186 SEDGnBE~ROW. WORCESTERSHIRE. Holloway Elizabeth (Mrs.), blacksmith Taylor Mary Am'l. (Mrs.)~ miller (water) White Frances (Mrs.), shopkeepet\ Humphris James, shopkeeper TerrY' John, Queen's Head P.B White Thomas, shopkeep~r SmithFrs. Wm. farmr .Sedge berrow hall SELLY OAX, in the parish of N orthfield, is a suburb of Birmingham, and will be found in Kelly's Directotyof thateit)-. SEVERN STOXE is a village and parish, on the east wooCls, stretching away to the Severn, and affordsde!ightfQ) bank of the navigable Severn and, the road from Worcester views of the river, Severn Stoke church, and of the par\. to Tewkesbury, commanding fine views of the Malvern like scenery in the neighbourhood. The Earl of Coventry Hills, 7 miles south from Worcester and 3 north from Upton- (lord-Jieut. ), is the lord of the manor and principa~ land. on-Severn railway station, on the Tewkesbury and Malvern owner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay. ThecbJet branch of the Midland railway, in the Southern division of crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 3,26gact"el!· the county, hundred of Lower Pershore, Upton-upon-Severn rateable value, [6,059; the population in 1891 was 653. ' union ~nd petty sessional divisio~ county court district of KINNERSLEY is a large hamlet, I mile south-east ; &nd. Malvern, rural deanery of Bredon and archdeaconry and ford is one mile north, on the road from Worcester~ diocese of Worcester. 'rhe church of St. Denis is a building Tewkesbury; Clifton is xi miles north i Birch Green xn; of .stone in the Early Engliq;h, Decorated and Perpendicular north-east. 1 styles, with some traces of Norman work at the west end, Parish Clerk, Henry Fowler. and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south transept, south Sexton, Thomas Wiltshire. porch, and an embattled tower on the north side, occupying PosT & .M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Ma the place of a north transept, and containing a clock and 5 Louisa Linton, sub-postmistress. Letters received tbrongb bells; the piers of the nave are Early English, and the tower Worcester at 6 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched at !x a.rn. & Decorated ~ the chanc~l was restored in 1872, and in 1890 6.40 p.m. Up ton is the nearest telegraph office. Lr!:•rri!t the ~hurch was thoroughly restored at a cost of nearly Box, Clifton,cleared 6.5op.m. sundays included. LETTER. [2,ooo, under the directions of Mr. F. Collins, of Tewkes- Box, Kinnersley, 6.20 week days only bury : there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the Letters for Birch Green, Clifton & Sandford should'" lit. year 1538. The living is a rectory, average yearly value addressed via Kempsey, Worcester from tithe rent-charge £593• with 6o acres of glebe and National School (mixed) (formerly a farmhouse & enlarged residence, in the gift of the Earl of Coventry, and held since in r887) for 140 children ; average attendance, 9o-; Georg& r869 by the Rev. Henry William Coventry M.A.. of Pembroke J. T. Waite, master College, Oxford, hon. canon of Worcester, rural dean of CARRIERS.-William Moorfield, Brick Fields to WercesMr, Bredon and J.P. The Severn Stoke Workmen's Club was on wed. & sat. ; William Sanders, Kinnersley to Worres- built in 1891. Severn Bank, now occupied by Col. Charles ter, same days; & Arthur Taylor, Kinnersley to Worces. Wigram Long, is a mansion surrounded by magnificent ter, wed. & sat Coventry Rev. Henry William M.A.,J.P. Evans Thomas, grocer & baker Sanders William, carrier, Kinnersley [rector, hon. canon of Worcester & Fowler Henry, parish clerk Scott Henry, wheelwright, Sandford rural dean of Bredon]. Rectory Harding Herbert, beer retlr. & shopkpr Scott Willia.r;n, blacksmith, Sandfotd Hill John, Church house Hemus William, farmer, Kinnersley Smith Harriet (Mrs. ),beer retlr. Cliffun Hunter Mrs. Springbank Hulse Augustin,estate clerk,Kinnersley Smith John, pig butcher Lewis John, Kinnersley Hooper Thomas, butcher Taylor Arthur, carrier & shopkeeper! Long Col. Chas. Wigram, Severn bank Howship Joseph, Boar's Head inn Kinnersley Walker Edward St. Lawrence lf.F.H. James Charles, mason, Kinnersley Turberville Kate (Miss), beer retailert Kinnersley Linton Ellen (Miss), vaccination officer Kinnersley Woodward Miss, The llill & registrar of births & deaths for Vaughan Wm. blacksmith, Kinnenley. Kempsey sub-district, Post office Warman James Hy. hay & coal deal~ COMMEIWI.,U, 1\Iorris George, farmer, Chfton court. White William, farmer, Birch fa~~ .Andrews Jame~, farmer, Kionersley My~ton Sarah (Mrs.)., farmer Wiltshire Thomas, sexton Brook.e George, fa:llmer NewmanFanny(Mrs.),frmr.HighHo.fm Wood Wm. estate clerk, Kinnersley ~ -Brooke Ge01:ge, jun. thrashing machine- Nixon Edward, farmer, Kinnersley Woodward .Alice (Miss), ladies' ~cljooy owner & assistant overseer Redding Alfred, painter The Hill Broomhall Jn. cattle dealer, Kinnersley Revill Mark, farmer2 Sandford house & WoodwardFrederick,farmer,l'arkfa~ Church Wm.Aug.farmer, Dunstal farm Sheepcott Workmen's Club(G.;J.T.Waite,hon,sep~ Cosnett Jas. market gardener, Clifton Rosser Jane (Miss), farmer, Clifton 1 SHELSLEY BEAUCHAMP (or GREAT SHELSLEY), Hyde Cook esq. John Bury esq. J.P. of Kateshill Hoi!Set including the hamlet of SHELSLEY KINGS, is a parish on the Bewdley, Richard Price Hill esq. of Great Malvern, an4 east bank of the river Teme, Io miles north-west from Wor- Frederick Moore esq. are the principal landowners. Tbesoi cester and 8 south-west from Stourport station on the Severn is clay and red marl ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are Valley section of the Great Western railway, in the Western wheat, beans and hops. 'l'he area is 2,196 acres) rateablo division of the county, Hundred Hou~ petty !'ession,al divi- value .Df Shelsley Beauchamp is £1,642; of Shelsley King& si on, Martley union, Worcester county court district, western £ t,399; the population, in !8gr, of Shelsley Beauchamp; division of the rural deanery of Worcester and arcbdeaconry was 253 (including officers and inmates of the Woodbury and diocese of Worcester. Shelsley lleauchamp is in the Hill Reformatory), and of Shelsley Kings, 245· hundred of Lower Doddingtree, and Shelsley Kings in Upper Parish Clerk, Joseph Thoma!f. Doddingtree hundred. The church of All Saints, rebuilt, PosT 0FFICE.-Arthur William Evans, 'sub-postmaster: with the exception of the tower, in 1846, under the direction Letters arrive from Worcester at 7·'~5 a:. m.; dispatched of Mr. Cranston, is an edifice of stone, in the Early English at 5.50 p.m. Standford Bridge is the nearest mmmy end Decorated styles~ eonsisting of chancel with vestry, order office ; the nearest telegraph office is a.t GreatWitley nave of three bays, aisles, south porch, and a western tower, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. &Annuity& Insurance Office, Stand• with plain parapet-and small pinnacles, containing 6 bells; ford :Bridge.-Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, sub-postmistress, the communion table is of stone, and there is an arcaded Letters through Worcester arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched reredos and a. stained east window~ an hour-glass stand, at 6.xo p.m. Great Witley isthenearesttelegraphoffice. formerly on the old pulpit, in :now in the possession of the WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 6.ro,p.lll Diocesan Architectural Society ; the church was restored in daily 1859 at a cost of £140, and has 209 sittings ; in the- church- ScHOOLS:- yard are the remains of a eross. The regi!jter dates from National Endowed (mixed)t founded in 168r, enlargediil the year 1538, and is one of the few registers found intact I86o, for 90 children; average attendance, 70j ):.~ up to the present day. The living is a. rectory, tithe rent- Ellmer, mastel'; Mrs. Jane Ellmer, mistress charge £450, net yearly \Talue £302, including 12 acres of Wood bury Hill Reformatory for boys was established ~ytbf glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Dndle.y, and Earl of Dudley, in 1856, at Woodbury hill, The Ber. held since x887 by the Rev. William Griffiths hon. .M.A. of Theodore Nevins l<'lintoff IILA. rector of Shelsley Walsht Durham University. William Jones esq. D.L., J.P. of Abber- is chaplain & manager ley, who is lord of the manor, the Earl of Dudley, William CARRIER TO WoRCESTER.-Wa1ter Marks, wed. & sat Cook Wm.Hyde,TheGrn.ShelsleyKings Benbow William, blacksmith ~vans Henry, farmer & hop ~ooet, Flintofl' Rev. 'I'heodore Nevins M. A. Bull John, farmer, hop grower & car- Church farm • [rector of Sbelsley Walsh & chaplain penter, The Birch Galton Ewan Cameron1 farmer & ~q & managerofWoodburyHillreforma- Bunce Alfred, farm bailiff to William grower, Wallfields tory], Upper house 1 Hyde Cook esq. & hop grower, Pard GardenerEdward,farmer & hop grower, Griffiths Rev. William M. A. Rectory house & Meneatt farms Lower house Galton Ewan Cameron J.P. Wallfields Daniel William, glazier &c Griffith Thomas (Mrs.), farmer.tlwP Galton Mrs. Cameron, Shelsley grange Davis Edward, farm bailiff to Henry grower, Fetterlocks COMMERCIJ\L. WoodOram esq.& hop growr.Hill side Harding James, f1'rtn bailiff to RicbaJd :Bedford John, farmer & hop grower, Evans. A-rthJ Wm. shopkeepr. Post office Price Hill esq. & hop grower-.Jhoek tll Camp 'farm .
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