, t, v ' . f ‘ /* '• • •.' •» .■•r • ! U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 15. IW7 Auction action: Mall G O P race: Sierakowski puts name in hat / page 3 is bidders’ heaven on p Thursdays / page^tl Killer: Typhoon hits South Korea coast / page 10 6 Reasons Why Severe aurfeslrr Hrralft Manchester — A City of Village Charm Thursday, July 16,1987 Burn Victims 30 Cents Are Treated Grissom Rosd outcry scoles bock group home By George Loyng The decision was made over supports the idea of having re­ Herald Reporter ' going to nearby day-treatment frequently travel on paths through concerns about traffic the home tarded individuals become part of Convelescent Center on Bidweil services. Sullivan said. In addition, part of the property, and m ay be at would generate if six were kept the community, and added he Street in Manchester. The home single-level ranch homes do not risk from a retarded resident who An outcry from residents in the there, and that having an institution would want bis relative to live in a will be operated by the Connecticut need as much renovation to accom­ was violent. However, Spector said Grissom Road area in Manchester of that size in the neighborhood group home if the person were Institute (or the Blind, a non-profit modate the handicapped, he said. he is confident now that the state over plans to open a group home for would lower property values, ac­ retarded. agency that also helps the retarded. These homes are found more in would not locate aggressive the mentally retarded on their cording to Sullivan and Dr. William The home will not open until modern neighborhoods like the individuals. Last week, the D M V agreed to street has prompted state officials B. Spector, a spokesman for a mid-August, but the complaints by Grissom Road area, which was If six individuals were kept there, scale back its plans, Sullivan said. to scale back their plans for the group of about 30 residents. residents began in June. The home home. developed in the late 1970’s. plus up to three staff persons, there Spector said that move helped The fact that retarded people was bought in May for $160,000 by defuse the situation. There were some fears that six would be too much traffic for the Instead of housing six mentally would be living there was not a the Corporation for Independent retarded residenU at 108 Grissom retarded residents would be too neighborhood, Spector said. ’Die If a resolution were not found, he m ajor issue, both said this morn­ Living, a Wethersfield non-profit Burn Cente Road, a raised ranch in an upscale much for the staff at the home to garage also would have been said, residents threatened to band ing. However, Spector said at first agency that buys properties for use manage, and some could wander converted into bedroom space, together with other disgruntled neighborhood in northeast Man­ there were some concerns about the as group homes, according to chester, the state Department of onto other properties. Spector said. making the property similar to a neighbors in areas with group people, and he said there might be Martin Legault, the agency’s exec­ He explained that the individuals Mental Retardation has decided to some who still feel this way. utive director. boarding house and lowering prop­ homes to soe if state law could be house only three, said Thomas J. could injure themselves if they did erty values, he explained. changed to lim it the number of "We all still have reservations The decision to put the group this, and that neighborhood youths llie three individuals, two of retarded residents to the number of Sullivan, the department’s regional because it’s new and foreign,” home on Grissom Road was made director. might taunt them. whom will be in wheelchairs, will bedrooms in a home before it had Spector said. But he said he because the clients would all be In addition, he said, young people on *w> coming from the Meadows been purchased for a group home. Poindexter says he intended to keep aid secret By David Espo The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Former Na­ ■ Former National Secur­ tional Security Adviser John Poin­ ity Adviser John Poindexter dexter said today he worked "all along" to keep information from eeys he agreed with Oliver Congress about the secret contra North that the Iran-contra supply program, to the point of diversion was a good Idea - giving Lt. Col. Oliver North a' - but didn’t get the five memos written “well done" after hemisled North claims to have sent to lawmakers. him. Testifying for the second straight ■ Former hostage David day at the nationally televised ily Dedicated Bi hearings, Poindexter said he be­ Jacobsen, praising the Rea­ k ite ' lieved efforts by the National gan administration for tak­ < ^ t « r ir jrPansttierL ft/ Security Council staff to assist the ing risks, thanked Poindex­ ients contras during a congressional ban ter for hie role In ending Center 0 MIV Vlli/Wt MWIIl Mil were legal because the agency was Jacobsen’s 17-month care areas) facility between New York not covered by the legislation. captivity. He insisted he made sure that ■ Poindexter’s fifth-grade officials did “everything that we teacher remembere her one­ wirw could to comply with the letter and the spirit of the Boland Amend­ time favorite pupil as a smart ment," as the legislation is known. boy, “But he does seem to “ The only thing I admit to is forget things." sician aBssfiWits, and m lses a rl“speciffcally trained^t - Frn^aw ^are N u rf ^ i^ o as an adopted withholding information from the Hsrild photo by PInlo Congress” Poindexter said in a — ttoriM on page T In Pum a w p iV and bum Par?. Their pdreer conFimltmeiCi farniCm fm t^/ j^tient artd famiiy cope with morning session in which his Just horsing around attorney, Richard Beckler, fre- >arefor llfebeyopd administration is the disclosure by . * ■ quently complained about ques­ Laurie Peschke of 89 Timrod Road, atop her tho­ tions from Senate chief counsel Adm. Poindexter that ... Casey Wednesday outside their home at 173 Spring St. From loft Arthur Liman. secretly taped their telephone wm........ roughbred, Tiffany, and Joann Lenti of Andover, standing are John Morano, Lenti, Joshua Morano, Jane Morano, ___„Jdii for Bpiy:ihci $ji>irit — Xim an asked Poindexter several conversation," said Mitchell. Sup|30ft - ■ r»' with her horse, Jinger, talk with the Morano family Jaime Morano and Peschke. times whether he recalled ever Poindexter answered questions ur refiabllkatlon team, In conjunction with the telling President Reagan that the under a limited grant of immunity the help of many professionals. That s why our Burr NSC staff was assisting the contras. that bars his words from being used team iriciud^ medical house slaf^ {i^^lcafant ‘ Rehabilitation Center of Eastern Fairfield County, pro- " I do not recall a specific conversa­ against him in court, except for any M a s th e best c l f i ^ S l i e . t o recovering patients; tion in that regard," the admiral charge of perjury. occupationalf th^a'pis^» ^ y ^ o lb g iis ^ ; a social W KHT merger to retain format replied. "He knew that the contras Poindexter also testified that he And bur RepoViHnb §urh?Buppbrt Crodp and Bum were being supported. Wedidn'tget participated in the preparation'of into the details of who was doing transmitted by satellite from a By Andrew Yurkovsky Under Sage’s ownership, Sage’s takeover. He said this what.” Please tarn to page 10 Herald Reporter production center in California. W KHT’s format will remain sub­ morning that any changes at the Poindexter sat quietly a t. the Combining WNAQ with W KHT will stantially the same and will con­ station would be for the better. witness table while Beckler stated improve marketing for the Man­ Manchester’s WKHT-AM radio tinue to broadcast live coverage of One change will not be possible. his case. At one point, the 50-year- chester station, 'said Ken Borden, will merge on Monday with a the New York Mets and the Giants. Because of FCC regulations, old admiral lit his pipe and listened W KHT’s program director. Philippines Waterbury AM station, providing Borden said. He said that no W K H T ’s signal strength cannot to a lengthy exchange between his n ie d s In far more than our immediate Brea. That’^s why W9 receive many patients country music programming for The stations will operate under reduction in W K H T ’s full-time staff increase from the present 1,000 lawyer and members of the both stations, W K H T ’s program combined call letters, promoting of four will take place as a result of watts, Borden said. He said the committee. sues Marcos from o0ter Iwspitaie (o H ^ hyjh^opferf. We are here as a s ia le -i^ resbirce in director said this morning. themselves as "Connecticut Coun­ the merger. station now has listeners as far During a break in the proceed­ The move comes just after the try ," Borden said. Programming Sage’s takeover of the station, south as New Britain. ings, Sen. George Mitchell, D - sale of W K H T last month by for biiiions «hfe e will originate from the Manchester which went through June 28, will The sale of W K H T, which has Maine, said in a broadcast Inter­ S' Broadcast Management to Sage station. mean only positive changes at the gone through several format and view that Poindexter has told the Broadcasting Corp.
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