REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN aROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE. 16, 1888, VOL. XIV. NO. 24. Pasteur has had a time of testing and half of the conference. He reviewed the. for rum’s doings, it was impossible to find ists, too, set us a good example in this mat Meeting for Bible Study. Forfect Through Suffering. struggle to obtain acceptance for his ideas, work done by the; Bishop in liis pastoral an open- saloon, and hence impossible to ter. Their children must go to mass God novcr would 6end you darkness but so.far as 'France is concerned the life, nnd although congratulating him on get drink unless in . the most underhand every Sunday, though there is very little , An inter.denominatlonal Bible Confer­ I f H o felt you could bear tbo lig h t; cause is won, Xo fees are taken frotn his promotion, regretted to lose him from fashion.• Continuing, he said if you, want in the service they can comprehend. They ence will be held nt Ocean Grove, July: But you would not cling to bis guiding band any one. The treatment is absolutely -this,field. Dr. Riley also paid a high to realize the practiced evidences of. the also Indoctrinate them thoroughly in the 20-31, conducted hy Dr. L. W, Munhall, If tho way wero always light-; teachings of their churcli. IJy every pos­ evangelist, Philadelphia. And you would not care to w alk by faith gratuitous, but the donations of grateful compliment to Mrs. Newman as a most advantage:of prohibition- conic to/Kansas,: Could you always walk by sight. patients and admiring friends now sur­ worthy helpmeet to the bishop,; and refer­ and upon every side you will be confront­ sible means they seek to fortify them Among the ehiinent gentlemen who aro njgiiinst Protestantism. They*, make the expected to be present, as instructorsj aro ’Tis true He bns many an anguish passes two million • dollars, and an red to the work she;idid in securing the1 ed with the most graphic object lessons as For your sorrowfhl heart to bear,'* Immense building is now in process of chime of bells for tlie chufch. to its value. Impression deep and lasting .that to leave the following: Bishops Newman nnd Nich­ And many a cruel thorn-crown erection for the better accommodation of Bishop ?Tewmiin; was then introduced, The speech had a most telling effect, tlie Catholic Church is to be .eternally olson, Prof. W. G. Moorehead, Luther T. For your tired head to w ear ;• the Institute, which will he opened the and in fitting terms expressed his high ap­ and when a brother arose to sustain Doctor damned. They support their own schools Townsend, S. L. Bowinan, l{«v. Dr. Jaines Ho knows how few would reach heaven at all at large expense, that their ceildreu may' II. Brookes, Nathanie'l West and W. J. If pain did not guide them there. coming August. We wqro shown tbo dif­ preciation.of the honor, conferred, and his Crosby’s position the cries of question, ferent rooms belonging to the Laboratory regret at lehvitig them, . lie also! took oc­ question, came from all parts of the house, not come under Protestant teachers even Erdman. ' So He senfls you tho blinding darkness, and Dispensatory, and tbe. process of ob­ casion to say that the honor had come to thus eiTcctunlly choking further debate. in purely secular matters. They know, The subjects to be considered are: The.. And tho furnace of seven-fold heat; ;* too, that early impression* are lasting,and ’Tis on>y the w.ay, believe me, taining .the virus was explained to us. him unsought artd without a single effort The moderator put the question and |[tlie Nature and Fact of Sin; Inspiration; the To kecfi you elose to his feet— Every day three rabbits uro inoculated. on his part. In conclusion,.he called for resolution was carried with an overwhelm­ so they begin iii early life. It is a fuct of Atonement; the Office nnd Work of the F o r'tis always so easy to w ander. The assistants work skilfully. After giv­ God's . blessing upon his congregation. ing majority. .Surely our God is march­ history that tiie Catholic Church regained, Holy Spirit; the Priestly Office and Work When our lives aro glad and sweet, ing an amesthetic the skin on the brain Bishop Andrews, of New York city, and ing on. _ •• ' what had been'.lost 'during the Beforma- of'Jesits Christ, etc. A number of special Then nestle your hand fn.your Father, of the animal is slightly cut, turned back, Bishop Fowler, of San Francisco, then tion, by sending her teachers in the Uni- subjects, however, will also be presented. And slug, If you can, as you go; and a syringe introduces by a puncture welcomed Bishop Newman to his new. Sunday at St, Paul's Church.. versities of Austria, Ba vail it and Poland. There wljl _ he sessions ea<:h day from Your song m ay clieer some one behind you Teaching the young the church regained Whose courage is sinking low ; the liquid containing tbe virus. The rab- field o f d.utv, and pointed out H om e, of the 10.:;0 a . m: to 1” m. ;. 3 to i*. .M ; nnd tit . Last Sunday was observed as Children’s control. By these means Koine holds her And well If your lips do quiver, ' bit is then placed in a little cage and a obstacles l ie would encounter. In his re­ night some little .time will.be given In Day, In accordance • with' the custom God will tort you better so. label marks the date of. entrance. After marks Bishsp Fowler took occasion to say children to the church; let us bo equally each session for prayer, praise and possi­ —ftirith Visitor. throughout the \f. E. Church. In some six days tlie effects of the vaccination that he had visited all the reputed beauti­ zealous to hold our children to the church bly testimony. " form of .-ervlce, the entire day was thus appear, generally by a gradual paralysis ful cities in the world and that )Vashing- of our choice. In these meetings the effort Will be to .' devoted. In tiie morning the pastor Paris Latter, advancing from the brain to the extremi­ ton was by far the most beautiful. Short We should be persevering In the.work ascertain just wlmt the Bible teaches upon preached on the religious education of ties of tho body, and at tbe end of four­ addresses were made by Rev. Dr. Domer, because of the Incveasing devices of Satan the subjects considered, and the' opinions A VISIT TO PASTEL*!*. children, selecting as a text, Ephesians teen days the animal is dead. Very early Rey. Dr. Ricej of West Washington; Rep­ to ruin, our children.- - Evil*'persona are and views of men will have but little 0:'4—1“And ye fathers provoke not your, IlY MISS J E S S IE M. IIAKCUOFT, does one shoW signs of violent madness. resentatives J. D. Taylor and Grosvenor, found everywhere ready. to corrupt our place.- ' - * The brain of tho animal is extracted and and others.' The quartette gave another children to wrath, but nurture them in the children,” and lead them to ruin. By our Pastors, theological and other Christian chastening and admonition of the Lord,” The plain looking entrance to the .Pas­ carefully dried. This is done by suspend­ selection, after which the reception took training we must . fortify. them against students and workers who will attend will This is addressed to the father as the head teur Institute on Rue Vauquelin, Paris, is ing it in a large glass bottle with an open­ place; . ' . evils which surround them almost as con­ find this Conference to he “ a feast of fat of the family, but the duty enjoined ap a Mecca to man}’ a poor patient haunted ing at the top, and another near the bot­ The receiving party consisted of tiie stantly as does the atmosphere. tilings,” and n most'excellent opportunity plies to both parents jointly. Harshness by fear of the terrible death of hydropho­ tom at the side. Tiiese openings are filled three bishops and their ladies, Mrs. Sena­ The motives to this workare very strong. for furnishing “ unto all good works” ;. bia. Through the kindness of a medical and severity are to be avoided; correction, with wadding, through which the air must tor Teller, and Mrs. Representative Gros­ As age comes on we desire to be happy in Prof. and Mrs. D. B. Towner will have friend we were invited to visit tlie labora­ rather than punishment, is to be given, filter to enter and leave all germs it con; venor. Among tho others'present not our children. To know that Our children charge of the singing. tory and the dispensatory of the Institute, which should ho with calmness and love. tains in the cotton. In the bottom of the mentioned before were nearly all the local are walking iu truth is a greater source of Let earnest prayer ho offered for the . and had tiie great good fortune to meet If we correct in anger, we are apt to be se­ jar is caustic potash. Hundreds of these, clergy of the Methodist Episcopal Church comfort than to know they lire rich. Their presence, guidance and manifested power tlie distinguished physician,- M. Pasteur, vere,'and thereby discourage our children jars stand in the drying room, Which is and other local diyines, .Senators- Teller eternal .interests-depend largely on the of the Holy Spirit.
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