SHOW TIME RadioClassics (SiriusXM Ch. 148) gregbellmedia.com June 28th - July 4th, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid Lena Horne Stars In Gloria Stuart Birthday The Whistler 9/30/51 X-Minus One 2/15/56 Boston BlaCkie 7/9/46 Alan BunCe B-Day 2 From Two From The AldriCh 9pm 12mid Prev Suspense 11/9/44 Stars In Suspense 9/16/42 The Whistler 7/27/52 X-Minus One 7/14/55 The Falcon 6/20/51 Couple Next Door Jan '58 Family (82nd Anniv) Prev Night Night Suspense 8/29/46 Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Escape Out-Station 7/12/53 Gunsmoke 2/20/54 Fibber McGee/Molly 9/5/39 Jack Benny Prgm 2/17/52 12/8/48 (New) 10/28/48 Great Gildersleeve 9/18/46 Duffy's Tavern 1/25/44 I Was A Communist/FBI Gunsmoke 5/1/54 Phil Harris & Alice Faye X-Minus One A Bunce 4/3/56 The Chase 5/4/52 Jack Benny Prgm 11/16/47 The Life Of Riley 3/24/50 From Oct. 29th, 1952. From March 2nd, 1952 X-Minus One 1/23/57 X-Minus One 6/27/57 11pm 2am Green Hornet 9/19/42 Olivia De Havilland Birthday Our Miss Brooks 11/13/49 Ed Gardner's Birthday Columbia Prsnts Corwin Santos Ortega Birthday Fort Laramie 9/9/56 11pm 2am Prev Green Hornet 10/3/43 (New) "Dark Mirror" 3/31/50 Jack Carson Show 4/2/47 Duffy's Tavern 7/25/43 Carl Sandberg 6/6/44 Dimension X 5/13/50 Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Prev Night Night Green Hornet 12/26/44 "Hold Back..Dawn" 7/31/46 Three In A Row From Duffy's Tavern 2/16/50 An American Gallery 1960s Inner SanCtum 2/6/45 Command Performance with Rocky Fortune with "Cheers/MissBishop" 11/6/46 Lum and Abner Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 Inheritance 9/25/49 Inner SanCtum 6/18/46 Benny Goodman 12/20/43 Frank Sinatra 2/2/54 Bergen McCarthy 10/1/44 1/19/43 1/20/43 1/21/43 Gangbusters 1/24/48 The Unexpected 6/13/48 The Whisperer 7/15/51 Alan Young Show 8/28/45 1am 4am Dragnet Big 17 9/6/51 Gunsmoke 12/11/54 The Six Shooter 6/24/54 Patriotic 4th! Chase & Sanborn Hour Debut Anniversary Of The Whistler 9/30/51 1am 4am Dragnet Big Crazy 8/30/51 Gunsmoke 5/3/59 Gunsmoke The Killer 2/13/54 Inheritance 6/20/54 From August 15th, 1937 The Quiz Kids (4/16/41) The Whistler 7/27/52 Behind The Mike 2/9/41 Gangbusters 5/7/49 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 CBS Radio Work 6/30/57 AmeChe, Bergen, N Eddy J Benny/Quiz Kids (4/6/41) Escape Out-Station 7/12/53 CBS Radio Workshop Tales Of The Texas Rangers Mr. District Attorney 1950s "Yankee Doodle 10/19/42 Your Hit Parade 12/18/43 Can You Top This? 4/23/48 I Was A Communist/FBI From Sept. 1st, 1957 From July 13th, 1952 Sounds Of/Nation 11/18/56 CBS Radio Workshp 11/4/56 2 From Bill Stern Sports From Oct. 29th, 1952. 3am 6am Two From The AldriCh Charles Laughton B-Day Boston BlaCkie 7/9/46 Yours Truly, Johnny Let George Do It 8/9/48 Lena Horne Stars In Gunsmoke 12/11/54 3am 6am Family (82nd Anniv) Susp-Man Who Knew 8/10/44 The Falcon 6/20/51 Dollar Marathon July '56 Johnny Dollar 4/4/50 Suspense 11/9/44 Gunsmoke 5/3/59 12/8/48 (New) 10/28/48 Susp-De Mortius 2/10/49 Fibber McGee/Molly 9/5/39 Shady Lane Matter Sherlock Holmes 10/21 2007 Suspense 8/29/46 Gangbusters 5/7/49 The Chase 5/4/52 on Duffy's Tavern 4/18/44 Phil Harris & Alice Faye Casey, Crime Photog..11/7/47 Blackstone, The Magic Great Gildersleeve 9/18/46 Tales Of The Texas Rangers X-Minus One 6/27/57 on Abbott & Costello 2/10/44 From March 2nd, 1952 Blackstone, Magic..10/10/48 Detective 2/20/49 Jack Benny Prgm 11/16/47 From July 13th, 1952 5am 8am Santos Ortega Birthday X-Minus One 2/15/56 Abbott & Costello's 81st Dragnet Big 17 9/6/51 Fort Laramie 9/9/56 When Radio Was Ed Gardner's Birthday 5am 8am Dimension X 5/13/50 X-Minus One 7/14/55 Lux Radio Theatre's Dragnet Big Crazy 8/30/51 Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Dennis Day Show 1/16/55 Duffy's Tavern 7/25/43 Inner SanCtum 2/6/45 Gunsmoke 2/20/54 "BuCk Privates" 10/13/41 Behind The Mike 2/9/41 Command Performance with Jack Benny Prgm 4/14/40 Pt 1 Duffy's Tavern 2/16/50 Inner SanCtum 6/18/46 Gunsmoke 5/1/54 Abbott & Costello 6/2/48 CBS Radio Workshop Benny Goodman 12/20/43 Murder By Experts 7/4/49 Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 The Whisperer 7/15/51 Abbott & Costello 10/4/45 From Sept. 1st, 1957 Alan Young Show 8/28/45 The Chase 2/1/53 Gangbusters 1/24/48 7am 10am Alan BunCe B-Day 2 From Lux Radio Theatre's Debut Anniversary Of Gloria Stuart Birthday Our Miss Brooks 11/13/49 Olivia De Havilland Birthday Boston BlaCkie 7/9/46 7am 10am Couple Next Door Jan '58 "The Thin Man" 6/8/36 The Quiz Kids (4/16/41) Stars In Suspense 9/16/42 Jack Carson Show 4/2/47 "Dark Mirror" 3/31/50 The Falcon 6/20/51 Jack Benny Prgm 2/17/52 Wm Powell & Myrna Loy J Benny/Quiz Kids (4/6/41) Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Three In A Row From "Hold Back..Dawn" 7/31/46 Fibber McGee/Molly 9/5/39 X-Minus One A Bunce 4/3/56 Johnny Dollar 2/3/57 Can You Top This? 4/23/48 Duffy's Tavern 1/25/44 Lum and Abner "Cheers/MissBishop" 11/6/46 Phil Harris & Alice Faye X-Minus One 1/23/57 Bill Stern Sports 12/21/45 2 From Bill Stern Sports The Life Of Riley 3/24/50 1/19/43 1/20/43 1/21/43 Bergen McCarthy 10/1/44 From March 2nd, 1952 9am 12 When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was The Mysterious Traveler Green Hornet 9/19/42 9am 12 Noon Our Miss Brooks 11/28/48 My Fave Hubby 7/1/49 Pt 2 FBI In Peace & War 8/7/52 Academy Award 10/9/46 Gregory Hood 10/14/46 From April 4th, 1950 Green Hornet 10/3/43 (New) Noon My Fave Hubby 7/1/49 Pt 1 Frontier Gentleman 5/11/58 Superman 3/4/48 Pt 12 Couple Next Door 2/17/59 Johnny Dollar 12/5/56 Pt 1 Crime Photog…7/17/47 Green Hornet 12/26/44 The Saint 10/29/50 Quiet Please 1/2/49 Murder By Experts 7/4/49 The Saint 10/29/50 Quiet Please 1/2/49 Columbia Workshop 2/23/46 Rocky Fortune with The Whistler 9/13/42 The Whistler 7/16/47 The Chase 2/1/53 The Whistler 9/13/42 The Whistler 7/16/47 Police Headquarters 1932 Frank Sinatra 2/2/54 11am 2pm Patriotic 4th! Ed Gardner's Birthday Columbia Prsnts Corwin The Mysterious Traveler The Whistler 9/30/51 Charles Laughton B-Day Lux Radio Theatre's 11am 2pm Inheritance 6/20/54 Duffy's Tavern 7/25/43 Carl Sandberg 6/6/44 From April 4th, 1950 The Whistler 7/27/52 Susp-Man Who Knew 8/10/44 "The Thin Man" 6/8/36 CBS Radio Work 6/30/57 Duffy's Tavern 2/16/50 An American Gallery 1960s Crime Photog…7/17/47 Escape Out-Station 7/12/53 Susp-De Mortius 2/10/49 Wm Powell & Myrna Loy "Yankee Doodle 10/19/42 Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 Inheritance 9/25/49 Columbia Workshop 2/23/46 I Was A Communist/FBI on Duffy's Tavern 4/18/44 Johnny Dollar 2/3/57 Sounds Of/Nation 11/18/56 Gangbusters 1/24/48 The Unexpected 6/13/48 Police Headquarters 1932 From Oct. 29th, 1952. on Abbott & Costello 2/10/44 Bill Stern Sports 12/21/45 1pm 4pm Abbott & Costello's 81st Let George Do It 8/9/48 Fort Laramie 9/9/56 Green Hornet 9/19/42 The Six Shooter 6/24/54 Dragnet Big 17 9/6/51 Gloria Stuart Birthday 1pm 4pm Lux Radio Theatre's Johnny Dollar 4/4/50 Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Green Hornet 10/3/43 (New) Gunsmoke The Killer 2/13/54 Dragnet Big Crazy 8/30/51 Stars In Suspense 9/16/42 "Buck Privates" 10/13/41 Sherlock Holmes 10/21 2007 Command Performance with Green Hornet 12/26/44 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 Behind The Mike 2/9/41 Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Abbott & Costello 6/2/48 Blackstone, The Magic Benny Goodman 12/20/43 Rocky Fortune with Mr. District Attorney 1950s CBS Radio Workshop Duffy's Tavern 1/25/44 Abbott & Costello 10/4/45 Detective 2/20/49 Alan Young Show 8/28/45 Frank Sinatra 2/2/54 From Sept.
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