Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 5-6-1959 The aB tes Student - volume 85 number 23 - May 6, 1959 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 85 number 23 - May 6, 1959" (1959). The Bates Student. 1320. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1320 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m Hates Student Vol. LXXXV, No. 23 BATES COLLEGE. LEWISTON. MAINE, MAY 6, 1959 By Subscription CA Describes Actual JuniorS Offer Toasts Music Room Situation n,n IT T\ To the Bates Student Body: room was considered inadequate. At Annual Ivy Day I feel that it is essential at J thereby raising the problem of this point to clarify the posi- ! acoustics and ventilation. The By SARA KINSEL tion of the Christian Association cost of moving the set, the extra At 8:30 a.m.. Monday, May in regard to the issue raised by wear on records, the cost of fur- 11, the juniors will take part in the editorial in last week's nishing the room, and the prob- the 82nd annual Ivy Day, which has been planned this year by BATES STUDENT. It is true lem of proctoring also weighed a committee consisting of Faith that the CA Music Room in the heavily in making this conclu- Vollans, Richard Teevin, Carol Women's Union has been a sion. Furthermore, from the Swanson and the class officers. problem. The problem is not so viewpoint of WRJR it meant in- This is the time of year that much with the personnel of the vading an area of Pettigrew the juniors prepare themselves for participation in a firmly es- Women's Union. but rather Hall which is enclosed for their tablished Bates tradition, Ivy with the seemingly unsuitable purposes only. Day exercises. It is at these ex- Music Room hours, and the per- We thereby conclude that the ercises that the juniors are un- sistence of individuals using the situation was grossly misrepre- officially recognized as seniors. sented in last week's BATES room for studying purposes dur- Music Sets Mood STUDENT. Our relations with ing listening hours. the Administration have not The program will be pre- There are many solutions to only been adtquate, but also co- ceded by a medley of Bates the overall problem of gaining operative. songs played by Prof. D. Rob- more participation in the CA Sincerely, ert Smith. Then, under the lead- music program. One of these Jack Lawlon, The Ivy Day Committee is shown above making final plans ership of the marshal. James solutions which was looked into CA President for the 82nd Annual Ivv Dav, to be held next Monday. Wylie. the juniors, enveloped in was the possibility of transferr- their caps and gowns will march ing the music room to Petti- stu c Revises s stem solemnly into the chapel to be grew Hall, in co-operation with Muller Praises Peary, - Y seated together. WRJR. This was considered to After an introduction by Rich- be only a tentative proposal, 0f Choosing Proctors ard Vinal, president of the class and was far from being a decid- Extols Explorer's Spirit ! To the Men's Assembly: of 1960. Russell Goff, the toast- ed agreement. Further, the CA By F. CHANNING WAGG longcs of life. What kind of man Two weeks ago the report of master, will proceed with the Cabinet did have serious reser- Dr. Ernest P. Muller spoke be and what made him drive the Student Council--Student rest of the program. John Law- vations about the desirability of Monday morning of the 50th an- onward? [Government Student - Adminis- ton will present the Ivy Day such a move. tration Relations Committee was niversary of the discovery of the Native Of Maine Oration. submitted to a combined meet- Recognize Drawbacks North Pole by the late Admiral Peary was born in Maine and The majority of the program ing of both governments. The In an attempt to investigate P(<ary. received his higher education at consists of a series of toasts, According to the literary Bowdoin. He graduated second in Council has reviewed this report which include Toast to the Fac- the situation further, the ad- and intends to work further on ministration was approached heroes of today people are shal- his class after preparing for a ulty by Mary Ellen Crook. it. hoping to incorporate some of concerning the feasibility of this! low and troubled. Yet scarcely career in civil engineering. After Toast to the Coeds by Kenneth its best suggestions in the com- particular program. It was the fifty years ago Robert Edward he graduated he went into the Russell. Toast to the Men by Su- ing year. Peary discovered the North Pole. U. S. Navy in this capacity. He san Brown, Toast to the Seniors considered opinion of the CA Some of the conclusions This conquest of the almost in- served during the 1880's in the by Douglas Rowe. and Toast to Cabinet that the administration reached were of particular in- surmountable barriers of nature Nicaraguan area in the Carri- the Athletes by Gwendolyn had given valid reasons for the terest to the Council. The sug- impractibility and undesirability involved shows more than meek bean. Baker. These toasts are to be gestion was made, for example, of this proposal. The size of the complacency towards the chal- Then for some reason he followed by the Ivy Day Ode decided to go far North. His that there be more campaigning rendered by Peter Wood. of candidates for Student Coun- wife accompanied h i m and Juniors Plant Ivy his daughter was born in cil, to better enable the men to Men Disband Mayoralty At the conclusion of the Greenland. It was here that he vote in All-Campus Elections. chapel program, the juniors, fol- first decided to try and reach the Suggestions were also given lowed by the other classes, will By Consent Of Majority North Pole. Peary made this goal concerning communications be- tween the Council and the Men's proceed to the scene of the cli- » Monday few disapproved of these his profession. He spent the next Assembly. The report contained max of the Ivy Day exercises, May 4, 1959 acts, no one made an ef- twenty-five years preparing for information and statistics con- the traditional planting of the To the Student Council: fort to bring them to a and attempting to reach the Pole. Establishes Method cerning student - administration ivy. This year's class will plant halt, its ivy at the southeast corner We, the joint committee on He established the Peary meth- relations. Mayoralty (Roger Bill, Smith. c) The motives of those in- Attempts To Improve of the Coram Library. volved in the Saturday od and reversed the accepted Parker. J. B.), met Sunday night procedure of time and routes em- In short, this report was the to establish the basis for the night incident were not beginning of an attempt by the ones of personal gains or ployed. Previously the warm responsibility of the Saturday seasons had been ' the time of Council to improve the commun- Nasson Names night incident involving Bates maliciousness; they were ications between students and the result of present traveling, for the comfort of students. those involved. However, there I administration, and to alleviate Mrs. Campbell j After deliberating we have Mayoralty competition, drawbacks to these .misunderstandings between the which leads men to do were many come to realize that we all share seasons. Travel was hard on the two. We would like to thank College Trustee the guilt of these deeds, and as a things which they would Chairman Peter E. Carey, Clark not otherwise do, in softened ice and ground and the Mrs. Gertrude C. Campbell, result we have arrived at the danger of the ice floes shifting Whelton. and Gene Verdier. who following conclusions: short: "Anything to win." served on the committee as ap- the bookkeeper at Bates College, and leaving the men stranded has recently been appointed 1) The responsibility for their 2) Having realized through this (Continued on page eight) pointed representatives of the actions lies in a larger part incident that we as a group assembly. Those wishing to read alumni trustee at Nasson Col- upon the present Mayoralty arc responsible for the actions Monday, May 4, at 12:30 a.m. the report in full may see copies lege in Springvale. Maine. The system for the following rea- of our companions, class- 4) We further believe that the issued to each Council member. Alumni Association awarded sons: mates, and friends, we will flaws inherent in the present Applications for Proctorship her this honor in appreciation of a) The incidence of these make all attempts to amend Mayoralty system can be in the coming year were made her past service. acts has increased with the damage done to all par- eliminated. A study of the available and should have been She has also served as presi- each succeeding Mayor- ties and to aid in alleviating situation wjll be made in an turned in this noon. The method dent of the local association, and alty campaign. any possible future problems effort to insure the preserva- of proctor selection has been has been on the Board as presi- b) These acts have been the of this nature.
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