Clinical Companions Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology Bearbeitet von Wolfram Sterry, Ralf Paus, Walter Burgdorf 1. Auflage 2006. Buch. Hardcover ISBN 978 3 13 135911 7 Format (B x L): 11 x 18 cm Weitere Fachgebiete > Medizin > Klinische und Innere Medizin > Dermatologie Zu Leseprobe schnell und portofrei erhältlich bei Die Online-Fachbuchhandlung beck-shop.de ist spezialisiert auf Fachbücher, insbesondere Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft. Im Sortiment finden Sie alle Medien (Bücher, Zeitschriften, CDs, eBooks, etc.) aller Verlage. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Services wie Neuerscheinungsdienst oder Zusammenstellungen von Büchern zu Sonderpreisen. Der Shop führt mehr als 8 Millionen Produkte. Contents . Contents Gray..................................................................................... Section: Introduction and Diagnosis Contents 1 Introduction to Skin Biology ̈ 1 1.1 Overview ̈ 1 1.2 Functional Anatomy ̈ 1 1.3 Epidermis ̈ 5 1.4 Hair ̈ 7 1.5 Basement Membrane Zone ̈ 8 1.6 Dermis ̈ 9 1.7 Subcutis ̈ 10 1.8 Neuroendocrine-immune Networking ̈ 11 1.9 Outlook ̈ 12 2 Dermatologic Diagnosis ̈ 16 2.1 Components of the Dermatologic Evaluation ̈ 16 2.2 Description of Skin Findings ̈ 16 2.3 Primary and Secondary Lesions ̈ 17 2.4 Additional Descriptive Terms ̈ 18 2.5 Tools of the Trade ̈ 22 2.6 History ̈ 24 2.7 Histologic Diagnosis ̈ 25 2.8 Molecular Diagnostics ̈ 32 2.9 Mycologic Diagnosis ̈ 33 2.10 Diagnosis of Hair Disorders ̈ 34 3 Other Diagnostic Methods ̈ 39 3.1 Phlebologic Diagnosis ̈ 39 3.2 Allergy Testing ̈ 43 3.3 Light Testing ̈ 49 3.4 Ultrasonography ̈ 51 .....................................................................................Blue Section: Dermatologic Diseases 4 Viral Diseases ̈ 53 4.1 Overview (Table 4.1) ̈ 53 4.2 Poxvirus Infections ̈ 54 4.3 Herpesvirus Infections ̈ 57 4.4 Picornavirus Infections ̈ 65 4.5 Cutaneous Manifestations of Hepatitis Virus Infections ̈ 66 4.6 Human Papillomaviruses ̈ 67 5 Bacterial Diseases ̈ 73 5.1 Introduction ̈ 73 5.2 Gram-positive Bacteria: Staphylococci ̈ 74 5.3 Gram-positive Bacteria: Streptococci ̈ 77 5.4 Gram-positive Bacteria: Corynebacteria ̈ 83 5.5 Gram-negative Bacterial Infections ̈ 85 5.6 Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections ̈ 88 . VII . Sterry, Paus, Burgdorf, Dermatology (ISBN 3131359110), ᮊ 2006 Georg Thieme Verlag . Contents 5.7 Zoonotic Infections ̈ 89 5.8 Borreliosis ̈ 92 5.9 Mycobacterial Infections: Tuberculosis ̈ 96 5.10 Mycobacterial Infections: Leprosy ̈ 101 Contents 5.11 Atypical Mycobacterial Infections ̈ 103 5.12 Actinomycosis ̈ 104 5.13 Nocardiosis ̈ 105 6 Fungal Diseases ̈ 106 6.1 Nomenclature ̈ 106 6.2 Dermatophytes ̈ 106 6.3 Yeasts ̈ 112 6.4 Subcutaneous Mycoses ̈ 117 6.5 Systemic Mycoses ̈ 118 7 Other Infectious Diseases ̈ 122 7.1 Leishmaniasis ̈ 122 7.2 Other Protozoan Infections ̈ 125 7.3 Pediculosis ̈ 126 7.4 Scabies ̈ 127 7.5 Other Epizoonoses ̈ 130 7.6 Worms ̈ 131 8 Sexually Transmitted Diseases ̈ 134 8.1 Overview ̈ 134 8.2 Syphilis ̈ 135 8.3 Endemic Treponematoses ̈ 145 8.4 Gonorrhea ̈ 146 8.5 Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases ̈ 149 9 HIV Infection and AIDS ̈ 155 9.1 Overview ̈ 155 9.2 Cutaneous Manifestations ̈ 157 9.3 Extracutaneous Manifestations ̈ 161 10 Allergic Diseases ̈ 166 10.1 Basic Mechanisms ̈ 166 10.2 Urticaria ̈ 167 10.3 Angioedema ̈ 173 10.4 Food Allergies ̈ 174 10.5 Other Allergic Diseases ̈ 176 10.6 Hyposensitization ̈ 176 11 Drug Reactions ̈ 179 11.1 Overview ̈ 179 11.2 Common Reactions ̈ 182 11.3 Severe Skin Reactions ̈ 184 11.4 Uncommon Reactions ̈ 186 11.5 DrugPseudoallergies ̈ 188 12 Dermatitis ̈ 190 12.1 Atopic Dermatitis ̈ 190 12.2 Syndromes Associated with Atopic Dermatitis ̈ 194 . VIII Sterry, Paus, Burgdorf, Dermatology (ISBN 3131359110), ᮊ 2006 Georg Thieme Verlag . Contents . 12.3 Contact Dermatitis ̈ 195 12.4 Other Forms of Dermatitis ̈ 200 13 Collagen–Vascular Disorders ̈ 203 13.1 Classification and Overview ̈ 203 Contents 13.2 Lupus Erythematosus (LE) ̈ 204 13.3 Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis ̈ 213 13.4 Morphea ̈ 216 13.5 Lichen Sclerosus ̈ 217 13.6 Systemic Sclerosis ̈ 219 13.7 Pseudoscleroderma ̈ 222 13.8 Mixed Collagen–Vascular Disease ̈ 223 13.9 Other Rheumatoid Diseases ̈ 224 13.10 Raynaud Syndrome ̈ 226 13.11 Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) ̈ 227 14 Autoimmune Bullous Diseases ̈ 229 14.1 Classification ̈ 229 14.2 Pemphigus Group ̈ 229 14.3 Pemphigoid Group ̈ 235 14.4 Subepidermal IgA-mediated Disorders ̈ 240 14.5 Dermatitis Herpetiformis ̈ 241 14.6 Overview of Diagnostic Approach ̈ 243 15 Purpura and Vasculitis ̈ 245 15.1 Overview ̈ 245 15.2 Purpura ̈ 245 15.3 Cutaneous Vasculitis ̈ 247 15.4 Variants of Cutaneous Vasculitis ̈ 249 15.5 Systemic Vasculitis ̈ 252 15.6 Livedo ̈ 258 15.7 Vessel Occlusion and Cutaneous Necrosis ̈ 260 16 Papulosquamous Disorders ̈ 262 16.1 Psoriasis ̈ 262 16.2 Psoriatic Arthritis ̈ 273 16.3 Reiter Syndrome ̈ 275 16.4 Seborrheic Dermatitis ̈ 276 16.5 Pityriasis Amiantacea ̈ 277 16.6 Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris ̈ 278 16.7 Pityriasis Rosea ̈ 279 16.8 Small-Patch Parapsoriasis ̈ 280 16.9 Erythema Multiforme ̈ 281 16.10 Erythroderma ̈ 282 16.11 Figurate Erythemas ̈ 285 16.12 Lichenoid Dermatitis ̈ 286 17 Granulomatous and Necrobiotic Disorders ̈ 290 17.1 Granulomatous Disorders ̈ 290 17.2 Necrobiotic Disorders ̈ 292 18 DermatosesCausedbyPhysicalandChemicalAgents̈ 295 18.1 Photodermatoses ̈ 295 . IX . Sterry, Paus, Burgdorf, Dermatology (ISBN 3131359110), ᮊ 2006 Georg Thieme Verlag . Contents 18.2 Light-induced Aging and Photocarcinogenesis ̈ 303 18.3 Photosensitive Genodermatoses ̈ 304 18.4 Diseases Caused by Cryoproteins ̈ 307 18.5 Disease Caused by Cold ̈ 309 Contents 19 Metabolic Diseases ̈ 310 19.1 Porphyrias ̈ 310 19.2 Disorders of Lipid Metabolism ̈ 314 19.3 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism ̈ 315 19.4 Disorders of Mineral Metabolism ̈ 316 19.5 Endocrine Disorders ̈ 317 19.6 Mucinoses ̈ 320 19.7 Cutaneous Signs of Monoclonal Gammopathy ̈ 321 19.8 Gout ̈ 322 19.9 Amyloidosis ̈ 322 19.10 Smokingand the Skin ̈ 326 20 Pruritus and Prurigo ̈ 328 20.1 Pruritus ̈ 328 20.2 Prurigo ̈ 329 21 Genodermatoses ̈ 332 21.1 MIM Code ̈ 332 21.2 The Ichthyoses ̈ 332 21.3 Other Keratinization Disorders ̈ 340 21.4 Palmoplantar Keratoderma ̈ 345 21.5 Linear or Striped Lesions ̈ 348 21.6 Ectodermal Dysplasias ̈ 351 21.7 Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) ̈ 351 21.8 Diseases of Connective Tissue ̈ 354 21.9 PerforatingDermatoses ̈ 359 21.10 Poikiloderma ̈ 360 21.11 Neurofibromatoses ̈ 361 21.12 Tuberous Sclerosis ̈ 365 21.13 Cancer-associated Genodermatoses ̈ 366 22 Disorders of Pigmentation ̈ 371 22.1 Overview ̈ 371 22.2 Hypopigmentation ̈ 372 22.3 Brown Hyperpigmentation ̈ 378 22.4 Blue and Gray Hyperpigmentation ̈ 380 22.5 Reticular Hyperpigmentation and Dyschromatosis ̈ 383 23 Melanocytic Tumors ̈ 384 23.1 Benign Melanocytic Tumors ̈ 384 23.2 Lentigenes ̈ 384 23.3 Melanocytic Nevi ̈ 385 23.4 Malignant Melanoma ̈ 393 24 Cysts and Epidermal Tumors ̈ 407 24.1 Cysts ̈ 407 24.2 Epidermal and Organoid Nevi ̈ 410 24.3 Benign Epidermal Tumors ̈ 414 . X Sterry, Paus, Burgdorf, Dermatology (ISBN 3131359110), ᮊ 2006 Georg Thieme Verlag . Contents . 24.4 Carcinoma in situ ̈ 417 24.5 Malignant Epidermal Tumors ̈ 419 25 Adnexal Tumors ̈ 424 25.1 Overview ̈ 424 Contents 25.2 Benign Tumors with Eccrine Differentiation ̈ 424 25.3 Benign Tumors with Apocrine Differentiation ̈ 427 25.4 Benign Tumors with Sebaceous Differentiation ̈ 429 25.5 Benign Tumors with Hair Follicle Differentiation ̈ 430 25.6 Malignant Adnexal Tumors ̈ 433 26 Soft Tissue Tumors ̈ 438 26.1 Connective Tissue Tumors ̈ 438 26.2 Smooth Muscle Tumors ̈ 445 26.3 Tumors of Fat ̈ 446 26.4 Vascular Malformations and Tumors ̈ 448 26.5 Neural Tumors ̈ 461 27 Other Cutaneous Tumors ̈ 465 27.1 Mast Cell Disorders ̈ 465 27.2 Histiocytoses ̈ 467 28 Cutaneous Lymphomas and Leukemia ̈ 471 28.1 Benign Lymphocytic Infiltrates ̈ 471 28.2 Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas ̈ 472 28.3 Primary Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas ̈ 474 28.4 Primary Cutaneous B-cell Lymphomas ̈ 480 28.5 Leukemia and the Skin ̈ 483 29 Paraneoplastic Disorders ̈ 485 30 Diseases of the Lips and Oral Mucosa ̈ 489 30.1 Inflammation and Leukoplakia ̈ 489 30.2 Leukoplakia ̈ 490 30.3 Lesions of Tongue ̈ 492 30.4 Epulis ̈ 494 30.5 Aphthous Stomatitis ̈ 494 31 Diseases of the Hairs and Scalp ̈ 495 31.1 Alopecia: Overview ̈ 496 31.2 Congenital Alopecia and Hypotrichosis ̈ 498 31.3 Diffuse NonscarringAlopecia ̈ 498 31.4 Localized NonscarringAlopecia ̈ 503 31.5 ScarringAlopecia ̈ 506 31.6 Hair Shaft Anomalies ̈ 510 31.7 Hypertrichosis ̈ 513 31.8 Hirsutism ̈ 514 31.9 Diseases of the Scalp ̈ 516 32 Diseases of the Nails ̈ 518 32.1 Introduction ̈ 518 32.2 Congenital Nail Anomalies ̈ 519 32.3 Nail Apparatus Infections ̈ 520 32.4 Acquired Nail Changes ̈ 523 . XI . Sterry, Paus, Burgdorf, Dermatology (ISBN 3131359110), ᮊ 2006 Georg Thieme Verlag .
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