... ""- ;- THE PAUL MEEK LIBRARY , • • THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE AT MARTIN MARTIN, TENNESSEE fENN. LD 5300 .MJ5 1941 C.2 258324 Un t v e r s t t y of Tennessee. If Junior Co Ll e oe , The volunteer jun i or , , I 1 ARCH. LD 5300 .M35 ! 1941 I P'te~el1.tiI1.9 . .• ~I THE VOLUNTEER JUNIOR Yearbook of The University of Tennessee Junior College Martin, Tennessee :<'58324 Published By The Sophomore Class of Nineteen Hundred Forty-One THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE AT MARTIN Editor-in-Ebiel, Ann Brsnn Associ.te Editor, Bebecea Isbell - Facultu Advisor, J. P.uI Phillips ... A BOOK F MEM s AS SUGGESTED BY , - i 'I - .-- -------- I ~---- , -- -~ _ .. ,----~------------.- ---=~ ,Ii Ii , I U N I CLUBS ATHLETICS e..A0 FACULTY r_ _ _ _V_E_R_S_I_T_Y__ G_J~_"_C:..:L:..A:..:..:S::..:::S..:E::",:::S_:0~:,!SJ:",,,:F:,EAT U RES -; rr BETTY COED'S DIARY JOE COLLEGE'S LETTERS S,1I"rda.", Fehr"ar)' 22 Il ..,,, I);",,": D":l1' Di;1I'I': \\',·11. Io;"'k "J.'::o;n 'If [T. T J. C, a fllit-fledj.:ed ,,,ph,,- 1"hi, wa; onr !lollle Ec .'~l'le",her as. 19~1I (ill"".' I h"d lot'lltr cl",,' [!.oIlIIL e:Oll,tS] m",,· I" he"" "flt· ",,,re <la\'. \\"h"t ".id, 01,,, tr;p CI"h', hig night-c-wev c "",," ,,1,,1 ).:,'1to th,' Ilining d""",,. ", .. ,-i"l!: in, lIlt·<ting ,t"d~,If IlCW Fre,hlllc". CO'H- 11,''',. F"lb. • • lahored I"ud I"ng f"r 11.111 for "",,,, Ill"r~ "f 1':1""10: ",id, ("\Ttd,,,d,', and e,-eHlhing Then ""I • • ,-",-",i"",, "'~tk" h"l Ihi, \Va,bin,,- \Vrll h~ ..~ I "'" geliing leady 10 ,t"'t m)' H'eond year Ihal ,,"ot1dnf,,1 food. I" the ,10",," ",nigl.l (,ee'IO,-<I n'!lur,11 I" he'" \\',,11;,(,- lon', Binhda" Dinl1er of ndlegr and h,n'! il I~~l, ).':""d 10 hi' a ~"l'homo,r. ~t"~- dont "'alit to hilll hUl ("r",," aho,'" ('yt"I""I,' ,-I, .. ) :lml Ihell 10,,\11'; "f " "gal> .' , Ihm'e was ",,;nh it. l\1I in).: all Ih~'e "'gr<"'"11 F,n,j, 1'<",,,il1d, rnr "f how I f"11 "Il! 110'" ""'lconw :, hox ~ • "-"i,,o" finding ;"JI ;·q·'.'lhing "1,,,,11en'ryh"d" Tn- Ihe 'ed, whilr and hilL<' fr",n h"1111' w""ld h~. ,,,,,,m"- hrill>,:' ,,,\ reg;,lr"tl"" and ",,,,,, ",'''- I'""ple- ,hi, tll'1<' 1.1'1 )'r'r. II;' r~all,' '''tnrthing- In I>~ Jt ("olle).:,· "nd IL,g, :1I1d 'oft ""l1e- "·,,,;,,d, 1I1e-l """1 \\'i"d y'- "lck ,,]:orl11dod, ~"d go f", Ihc fir't ,il11l"-II<>I ~T1o,,"ing ~T1,'one, wondnin).: hOI\" Ihil'" ",per-'pteial Oul of in th~ world .1'",,'11 e\'rr gel ",td '0 Ihi, nrw life, and 'n bnL Ih~ I'IOTH~ Ec B",ldin;:, ;' jo,' ColI{').:e. ,,,,,,,'h,· e\'t'll l",il1).: a little h"lll~,;ck. "lIhollg-h ",n, l'al1'l All 'H gal" asked the TIIan Friday, llnnhu 5 "f li'l" rn"",rnt, al1d th"I' all 'aid it ",,,, "hom th~ hl"1 "d",it lh"' 10 an.'·"n~. n", e\'rn """r 'OOIJIIllJte. (ia' I),>"r Ilian' ,,,('ial the,,"1 been to, !\l1d, Diar)'. you ,hould ha"e hIll ,,,,,,,, "f Ih~,,' Frt',llTnen are d"",h. hnw""n. Ill",t "f 1'", j,,:, f,,11 "f 1"'1' and ,luff ",,<1 ,,,eh-I'n- hern :,n,,:lI'" 5. I'H I ,{Til the :,Jg lil't', II was '" "'olldnf"l-h," J10W to lhem 3r" <"~,<"hlllg "n (;", And, ine;dr'lI;,lh·. lhere He I"~ [Il!" fi,_, 10"",,' f",,,I>,,11 '-:"""- "I Ih,- ~"do,,!>' ,"",on. hrd. for "n' rOOIl1lJ,,,te qy., [ pnlha"""" her vvhrn I go 'ILlile a fell <""I~ I',t',h",an ).':irl, "'l1nin).': ""0"'''] "I' I,er<'. Ile"r F"Ik-, th".,· I'''''' F"',h,,,,'1) hn'" :lct" all prpl"'" "p t,w-iniliJ- In 'Ierl' in church. 1.(\,,~, lik,' III" "",,,,'1 Illi" 11",'r ],,'1 "ear g",d"atr, '" ti"t" hJH' a 'li"",la,ing df,·n. I'~ h":lrd i, 'aid, I)" n,,, n·"li,.'· that ['It, ,l"n;,,).: nIl 1111 fifth '1"al'lt'r "'\I"b "fIn all. The h".", "t'<' all righ,. 100. b", of C'",r'~ "f c"Il"g,'? 1'11, reall" ''''~it1llilll! In r<'~li,,;' ill 11 'I'em, I h",'en'l no,ited Ihl"l11 ""'I'h "el, e,,-rpt for ,h,,",hi,1<", fLJ!1"" I" thillk lh:'1 I'"",· ""II' 1:"1 "n,· "LOft' 'l""rter aflel' ~:lt\lrd:l.I'. {1",,,I,,,r 2, Ile:" Pi"",'. etc. 'h" i,er~ ill \L"'!in, I,,] ';'''1' I II he ~i"dJ "''''y ",)",,, Ilrar Ili"" ~"rp,i,,~' T"d,,,' I ;:01 " ched from home. "'hich "'a, "r,t 'I""r"ler i, ,,"et' 1"'Cl",~'I" ",,'" I'", ,on "f ",etl I ",i;:l" :', ,,"cll be d,,,ng ""twlhing while '"' ft't'l lik,· :, r,,;nfall in .1 dt'crt, The fir't thillg I did was I'"" (-':"1Illr ,amr "")!,, I hOld b" ''I"ar 1>"1a diffrrel11 In t"'",ything ",','r ht're-Ill .. ~,,,d'·111'. 'h,' I'.."f~""r" "';]S r"OI1"""I~. Ife', ki"d" b" h"l I think \\'r'lI g,'l along ,,,,,I.. ," I'll Idl "H' "1.<),,, Ih,' \1:l''1"rradl" Ihll. II ru ral1'''1n "n' ck"l1 ,herr, fl'o", Sal''' ));ckl'\'-'bc', heen th{' "01"."-,-",,,1 I h"lc t" think "f ha,'i"l: "j get 'l"rlt'd ",,,,,. f"n-n"1,,,,i, 1."<"1' J""I""I, ,.],~ "nlil far i[l da' h"lding Illell; a, securitv for \II'1'3id 1;I"nd~y hill, '1'0- all righ' Th,' room i, I',""ll" in " 1111", no" wi'h un- all ""tT "1:";", ,,;).:h' a"d thl'n 11;,"" W,·I·,· ll;"'" ~"rpri"·,, 11~le" ,i"od- lIig-bl 'H wvnt to 3 hall game. ",hid, I,,· the "·a'·. wa, l'adiT1~, ~l<", h"t >:u,'" il' "'ill 'l,ai;:ht~n il,,'lf Ollt (lh ",,,III I'll nil nil' 'h", dn''''-'' <:h"'lol' ;ll1d 'ell wi" "'J. Ih~ )I,,-I'n·l'. ""d ('I"r!"",· Il.",", ''''', th:lt ~I'al\i,h Ih" l a-r (lHr I'll ""C while I'n, a -tudcnt 'h,:I'" ' In tll11e 1'0" ",11,11 i, K"inl: ,,", I gOI "I'er hn,· ,.,,,'1, IlIi, ,ime LHh. h"l I ha"'I", f"""tI ",,, n" wll" th,,' :\:'I'"I~n" i" I ",ent 10 " dance lhe othr' ;,",1 regi,len'd hd"re th,' nl,IL I '''>o,n'd th"t """c "f 'h,. h:llhr ..lor W:", Frid,'.". !\brch 1~ "ighl JI1<l h:ld a hig 1;1111",I lh,' >I ",klH' ,ore ""t ha,'~ tlti, 'I"arter h,,' w,·'l'e g01 " Ilc,l' Di:,,,,: ).:", "e'I""i1Hed with a 101 "f fn' "e'" "lie, I" tr,,,kl" "I' f"r that. T"d,,,' ~n"l<'h,,(h' di,c""n,,d " '~I"ord call~d "'\\'orried the gi,l, "nd f"und some 1),-", Ili"" I I'~"lly h"d a hi;: time ",hile I "'a, Il""ll' f,,1' Ch'"l- .\1ind'" ,;" the l1ickelod~oj' "yer at tht Coucge Inn "nd pre"." 'moolh danc"" among ,1\,1.' .1nrJ h"y! it', hard '(J '1"'1 hack 01\ ;'"",hcr ,;ege 01 r"d:ll "" h",ih ":lll'" 'h",,,gh :",d I g"l a big I"" ,hI' mo ..e th,,), I'I,,-,'~d it-e-well. lbe 1110re Ihey pl'1\'~d it, Ih",e Fro,h. Of co""r, I fr"'" h..",r.· .-\11 "f a ,,,dd,'" I w", Ihe l'''I'"I;lr .,cho,,1. Oh weil' "'h"l lile hed' I'd he f",';"g if I ,,\0,' II all bezan al 1 :lIU p, 011. al1d fin,lh' ," 5 :00 p. nl, on the ~njo"ed d.1ncing with tbc had I" 'I"," h"me. hLll th",c lr,l" Il'""e ~ood Ihin..:-whrn I ,,:"1 hJ('k I" "\\' r""," "II lIn' fr;""d, 1::1 1051h rendilion d'n' "topped. 1'-' "hal limr eYerybod." hunch from la_l '·ear. 100. It ,,,r .. ".,'''' wcr~ 1""'1,..,11, hangin).: lh,' d"""'r rh~ ''''''' I j.;ue" ,'on "ndcr'ltlnd thaI ",tr' 'd",\\'~" "'h" rould ,,~I "ut "f hl"a ..ing- had gOllt'n. I couldn'l fig-" ..~ 'ealh' 'rem, like ,ehonl " c"" lilllr """, "'h" WJ'"'' Ihrrf did"'1 hJ"" :I 'Ilin..: UI1 Ih:l\ il :1110\11 fol' Ihl" f;r'l bour or Iwn. and Ihen I l1e"r]y "nt!e'r "'a' af,u rb e fir" It """", likl' ""en'hlllh", In·i,,).: '" gel the flu ""cr f,i~d ,·hid.,·" i" alo'lL'l IW" ,h:,k!-" :\""'. Pian'. ,'''' I fail1led II'hen il ca"'e to m~ that IIr,,'/ ,,·,'d' i, ex"", "'rek dtlllce, hne, Yo" lIe"cr ,a"'- '" ;""n,' 't,,,,,, K"ill~ ont from th" r~,irr "''',' apl'l.' "'-"elf '0 'hal m",,,,,,i,, "f din,· ag"il1, (;ood-h)'<, 1)(>\\'di:ll'y-I 1llL1,tal'ply my,elf to TIly di"'T11: Ilall' ,\lr,. J""ln,on i, ,'en' nin t" "'"rn' "'ith .-1"')"" in tI" I"In,rl. ,,,,di~,-il\ now,,, nn'er. \\'ell. I "e ;:01 10 r".h I''''''. I""e go' a milliol1 lhing, all th,· II''','''. 'pl'cial f""d clc illld'l ~lIOw th,· ,;c~""e- ,,, t1o-\lnl'~(" "'g"ln, ,,'e ,',·rr)·"od)'. d,op in al Ihe ,.-;<11" "I'p,e"iate II I" kiTHb hJrd "n r"""un,11e, h"t \I""da".
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