THE Volur-nc 23 Spring 2003 EUROPEAN SU ZIJKI TEACI{E RS' NE§I/SLETTER ffi ffiä :$'! / Official Publication of the -I European Suzuki Association w; b Ltd (ESA) The ESA's mission is to further Dr. Tru Shinichi Sr:zuki's Approach to education. The organisation's area of operation is Europe, thc Nliddle llast and Africa, as decic'lcd by the International Suzuki Ässociati<-rn of g'hich the ESA is a member. 'flre cornerstone oi maintaining quailn' in Suzuki teaching is Suzuki 'Ieacher Training. Training cours( s are pxrt dme and long term and foilou, the rules of the ESA's Teacher Training and Examinatjon I\{anual (copres of which are available from the national associations and the ESA office). Iquki Guitar - Elio Ga/uagnoJ 5'chool in 5'aluqo celebrates 15ilt Annitvr.rary Ex.rminations are held at fir.e levels leading to the Diploma of the European Suzuki Associadon. TABLE OF CONTENTS For more information about clates, Organ becomes a Suzuki Instrument h1 Haukur Lt. Hanne.rson 3 venues and instruments taught, please The Suzuki Voice Programme in a Nutshell ly Päiui Kukkantriki 3 contact the organisers in each counül, Viola News 3 listed in dre centre pages of this journal. The Guitar and the Suzuki Method: intcruie»,a,itlt Elio Ga/uagno 4 Chairperson: F.leonorc Fürsrin zu Salm-Salm European Suzuki'Ieaching Development Trust: A report 5 Dcputy Chairman & ESA News: Board and Conference 6-7 Administratiye Of{icel News from ESA's National Associations /', t2-15 Dr. Birte Kelh., ESA, Stour I-Iouse, The Street, East Bergholt, ESÄ Information 8-9 Colchester, CO7 6TF, England ESA Teache r -T rainer f Examiners 9-10 E-mail: i [email protected] ESA Teacher-Trainees' E xam Resul t s 2001. -2003 10-11 NOTICEBOARD: Workshops 16 §flebsite: www. europ e ans uzuki. org Please send contributions to the European Suzuki Association's §/elr-Journal at any time during the year.' The European Suuki Assoc.iation (ESÄ), Iondon, a Company I.imited by Cuaranrce No 14769.13. Registered Address and Secretarr, of the r\ssrrciation. Deadline for next Newsletter: 31 December 2003 T. C. Constable, Esq, Weld and Beavan, 32 Litde Park Gardens, Ilnfield HN2 6PF, England Comspantknn la tlte ]:-L1 Baard :Loill fu adln.;rtl lo tltt Dqu\, C/taintan Bankers: Adm & Companv Plc,42 PaIl Nlall London S\\'l\' 5JG l FOR THE FIRST TIME: Suzuki Voice celebrates 15th Annivcrsary SUZUKI ORGAN TEACHERS Organ becorncs a Suzuki instrurncnt b1, Llanbr F. I Ianne.ron Thc first ilSr\ Level 1 examin:rtion ever for orgarr teachers took place in Örelrro in Srveden on the 9th of Scptcrnber 2002. This pioneering effort was lcurd lt1. IIS-\ Organ 'I'eachcr f'rainer Gunilla Rönnberg rvho has l>ecn grvrng a teacher tr:rimng course for Suzuki organ teachers in co-operatron wrth the NIusic College rn Piteä during the past few ).ears. SLx organ teachers passed their Level 1 ofl this occasion. Xlost of them live in the north of Sweden, whcrc interest for the Suzuki Organ llethod has been big, particularly from the In lrorr<rur crf XIrs Waltraud l-länsel und Crete/, thc <;pe:a b1' Iingclbcrt -*'rthin Swedish national church and church musicians cmployed Ilumpcrdinck u.as pcrfrrrmcd in Gcrman at the 15th -\nnivcrs.rrv it. cclcbrations rn lrinland.f uly-Äugust 2002. Sce rcport from iirnlarrd. The Suzukr Organ rnetllod has been developed b1. Gunilla Rönnbcrg in co-operation with organist Lars I-Iagström. They havc developed ail aspects of the method, including specific §(1hat is the Suzuki Voice Programme home practice orgafls at affordable price, as well as raiscd pedal in a nutshell? ke1'board for church organs and literature similar to other 87, Ptiiui ktkkanaki instruments. Gunilla (who is also a Suzuki piano teacher) has continued with 'I'he Suzuki \/oice Programme enables a sftrdent to start a new organ teacher traini:rg course in co-opcration with the listening to songs during pregnancy and continue singins until Nlusic College in Stockholm, airning for examinauons in tccfl age. The Suzuki \/oice Programmc is basecl on thc Suzuki September 2003. She has also presented the Suzuki Organ method. In thc Suzuki Nlethod chi-ldrcn ieart music naturallv in Ilethod at the annuai conference of the Suzuki ;\ssociation of the same way they learn their mother tongue. -\ll chrldren, Americas attracting much attention and positive response. This regardless of culture, learn in the same maflner - first listcninr;, work has also attracted attention in other European countfles then imitating therr reperrting. and South Äfrica. In the begrnning, the Suzuki Voice Programme can l;e uscd :rs a It has been very interesting for me to follow the dcvelopment of method that enhances interaction betwecn a parent and rr chrld this project and to obsen'e the professionalism and dedication (dunng pregnancy -) age 2). The teacher leads the äctiviq,in of Guni-lla and Lars rn their work. The Suzuki Organ method is lessons and supports the relationship betweefl thc rnot-her/ a veq' welcome new member of the Suzuki family and will have father and the babl'. Äs the child grows more independent (age the first books published by Warner Bros. in the summer of 3 ->), interaction betwecn chjld and teacher increascs and the 2003. Congratulations! role of the parent wrll be more obsen,ing and supporting in lessons. The teacher needs fo understand Child Development ln order Forlrrther inforrnation aboü lhe method see the Saryki Oryan lVebsin: htry:/ / a»u.orvanyrlrki.run haailabh i» Saedisb and Enolih. Or nntar!: Cmilla to support the personal development of each child and arlakcu Rönnbetg Klockaryärdcn, Nnkabl 218, S-705 96, Clanshamnar, Sueden love of music through singing. Thc emphasis is on cvefl,dat' singrng, development of a natural r.oice, listcntng anC supporting hnguistic ability. ,\mong the specral fcatures arc parent orientation, work with famil-ies, special lessons (group lessons, family lcssons and individual singng lessons atc- possible from the age of three), recording rndividual sineilg lessons, performing from an early age, singlng in tlifferent languages from the age of two, special singng excrcists, l;ook recitals and an international teacher exaffr system. For int'otmuliun uboal Saryki Voirc 'fearher'l'raining throup/totrl /lu' trnll. please rontai Ptjiti Ktkkanäki Llus.lis. - Rekolantie 10-12, 0l'100 l'an/,t't, )Fin/ard.. F,x: + )58 9-8;1 :5t: - e nail: baiiGDikl J7.hh,li Viola News \/iola Teacher Training is now available in the IiS,\ rrrca. Lonr term viola courscs are being planned, as wcil as short tcrrn 'conversion' courscs for qualified Suzuki violin teachcrs. Interested individuals or national associations should contect the viola teachcr trainers for furthcr information. S Sr'"'eclcrr, c urati: lEva Nilsson, Skidspäret 11, 903-3u Urneä, eva. nils s on. rnusik (4)urnea. se ßatk ro»: hlaia Axill, Ian I laXträn (towr teatlxr), Gunil/a Kdrbson, Mikael I lil/- Ilona 'Ielmenvi, Ll nrborg I Iavc 52, 3460 Birkcrod, I )t'rrnr.trk, gre n, I)writ lüc/urdson. l'-roil m»: lili/ Eiklvn Ganiila Nimbery (earbe r trainer), Ann*l)r L)ndbery Sjödin e mail: [email protected] 4 orchestra thcir child is now ablc to plav a passage that tl.rey The Guitar and the Suzuki Method prcviousll' found very ciifficult. A celebration of two important anniversaries. I saw from the postcrs that you arc about to celcbrate. We havc rwo particular e\.ents to cclebrate. 1'he ;fallan,ing cansists of excerpts fron d neil'rpaPff inten,iea' »'itb Elio This year the Suzuki School in Saluzzo is officialll, 15 ycars olcl, Caluagno lo nark tbe 15tt) annitertary of bis scltool in .lahi7o. T'be fu// although I had already been experimcnting alone in m1' lext in Englis/t is auailable on tbe E5,.1 a,ebsite. u,orkshop for some 1,cars. In this se nse, I was verl' lucky, What is the role of the parent? because I discovered some extraorclinary familics who allorved The one precondition I ask of the family beforc I begrn is a me to trcat their childrcn like guinea pigs. I discovered so mucl'r. passion for music. This will help overcome the usual difficult And the n 'Chitarrissima'is celebrating its tenth cdition. moments. Families decide to bring their children to the music What is Chitarrissima? course, just as they might take them every Sunday to the It w'as born from an awareness that our instrumcnt u,as seaside, museum, concerts and on. mountains, the the a so cxploiting litde or nothing of its chamber repertoire or works us even the is Some families approach before child born and are for several guitars. So I thought that if this was importanr for 2- a listening programme carefully. selected music. The given of 3 year-old children, why not to give it to students, to those v,itl-r the more one learns naturalll'. more one listens, These children a diploma and to professionals? One comes to Chitarrissima to snatches music before they can säy or hum of "mum" "dad". play in an orchestra, because the «rrchestra is one of the pillars How should one listen? of the Suzuki method and not something extra or something It is enough that in the environment where the child is born and added at the end of the day after the master ciasses. That is the gro§/s up, the music the child hears .includes the music he or she main obiective around which othcrs are growing (to mention will start playing at 2 or 3 years old. just one, a project with Dr.
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