INTRODUCTION Dear readers, With the November issue you are now holding, we continue our work on creating a better visual identity of our magazine, lead by your suggestions and ideas. The topic of this issue is Children’s Day. Within it we present this international holiday, as well as a confe- Ljubivoje Ršumović rence entitled Safety of Children in Educational Institu- The Founder and the Publisher of the Periodical: tion in AP Vojvodina, with which the Government of AP The Roma Inclusion Ofice of the Vojvodina has marked Children’s Day. Government of AP Vojvodina In the Interview section, Danica Stričević, the presi- dent of the Municipality of Nova Crnja presents the Mu- The Editor: nicipality whose head she is at, as well as the activities Duško Jovanović she is implementing regarding Roma inclusion. About the round table with the topic of Eficient im- The editor of the theme of the number: plementation of Roma policy at the local and national Duško Jovanović levels and the National Councils of National Minorities and Gender Equality conference we talk in the Human The Team: Rights section. This section also follows the celebration Zita Farkaš of the tenth anniversary of the work of the Provincial Pamela Uzelac Ombudsman. Jovana Davidović Our Health section will introduce the Centre for the prevention and rehabilitation from pathological gam- Correspondents: bling, while the NGO section brings the story of the Roma Coordinators of APV Roma of Southern Banat Association (JUBAN). Ivana Koprivica In the Culture section, you will be introduced to the GRUBB foundation, which has opened its new teaching Translation into Roma: centre in Novi Sad. Igor Dimić Old crafts brings the Story of an old horse trader, which concludes this issue. Translation into English: We are waiting for new suggestions, ideas and criti- Bojan Đorđević cisms, and we leave you to enjoy November, seen thro- ugh the eyes of our editorial board. Technical Preparation and Printing: MAXIMA GRAF, Petrovaradin [email protected] Your editorial board www.maximagraf.rs Circulation: 1000 Address: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 25, 21000 Novi Sad 2 The Roma Decade in AP Vojvodina This month’s topic: Children`s day “A child is not a child, a toy for aunts and uncles. A child is a child, to be loved and understood.” Ljubivoje Ršumović UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY Universal Children’s Day has traditionally been celebrated since 1989. That year, on November 20th, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Conven- tion on the Rights of the Child, as the irst international documents in the area of human rights which specially deal with children. The aim of this day is to promote the ideals and goals of the Convention for the well-being of children all over the world, and to remind all people about the rights each child has. In accordance with that, the state is obliged to provide the rights which are determined by this document to every person under the age of eighteen. Every child has the right to away from the problems, so the- of the Child was signed, even live with its parents, a right to ir children become the victims with important international do- education, play, freedom, he- or the perpetrators of violence. cuments, children are still the alth. Unfortunately, in Serbia the Caring for a child is one of the victims of different forms of vio- level of child poverty is signii- hardest and most responsible lence, armed conlicts in scho- cantly high, and they are one of jobs. Children’s Day should be ols and elsewhere, traficking, the most endangered categories. aimed at parents and expert staff, exploitation in different forms Every tenth child is faced with because they are the ones who (sexual abuse, prostitutions, beg- discrimination on basis of their inluence the lives of youngsters ging, etc.). nationality, violence and neglec- in the entire world. The four basic, key rights of ting of their everyday problems. Even though back in 1989 the Convention without which Parents often turn their heads the Convention on the Rights other rights cannot be achieved The Roma Decade in AP Vojvodina 3 This month’s topic: Children`s day are the right to life, survival and SAFETY OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS development, to nondiscrimina- tion, respect for the best interest of the child and the right to re- At the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, orga- spect the opinions of the child. nized by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and The state must provide each National Communities, a conference on the safety of children in the in- child, in the maximal possible stitutions of education in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was amount, with basic conditions held, in regard to celebrating Universal Children’s Day. The partici- for life. Every child has the same pants of the conference were greeted by the president of the Assembly of rights regardless of gender, race, the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Ištvan Pastor, the president of skin color, language, religion, the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić political and other beliefs, na- PhD, the vice president of the Government of the Autonomous Province tional, ethnic and social back- of Vojvodina and the Provincial Secretary for Education, Administra- ground, inancial status or othertion and National Communities, Andor Deli MA, and the assistant to the status of the child or its parents. minister for secondary education at the Ministry of Education, Science In all actions concerning a child and Technological Development, Zoran Kostić PhD. its interest must come irst. When growing up amongst The participants in the con- work of the ombudsman, today conlicts and a dificult living -si ference were representatives of about the safety of children in tuation, children lose their care- all local self-governments in the educational institutions, and in free childhood, and in that way Autonomous Province of Vojvo- the coming period the topic will their imagination and their abi- dina, the Ministry of Education, be gender equality, which shows lity to contribute to the advan- Science and Technological De- the stage our society is in. cement of culture and society is velopment, the heads of all three “Is it possible that we are killed. school boards in the Autonomous today discussing the results of a Province of Vojvodina, the Pro- research on violence in schools, vincial Ombudsman, representa- and we see schools as the second The preamble of the Conven- tives of the Police Department of homes of our children, a place tion on the Rights of the Child re- Novi Sad, representatives of the where they are educated, a place minds of the basic principles of Provincial Secretariat for Health- where parents send their children the UN and the special provision care, Social Policy and Demogra- feeling safe?”, said Pastor and on human rights. The preamble phics, the Provincial Secretariat added that this is a problem that - conirms that children need spe for Interregional Cooperation and must be placed at the focus of the cial protection and care due to Local Self-government, the Pro- public. their sensitivity, and for the pri- vincial Secretariat for Sport and President Pastor added that mary role of protector it points at Youth and the Provincial Secre- today’s situation is intolerable, the role of the family as the basic tariat for Economy, Employment and that the signal that no one is unit of society in a natural envi- and Gender Equality, representa- accepting this situation is the fact ronment. The Convention also tives of student dorms in the Au- that we are talking about it today states that every child must live tonomous Province of Vojvodina, with an ambition to return our so- and grow in a family atmosphe- UNICEF, parent associations and ciety into normal lows, and that re, in an environment illed with non-governmental organizations. certainly institutions must take on love and understanding. A child the responsibility, but that the ba- should be completely ready to The problem of child safety sic issue is how to raise children function alone in society and be must be at the focus of the at home and that there is no in- raised in the spirit of the ideals public stitution which can take that upon stated in the Charter of the Uni- The president of the Assem- itself. ted Nations, in the spirit of pe- bly of the Autonomous Province We need to be an example to ace, dignity, freedom, tolerance of Vojvodina, Ištvan Pastor, re- and solidarity. our children minded the audience that a few days ago there were discussions The president of the Govern- Aleksandra Mićić on tolerance, yesterday on the ment of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić 4 The Roma Decade in AP Vojvodina This month’s topic: Children`s day Source: APV Source:APV Government Participants of the conference PhD, pointed out that we are eve- The president of the Govern- Not enough attention paid to ryday witnesses of events which ment of Vojvodina pointed out the prevention of violence in cruelly shed light on the fact that that, apart from schools where the schools we are surrounded by violence. forms and relationships that exist The Provincial Secretary for “Our children are victims of in the family can be seen, parents Education, Administration and peer violence or violence from are the irst teachers of the skills National Communities, Andor adults. The fact that as much as of conduct and friendship. Stating Deli MA, stated that our society 3.700 children are victims of vio- that today’s meeting is only one does not pay enough attention to lence in our country every year is of the forms of an organized ight the measures being taken regar- devastating, or the fact that every against violence where an indivi- ding the prevention of all types fourth child suffers peer violen- dual is not alone, he made a plea of violence in schools and educa- ce.
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