DIRECTORY. ] LEICESTERSHIRE. ASHBY paRVA. 29 register dates from the year 1653. The living is a vicarage, almost all the occupiers. The area of the parish is 1,788 net yearly value £160, including 108 acres of glebe, with acres of land and 8 of water; ratf>able value, £2,733; the residence, in the gift of, and held since 1869 by the Rev. population in 1901 was 111 in the civil a:11313 in the eccle­ John Godson M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, siastical parish. and rural dean of Goscote (first division). The Manor I Parish Clerk, Charles Pykett. House, 8:n ancient mansion of stone, rebuilt and ~estored Letters through Melton Mowbray arrive at 9 a.m. 'Vall' ~893--4, IS the property of Herb~rt Hanbury. Srruth-Car- Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 4.20 p.m. wE'ek lIl~ton esq. D.L. an~ now; occup~ed by Captam ~erbert days only. The nearest money order & telegraph office- "llson. Lord Carrmgton s charIty produces an mcome I is at Gaddesby about H miles distant of £100 yearly, and there are three Bede houses. H. H_. ' -. Smith-Carington esq. D.L. is lord of the manor and the princi- Public ~lementary School (rrux:ed), erected m ~849, to hold pal landowner_ A parish meeting is held here in lieu of a 50 .childre.n; average atteniance, 47; MISS Margaret comlcil. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The pari"h is Wnght, mIStress almost entirely grass land. Stilton cheE'se being made by Carrier.-George Baker passes through to Melton, tues Godson Rev. John M.A. (vicar &; rural Grea,es haac, gr.lzier Smith William Stevenson, grazier dean), Vicarage Hamson Charles, cowkeeper Walker John Alfred, Carington Arms P.H' 'Yilson Captain Herbert, :\Ianor house Preston Ann (~Irs.), grazier I Warrington J ames, grazier CQ:lDIERCUL. Pykett Charles, parish clerk watts Anthony, farm bailiff to H. H. Alien Arthur, grazier Riley Edward, grazier S:nith-Carington esq Grea,-es Eliza ('Irs.), grazier Smith John William, grazier lWilson Edward James, farmer ASHBY MAGNA (or Great Ashby) is a parish and induding 49 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of village, a short distance off the Leicester and Lutter­ Mrs. E. A. Cott, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Arthur worth road, with a station on the Great Central railway McKenzie Cott M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge and 2 miles south-east from the Broughton Astley station There is a charity of £50 Ipft by a Mrs. Crowder, the­ on the Leicester and Rugby branch of the Midland rail­ interest of which is distributed every two years in bread. way, 4! north-east from Lutterworth, 9t south-west Mrs. E. A. Cott is lady of the manor and sole landowner. from Leicester and 96 from London, in the Southern The soil is l51'avel ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, division of the county, Guthlaxton hundred, Lutterworth barley, oats and roots. The area is 1,937 acres; rateable union, petty sessional division and county court district, value, £3,212; the population in 1901 was 292. By the rural deanery of Guthlaxton (third portion), archdeaconry Divided Parishes Act a detached part of this parish was of Leicester and diocese of Peterboro~h. The church of added to Little Ashby in 1877. St. Mary is a building of stone in the Transition style Parish Clerk, Herbert Bird of the early part of the 13th century, consisting of chancel, Post & P. O. Office.-Mrs. Sarah Hoden, sub-postmistress. nave, north aisle and an embattled tower at the west Letters arrive through Lutterworth at 7.40 a.m.; Letter end containing 3 bells, dated 1613, 1655 and 1817: the Box cleared at 6.5 p.m. ; no delivery on sunday. The money chancel retains an aumbry and a piscina, and the east order & telegraph office is at Gilmorton, 2 miles distant window is stained: the church was restored in 1861, at a cost of nearly £500: the chancel has been since restored, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1868, for 63 an organ erected and a new roof placed on the nave in children; average attendance, 57; Miss Elizabeth Ann 1880, and in 1907 the whole of the e'ast end of the church was Harrison, mistress rebuilt at a cost of about £160: there are 215 sittings. Carriers to Leicester.-Jonathan Monk sat.; JObeph The register dates from the year 1586 and is in excellent Bevin, wed. & sat condition. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £165, Railway Station, John R. d'Ombrain, station ma.~ter Cott Rev. Arthur :'\icKenzie If.A.. fDale John, farmer & grazier Monk Herbert, grazier (vicar), Vicarage I Falkner Job, farmer & grazier Monk Jonathan, carrier & grazier Hackett William, farmer & grazier Moore Thos. blacksmith & wheelwright COMMERCIAL. (postal address, Cosby hill, Leicester) Reynolds Thomas Edwin, hosiery manfr Adcock Bros. farmers & graziers I Haslam George, farmer & grazier Sanders Harry, grazier Attfield Albert, farmer & grazier I (postal address, Cosby hill, Leicester) , Scotton Wm. Chequers P.H. & grazier Attfield Frank, farmer & grazier Heard John Thomas, farmer Sims Harry R. farmer & grazier Bevin James, farmer, carrier & shopkpr Hoden Alfred, tailor, Post office ISmith Edwin, farmer & grazier Chandler 'Villiam, farmer Howkins Arthur, baker Stevenson George Henry, farmer & grazr Coltman George, carpenter Jones Edward, farmer ASHBY PARVA (or Little A::.hby) is a small parish the inmates, left by Mrs. Lucy Goodacre in 1832; but now and village, 3 miles north-by-west from Lutterworth and (1908) five only of these are inh'lbited by alms people, 1~ east-north-east from the Ullesthorpe station on the who receive 6s. a week each, and the remaining three alms­ Leicester and Rugby branch of the Midland railway, in houses are let; other small charities are distributed to the Southern division of the county, Guthlaxton hundred, the poor. The poor's land produces about £20 yearly. Lutterworth union, petty sessional division and county Hugh Goodacre esq. is lord of the manor and principal court district, rural deanery of Guthlaxton (second por­ landowner. The soil is gravel and clay; subsoil, clay. tion), archdeaconry of Leicester and diocese of Peter­ The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots, and borough. The church of St. Peter is a small building partly grazing. The area is 1,369 acres; rateable value, of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, £2,109; the population in 1901 was III in the civil and 90 nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled western in the ecclesia-;tical parish. By Local Government Board tower in the 'Decorated style, containing 3 bells, dated Order detached parts of Ashby Magna, Kimcote and Leire 1591, 1605 and 1591: there is a monument to the Rev. were added to the parish in 1877_ J. Sturges Lievre, a former rector, and a marble reredos Sexton, WiIliam Chesterton erected as a memorial to J. Bouchier Wrey, the child of a former rector: the church was restored and the chancel Post Office.-Alfred WiIliam Wal ien, sub-postmaster. rebuilt in 1868, at a cost of £963, and the tower was LettPrs arrive from Lutterworth at 7 a.m.; dispatched rebuilt in 1889 at a cost of £95: the stained east window at 12.35 & 6.20 p.m.; n) delivery on sunday. is a memorial to John 'Winifred Ley, who died August, Ullesthorpe, 2 lniles distant, is th'" nearest money order 1883, and there is another at the west end: the church & telegraph office affords 100 sittings. The register dates for baptisIIlS Public Elementary School, for children from 6 years to 12 from 1585; marriages, 1695; burials, 1695. The living years of age, was erected & endowed in 1832 with £17 is a rectory, net yearly value £165, with 2 acres of glebe yearly, derived from land in the parish, by Sarah Bowyer, and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and from a bequest left to her for charitable purposes bY' held since 1892 by the Rev. John Benson Sidgwick M.A. Lucy Goodacre; this school, closed in 1882, was re­ of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel opened in 1895 for 45 children; average attendance, 12 ; he.re was built in 1868. There are eight alms houses, Miss E. Hamblin, mistress originally with an allowance or £4 a quarter to each of Carrier.-Joseph Wright, jun. to Leicester, sat Moore :Miss, Fircott Cleaver William, farmer & grazier Smith John, Shoulder of Mutton P.R Sidgwick Rev. John Benson ~I.A.. Rectory IClowes William, farmer &0 grazier Tomlinson Francis, farmer & grazier COlOrERCIAL. Crane William, farmer \Vesson \Villiam, grazier Bennett Jonathan, grazier Harrison Arthur, grazier Wright Joseph, farmer & grazier Berrisford John, farmer &: carpenter IMaddock Thomas, grazier Wright Joseph, jun. carrier Bevm William, farmer Palmer Thomas, farmer & grazier York William, grazier .
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