The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA • VIEWPOINT •NEWS ^^^ UPDATE • THE GARDEN ISLAND • BATHURST CLASS 50 YEARS • HMAS COOK PAYS OFF • HMAS PROTECTOR • NAVAL MATTERS MEMBER RagMraraO by AutliHU Pott PubbcalKXil No HBP 141? COMPANIES Reproduction m part or whole is lotbidden THE NAVY without the permission of the Editor in writing FAI General Insurance Co The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Lid FAI Car Owners Mutual Insurance Co. Lid Vol 53 JANUARY — MARCH, 1991 No. 1 FAI Traders Insurance Co INSURANCE GROUP Ltd. Manufacturers of a wide range of packaging products, from paper Australians Insuring Australians THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA CONTENTS FEDERAL COUNCIL WHY DON'T YOU TEST US NOW? bags and sacks, counter rolls, Patron In Chfaf: Ha EncoHancy. Tha Govamor Ganaral PraaMantF GaoNray Evant.OBE. VRD wrappings, plastic food containers, Vlca-PraaWantt: Rt«- Admiral A J Retortion AO DSC. RAN (Rid). John B TJ LOCAL OFFICES L I w VMrndot. OBE. VRO. Shop 142 FAI Insurance Building Shop 106 and board products, including foil Hon Secretary: John W fcns PO Boi 269 Burwood. Vic 3125 Viewpoint 2 3rd Level 197 London Circuit 2nd Level Phona 805 25SS (W) NEW SOUTH WALES OTVtStON Belconnen Mall Canberra City Tuggeranong lined lids and food cartons Patron: His Eicalancy, Th« Govamor oi N#* Soutn walai Hyperdome Praaldant: R 0 Abart. RFD RD HMAS PROTECTOR — Hon Sacratary: J C J Jappatan. OAM RFD GPO Bo. 1719. Sydnay. NSW, 2001. Phona 570 8425 New Trials and Safety Ship .4 VICTORIAN DIVISION Patron; Hit Eieaiwncy. Tha Govamor ot Victoria. Phone: (06) 257 3044 Hon Sacratary: Na.i Maadan. 4 Elaanor Court. DonvaM. V« 311I. Phona 842 3158 QUEENSLAND DIVISION The Vanishing Island 6 Fax: (06) 247 8328 Patron: His EicaBancy. Tha Govamor ol Ouaantland PraaUant: A H Robaflson OAM VRD 42 CviganOa Sliaat. IrxJooroop-:-.. —£- "Packaging with Pride" OW. 4068. Phona 870 1272 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TE.RRITORV oi VISION Yass Office: Patron. AOmiral Si Victor Smth. AC. KBE CB. DSC. RAN (Rid) Praaldant: H A Joiaphs AM 165 Comur Street, Yass Head Office: Hon Sacratary: E M Manonay, 45 Stunnar Siraa! Cooh. ACT. 2614 Auxiliary Minesweepers Phona 251 HU3 Update 8 Telephone: (06) 226 1945 45 Chief St, Brompton, SA, 5006 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Mw Hit Eicaiancy. Tha Govamor of South AuttraU Tel: (08) 348 3200. Fax: (08) 348 3224 PraaM*anl:C M Schrapa1 For calls outside district (008) 041028 Hon Seratary: Uti J E GJ GPO Boi 1S29 SA5001 Phona 347 1*05 TASMAHIAN DIVISION Patron: Hit Eicatancy. Tha Govarror ot Taimanii Bathurst Class Corvettes Praatdartt: M j Coopar — 50 years 9 Hon Sacratary: MnJH Cooper. 42 Amy Road. Launcatlon. Tat. 7250 Phona 44 1531 Proud to be Associated with the R.A.N. WEST AUSTRALIAN WVISION i EicaSancy. Tha Govarnor of Wastarn Autlrafca . L F. W. Vcknoga. OBE. VRO Naval Matters 15 NESTLE Hon Sacratary: M'i G Hawffl23L.-iw<a' Roac. Attada*. WA.6'56 Fhona 330 3600 NORTHERN TERRITORV DtVtSION Patron: H.s Honour, The Administrator ANCHOR PraaMant: Coin On Hon Sacratary: G Read. GPO Boi 2612 Darwin. NT. 5794 HMAS COOK — End of Ihe AUSTRALIA I EDERAL ADVISOR ' COUNCIl Line 17 Wm Boaiho. AM Chapman ANUA Vca Admiral Sir Richard Peak. KBE, CB. DSC RAN (Rid) Admiral &r Victor Smart AC KBE CB, DSC. RAN (RW) LTD Admiral S" Anthony Synnol. KBE. AO. RAN (Rid) FOODS Naval News 20 ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION Pern vii Publishing Co. Pty L id Appreciate their Long PTYLTD (Inaxpormtt in NSW) ftatt. Association as Suppliers of 148 CARRINGTON STREET, Quality Food Products to the MLLBOUHNt O'CONNOR, WA, 6163 370 Lm*a Bourka SUM. Matjouma. 3000 Royal Australian Navy Phona. (03) 670 4321 The Capture of MV KRAIT .::3 J Bf^-^^)* 2nd Floor. 97 Currte StraaL ArMada 5000 Phona (08) 231 6225 Food Manufacturers & Exporters "You Can't Buy Better than Anchor" Getting Together 26 277-289 Woodpark Rd 3rd Floor. 480 Ann Straat. Brabana 4000 Phona (07) 832 2&3I Telephone: Smithfield, NSW, 2164 The opinions or assertions expressed in articles in The Navy "we •hose ol the authors and are not necessarily those of the Federal Book Reviews 28 (09) 337 3911 Council ol The Navy League of Australia, the Editor el The Navy" oi The Royal Australian Navy. New Corvette for Israel Phone: (02) 609 7599 Navy 30 Fax: OUR FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHS Fax: (02) 725 1804 (09)337 3509 Views of the recently re-armed HMAS BRISBANE The ship sailed Navy League and Cadet for the Gulf on 12 November in company with HMAS SYDNEY. Note News 31 the two Phalanx CtWSs amidships. (Photo — Naval Photographic Unit) The Navy, January-March, 1991 1 f'##»f~f#0#### ft"##»#«7#o#**# From our J Readers Dear Sir, What of the Naval officer who is fortunate enough to attain Flag Whilst the news that HMAS Stuart is not to be laid up Rank? It would see that every Flag Officer of the Royal Australian Who Tells Who To Do What? for some time is welcome the present and forseeable Navy is shore based these days. With such a small number of ships in Following the government's decision to despatch a small naval force to join the ships of other strength of the Royal Australian Navy or lack of it must commission now divided into two squadrons between East and West be a matter of concern to all those to believe that a does a Rag Officer ever get the chance to exercise a Fleet at sea in nations in the Middle East several months ago, the question of who was to direct the activities of strong and efficient Navy is essential for Australia's which the eminent British Naval historian Captain Roskill once the RAN ships when they reached the operational zone arose; the matter received limited security. described as the "art of the Admiral". It has been stated by various authorities defence capabilities have attention by the media and intense attention in the responsible departments of governments. Recently HMAS Curlew the last of the Navy's minesweepers was been based on the premise of no forseeable hostilities within ten withdrawn from service and we understand that HMAS Parramatta years but recent history has shown that when they do occur they one but subsequently the way the ships were to be used in the eciding the command arrangements for combined armed will also be laid up on completion of her current commission. In invariably do so at short notice such as the Falklands war. the Gulf operational zone (the high risk area plus its approaches) produced forces has as often as not been a cause of friction over the terms of fighting ships the Navy only possesses twelve ships — five crisis (when a large number of tankers were hit by exocet missiles reports that indicated political direction was extending too far and Dyears, not so much between Service leaders as between "River" Class frigates, three DDG's and four guided missile frigates. and mines were also laid) and now of course the present Kuwait impinging with military expertise and authority. This potential governments. The "River" class frigates are now very old and one has been laid up crisis. Such notice would not enable the Navy to acquire additional problem now seems to have been resolved and the ships operate The legitimate desire of national governments to determine if, for years. If the "Smart" and "Parramatu" arc also to be laid up this resources. when and how their armed forces are to be used is the mam under rules-of-engagement which take into account both political and will leave only ten fighting ships to undertake Australia's maritime As stated I have painted a gloomy picture — but surely it is stumbling block in assembling a viable multi-national force under military considerations. defence. realistic. It is the interest of all who wish to see a strong and efficient unified command; language and communication differences, varying At the time Viewpoint goes to print the problem of establishing a In this respect the Patrol boats may have a role in coastal Royal Australian Navy to draw attention to the present shortcomings operational procedures and logistical requirements etc. arc lesser unified command in the Middle East has not been solved. At sea, the surveillance especially in peace time but would have a limited role in and to hope that the day is not too far distant when we see that problems that can usually be overcome given time and opportunity movements of the ships of the several nations involved have been co- the event of any hostilities. The submarine force is of course not Service restored to its former strength. for combined exercises. ordinatcd while remaining answerable to their respective suited to a defensive role. Extraordinary technological developments, not least in governments; this should enable an effective sea blockade to be The guided missile frigates presently building in Williamtown Yours faithfully communications, appear to have increased rather ihan reduced the maintained. However in the event of war it would appear essential for seem to be taking an abnormally long time to construct and on ( the governments concerned to appoint an overall commander for the ALAN PEARSON M.B.E. difficulties associated with the -.ommand of multi-national forces. In present indications by the time they are operational it can be expected large sea, land and air forces gathered in the Middle East; not to do so Fa If light 2094 an award-winning essay titled "Controlling C" (C is the acronym for that the last of the "River" class will have gone.
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