THE SUN, -- SUNDAY FEBRUARY-.2-5, 1917.-.- ,. lAeu) Standards of Excellence in Dogdom Were Established at World's Biggest Show of Year in the Garden BANNER SEASON FOR Y WESTMINSTER SHOW Some of the Blue Dogs Show in Madison Square Garden. Blooded Which Earned Fame at Westminster k 1 A RECORD BREAKER YACHTING IN SOUTH Dos Quality and Quantity At- Variety of Crufi Sold or Cli.ir-tcrc- il tained lteniiirknblo Stage Kodiitmi Wininniiikoi' This Year. flol Osiris. BOSTON TERRIERS IN LEAD DISPOSES OK THE Mil VAX A The scaaon In Florida this winter ha American Breed Had Biggest been unusually brisk In fact, more sales and charters of yachts, houseboats and Entry Bulls Also in motor yachts have been made than any other year, even more than List .ear, the Fore. which was a banner one for the South- ern resorts. Tarns, Lemolno Ac Crane base sold or chartcied many That the blue blooded dor In America yachts, all of them fur tiso in Southern : Is steadily Improving In quality and In- waters. Among them ore creasing In quantity was proved at tho The 200 foot steam achl Surf, char- Westminster show In Madison Squire tered hy John H. Han.in, a well known r.irien last wee. Few exhibitions on yachtsman. Is now crulslni- - In Florida. UiUsMoof the Atlantic have had aslnrge The three masted schooner yacht Al cyone palled in entry. From the American tired uos-M- i for the Caribbean Sea with terrier, with .two hundred-od- d en- Henry W, Putnam on a cruise of about tries, to the lone curly retriever every two months duration. Tho Aleono Is treed showed that It waa coming doner ' ' - T C11 Z Olio of the largest schooneis on the coast. Ameri- Jgl The 100 foot motor Huff- - to Uic standard accented by the househunt can Kennel Club. house has been chattered to T. L. Ch.id-bourn- e, In s of the breeds the Im- Jr. for the month of Iieeemher. provement was marked. Kxperts who A yacJht wus also chartered to Mr Chad- - hve attended tho Westminster show for bourne for February, Maieh and April. a core or more of years were unani- Thn ins foot houseboat Kama has mous that the Bostons, collies, chows, been chartered for William Keyrer, ,Ir English bulls, Frnnch bulls, Pekes, Toms, to V, C, Havcmeycr, who will uso her Airedales, St. Hernards, cockers, wire the entire season haired foxes, German sheepdogs, Sealy-ham- s The Swordtlsh chartered for Schuyler " -- Schleffelln to Mr- - !:. Stolesbury Sh and Griffons wero by far the bent I ii . T yet exhibited. s Z'MWIm Is now at Miami, The finders too showed a big Increase The twin screw motor hnuscho'it Pay n numbers and vast Improvement In Dream, which was chaitcml iat sum- their knowledge of the Intricate points mer to Mrs. W. W Sheitii.iii of Newport, of the dog. The largest crowd that ever has been chartered by ,1. W. Mlnturn to attended a show of the famous club was HAIRED POX TERRIER SBNw' V t f Ambrose Monel, .lr. AWr 4" prtient during the week. Cf-- ?HO - MKaMi,vll K CHARON THE mk. Wnnnmsker ( linrters Osiris. Bulldogs Low Massive. aaVVW,?9 and The houseboat Osiris has char- K A Among the bulldogs Champion Strath-U- y tered for Mrs. .1. Ferguson to Hod- Prince Albert, owned by Alex H. man W'anamaker It will lie remem- Stewart of Chicago, was the best. Ite PETERS CAPTAIN bered that Mr. Wnn.imnker's 25n foot la an exceptionally low and massive Boston owned steam yacht Nirvana was ieeentl badly brlndle and white, and scored over tho terrier burned nt Brooklyn Just prior tn her go- American bred Astoria Baron, exhibited ing Into commission for a Southern by Mrs. C. X. Flatt and winner at the best american bred " cruise, Mr W'anamaker Immediately recent specialty show here. It was ap- chartered the Oslrls to take the Nir- parent that the American bred was loose vana's place, and shortly thereafter sold behind and wide !n the shoulders. front they have sacrificed tlielr dogs' the steam yacht Nirvana to Walter W In tho bitches there were quite a few legs and feet. As u result tho more Dwyer. Tho Nirvana has Wen repaired experts who preferred the local nomi- medium balanced sort were placed on and sent south. nation, Oak Wall Flirty Westall, owned top, to the satisfaction of the old fash- The motor yacht Prusllla, belonging ky William E. Oakley, over Stewart's ioned hunting sol. to A. J. Drexel Paul of Philadelphia, Str&thtay White Light. Oakwall was The Middlesex Hunt, owned by A. II Is now In Southern miters. Hho was possibly a trifle heavier In wrinkle and Hlggtnson, carried off the pack of chartered to Thomas W. Lamont. eqwrer In face than White Light, but English foxhounds, with the Myopia The express cruiser Mystery lias been the Chicago dog was much better In Hunt second and Genesee Valley Hunt said for Ralph Pulitzer to Mrs. Peter body, shoulder formation and gait. third. William du Font's Montpeller Cooper Hewitt. The Mystery Is well However, the decisions pleased the Hunt were the best uf the American known In theso waters. Mr. Pulitzer majority of the fanciers. Charles O. hounds. J. S. Fhlpps's Wheatley Hunt mW having Used her a a ferr.stio.it last Hop ton penalized quite a few because of won the beagles. summer. Shn has a speed if about their loose shoulders. For several years While that veteran champion Abe twenty-eig- miles an hour. Is lis tect It has appeared that the Judges preferred King Nobbier was the best of the long, with a 200 horse-pow- Sterling what might be hfcrshlv termed a mil Airedales there were many new ones motor. formed kind. It had been the custom for which earned admiration. Stewart's Thn motor yacht Manlteo has been novice fanciers to pull out and distort double title holder looked sold to Judge H. W. Bingham of Louis- UM elbows or bulldogs so that they would better than ever In his wonderful career ville, Ivy. The Iniat has been every agreed L. Just trad to make a stronger shoulder. When and one that William MIDDLE3EX HOUNDS -- "NOWATA QINLE-- shipped south and arrived at Palm the dogs el- Barclay did not err when he placed rd U LIEN were asked to walk their -- v Beach a fow days ago. The Manlteo li W. 's - t bows wabbled ind extended from the Nobbier winners docs and Otto mmim.i-mi'ii- tfeipMmi Dinner? peke, hich a fifty-liv- e day cruiser with a speed of ahoulder In way prove Chesney Cherry Circle winners s ssiipnBpMM DAR9. HOLLAND BOUGHT such a as to that SPECIAL'S Ii t A.L. fifteen miles (in hour. they were weak. This year Hopton bltchen. 'C'C"V; HORB.V The forty-fiv- e foot cruiser Itettlna turned down m mv The wire haired fox terriers, experts ' la former winners for " . - - been sold for .1. A Coffin to Les said, nearer to perfection, nccord- -' till defect. came Galley of the New York Yacht ub. Ing to any ' r the standard, than other breed. conejo Highbrow. Champion Guy-- Th Bettltvi was shipped to Jaekonn-vtll- e nig Kntry were entered, Mrs. iov SEK of Sealyham. host of them but cr;ft conejo, Cetitry Girl. Cnnejo on ono of the Mallory bnits and Hoy A. Ralney, with cham- - jiUd-incut- , The Sealyfcams had a wonderful entry, the several Champion .Uttord Vic. cruised to Belleair, Fla., on the Gulr, It by yet plons from tho RIdgeway Kennels In her uuidy. Uncle Sam and Parcel Post, mi fur the best seen In string, had little difficulty carrying , where she Is niw being used by Mr. America. The winner was the famous off' Asl hiP tj,ero doubt that she Gazley. He will use her In Northern English champion Hadley Hoodwink, xne nonors. nne won winners ooks wn n pof!f cfcSf ,no (lncet laiKcst collec waters rnrtAn Wvnrillfir Bnv HCnHni-- nrup 1n aj next summer. owned by W. floss Troctor, tlon of this tire little breed in the world 12." o Hoodwink C. F. Nellson's Champion Itaby The foot twin si'rew motor me. might properly be called a Iazzler. The St. Bernards, too, wero a vrand boat Will-la- wonderful Biddy of Holyport was Nlrodha has lieen soli for typo of the working terrle'r. In comparis- Her winners lot, most of n hi h were slnwn lii Col Grammel t bitches, with M. it. Baldwin's K ng New- award- ANSWERS Samuel rtiterinver on, however, with the heretofore undef- Jacob liujiprrt III beauties were The Nlrodha Is one nf the im.4 luxu- eated champion, Ivo Cardaoc, he seemed ton's Wlreglrl, reserve. Wyoillar Boy ed a majoritj of the honors, as all the rious was declared of uny breed or shallow iltausht houseboat now to lack the action, string of ribs and later bet experts (Iceland they were entitled t". In Florida. Mr t'ntermyer Is s tig sex at the show. judgi-s- . Col Hup-pert- , Tom hlac Nulty hi powerful quarters of the old champion. but nmn as well as through the keys on the yacht she lias Modern fashion haa changed the old could not understand why II A twelve large staterooms and Col. Rnppert iloorra. the Co'onel s six baths, Ideas and the decision handed down by Lncv. the Judtie. iilared Tom . h'ts that the only fallow dining room, smoking room, sitting loom E.
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