In Tee District Court of the United States of America, in and for Thf District of Nevada

In Tee District Court of the United States of America, in and for Thf District of Nevada

IN TEE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN AND FOR THF DISTRICT OF NEVADA . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , -vs- C-125 . WALKER RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICT, a cor- poration, JOHN A.BEEMER, ANTELOPE VALLEY LA1ND & CATTLE COMPANY, a corporation , ARTHUR PITTS, WILLIE PITTS, H . F . POWELL, MRS . ELIZABETH CHICHESTER, B . H . CHICHESTER JAMES POWELL, MRS . ELIZA McKAY, MRS . SARAH CARNEY, VIGIL CONNELL, HUNNEWILL LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, a corporation, JAMES Mc KAY, FRANK SIMPSON, TRUCKEE RIVER GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, H . W. SETTLEMEYER, A SETTLEMEYER, F . SCHACHT , THOAAS BERRY, JOE ALLARD, SAM FALES, HENR Y RUBE, EDDIE RUBE, JOE SORERINE, A. DELLAMONICA, MODESTO DFLLAMONICA, FRAM YPARRAAHIRRE, MRS . MINNIE PIMENTAL, MONO LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, a corporat A . S . BRYANT, LORENE WEDERTZ, A . W . BRANDON MRS . M . V . SINNAMON, C . E . DAY, FRANK W . CHICHESTER, DAVID McKAY, MRS . BERTRAND SALLES, MRS . OLIVE STEWART, LOUIS E wJANIVINO ESTATE, JOSEPH SCANIVINO, R . C . TERRY, . FRED DUNN, FRANK YPARRAGUIRRE, HENRY -1- BAKER, R . S . BROOKS, D . J . BUTLER, A . JENSEN , PATRICK J . CONWAY, BATTISTA CREMETTI, A . CHARLEEOIS, LOUIS SARONI, MODESTO DELLAMONICA , 4 ! ' .ARIA DELLAMONICA, ROSIE DELLAMONICA, KATI E 5 DFT,T,AMONICA, ULISEE DELLAMONICA, COMPSTON & 5 HACQUET, A . H . BARLOW, CLARA MASTERSON , 7 HARRIET ESTES, HUNNEWIL L LAND & LIVESTOC K 8 COMPANY, a corporation, J . I . FEENEY, MRS . 9 A:1AEDA FENILI, JOHN F . FRED.rEICKS, FOX DITC H 10 COMPANY, a corporation, C . 94 GALLAGHER, J . E . 11 GALLAGHER, J . B . GALLAGHER, T . F . GALLAGHER , 12 J . C . GALLAGHER, ED . HORNLEBEN, A . SCOSSA, A . 13 SCIARINI, WU . SCHACHT, C . W . HYATT, FLORA 14 NICHOLAS, F . H . KNFMFYEF, H . H . STECK, F . 15 ROBINSON, CARLO SCATII'IA, CHARLES ALTMAN , 16 PUESEL ESTATE, H . C . GUILD, KATE SMITH GAGE , 1 7 JOHN B . GALLAGHER, W. F . FREEMAN, JOE FABER, 1 8 ANDY JOHNSON, MARY GALLAGHER, PERAllO BROTHERS 1 9 P . J . CONWAY, EDWARD FREDERICK WADE, ESTHER 2 0 SARA WADE, KATHERIN I . GALLAGHER, PETER 2 1 GALLAGHER, PAUL H. GALLAGHER, JOHN GALLAGHER, 22 FRED LAMMON, J . G . GIBBONS, A . W . GANDER, M . 23 J . GREEN, IRA FALLON, GREENWOOD DITCH COMPANY , 24 a corporation, G . SCATINA, W . A . PURSEL, 2 5 GEORGE FREIDHOFE, FRANK J . MATHEWS, JOSEPH 2 6 MATHEWS, W . H . SPP.AGG ESTATE, J . E . GALLAGHE 27 H . C . KENNA, C . A . BARRETT, GEORGE F . BATCH- 2 8 ELDER, FRANK HANSON, HENRY HANSON, EDWARD 29 K:NEMEYER, JOHN SHEHADY, P . DCIEINCI, JO E 30 SCURRINE, ELMER HANSON, G . F . ALLUM, MRS . 31 ADELINE HILBURN, PETER HENRICKS, CHARLES B . 32 JOHNSON, MENESIN & TONETTI, dATIE F . FRF"AMFL , :OBERT M . PRIC E nTTORNEY AT LA W NATIONAL BANK BLDG . RENO, NEVADA - 2- G. B . LOGAN, ANTONE MANHA, J . AROUSE, ANNETTA D . LEWIS, PETER HEITMAN, H . S . MORGAN, JAMES H. +VICHMAN, JOHN H . ,'a'ICT,&AN, MTCKEY DITC H COMPANY, a corporation, T . F . FITZPATRICK , GEORGE OSBORNE, MRS . EMMA OSBORNE, H. A . 6 LANCASTER, J . H . LANCASTER, WILLIAM SCOSSA , 7 JOE SCIRENIA, FRANK LUCA, MRS . MELAPXEY, PETE DOMINICO, JOHN PERAllO, WILLIAM CCATENA, LOUISE 9 McG(WAN, PLAY McGOWAN, E . AESCR LMAN, A .B . SILIA 10 CARLO BARBOGETATA, MAFONCHI BROTHERS, MABE L 11 PLUMMER, GEORGE PLUMMER, RAY McVICAR, NEIL Mc VICAR, CHAS . C . PERRY, GEORGE W . rREIDHOFF , 1 1 DANIEL WILTON PURSEL, HENRY ARTHUR, IRA FALLON , 14 N . F . BERTRAND, _MRS . SARAH JANE RAWLINS , 15 WILLIAi M . PENROSE, MRS, NELLIE NEILSON, REYNOLD 1'6 J . 9FNROSE, IRS . MARY E . YOUNG, AMBRO ROSACHI , THOS . ROSS, FRANK ROBINSON, W . F . READING, G . I. READING, GEORGE H . FULSTONE, W . H . ROACH, CECIL BURKHAM, PETER SAVANI, A . GRULLI, FRANK 20 W . SIMPSON, FRED FULSTONE, JOE FULSTONE, ARTHUR 21 'iIAIONCHI, MELIO MAIONCHI, L . D . SANTINI, LIZZI E 22 HERONYMOUS, J . C . SNYDER, JOEY] SNYDER, GUS 23 WILLIAMS, HENRY A . WILLIAMS, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, 24 MAMIE C . WILLIAMS, DORA WILLIAMS, SPRAGG ~C 25 WOODCOCK DITCH COMPANY, a corporation, C . C . 26 PERRY, M . F . BERTRAND, MRS . A . F . McIEOD, C . A . 27 McLEOD, J. B . GALLGHER, MRS . G . W . WEBSTER, 28 S . McCROSKEY, LETTIE SHELTON, F . S . COX, G. F . 29 WILLIS, G. L . NICHOLAS, JOHN LAM.FERSWEILER, M . 30 DELLAMONICA, GEORGE WELSH, L . SIMMONS, W . F . 31 CAMBRELL, FRANK BOWARD, JOHN SNYDERi/ C . E . 32 K:INGSLEY, H . I . HANSON, J . N . WELSH, J. G . ZOBERT M . PRIC E ATTORNEY AT LA W NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RENO . NEVADA 1 McGOWAN, ISAAC A . STROSNIDEF, F . O . STICKNEY, 2 ALICE L . _LLQ =.TIN, ANTONE GA1IAGNI, THE PLYMOUT H 3 CO IPAi2Y, a: corporation, NELLIE J . WHITEACRE, 4 ;:EITHA ANN JOHNSON, G . W. WILSON, J . Q . ILSON , W . McGOWAN, J . ad . WILSON, J . G . McGOWAN , MRS . LOUISE McGOWAN, EIgILIO AIAllI, HESTER TEST, SOPHIA E . LYNCH, JOHN McVICAR, F . B . ! MANN, 1ARGARET SCHOOLLY., JP. 1FS T . McKAY, JOHN F . YD RI.AGU IRE, FR ©.NK YPARRAGUIRRE, JOSEP H 10 YPARRAGUIRRE, GEORGE PARKER and JOHN DOE , 11 RICHARD DOE, SI.MEON POE, JANE DOE and SARAH ROE, whose true names are to the plaintiff 13 unknown, 14 Defendants . 1 5 16 D E C R EE 1 8 19 This suit was commenced on July 3, 1924 . The plaintiff 20 thereafter filed an amended complaint to which amended complain t 21 the several defendants filed their answers and cross complaints . 22 The parties to said suit were represented by attorney s 23 as follows : 24 The United States of America was represented originally 2 5 by George Springmeyer, United States attorney for the District of d 26 Nevada, and subsequently by his successor, H . H . Atkinson, United 2 7 States attorney for said District, and by Cole L . Harwood and 28 Ethelbert Ward, special attorneys for the plaintiff . 3C William M . Kearney represented the following defendants :) 30 Ernest Aeschlimann ; Emillio Aiazzi ; J . Arouze ; Mrs . 31 C . Baker, successor to Henry Baker ; Carlo Barbagelata ; W . L . 32 Blackwell; Dora Williams Borge ; August Bunkowski, successor t o OBERT M . PRIC E ,TTORNEY AT LA W NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RENO, NEVAD A 1 F . W . Simpson; Cecil Burkham, and Peter Savini, co-partner s 2 doing business under the firm name and style of Burkham & 3 Savini ; V . S . Connell ; Mrs . I . E . Conway and Mrs . A : G . 4 Sturgeon, Executrices of the Estate of Patrick J . Conway, De - 5 ceased ; Frank Cordrey ; Battista Cremetti ; F . Dill, C . Metzger 6 and B . F . Edwards, doing business as Dill, Metzger & Edwards ; 7 Fred Dunn ; Frank W . Estes, successor to Harriet Estes ; Bertha 8 M . Evans (sued as Bertha Simpson), successor to Frank Simpson ; 9 Joe Faber ; Ira Fallon ; Mrs . J . C . Farral; Mrs . Ernina Francis- 10 coni, successor to Amanda Fenili ; J . F . Fredricks ; Geo . W. 11 Friedhoff, sued as George Freidhoff ; Fred Fulston ; G . H . 12 Fulstone, sued as George H . Fulstone ; Mr . and Mrs . Wm . Gardiner ; 13 Mrs . Kate Gibbons, sued as J . G . Gibbons ; Dgo Giorgi and Guili o 14 Giorgi, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Giorg i 15 , Brothers, successors to D . J . Butler ; A . Glock, successor to 16 ! Mrs . Mary E . Young ; M . J . Green ; Greenwood Ditch Comp any, a 17 corporation; A. Grulli, Menina Grulli and Manuel Grulli (sue d 18 as A . Grulli) ; Thomas Hay; Peter Henricha ; Mrs . Adeline 19 Hilbun; James Hilbuni Chas . Hinds ; Joe Jaunsaras, John 20 Juansaras and Joe Asearraga (successors to F . W . Simpson) ; Joseph 21 Jeppesen, successor to J . P . Perazzo ; Hans C . Jesson, successo r 22 to Frank W. Simpson; Andrew Johnston ; Bertha Johnston ; Hattie 23 F . Kremmel; Anetta D . Lewis ; C . B . Logan ; Fred Lomori, sue d 24 as Fred Lamson, Antone Manha ; Alice Martin ; Clara Masterson ; 25 Guilio Menesini and Earnesto Tognetti, doing business under th e 26 firm name of Menesini & Tognetti (a partner-ship, sued as 27 Minesini & Tonitti) ; Mickey Ditch Company, a corporation ; Mrs . 2 8 Laura Dickinson Miller, a successor to Plymouth Company; J . G . 2 9 McGo • Louise McGowan, (Mrs . T . M .) ; W . R . McGowan ; John 30 Nagel, successor to Berth Ann Johnson; Ester S . W . Neilson; 3 1 Mrs . N . P . Neilson; A . M . Nesmith and Jennie Nesmith, his wife , 32 successors to Plymouth Company ; R . H. Okey; Geo . Parker ; Mrs . BERT M . PRIC E TTORNEY AT LA W VATIONAL BANK BLDG. ?ENO, NEVADA 1 Mary J . Parker, successor to J . O . Parker; Herbert Penrose , successor to Wm . Penrose ; Reynold Penrose ; Wm . A . Penrose ; C . 3 C . Perry ; Mrs . Anna B . Philatro ; George Plummer, Jr . ; F . Poll , successor to Mrs . Lizzie Hironymous ; Arthur Pursel, (successo r to Morris Pursel) ; H . M . Pursel ; Wilton Pursel, successor t o 6 Morris Pursel ; Mrs . Sarah Jane Rallens ; W . H . Roach ; Ambr o 7 Rosaschi ; Amos Santina, successor to L . D . Santina ; Carlo 8 Scatena ; Joe Sceirine ; H. W. Schacht ; A . B . Silva, sued as A . 9 i B . Silia ; Frank W . Simp son; Spragg & Woodcock Ditch Company, a 10 corporation ; F . O . Stickney; I . A . Strosnider ; I . A . and Fred 11 Strosnider ; A . D . Sturgeon and Maude Sturgeon, successors t o 12 , P . J . Conway and H . F . Swasey and S . W . Gregory ; A. Tamagni , 13 sued as Antone Gamagni ; Mrs . Lydia Trankle ; A . J . Van Fleet , 14 ! successor to A . H . Barlow and Wm . Penrose Estate ; Fred Wade , 15 sued as Edward Frederick Wade ; Walker River Irrigation District , to a corporation ; Florence Williams Walmsley, sued as Florenc e 17 Williams ; Mamie Williams Walmsley ; L . L . Wederts; Henry 18 Williams ; George F . Willis, administrator of the Estate of Heste r 19 Wise, deceased ; George W . Wilson ; J . I . Wilson, sued as J . Q . 20 l Wilson; William G . Wise, successor to H . W. (Wm .) Schacht; J . 21 D . Yeager, J . W . Wilson . 22 George L . Sanford represented the following defendants : 23 Leon Auchoberry (successor to H .

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