,926 to Janice Calnan Monday, Aug. 26 ttIq their ~tIler'. GenlcU:a.e. wbo Pointe Board of Education and of the National Center for treated them to an attenaoon at the park. the Grosse Pointe teachers Dispute Settlement to work The Grosse Pointe Park DowI1 the IIbore at PIer PuIr. In GlOMe gives administrators the from January to June with City Council meets at 7 p.m. Pomte ....... Kata Steel•nd, S. at left. authority and responsibility to staff members at South due to in the municipal court room make personnel decisions in an "urgent need to resolve ....~~ IIIlCl BII.beth P1uest. 8. lit left., cbal- in city hall, 15115 E. 1eugecl each other to • game of lIhaftle. the best interest of the instruc- ongoing issues. The board Jefferson. board. tional program (and) that needed someone to break the includes transferring staff to stalemate. The process was L.- ....... ...J different assignments." The Grosse Pointe Woods honest, fair, legitimate and City Council will hold a spe- Interim superintendent quality. For those reasons, the eiai committee-of-the-whole Park man killed in shoot out with police Suzanne Klein said it is not action taken was appropriate." meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the appropriate for her to comment Klein said she l:ould not com- municipal court at city hall • By Jim Stickford cate with Ruehle," Caretti said. them have been verified. We on the specifics of the transfer ment on the hiring of the con- 20025 Mack Plaza, to discuss Staff Writer "But before we could find out just don't have a lot of inform a- because it is important to pro- sultant, which was done under parking on Mack. A Grosse Pointe Park resi- what his telephone number tion about this right now." tect the confidentiality of the former superintendent Ed dent was killed by Park public was, he came out on the street Park resident Tom Fraser, a process. Shine's leadership. The Grosse Pointe library safety officers after a brief carrying a shotgun." longtime friend of Ruehle, said The district's director of per- ''We have questions for the board will meet at 7:30 p.m. stand-off on Wednesday, Aug. Civilian witnesses said that he had dinner with Ruehle sonnel, Eugene Washchuk, school board," said Cheryl in the Neighborhood Club, 14. Ruehle then flfed a shot in the 'fuesday night. agreed. "There is only one side Schoeder, a parent volunteer 17150 Waterloo, in the City Police were called to the air. Police saw that he was cov- '1 ran into Billy at Wmdmill of the story out there. I'd like to for band and orchestra activi- of Grosse Pointe. house at the corner of Mack ered in blood. Pointe Park," said Fraser. "We be able to comment on this but ties. "Why the expenditure on a and Devonshire at about 3:47 "At that point we did not went out to 'Ibm's Oyster Bar I can't. It's my job to maintain consultant? What is in the p.m., said public safety director know whose blood it was or and had dinner. He seemed confidentiality. " report of the consultant's find· Richard Caretti. how it got on Ruehle," said fine then. Everyone loved Billy. Meanwhile; at least a dozen ings? Why wasn't this thor- INSIDE "The call came from a Caretti. "We later learned the He would go out of his way to supporters of Miller on Aug. 16 oughly reviewed by the school motorist who reported seeing a blood came from two self- help people. He wasn't just hand-delivered a letter to the board? We want an account of Opinion 6A man covered in blood carrying inflicted wounds, one on the liked, he was loved." superintendent's office oppos- what happened. If there is a lUdos 14A a shotgun," said Caretti. "The neck and one on the wrist." Three officers discharged ing his transfer and praising problem with two teachers, 9-1-1 call was made on a cellu- After Ruehle fired the shot, their weapons when Ruehle his 17-year record with the dis- they both should go." Schools 13A lar telephone, and all 9-1-1 cel- Caretti said, police yelled at leveled his gun at police, said trict. The Grosse Pointe News Rosalie Bryk. president of Seniors 12A lular calls are automatically him four or five times to drop Caretti. received about 20 letters of the Grosse Pointe Education Business ..•...
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