Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Aurora-yearbook University Archives 1-1-1942 Aurora Volume 29 Ronald C. Bishop (Editor) Olivet Nazarene University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/arch_yrbks Part of the Graphic Communications Commons, Higher Education Commons, Photography Commons, and the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Recommended Citation Bishop, Ronald C. (Editor), "Aurora Volume 29" (1942). Aurora-yearbook. 29. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/arch_yrbks/29 This is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Aurora- yearbook by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. v « < v . * * * i r A > s* J> * * * j u • ■ * a»»/' ■ * » ' A *. 'i%• V£ ^ % T * <w> • ‘ , *r< » V ' r - r ' **'»* t A W ? . g m * <£ A*1 *r ' A i*. 1 *• , V • . 1 # V J P '\.<:*v> * ^ y f , *» “ j* ■ ^ £ ’>* * • v ' »*_ JP *r ^ • > */« w . /. -.. < <* * *• • • "' * 4#sl*« •>% . v >* * * i !* / ? *• *t t *■■«** 1 . *’ '* * * A M f $ - 9 * ,%• . i'. * ‘ , * * , * % £ V * •*" ■ A«'vW V'*' -» . y n , f W j ..yBteV:'-' iflj*-*** 1 ’«rf» «*» v- C * ; ■ •* n tF / , * m .r r I ' - •■k’. u V r v iffy *«< *r»4 '> -vi ' .iTV^V'J*Vi( v. ’ > v T ' *»j t V-, . Atf* fy*HU Of r*£t PUtHTt) («>■ or V fv*r*--¥# THftr ^ ( - y iBftMStr* romrn mi"" /f* u,T J jv e je A I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast A tree that looks to God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; W ho intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, Put only God can make a tree. —J oyce K ilm er . (ZopyAigfvt by the Student Rody. oft O sliw et Y totyaA ene, Q oltexye, R O N API.) C. B IS H O P Editor-in-Chicf HAROLD L. FRYE Business Manager . 1). J. s t r i c k l e r Faculty Advisor Students Present 0£iuet YlatycUiene, Qoiteqa through the pages of the XXIX Edition of the J j i e z b ’Twas by pleasant trees That God had made That He beautified His Eden, Yet He one restriction laid, Fruit from off that center tree Would make that beauty fade, And so it did. ’Twas by a rugged, cruel tree Unpleasant to behold Where beauty was to be restored Its former place to hold. ’Twas to a tree they nailed our Christ To redeem us for His fold A nd so He does. ’Tis thus, beneath the trees of ( )livet That we carry on our heart Joys and cares the seasons ’round As we strive to learn the art ( )f a beautiful life and a full one too With His victory for our part. And so we do. P R E FA C E ......................................................................1-27 1!C K)K T\\ ()- WINTER. TREES ................50-117 PC)()K ()NE--A lJTuf N TREES .................28-55 P.C)(PC IM iR E E — SPR IN G T R E E S 118-151 O&cLicatLon 2)a. iPJtepAen. WAite Because you have helped to graft more securely the branches of the lives of the students of Olivet into the Vine, Christ Je su s; taught us in all of our activities to remember God the Husbandman, and caused us to yield more willingly to the pruning of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate this volume to you. A'ppkexdjalioYi S)a . Aicmqo £ . ‘PxtAAott For your patient, Christlike faithfulness to the stu­ dents of Olivet during these recent trying years, and for the privilege of partaking of the fruits of the Spirit abundant in your life, we wish to eXpress our appreci­ ation. P.y wav of a tree-llanked avemg vvc approach the I )onnitory, which is presided over by our able Deans. Here life is intense with ever new situations. Adminiii'iatUfri Buitding- We find the Administration Building in the safe-keep­ ing of these self-respecting trees. Fervent class rooms and colored office carpets accentuate our memory. of a ton ]>i1!nret 1 ])ortico sert'iidN inviting us into llic companionship of Wisdom. JJhjeA.t Adm .uiU tkate. “I’ll have to refer this to the Administration”— this very commonplace phrase, like many common phrases, is quite meaningless. I he ambiguous administration is not an organization hut a group of administrators each with his own task and responsibility. Each of these is responsible only to the President of the College. Their composite jurisdiction covers almost all fields of school polity. Student direction—social, scholastic, and spiritual; college public relations; curriculum making and educational standardizing; registration and financial affairs; these, in part, constitute the work of this august body. Left to right: Professor Linford A. Marquart, Registrar; Professor Ronald 1). Jones, Dean of Men; Miss Mildred Durigg, Dean of Women; Dr. Laurence If. Howe, Vice-President; Professor Carl S. McClain, Dean of Education; Professor J. F. Leist, Treasurer. faculty L A U R E N C E II. IK A\ E, M.D., J).D. I Ice President Professor of Theology and Speech Scholarly and Inspiring CA R L S. M cCLA IN , ALA. Dean of College Professor of English Aggressive and Fervent L IN h O k U A. M A R Q U A R T , ALA. Registrar Professor of History Needlewitted and Capable J. h'. LEI ST. ALA. / reasurer Professor of Kihle and Sociology Understanding and Hurried faculty T. S. G R E E R , A.B. j rofessor of History Rugged and Friendly STEPHEN S. WHITE, Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology Earnest and Thoughtful C L IN T O N J. BUS HE Y , ALA. Professor of Zoology Interested and Conscientious - f S S r HAROLD D’ARCY, M.S. I’rofessor of Chemistry Cooperative and Popular i d faculty. a j. s t r i c k r I r , m .s . Professor fit Rotany and Ggnetics Spontaneous and Encouraging RUTH EESS, M.A. Professor of Greek and German Gracious and Sincere DAVID RICE, M.A. Professor of Mathematics Industrious and Helpful GRACE McCUU/HJGIl, M.A Professor of English I nassuming and Cheery Q a c u tty RONALD D. JONES, A.B. Dean of Men Director of Physical Education Athletic and Affable MILDRED E. DURIGG, A.B. Dean of Women Refined and Energetic LEONARD GOODWIN. AHA. Professor of French (()n leave of absence) Generous and Ambitious MARK ).\ DAY J US( )N. M.A. Professor of French Poised and Talented O x v c u l t y . PAULINE HOWE, A.B. Instructor in Speech Winsome and Warm-hearted R U T H E. GILLEY, M.A. Instructor in History Definite and Systematic RUTH Bl MP, A.B. Instructor in English and Latin Loyal and Keen-minded WALTER 3. M()RRIS Instructor in Bible . Lorccful and Impressive GERALD GREENLEE, B.Mus. Instructor in Voice Genial and Deliberate faculty WALTER B. LARSEN, B.Mus. Director of Music Professor of Theory and Choral Music Absorbed and Creative NAOMI B. LARSEN, Mus.M. .. issociatc Director of Music Professor of Voice and Piano Busy and Gentle GERALDINE HATTON, B.Mus. Instructor in Piano and Theory Adept and Smiling „ 1 • \ * 1 JACKSON IROSSMAN, B.Mus. instructor in Piano and Theory Responsive and Good-natured RAY II. MOORE, I J. Mus. Instructor in Voice and Band Fun-loving and Courteous V a c u i t y . DALE MOORE, A.B. Instructor in Psychology and Manual Conservative and Persistent DOROTHY BUSS Instructor in Violin Efficient and Respectful KEITH ST. JOHN, A.B. Instructor in Science ( )riginal and Versatile M AREA RET MAE WOOD RULE B.Mus. Assistant in Theory Discriminating and Dramatic faculty LOIS CARPENTER Assistant in Piano \ ivacious and Athletic PERN ICE AEBEA Assistant in Piano Creative and Tailored JEANNE OLSON Assistant in Cello Accommodating and also Tailored EILEEN GREENLEE \ssislant in Piano Reserved and .Modest R oald aft jAuAteeA, **** OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman: D r. E d w in B uricf Vice-Chairman: D r. C. A. G ibson Secretary: E. O. C h a rFa n T ■ Treasurer: J. F. E kist Rev. Jesse Towns Dr. E. G. Mitten Rev. C. T. Corbett Rev. C. C. Chatfield Rev. H. C. Powers Rev. Fred I). Wright Dr. J. W. Montgomery Rev. C. W. Henderson Dr. T. W. Willingham Rev. C. P. Roberts Dr. R. V. Starr Rev. J. B. Miller Rev. W. S. Purinton Rev. H. W. Cornelius Rev. G. H. Harmon Rev. A. O. Shearer Rev. J. Y. Jones Rev. R. D. W ood Rev. K. S. White Rev. H. S. Galloway Rev. J. T. Myers Rev. A. H. Perry Rev. Paul Coleman Rev. Floyd Gale Rev. E. B. Byron Rev. C. A. Geeding Dr. W. G. Heslop Rev. J. I. Moore Dr. S. I). Kelley Rev. C. W. Perry Rev. C. E. Bradley Rev. W. R. Gilley Rev. G. E. Gallup Rev. M. R. Fitch Rev. II. W . Thomas Rev. IE C. Eitle Rev. A. C. Morgan Rev. IE B. Anthony Rev. Lyle Eckley Rev. W. E. Albea Rev. Everett Atkinson Rev. E. E. Zachary Rev. E. K. Hardy Dr. II. W. Jerrett Dr. Grover Van Duvn Mr. Elmer Johnson Rev. M. J. Jones Rev. Harry Carter We are grateful for this body of Spirit-filled men who give graciously of ad­ visory counsel to us, and intercessor) seivice for us, thereby effecting the mainte­ nance of a Christian college.
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