·RAPED *. HANGINGS 'SH(lCK~, NORT}.t i! Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.327 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Wednesday January 13 1994 i Top Govt man's 'mystery' SA tour * Money ouHlow~ "Din SA Cape Town. He could to last until the end of the The Namibian's news TOMMINNEY could hit the region not be reached yesterday budget y~ar. Minister editor Jean Sutherland MINIBUS GRN SOW spotted in South Africa, for comment as he was Nahas Angula said yes- spotted the white mini­ * heading towards Cape Town, could spark a top­ apparently in Cape Town terday orders had gone bus on December 10 level probe at the Ministry of Education and on leave until Monday. out to stop all but the close to Van Rhynsdorp Culture. It was booked to deputy minister Buddy The cash-strapped most essential journeys . in South Africa, heading Wentworth, ostensibly to visit southern Namibia. Ministry, budget at the Ministry's offices south with a man, a * Worst dreSSed women Wentworth hit similar ago over a trip in his of­ N$789,8 million, is bat­ throughout the country controversy two years ficial Mercedes Benz to tling to find extra funds to save money. Cont. on page 2 • 'We wanted weapons to kill Inkatha members' TYAPPA NAMUTEWA AT REHOBOTH FOUR SOUTH African men convicted on arms smug­ gling charges in Namibia were yesterday given tough Jail .sentences by the Rehoboth Magistrates' court. r1ltree: wiU>SerVe.six years heJliBd..flars. ia Namibia. Earlier three of the four Xhosa­ den aboard. speaking men told the court they had A roadblock was set up and the truck wanted to arm themselves to take was stopped at about 06h 15 on Satur­ revenge against members of the day: Inkatha Freedom Party, which they Sergeant Coniah Britz, who led the claimed had killed their relatives. police team offour men, told the court The four South Africans were ar­ that the truck had been escorted to the rested by the police near Rehoboth on police station' where the police had Saturday when they tried to smuggle started searching it. After they had weapons to South Africa from Na­ been busy for a few minutes, the driver, mibia. April Masao, told Britz not to waste Three were convicted for posses­ his time any more as he (Masao) would sion of machine guns, possession of show him what he was looking for. firearms without a licence and illegal Masao pointed out two suitcases on possession of ammunition, while the the back of the truck. Inside the police­ fourth was convicted of transporting men found 12 AI( -47 automatic rifles, illegal weapons. one G-3 machine gun and two pistols, According to evidence heard in a 9rnm Browning pistol and a Tokarev RIG HT-WING RESISTANCE ••. Pretoria, South Africa - An armed right-winger patrols the razor­ court on Tuesday, the police were 7,62mm pistol. There was also also a wire perimeter fence of Radio Pretoria here on Tuesday while the station continued broadcasting, tipped off that a truck, registration plastic bag containing 4151ive catridges defying a government order to stop. Right-wing supporters of the station have vowed to defend it N52586W, was leaving Windhoek against any attempt to close it dOwp by force. Photo: Reuters via Nampa for South Africa with weapons hid- Cont. on page 2 Cl:nisfmaso: carmage. Hanging deaths shock North ":: self on December 2; a young member of the NDF ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA & OSWALD SHIVUTE sparks blood, crisis ' Domingos Kamwasha D1adla from Oshakati hanged himself on December 13; Lazarus Uushona a farmer A RECENT spate of suicides among young from U upeke hanged himself also on December 13; ~'badly" in Detel of400 units (200 CHRISTOF MALETSKY people in the North is raising concern and Simon ya Simon also from Okapyahanged himself Utresj ; of GroUp 0 blood,',"tM' speculation over the causes of the self-in­ most sOupt after", ~~ 200 ualts on December 15; WilIem Kanyelwa from NAMIBIA.experle"ernaa ·.,v~re ·' (lOO'Utres)", Ot '~,eA " l!Dd B flicted deaths, mostly hangings. Ondeihaluka banged himself on January 1; and shortage of blood after the cam. Groups. ," .' Two more young men were reported to have Onesmus Hangula Onambango hanged himsc;lf on on our roads over the > ~brisbnas ' She ilttrlbut!f : ~.o~ to killed themselves last weekend. A 21-year-old died January 2. season, when the eouDtry ~orded ' the ~ tbar ~!~ Na~))I'ore at Oshihenge village in the Oshana region on Janu­ Laimi Mateus, a 19-year-old from Qndeihaluka, it'lworstnumberofroadacddeatL , ear 8c:ddeDts, itibbI.. lDddeptl ary 6 after hanging himself, while David Simon Shanghala Titus from Olulongo, and Simon In an Interview with The Na- and.even dJleallel ,"durIDa this from Onethika also hanged himself last weekend. Kamundulenge from Omatunda viJIage a1so'hanged mibian'the Medical Director of hoUda'y -.. tbaii daeprevlous' More than20 suicides among young people have themselves recently. Blood Transfusion Servke of Na- year. AI a nsult the "excellent been reported since the beginning of December. There are few if any services available for people mibia, Dr Kirsten Seldel, yesterday stop", meaniDa blood collected, Some of the recent incidents are said to be connected who might be suffering from depression or experi­ described tbe blood sbortage had been used up very quickly_ to the release of the matric and Grade to exam encing personal problems in the North. Some mem­ countrywlde as "very seve~ a big . Ouring the holiday season blood results, which many students in the North failed. bers of the public, shocked by the recent <; oate of trauma". " Recent suicides reported to The Namibian in­ Seidel said tbe country was Conl on page 2 clude: Absalom Sackeus from Okapya hanged him- Cont. on page 2 .. 2 Thursday January 13 1994 THE NAMIBIAN , '.. "'-- .-.--.--.., .... .-.. --.,,...,....- "" - ~..--- ......-.-.-. Top man's 'mystery' topr . - From page 1 Jan-uary as ~is personal very inany do, !ndudi.ng :$tlldents ,oll) ~ar~ath secretary saId yesterday Angula and Pnme Mm- M woman and one or mo~e she did not ~ave the ister Hage Geingob, so _TO M MINNEY ' claiming they contribute body had set up techni- children on board. date~. as not to be accused of to failure, as "a deliber- cal committees to look at ,} Acting permanent sec: Angulasaid:"Wewi": misspending taxpayers' . ate attempt to divert at- howmanystudentswere retary at the Ministry, look into the matter. We!: money. A SECO ND studen t tention from real issues coming up from lower Josephatipinge,checked have grounded much of A minister or deputy bodyisslammingthe to less important and grades and how many and found the car be- our transport because of minister may use another Ministry of Eduea- nonsensical issues". places there were, "to longed to the car pool of econom ic di fficu \ties. GRN vehiclefor a trip if tion and Cultu re and Nasem also believes ensure repeaters geta fair the Government garage.' But if that trip was offi- she or he gets agr~ement pr omises to investi- students who failed a chance". Next year sen- It had been assigned to cial that is a different from the ac~ountmg of- gatepossiblecorrup- grade should be allowed ior secondary school l' the Ministry so thing," ficertoexchange the ve- tion o ver b u r sary to repeat next year and learners must move Wentwo~ could take a Permanent secretary in hicle. awards, T h e N a- not be crow~ed out. "To ~hools to get thei~ su~- "CanadIan group of the Office of the Pnme The Government ~a- ' b 'a Student Edu- us it is a senouS educa- . jects and Mackarl saId seven" to Liideritz, Minister Peingeondjabi rage charges each Mm- 101/ M t tionaljokethataI6-year- this chang~ of environ- Keetmanshoop, Rosh Shipoh said yesterday is~ for every ki1om~tre ca lon Gov edme~O old learner , who fails ment could also hamper Pinah. Noordoewer and there are no exact rules dnven by a GRN vehIcle says t h e r a e Grade \0 whIle having a learners. ~ back. There was no men- for ministers and deputy including the ministerial resu lts w ou~d have teacher and a few text- He added the student tion of South Africa. ministers, as' it is diffi- car. proved a " d ISaster" books will prosper in in- organisation had heard Canadians in Namibia cult to distinguish offi- Wentworth appears to if the pass rate had formal education where complaints from mem- had no recollection of a cial and personal work, have by-passed the per- Dot been lowered, and even with the lower there is no teacher and bers about alleged "ir- Canadian visit at that such when they visit their manent secretary and At a press conference mark only half m~de it. no textbooks." regularities" in granting time and no details could constituency. de~l~ directly with the on Tuesday Nasempresi- He blamed this on anew The body also hit at bursaries "wh.ich we be traced at the Ministry. But they are <:ncour- MIDIStry'S transport of- dent Steve Rukoro curriculum which stu- claims from the Ministry equate to nepotism and It was not clear when aged to have th~ir pri- fic~r to get the minib~s thanked the Ministry for dents and teachers did that there is not enough corruption". Wentworth was on leave vate vehicles for trIpS that whIch w~s spotted ID lowering the pass mark not know, many schools money to pay for repeat- Nasem ~alled for more during December and are clearly personal and South Afnca. from 27 to 19 points. But still lacking basic facili- ers. scholarshIps from the he added this was "not ties and language prob- "The Ministry has got private sector and to ';!VHanglrigs shock an act of mercy but rather lems as many were tack-educational responsibili- adopt affirmative action tosavetheMinistryfrom ling English for the fIrst ties towards those"who work .• H ~Iso sl¥JWcd that people hanged them­ .
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