Gesamtzeitschriftenverzeichnis Der Fachbibliothek Chemie Und Pharmazie

Gesamtzeitschriftenverzeichnis Der Fachbibliothek Chemie Und Pharmazie

Gesamtzeitschriftenverzeichnis der Fachbibliothek Chemie und Pharmazie *Mit [Magazin] bzw. [Altbestandsmagazin] gekennzeichnete Bestände sind in nicht frei zugängliche Magazine ausgelagert. Bitte wenden Sie sich zwecks Benutzung solcher Bestände an die Theke. Abridged scientific publications from 9.1925 - 12.1928 VN 5850 E13 the Kodak Research Laboratories Abstracts of declassified documents 1.1947(1955),Jul. - 2.1948(1955) UA 1124.5 [Magazin]* Academie des Sciences <Paris>: 274.1972 - 281.1975 TA 1030.C Comptes rendus des séances de l'Academie des Sciences / C Academie des Sciences <Paris>: 86.1878 - 194.1932; 196.1933 - TA 1030 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des 212.1941; 214.1942 - 216.1943 séances de l'Academie des Sciences Kommentar: 152.1911, April - Juni vermisst Accounts of chemical research 1.1968 - 42.2009 VA 1370 Acta chemica Scandinavica 1.1947 - 27.1973 VA 1400 Acta chemica Scandinavica / A 28.1974 - 42.1988 VA 1400.A Acta chemica Scandinavica / B 28.1974 - 42.1988 VA 1400.B Acta chemica Scandinavica 43.1989 - 53.1999 VA 1401 Acta crystallographica 1.1948 - 23.1967 VA 1455 Acta crystallographica / A 24.1968 - 52.1996 VA 1455.A Acta crystallographica / B 24.1968 - 52.1996 VA 1455.B Acta crystallographica / C 39.1983 - 61.2005 VA 1455.C Acta crystallographica / D 49.1993 - 52.1996 VA 1455.D Acta pharmaceutica Nordica 1.1989 - 4.1992 VA 1471 Acta pharmaceutica Suecica 1.1964 - 25.1988 VA 1470 Acta pharmaceutica technologica [6.]1960 - 88.2014 VA 1480 Acta pharmaceutica technologica / 1.1976 - 8.1979 VA 1480.0 Supplement Acta physicochimica URSS 1.1934 - 13.1940 VA 1495 Actinides reviews 1.1967/68(1967/71) VA 1507 Advanced engineering materials 1.1999 - 8.2006 VA 1507.4 Advanced materials 1988,Mai-Dez.; 1.1989 - 21.2009 VA 1507.5 Kommentar: 1988,Mai-Dez.; 1.1989 mit entspr. Jg. von „Angewandte Chemie <Weinheim>“ zs.-geb. (VA 2100) Advanced synthesis and catalysis Bd. 1.1834 - 108.1869 = Jg. 1 - 36 VA 4850 N.F. 1=109.1870 - 162=270.1943 4. Reihe 1=273.1954/55 - 38=310.1968 311.1969 - 351.2009 Advances in activation analysis 1.1969 - 2.1972 UN 1900 L566 Advances in alicyclic chemistry 1.1966 - 3.1971 VK 7000.0 Advances in alicylic chemistry / 1.1968 VK 7000.1 Supplement Advances in analytical chemistry and 1.1960 - 10.1974; 11.1973 VG 5151 R362 instrumentation Advances in biochemical 1.1971 - 4.1976 WC 4150 G427 engineering Advances in carbanion chemistry 1.1992 - 2.1996 VK 6000 S672 Advances in carbene chemistry 1.1994 - 3.2002 VK 6000 B858 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry 12.1957; 18.1963 - 20.1965 VK 8580.0 Advances in catalysis 1.1948 - VE 7040.0 Advances in catalysis and related 1.1948 - VE 7040.0 subjects Advances in chemical physics 1.1958 - 70.1988,1; 71.1988 - VE 2300 Advances in chromatography 1.1965 - 14.1976 VG 7200.0 Advances in cycloaddition 1.1988 VK 6000 C976 Advances in drug research 1.1964 - 30.1997 VR 3155 Advances in enzymology 40.1974 - 75.2007 WD 5050 Advances in enzymology and related 40.1974 - 75.2007 WD 5050 areas of molecular biology Advances in fluorine chemistry 1.1960 - 7.1973 VH 8010.1 Advances in food and nutrition 1.1948 - 40.1996 VN 8000.1 research Advances in food research 1.1948 - 40.1996 VN 8000.1 Advances in food research / 1.1969 - 3.1972 VN 8000.1 S959 Supplement Advances in free radical chemistry 1.1965 - 5.1975 VC 2100 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry 1.1963 - 129.2019 VK 7200.0 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry / 1.1976 - 2.1982 VK 7200.0 S959 Supplement Advances in high pressure research 1.1966 - 4.1974 UA 1040 Advances in high temperature 1.1967 - 4.1971 VE 5850 E98 chemistry Advances in inorganic chemistry 1.1959 - 74.2019 VH 2400 Advances in inorganic chemistry and 1.1959 - 74.2019 VH 2400 radiochemistry Advances in lipid research 1.1963; 3.1965; 5.1967 - 6.1968; VK 8520.1 9.1971; 11.1973 Advances in magnetic and optical 1.1965 - 20.1997 VG 9500.0 resonance Advances in magnetic resonance 1.1965 - 20.1997 VG 9500.0 Advances in mass spectrometry 2.1961(1963) - 4.1967(1968) VG 9800.0 Advances in medicinal chemistry 1.1992 - 5.2000 VS 5000 M393 Advances in metal organic chemistry 1.1989 - 2.1991 VH 9700.5 Advances in molecular modeling 3.1995 VC 6250 L763 Advances in molten salt chemistry 1.1971 - 4.1981 VA 1508 Advances in nuclear engineering 1.1957 - 3.1957 VA 1510 Advances in nuclear quadrupole 1.1974 - 5.1983 VG 9500 S651 resonance Advances in nuclear science and 1.1962 UN 5100 H514 technology Advances in organic chemistry 1.1960 - 9.1976/79 VK 2600 Advances in organometallic 1.1964 - 72.2019 VH 9700.0 chemistry Advances in pharmaceutical 1.1964 - 4.1974 VR 3150 sciences Advances in pharmacology 1.1962 - 20.1984 VT 2400 Advances in pharmacology and 1.1962 - 20.1984 VT 2400 chemotherapy Advances in photochemistry 1.1963 - 29.2007 VK 5600.0 Advances in physical organic 1.1963 - VK 2700 chemistry Advances in polymer science 1.1958/60 - 63.1984; 65.1984 - VA 1512 138.1999; 140. 1999 - 153. 2000 Advances in protein chemistry 1.1944 - 74.2007 WA 20047 Advances in quantum chemistry 1.1964 - VE 5600.0 Advances in solid state physics 1=7.1961(1962) - 6=12.1966(1967); UA 4021 7.1967 - 48.2008(2009) Advances in steroid analysis 3.1987(1988) VK 8548 G597 Advances in steroid biochemistry 1.1970 WD 5450 A244 and pharmacology Advances in structure research by 1.1964 - 7.1979 UQ 5200 B857 diffraction methods Advances in x-ray analysis 1.1960 - 18.1975; 20.1977 - VE 2800 24.1981 Akademija Nauk SSSR <Moskva>: 1957 - 1971 VA 1560 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR / Division of chemical science Akademija Nauk SSSR <Moskva>: 1982; 1984 - 1988,7; 1989,1-9 u. VA 1550 Izvestija Akademii NaukSSSR / 11-12; 1990 Serija chimiceskaja Alicyclic chemistry 2.1972(1974) - 6.1976(1978) VK 7000.4 Aliphatic, alicyclic, and saturated 1.1970/71(1973) VK 7000.3 heterocyclic chemistry Aliphatic and related natural product 1.1976/77(1979) - 3.1980/81(1983) VK 8500.1 chemistry Aliphatic chemistry 2.1972(1974) - 5.1975(1977) VK 7000.3 ¬The¬ alkaloids / Academic Press, 1.1950 - 24.1985; 30.1987 - VK 8620.0 Elsevier 31.1987; 39.1990 Kommentar: 2 vermisst ¬The¬ alkaloids / Royal Society of 1.1969/70(1971) - 9.1977/78(1979) VK 8620.1 Chemistry Alkaloids / Wiley; Springer; 1.1983 - VK 8620 P388 Pergamon, Elsevier Alte deutsche Apotheken 1.1972 - 5.1972 ; 8.1974; 9.1975 VB 2470 G984 American chemical journal 1.1879 - 50.1913 VA 1740 American Chemical Society: Journal 1.1879 - 131.2009 VA 1750 of the American Chemical Society American Chemical Society: Journal 117.1995,5-26 VA 1750.1 of the American Chemical Society / Beim Supplementary material Microfiche- Lesegerät American Chemical Society: Journal 117.1995,27 - 120.1998,51 VA 1750.1 of the American Chemical Society / Beim Supporting information Microfiche- Lesegerät American Chemical Society: 1.1876/77 - 2.1878 VA 1749 Proceedings of the American Chemical Society American Pharmaceutical 2.1913; 6.1917 - 7.1918; 9.1920; VA 1784 Association: Journal of the American 11.1922 - 28.1939 Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical N.S. 1.1961 - 21.1981 VA 1786.2 Association: Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association / Neue Serie American Pharmaceutical 2.1941 - 21.1960 VA 1786 Association: Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association / Practical pharmacy edition American Pharmaceutical 29.1940 - 98.2009 VA 1785 Association: Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association / Scientific edition American pharmacy N.S. 1.1961 - 21.1981 VA 1786.2 Amino acids and peptides 1.1968(1969) - VK 8560.1 Amino acids, peptides and proteins 1.1968(1969) - VK 8560.1 ¬The¬ analyst 63.1938 - 128.2003 VA 1800 Analytica chimica acta 1.1947 - 59.1971; 63.1973 - VA 1900 80.1975 Analytical biochemistry 1.1960 - 515.2016 VA 2000 Analytical chemistry 1.1929 - 81.2009 VA 2050 Analytical profiles of drug 1.1972 - VR 3170 substances Analytical profiles of drug 1.1972 - VR 3170 substances and excipients Angewandte Chemie <Weinheim> [1.]1898 - [12.]1899; 13.1900 - VA 2100 Angewandte Chemie <Weinheim> / [1.]1898 - [12.]1899; 13.1900 - VA 2100 A Angewandte Chemie <Weinheim> / 19.1947 - 71.1999 VA 3280 B Angewandte Chemie / Supplement 1982 - 1983 VA 2100.0 Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 1.1832 - 76.1850 VA 2150 N.F. 1=77.1851 - 96=172.1874 173.1874 - 766.1972; 1973 - 1997 Kommentar: 1 - 100 als Repr. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 1.1861 - 8.1872 VA 2151 / Supplementband Annalen der Pharmacie 1.1832 - 76.1850 VA 2150 N.F. 1=77.1851 - 96=172.1874 173.1874 - 766.1972; 1973 - 1997 Kommentar: 1 - 100 als Repr. Annales de chimie ou recueil de 1.1789 - 96.1815 VA 2195 memoires concernant la chimie et Kommentar: 1 - 96 vermisst les arts qui en dependent et specialement la pharmacie Annales de chimie et de physique 2.Ser. 1.1816 - 75.1840 VA 2196.2 Kommentar: 1 - 71 vermisst 3.Ser. 1.1841 - 69.1863 VA 2196.3 4.Ser. 1.1864 - 30.1873 VA 2196.4 5.Ser. 1.1874 - 30.1883 VA 2196.5 6.Ser. 1.1884 - 30.1893 VA 2196.6 7.Ser. 1.1894 - 10.1897; 12.1897 - VA 2196.7 30.1903 8.Ser. 1.1904 - 30.1913 VA 2196.8 Annales de chimie 9.Ser. 1.1914 - 20.1923 VA 2200.09 10.Ser. 1.1924 - 20.1933 VA 2200.10 11.Ser.

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