Feulirsm^ Gospel Sougs Byp. P. Bliss

Feulirsm^ Gospel Sougs Byp. P. Bliss

304 THE baptist; natUyoB »rt bjlf diNi4 ii«nB«)u.u. TUB TAItUB OF tcBt to MM aid «IIol»ey. 1. H. WILSOH, Br. brfiiM iron Msd tot Ma. Irtl^ngtOD, Iie« Oo„ Tazu, lITt ofatW-KaMrTHloB. «ar«»;ii •»«, Ja-oaJtv.,, THE BODY AND LUN6 BRACE. It should be worn by tftry eU p«r<ont, ud for kit with bas!u, itUlhaterjr tbi as- A. 1.. MOKQAN. Tit Barry the energy and *igor of his youth far P»I! Branch, TensMxi*. Into old age. to B«ptUt MlaUten of Uu BoaUi: Onr labora In protracted mettlngs is what I hkf* itlT«o (ba Bra» • Ulr trUI. I Aod It all fEULirsm^ irostrates and uses up as many mlnisUr* th»t la claimed for It. 1 woulil not take |l«l <»r REMARKABLE ANSWEBS I Uke thli mcUio4 «I okQing your ftUen- n voice and strength, and lays the found- tb« light to i-ae It. I tioro tl»at all "T »ti>J«<;rlii« I A dUAKB BOOK rou AOKITa tipn to th« eelebntod. Body kod Lane f brclbr-n will procaro On». J. A.UKiHULUR. ation of premature decay. ruUoa, sue., l-STt. 0«« i<««wrH«"IUwk Mofdii.io ~ Br»eo, tbe »l{e«cy of which I have aocspt- vtbw •Mor.1.1l Ihla. IWt I hootMtnr ,cuitMw uk.. dI, toi.. ^Ju'ii^'V" BiVt.?!*' " oeo and aak for tho old paths, whloh aro too go^ ways, and therkn, and yeshatt^^tor yotir MxaJm-^m^'^ •d th«t I mtkj make it a beneflt to my paper This invalmbJe arUcle I am prepared to ••tl.» liM>. nI .Ihla aarat :I tnt rkin cuitMw» ul duKJili tw.v" SoZ^iZMiV. t by faiaklBg II a far greatw b«ncflt to jou. place with'n the easy reach of every Bvp- 1 f»n prsach wllbyiit jfttliUi th« li<ftit t;r~l In wfifch !• i«ii.r ^pM t. KM, Standy®" ' 'fM'"- "•'; ' • 'i 'i!i.,"'i; ' ' I win briefly five yon nay reftions for roc- tlst mlnlsiei of the South, and when be has my Inagn. ur h.ario. 1 would i>!(l l"' without It mlMl l«.>||.." I'|,I l.ntl/irr »I>4 taSTlJ^ wotn It ono month, i>r through ono meet- f«r the flneot horae In Oliluu coiintjf I <-ai! rro ommesdlng ihti invalaabU arUcle to you. rnmicna tlio Br»ro to »»«ry mliiUnr ( uhlic MEMPHIS, TENN., SATURDAY, April 8,1876. Mort than elghtoon yonri ago 1 wm inft, he will evormjre be grateful to mc. Bi-aakBr aA lhi> xtirj tUlr>< ho iuhmIh. homo, OldSsries—Vel. XXXIII. thoroughly broken down In »oioe, from Five hundred wioiitors and brothron ..OliloncoBtuy, TrBR. .» W l ALMKK $12 IIIllJ iHfut* cxooialv* preaohbtg. I could speak but a tnd sisters b»ar united tcsllmofiy to tho P u ti-Ml ' "This rite ofJiuinorsing and of bringing out earlier periods of Christianity was pomitted to fact that th's Brace b a poientiflc Skoulder little while without getting Aowm, My VKmAl.KH 'IKSTIKV. iBE CARKOIXTOK D8BATK. of the baptirtinal waters wa.s conimon and pro- all who ttcknowledgod the truths of the Qonpel, lor^and and Lung Brao» ; that It s ipports thwbaok, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL SINGIHC BMK thwat wM'generftll, I. y V,—yeasil undy huskyirriiJ-. HuH-rllt^ vf-ry inurli from "IlyRpnn-'o' i*'. c-i miscuous in lh« apoNtOlit! ago, hunco tho apostlo iind promised conformity to its laws'i"—ISi;eijory abdomen, Btomftoh, lutiftn; provcata lassi- ir«l .l.lilmy—th«. rumlt of pri.lrin li-.| iHi, > I .hat incTtaied, tutlc, hoarseness, piles, boruia, oonfump- .Mttlirxt fni-i havi, U-t.n *i>jirlim u Mtk " pa. {ilHETVEHTll fH-KECl). ulliides to il an a rito common to nil Christianfl. :ind Uutor's Churoh II is to ty, I). ii^i- tion ; iii-cn'MCB ihe brcathinn: oapncily ; 1 llliK nii'l "r*"'.' »n»l «ni «jti»l|..l ih"" unui .»v - » mooting my no t" " ' '.""'I'l""' Hum. vi. i, Col. ii. 12."—Disput. De liap. prc- Second Century. "Baptium* wa8^il)ul4««ly voloo failed ontlroly, under tho effects of gives sireuKlh lo the body ; iiioreaaea ho .lml).iily «II..<-U.,1 w.inl l I... h -n. fil".! i-v i HflJ riU«ll>lvNT:—1 concluded my I«hI Marliufl, p. IC. , . r, i ,>(»rformod twice a year. Tho catoohninonB (or aohronlcUryngitis.that roon supennduerd vlul powers, expanda and enUrgos ilic „„, Kl'liciiH I luogs ; renders broalhing free and ta»v ; Willi..>11, Ml««-, lS7t il ppoocii with tho testimony of the Hlnnditnl "To bo baplizod in donominatod oy iaul a probationers for baptium) assembled in., the bronehltis, which aoriously threatened my ' - l„ 1..I • ' iinf;l';iit , church on tbo groat festivals of Basterf ^nd life I was now oompoUcd to deswt from relieves ohronio oos'lvoneBs; it iis' d ^y 1 hnv.) worn lit.- Rre. «y.M i 111 in- ill t. hiiioriaim of tlio Luthoi-nn church. I will now being buried, according lo the ancient manner singors, lawyers, laborfrs, iin i » epecifio iln>>, nuJ «iu |.!,>i'»r.<l t na; tlml il '.Ii » II m. l .. ^l. .. il. l..tl..'l I. of baptizing ; for immersion is a kind of burial Whitsuntide; and after a public deolaratioo 'of preiwhing, and If possible oTeroome those 1 nciil' n-l » III. Ltiniiowith tho.ooftho ProHbylei-ian church, difficulties and recover the lost treasury for all oases of pra'apnui «f tbo howtU In ith^r" Itftvii (lallii.'<l f"J It . .<.1 rM ^>,1.00 jwrrfoi and emersion a resurrection, to which tha apos- tneir faith, and a solemn assnraood from their males or tcomb in foruaies. It relifvcn iitil II fur nn? C'.n. I'lf ratio.- Il In U> t li u Icongregntional, and tho MolhediBt, with tho tho volo«, that to a mini.tter more valuable Imv.i f<-r I • , fH. -'O t<rr il..,.. U,j ,„„((. tles alludes Col. ii. 12' So Christ, beinjc bap- sponsors that it was their intention to llyiilBon- IbM gold or Jewels, or bo silent for- when all other m«»bs fil l , U " Illlltf.'<l cr W.Hk I'/l'lfl UllTt.Bl I !!UOS., t'liifiunali,0, admissions of tho most learned Hcholars nod forinably to tho Gospel, they receiirod th«i saolja- lifetime; it bCDPfitB lu ry cnno Who- tho Hrii'-' •tuc.r b> wit J N 1. - V tiBcd, went up out of tho water, Matt. in. 10. o»or. I applied to the most eminent phys- (>M|CI.-In. 1 exft<l. A IIUSl commentators of these denominations, and con- ment of^baptism. This rite wasiperformed^by iolane, anU was but little helped; (avo ever do:8 not, evury DiiniHliT eb. ulil u.i" Tho samo is related concoining th» Kthiopian the oxolBlon of an elongated uvula, one. nun fl". Wl'..- 1 I... MAU.V.ME FOY'8 clude my argument with tho important testi- ennuch, Acts viii. 38."—Dubiorum Evang., Pt. throe immersions, and the body wasdlvested ot Ihev could do nothing but advise rest, 1 on<<i- il 10 any oiip a-i >1 |."Mtiliuu U't ! i • u T- nri., l.r.'k.' It -iif iii. dub. xxiv., see. 2. clothes. In order to proserTe ddtieiicy in tho !)oi» oul.HfrilierH 10 Tmk K u'Tkt $2 M) iiivi.|.tf. I t.n>>^T It mil ,1 Coruol Skirl Supporltr mony of the Cyclopedia?, when my proof will all operation, the baptismal font of the women was and this 1 was impelled to tako. AHl tUf.T .1 1 1 > V "M n ' I'l k liiiTcHsrH In l*0|tularlty Dr. L. Coleman, H. F. !>., sayw: Wh* cauBcd and eontinuBd that oonotjinl RUil 20 COHIH. iSi" t'>' liiiirti 1*1' r I't'-ft' tiHi^ I yrry ) rnr, and bo before you, and a linef Hummiiry of my nrga- separated from that of tho men, and they wore Irritation and hacking they oeuld neUber known to your moinbiTo Uml y<ni npi-i ii I HIn ' V ' , 4 • r 111 > c.. il I M,i II 11'Mrour It,, 111 thu primitive church immBdialely Bubse Draoo, uii'l by Itila tnuaii< you cau sicuri' llcll'l iinic. K i.' X ' milt '. » kr.'.«i.Hf^i Tim ment will clopo tho discuijuion of this propo.tition as much as possible attended by thla dej^conisjrtea explain nor prevent. Frovidenco tbrcrr !• r - ' ' ; '• I I lllf HIHI*.'- quonl LU the ago of the apostles HUH (ImmorBion) of tho church. Baptism by aspersion was pw- •m the remedy In my tray. My wife w6<bv.!- ouo (ind thi'y will readily holp yu !<• , il^VKri Thi. on my pari, it i» by fuctH, and nut l-y deciamn was undeniably the common mode of baptism. fcciire it in Ihip w.iy BHCuro iis m-vny 1111'' Ill 1' milted to tho sick; and in cases where a suffl- f«rlng from prolapttu uteri, and tbo r'"- i».,rn tl' 11,>1 .•iiv r.tu. I- • .. I 1 l-H.lMi;; '. Tho utmost that can bo said of sprinkling in fesBor ef tha Theory ond Praotloo of Mo<li yon can «ntl srtid oim d wlur lur 'm ry lit' M.lll'' ' I. .' ' ' ' ,.t. , h II,'.. .r :ii.;t. lion, or ftSfieriions, that thin qucfltion mubl ho ciont quantity of water for immersion could not be I'nv.' fii'l. I hav- M'< . " fl I I' ll lii^i- liT r.t. that early period is, that it was, in case of ncces- cino in the Medical Unlvowity nf NMhvijlc of tho if) you Isi'U uH'l y'>u cun h'oupo ii Ill fc l I 'I' -.1 1..- .\i 1 r .

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