September 16, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11561 New Mexico: Ms. Dora Marroquin, State Tennessee: Ms. Janis Kyser, State There being no objection, the mate- Facilitator; Representative Rick Miera, New Facilitator; Senator Randy McNally, Ten- rial was ordered to be printed in the Mexico House of Representatives; Ms. Vir- nessee State Senate; Representative Beth RECORD, as follows: ginia Trujillo, State of New Mexico Office of Harwell, Tennessee House of Representa- the Governor; Dr. Joseph Stewart, Professor, tives; Representative Joe Towns, Jr., Ten- [DSCC Iraq Policy Forum, Washington, DC, University of New Mexico. nessee House of Representatives; Mr. Rich- Sept. 15, 2003] New York: Professor Stephen Schechter, ard Ray, Chairman State School Board; Mr. DISASTER IN THE DESERT State Facilitator; Ms. Rita Lashway, Deputy Bruce Opie, Legislative Liaison, Department (Former Senator Max Cleland, D–Georgia) Executive Director, New York State School of Education; Dr. Ashley Smith Jr., Presi- ‘‘The public had been led into a trap from Boards Association; Mr. A. Thomas Levin, dent Tennessee Middle School Association. which it will be hard to escape with dignity President, New York State Bar Association; Texas: Mrs. Jan Miller, State Facilitator; and honor. They have been tricked into it by Ms. Gail Kelly, President, New York Council Judge Royal Furgeson, U.S. District Court a steady withholding of information,’’ he of Educational Associations. Judge, Western District of Texas; Mr. George North Carolina: Ms. Debra Henzey, State Rislov, Director of Social Studies, Texas said. ‘‘The Baghdad communiques are be- Facilitator; Senator Joe Sam Queen, North Education Agency; Mr. Hugh Akin, Execu- lated, insincere, incomplete. Things have Carolina Senate; Representative Linda John- tive Director, Hatton W. Sumner Founda- been far worse than we have been told, our ston, North Carolina House of Representa- tion; Ms. Carlen Floyd, State Board for administration more bloody and inefficient tives; Ms. Maria Theresa Unger Palmer, Teacher Certification; Ms. Patricia Ann than the public knows. He added: ‘‘We are Member North Carolina Board of Education; Hardy, Member State Board of Education. today not far from a disaster’’—T.E. Law- Ms. Susan Giamportone, North Carolina Bar Utah: Ms. Kathy Dryer, State Facilitator; rence The Sunday Times of London August Association; Ms. Tracey Greggs, Department Chief Justice Christine M. Durham, Utah Su- 22, 1920. of Public Instruction Social Studies Section; preme Court; Senator Howard A. Stephen- Let me see if I can get this straight. Ms. Carol Vogler, Career Center High School, son, Utah State Senate; Representative The President of the United States decides Past Pres. Carolina Council for the Social LaVar Christensen, Utah House of Rep- to go to war against a nation led by a brutal Studies. resentatives; Ms. Janet Canon, Vice Presi- dictator supported by one party rule. That North Dakota: Mr. Phil Harmeson, Co- dent, State Board of Education. dictator has made war on his neighbors. The State Facilitator; Senator Ray Holmberg, Vermont: Vee Gordon State Facilitator, President decides this is a threat to the Co-State Facilitator; Representative Dennis Senator Matt Dunne, Vermont State Senate; United States. In his campaign for President Johnson, North Dakota House of Representa- Representative Malcolm Severance, Vermont he gives no indication of wanting to go to tives; Honorable Wayne Stenehjem, Attorney House; Mr. Patrick Burke, Principal South war. In fact, he decries the over-extension of General, State of North Dakota; Honorable Burlington High School. American military might and says other na- Mary Maring, Justice North Dakota Su- Virginia: Mr. Andrew Washburn, State tions must do more. However, unbenounced preme Court. Facilitator, Delegate James Dillard, Vir- to the American public, the President’s own Ohio: Mr. Jared Reitz, State Facilitator; ginia House of Delegates; Ms. Susan Geno- Pentagon advisors have already cooked up a Representative Dixie Allen, Ohio House of vese, Vice President, Virginia Board of Edu- plan to go to war. All they are looking for is Representatives; Dr. Donald Stenta, Asso- cation; Dr. Patricia Wright, Assistant State an excuse. ciate Director, the John Glenn Institute; Superintendent of Education. An element of the U.S. military is under Mrs. Patricia Allen Day, Roosevelt Center, Washington: Mrs. Kathy Hand, State attack. The President, his Secretary of De- Dayton Public Schools; Ms. Linda Petz, Facilitator, Dr. Terry Bergeson, State Su- fense and his advisors sell the idea to Con- Stark Educational Service Center; Mr. perintendent of Public Instruction; Senator gress and the American people that it is time Frank Underwood, Assistant Director, Ohio Steve Johnson, Washington State Senate; to go to war. Based on faulty intelligence, Community Service Council. Representative Dave Quall, Washington cherry-picked information is fed to Congress Oklahoma: Mr. Michael Reggio, State House of Representatives, Representative and the American people. The President goes Facilitator; Representative Bill Nations, David Upthegrove, Washington House of Rep- on national television to explain the case for Oklahoma House; Ms. Lisa Pryor, Learn & resentatives; Mr. Steve Mullin, Vice Presi- war, using as part of the rationale for the Serve Coordinator State Dept. of Education; dent, Washington State Roundtable. war an incident that never happened. The Ms. Gina Wekke, Sr. Coordinator, Oklahoma West Virginia: Mrs. Priscilla Haden, State Congress buys the bait hook, line and sinker Regents for Higher Education; Ms. Denise Facilitator, Member, State Board of Edu- and passes a resolution giving the President Rhodes, Oklahoma Council for the Social cation; Delegate Ray Canterbury, West Vir- the authority to use ‘‘all necessary means’’ Studies; Ms. Lyndal Caddell, Noble Middle ginia House of Delegates; Dr. David Stewart, to prosecute the war. School. State Superintendent, West Virginia Depart- The war is started with an air and ground Oregon: Ms. Barbara Rost, State ment of Education; Mr. William Raglin, attack. Initially there is optimism. The Facilitator; Senator Ryan Deckert, Oregon President, West Virginia School Boards As- President says we are winning. The cocky, State Senate; Representative Pat Farr, Or- sociation; Ms. Sharon Flack, Social Studies self-assured Secretary of Defense says we are egon House of Representatives; Mr. James Supervisor, State Department of Education. winning. As a matter of fact, the Secretary Wisconsin: Ms. Dee Runaas, State Sager, Educational Policy Advisor, Office of of Defense promises the troops will be home Facilitator; Honorable Elizabeth A. the Governor; Mr. Pat Burk, Associate Su- soon. Burmaster, Superintendent of Public In- perintendent Federal Programs, Department However, the truth on the ground that the struction; Senator Robert Jauch, Wisconsin of Education. soldiers face in the war is different than the Pennsylvania: Ms. Frances J. Warren, State Senate; Representative Luther S. political policy that sent them there. They State Facilitator; Representative Jess Olsen, Wisconsin House of Representatives; face increased opposition from a determined Stairs, Pennsylvania House of Representa- Mr. Richard Grobschmidt, Assistant State enemy. They are surprised by terrorist at- tives; Mr. Albert Cunningham, Super- Superintendent of Education; Ms. Kori tacks, suicide bombers, village assassina- intendent, Montoursville Area School Dis- Oberle, Wisconsin Educational Communica- tions, increasing casualties and growing trict; Mr. James Wetzler, Social Studies Co- tions Board. ordinator, Pennsylvania Department of Edu- Wyoming: Mr. Matt Strannigan, State anti-American sentiment. They find them- cation. Facilitator; Senator Mike Massie, Wyoming selves bogged down in a guerrilla land war, Rhode Island: Mr. Michael Trofi, State State Senate; Representative Rosie Berger, unable to move forward and unable to dis- Facilitator; Honorable Matt Brown, Sec- Wyoming House of Representatives; Ms. engage because there are no allies in the war retary of State of Rhode Island; Senator Sheri Tavegie, State Department of Edu- to turn the war over to. There is no plan B. Hanna Gallo, Rhode Island State Senate; cation. There is no exit strategy. Military morale declines. The President’s popularity sinks Representative Susan Story, Rhode Island f House of Representatives; Ms. Maria and the American people are increasingly Escudero, Office of the Secretary of State; U.S. POLICY IN IRAQ frustrated by the cost of blood and treasure Mr. James Parisi, Field Representative, RI poured into a never-ending war. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I would Sound familiar? It does to me! Federation of Teachers & Health Profes- like to share with my colleagues the sionals. The President was Lyndon Johnson. South Carolina: Mr. Paul Horne, State recent remarks of our former colleague Got Ya! Facilitator, Invited; Senator Warren Giese, Senator Max Cleland concerning U.S. The cocky, self-assured Secretary of De- South Carolina State Senate; Representative policy in Iraq. fense was Robert McNamara. Robert Walker, South Carolina House; Dr. This is a passionate, powerful speech Got ya again! Harriett L. Rucker, State School Board; Mr. by a true American hero whose tremen- The Congressional resolution was the Gulf James Bryan, Education Associate, Depart- dous service to, and personal sacrifice of Tonkin resolution. ment of Education. for, this country should make of all of You are catching on! South Dakota: Dr.
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