■f.‘ ^ '■J,-' y V : X -. \ X 1 • ^ .. > '.f v x ; N ..'- \ t FRHJAY; OCTOBER tl. IW AvoiBge DaUjr NatPioBa R b b > a g e e i g h t e e n V ppMwWopligMM The Weether jja ttriffH lfr lEpgntttg TJfralb V O c t. 18, 1868 Foresiat of 17. B. Wsotimr le n aa band will give exhibitlbn' of paky In tha Maaonlc TamplA Fair, eool wUh froH ! tedigM; nta Vfomait'a Auxiliary of tha ^pe Band Plans marching and playing. Full High' naa arrangsd with Mra. ;Dorothy I. ASSOCIATION OF MANCHESTEK' ■J / 11,875 A b o u t T o w n A m p and Navy Club win hold M In P TA MinsfYel land dreaa win bt; worn. The parkar of Camdot Caratnlca to MEMIERSHIP OKIVE Mmnhhpp ef tea Aodlt ' IdriP 84. StMiny, wnm iec ttimemeip. potluck supper and meeting at the Fexmingtoit Vallay orcheetra •will tfaa damonstratioB. ‘ BurWM on olrmdatlMi ' H ig h n e a r 88.' . \ ■"N. clubhouse Tuesday night, begin- inual Program % JOlN'NQW-rHEibP SCPfOBT u NAM PBOGBAH provide musid ^or dgiicing./ ;h person attending will re- * ........... M a r i t h p t U i M F ^ A ^ C U y p I V M U jjfe i X Th*' Aujdllary ef .tte hlng at <:S0. BVeryone'attending ReSei;vaUone may be made with 'ceive a-^pieca to'dacorate.',,fTha AXt^ toA Utvy Club will hoM is asked to bring a hot dish. SDBNrlWTH BEMBlTTANfTE c a w fii^ Monday «vwiinc ' Tha Manch^^r Pips Band will any of the band membera. studio will 8rt the articlea and t o * turn' tbain to the d'acbratora. Ra- MT8 8 ETHEL L. OOSLES ' .V O L . LXXV, N d . 1 » th« clubhoubov Clyde Beckwith, chairman hold its annual MteCtalnMcntr-ahd BOLTQN LAKE, D. 1. BOCBVlIXB tFOURTE^ PAGES) MANCHESTER. COM^^ATURDAV, OCtOBER^ 2 , 1 » 5 S (daoriJIeg AdVfriWag OM Fnge U ) P R I C E P I V E ^resbrnmenta Ark a.sooial Uma w ill i i . of the. pot rohat dinner at Center dance at. tha Hotel' follow,'.end a il' women interested , p f D I iV/a,^iM -^vn 88 .......................^ TI i t m a re on etm'?’' Churchwliday Bsxaar on Nov..2 , F rid a y Chaiit laiuiiiig^ art cordially iiivitcd te attanA inIttMa for iBOb of UMk annoUheeiN^at reservations for NAlWE ......... steoseea a ».«#••***,*** ifut* FMaraUm D em o cratic th^ dinner are npw opeh. They will le 'past, thars Kiss Louiae^pickaoit,' Chairman Atom Worl^eirrOut Womea’a Club a t fh e Cloab on Sunday Oct. SO- Anyone table aeatlng accommMatlons Cerami^ Party of the committee, . repohte that A D D R jfcS S . j Hotel Bond in T h e y wiBhihr to make reaervgtiona may present Indicatlone |>olnt to\en in- I those attending. A Sedtttah dancer T E L E P H O N E .................. ¥ * y " -M a e V( on the can hfra.;'J^ C^by. —. .. tereeting evening. Tick*ta'''|ney Over ‘Travel Pa^ will give an exhibition of High­ pie ChapUf No. 88, Order of obtaOned from Mias Dickfon, for (pleaae Make Clwcks IPpyaHa Ta C N IM ) credentMda committee, Mra.'AleryM ra: land dancea and a Scottish singer ier on the recepUon cOm- A rm /^ c. h^orton Handler, 21, of note will also ba a faature ofifithe Eastern Star.fhaa set the date Mrs. VligiiMa Lewie, worthy ma- X.; J ^ v e r , O ct. 23 ifl—Members and M rt. Helen FitetiatHctc of FridayNJet. 38. for a Ceramics' trnn.of-.Tempta Chaptar. on of Mr. and Mrn Irving'^Hand- the evening's entertalnn;ent. 121. T M the CIO Oil, Chemical and . / -V' publicity and con'etituttoh IV 39 Oerard $ t, recently partipi- AtOn^ Workers 'Union struck ittece. The openinf aesaion p a t^ ln Bxerc(be Cordon Bleu, a X: the Phillips Pstroleum Cb.'s I' will befin at "T / NATp^.. manewar using 17.8 X/ atomic p w t at Arco, .Idaho, • a ,n t " French eih<^ Briush troopeTin Weat early today / 'ii',. Germany. A mr ^ h a 2Stfth •ruecken, Saar, Oct. ^ Closing of the frontiers was Gen­ OCAW headquarters here, X lAaaAlbrrttjet Mary #alkewal(l. Field ArUllerV Battalion's (ff)—Prn^urope and ^d-Gef- dered by the. countries eohcefiiea said the strike was over th* x W A lt m 8 t, wiU^becomc the bride Battery B, I .'^WMhdler" entered /Pin Chccki Here . Pin^Shccks there in 'reply to a request from teg issue of .What the union calls ^ IN te r A. PUkaitia Jr., TS3 H ill- the Army in era&ary 19M , and man forosa. hurled acetwa- European ROferendum Oom n^ "Isolation pay" to c^ten two lari! at. at a nuptial blfh Maas arrived in I nm in. February tions ofv|riw6^ at each othei' -ilaa siipezylaing the plebiscite,'Tba hour*'gravel time for anXvcr- tooiorrow at 10 a.m.,' In. 8 t less. He is 'X9(ft griltduate of today, as eaclNtH^ to sweep n wanted to insure that age 100 miles daily to B rid g e t’s C hurch. Manchester 1 fn Rchoel at^ gangeHif rowdlea could not coma from wdrfc at the Arco plant X- tended J h e ^ ersity of Connec.ti in final votes ]^ore tomor into tha SAap and intimidate voters Pickets: were posted at the c u t .X ^ Lorlnt Pbola NO-IRON cotton ko its row’s plebiscite, and 'Vote counters. plant, .The strike went off in Rosalie Chapdelalne “No lies and insults dPe strong The votePa,* after three months an orderly manner, the spokea- _____ . X ONO.LASTINO COlORSI T h a in L u th e r 81m w ill be \ anough to silenca the trullL’’ der of inceesanl campaign oratory wUt m a n said. WINDOf Rdeeile Chapdelalne will be one dared Saar Premier Jdutnnea Write simply' “ja" or' '‘neln’’ on Phillips operates a unit 8f the Midwest ocrats evening at 7 ;S0 in C on- De shown coi tberan Church, Winter of the featured dancers In the Hoffmann In n final appeal \$o their ballots' Sunday. But the H-* Atomic ' Energy Commission's and n 8 ta., following the flrat Waddell I^ A Minstrel Show to be "Europeanization'' forces. ■'T: ■ult will determine thq fete of a reactor' testing station neer .morrow the Saarlanders will In Arco which employe some 390 ATE fa m ily supper of the fall sea^ .presented.In the. school auditorium .■ X , ' \ ' iposEl by thq seven>nation West- Those finable tp be present at the their majority give their votes for etri* European UnhSi (W EU) to Ambitious Nazi OCAWdO members. The at SHADE supper, and tha public generally, ( ^ t . 28 and 2k. aacurity of thejr families, concilia-, Ize” this little territory average, hourly pay ia 13.34. tion between paoples and ^ ac e in otto Strasaer, unrecon- ■illI I ii»li Ml .............. BladetoOrder will b« welcome te attend showing M ilt Chapdelalne, a w ell known tuck's^ in between France end o f th e 81m . local denca Inatructor. .haa ap­ Europe.” x., ' • ♦ G erniS: _ Btructed Nazi.' has formed -a w M alm With Your IteUera iusT;Rele:asei The “German X'.Home Land new political party in West Des Moines, Oct. 2 2 , (^P)-—Midwest Dem otratie leaders, peared In many beneSt ' ihowa'' /• StHT'te Uitted Europe^ X marriaga, of Jdba Shirley Xaague”, , groupingthe three I f th e H iu ito rity vo te yeaT'^ th a Germany. StraSser, who fell Moderate Plans studying the nation’s fanri problems, today had Adlai E. throughout the State. She la notadf VkMlUl. (JVOTI LA. JOHNSON T tiic k . 10 Elm Tar., and Jacob parties seeking the Saar’a. return Sgar will bei^int. the flrat empodi from Hitler's favor in 1933 and Bteyenson’s endorsement of 9 0 , per cent parity'for farm Turek Jr.. 248 W ood land 8 t.. .w ill for her aparkllng style and haF City M #te.. f-MB Q/ 8-194D to Oerrtieny, countered wiUvan ap* ment of • uhhcwEuropc—a supra­ fled the country, recently, re-- prepared a special number for the To Form ^ Now p ^ Y id u e ts -. * • X PAINT COe V take place tomorrow afternoon^ at JUfTNCNTIC :al for .dlscipllna because “no o«e national state, amalteB than Rhode turned to form his nationalls- S:30 in Zion Lutheran Church. •minstrel. She conducts classes at MrmiM i . ... 8 - it e ^ A doubt the Victory of the Ocr- Island and withe s ympulaticm of tlc,"The People's» Movement ' A\message from Stevenson said ji “constritetive farm pro­ •SH lB ia S t. TcL M I-M 5 0 1 tile ZIpser Club on Brainard PI. Caravaii;............... Jnab parties.'; • ' / betw een 800,000. and av^illlon, in for Unity and Freedom.” His gram has beconif the nation’s num ber one need” and declared >rocco . R u le Ihe Couples^ Club «r the Tal- RCNOIS OP pasts. I ■CMONS Sr m AY, E«h aids cllled the other the induatrlgl. heart, luVweetern reeppearah'X in politics is seen that "it becomes more apparent with eVery piusing day that eottvillc cocongregational r Church Saat. LwW. Wt. ... 8 -19T □ “traitoca’! Hie Hoffmann forces E u ro p e . •F.ri*. 1.. VI. B. a«.. • as a threat to democracy in this need will be/m et only through the leadership of the will aerva a potlU^ au i^r at the L.,a.<M, »«». ......... .P - lllQ , accused W* pro-German groups of The Saar would oohtlni^ ite West Germany.
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