164 Years of Scottish Rite Masonry in Pittsburgh G H H H VOL. XXV NO. 3 January 2016 Raymond T. Dietz, 33° 121st Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania VVaalllleeyy ooff PPTeachingiitttt sschildrenbbuu withrr dyslexiagghh he men and organizations pictured to the right are those who have made a $10,000T or more commitment to support the Valley of Pittsburgh Children’s Dyslexia Center Endowment Fund. Robert & Janice Emery & Carol David & Carol Robert & Jacqueline Jeff & Susan As Freemasons, we have always been Amend Anden Bagaley Beatty Biddle benevolent and charitable. For Scottish Rite Masons, our Charity is to teach children with dyslexia how to read. It is important in giving them social confidence. The teaching method is the Orton-Gilling- ham program. It is a one tutor –one student ratio. This method is very expensive but extremely effective. It costs approximately $5,000 a year for each child. Our goal is to Raymond & Lynn Fred & Kathy Robert Eckbreth James Ecker & James & Ellen Dietz Donatelli Donna Murtha Flanigan raise $2,500,000 to endow the Children’s Dyslexia Center for the future. To make it easier to make this commitment, you can spread out your $10,000 donation over a ten year period. For information, call 412-939-3579. The future of our children is our most important mission. I encourage each of you to have your picture on this page and be a BUILDER of this Masonic benevolence. Leland A. Hale, Jr. Jeff & Lauren Raymond & Dorothy James & Lisa Robert & P.J. Heiger James Jenkins Jones Your donation is tax-deductible. Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council Builders Council Enrollment Form I pledge the sum of: $10,000 $15,000 Frank R. Mangery Jack Marsh John & Judy Roy & Sara Jane Jay & Joanne $20,000 $25,000 McCombs McCullough McElravy With payments in equal installments over a period of: 3 years 5 years 10 years. This pledge will be payable: Annually Semi-annually Quarterly *Monthly *Monthly payments may be made only by credit card. First payment of $ is enclosed. Deduct my pledge from my credit card when due: Ronald & Karen D. William Roberts Bruce A. Robinson Richard & Bette Don & Ginny MasterCard Visa American Express Plesh Rodibaugh Sauer Discover Other . Number Exp. date Name you would prefer in recognition: This gift is anonymous. Signature Kurt & Nancy Gregory Triko George & Norma S. Timothy Warco Bob & Charlene Name Tesche Vance Wells Address Homestead Amity City State Zip Lodge Washington Infinity Lodge Valley McCandles Ph. ( ) Date No. 45 Lodge No. 164 No. 546 of Lodge No. 582 Mail to: Builders Council, 3579 Masonic Way, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15237-2700. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. toBB readuu –i oneill childdde eat arr time!ss CCoouunncciill Help the Endowment Fund for Dyslexia Mark & Patty George H. Cox Rick & Reneé James & Eda Mario & Linda Bill & Heather GROW! Bliler Cross Dean DeBlasio Dickey Make a Pledge or a Donation! GOAL: $2,500,000 100% 2,500,000 2,375,000 Howard & Sharon Donald & Debra Wallace & Leah Eric & Raylene Harvey & Carol John & Ruth Flynn Green Grossett Gumto Gumto Habel 90% 2,300,000 2,125.000 80% 2,000,000 1,875,000 Paul & Penny Paul & Jackie David & Sandy David & Judy John Kovac William & Babara 70% 1,750,000 Kappel Kauffman Kearns Kielman Magnotti, Jr. 1,625,000 60% 1,500,000 1,375,000 50% 1,250,000 Glenn & Mary Dr. Glenn & Roberta Jack & Carol Donald & Barbara John & Valerie Raymond & Joy Miller Miller Miller Murphy Nicklas Nicklas 1,125,000 40% 1,000,000 875,000 30% 750,000 Joseph A Schrock, Jr. James W. Seel William Shaw William Slater II Samuel & Judy Thomas & Joan 625,000 Spanos Sturgeon Oakdale 20% 500,000 30th Chartiers Lodge No.669 375,000 In Memory of Masonic Lodge No. 297 W. Robert & 0% 250,000 District F. & A.M. Marion Jones James & Annetta James & Jill Jeff & Sharon West West Wonderling GOAL $2,500,000 *RECEIVED *from donations, bequests, Pittsburgh Valley Supreme Unified pledges & fund raisers. Valley of Commandery Council Group “We make a living by what of Pittsburgh No. 1 Lodge No. 2 Valley of we get, but we make a life Legion of Knights by what we give.” Uniontown Pittsburgh IOOF Honor Templar – Bro. Winston Churchill H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Celebrating 200 years of Brotherhood ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE n NORTHERN MASONIC JURISDICTION n UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SUPREME COUNCIL, 33° Corporate Headquarters: P.O. Box 519, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420-0519 781-862-4410 • Fax 781-863-1833 • ScottishRiteNMJ.org Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33° Deputy for Pennsylvania 3406 Timberglen Drive Imperial, PA 15126 cell: 412-736-2525 email: [email protected] November 21, 2015 It gives me great pleasure to congratulate III. Brother Raymond T. Dietz, 33rd on his installation as our new Grand Master. It has been my privilege to be personal friends with Brother Dietz for over twenty five years. I know that he has many great initiatives to bring to action during his term as Grand Master. The more than thirty thousand members of the Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation, AASR stand staunchly behind the efforts of Brother Dietz. There is no question that he will make an exceptional Grand Master. The Active Membership and all of our members are excited to offer all possible support during his term of office. On behalf of all Scottish Rite Masons in Pennsylvania, we congratulate Brother Ray as he assumes the highest office in Pennsylvania Freemasonry. Fraternally, Thomas K. Sturgeon Thomas K. Sturgeon Deputy for Pennsylvania "We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members." January 2016 The Rite News Page 4. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Congratulations Grand Master Dietz from the Presiding Officers of the Valley of Pittsburgh ost of us—if not all of us—were in- the Valley of Pittsburgh, has created deep troduced to Freemasonry by our fa- bonds with our brothers in Scottish Rite. ther,M grandfather, brother, uncle, or other They too are everlasting and hard to de- family member. If not, then it was most likely scribe. On December 28, 2015, in the David L. Donald W. Boehm, 33° by someone close to us who we consider to Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Commander-in-Chief be a “family” member. Pennsylvania, Brother Raymond T. Dietz, Pennsylvania Consistory Freemasonry has a long, rich, and storied 33˚, was installed as the 121st Right Wor- history of family. As members we address shipful Grand Master, of the Grand Lodge of each other as Brothers. And we indeed are Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Brothers—fraternal Brothers. We are all very Brother Dietz is a 23-year member of the different men, we share different ideas, we Valley of Pittsburgh, past officer, and was lead separate lives, we may even disagree. coroneted a Member of the Supreme Council But we have a common belief, and a com- of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General mon bond, and a common love for one an- of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the other. It is a different love than what we have Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freema- for our mother, our spouse, and our children. sonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America in 2006. Rodney E. Boyce, 33° How do we define this love? How do we Sovereign Prince describe it? How do we explain it? Brother Dietz is our friend. He is a true Pittsburgh Council of Princes leader in our Valley and our Fraternity. He is of Jerusalem “You’ve got to find some way to say it a part of our family. We beam with pride and without saying it.” pledge our support and loyalty to his new — Brother Edward “Duke” Ellington, ideas, concepts, and solutions for our ever- Entertainer evolving Fraternity. He is dedicated to mak- ing our Fraternity better. He is dedicated to Raymond T. Dietz, Right Worshipful Grand serving with passion, with love, and with a Master, explains how he was introduced to new vision. He is dedicated to helping those the Craft—“by witnessing the fraternal love in need and advancing our Fraternity as a between my father and my ‘uncle’ Ray. Both place of hope and compassion for others. men could not have been more different, be “What we have done for ourselves alone, it in their political ideals, their field of employ, dies with us; what we have done for others or their chosen paths in life. And yet they Larry D. Horath, 32° and the world, remains and is immortal.” Most Wise Master were truly the best of friends—even more Pittsburgh Chapter of Rose Croix so—they were the best of Brothers whose — Brother Albert Pike, Attorney, Soldier, admiration and compassion and love for one Masonic Writer another was unyielding.” As officers, members, and friends of this “Uncle” Ray was not a relative in the tradi- great Scottish Rite Valley, we heartily con- tional sense of the word—he was not blood— gratulate Ill. Brother Dietz on this auspicious but instead a man so esteemed by the father occasion. of Brother Dietz, that he named his son in his We look forward to your inspiration and honor. leadership as we chart a new course over the next two years! The Scottish Rite, too, puts a strong em- v phasis on family.
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