MBT PRESS Rim AVERAGE DAILY CmCCLATION THE WEATHER. OF THE EVENING HERALD tea tbe montii'of Septonber, 1090. Unsettled weather tonight and Tnesday. Not mnch change in tern* 4 , 8 4 9 pontnre. VOL. XLV., NO. 9. dnsslSed Adreitisins <m Page • MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 11,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ------------------------ GUARD FOULS BANDITS Lesfion Head, Perhaps Successor SPAIN TO HAVE U.S.BANKERSIN BUT PATS WITH LIFE. AIMEE CALLS 11 T E CYCLONE. JURY STILL OUT .-ua, .Spain, Oct. 11.— ^The Providence, Oct. 11.— ^After . uik|ie o f Melvisar has been de­ fighting a revolver battle with stroyed ' by a cyclone, according HUGE TRUST TO burglars today, Oscar Swope, 59, FORBACKINGOF BACKS s a : to: * report received here. Com­ INDAUCHERn night watchman at the Standard munication with Melvizar has Oil Company's refining plant, been. cut. off, and it is feared that East Providence, drove off the there has been loss of life. REVIVE EUROPE marauders but received a bullet KUWKLAN D Y E m U L A S BRIBER TRIAL Floods and storms are causing wound that caused his death. heavy damage in Malaga. The bandits were sighted by a ^ ' -------- ---------- ■ < policeman, fleeing in an automo­ bile -bearing Connecticut regis­ hdicates Defense WiD Be Government Loses Snit to Faffs to Reach Verdict a. Join in Billion Dollar Com­ tration plates. -<*> 100,000 OF LEGION bine to Float Foreign a 'Religions Frame-Up” ; NnDify Transfer of Ger- Lonch Time Today After Bond Issues Here. Many BACK TO JOB BEST More Witness Contradict ^ man Patents to Chemical FILL SESQUI TOWN Third Night Spent Locked Nations Concerned. CURE, NEW RUUNG Mexico Story. Foandation. in Hotel Big Time Is On as Men of ■Washington, Oct. 11.— Tke gov­ New York, Oct. 11.— A powerful Los Angeles, Oct. 11.— Appeal­ New York, Oct. l l . ~ Jagged- ernment today lost one of Its big­ combination of American and ing to the Ku Klux Klan for sup­ World War Prepare for nerved and weary the jury that had Compensation Officials Find gest war time suits when. the Su­ European Investment bankers has port, Almee Semple McPherson then been weighing for 61 hours John R. McQuigg, of Cleveland, John J. Pershing, general of the preme Court held the Chemical concluded negotiations for the fer- went to court today for the begin­ armies, retired, may be drafted by '"Battle of Paris ” the conspiracy case of Harry AT. Rest Cure Doesn’t Work, Ohio, who as national commander Foundation, Inc., should retain cen­ matlon of the American-British ning of the third week of her un­ the American Legion as its na­ Daugherty, former attorney gen­ presides over the American Legion’s tral of valuable German chemical Continental Company, an Interna­ precedented preliminary hearing. tional commander for the next eral, and Thomas W. Miller, for­ Says Commissioner. dye patents, seized by the alien Philadelphia, Oct. 11.— "K. P.” tional banking trust for the under­ The evangelist, her mother and Philadelphia convention. year. mer alien prop'srty custodian, re­ property custodian during the world and "M. P.” came understandingly writing of foreign bond issues, it Mrs. Lorraine Wiseman-Seilaff of turned to their deliberations today war. together here today, with “ shave­ was learned on good authority to­ San Francisco are charged with at 3 0:10 a. ni. Hartford, Oct. 11.— The "rest The patents were sold to the tail” and general, as the eighth day. conspiring to produce false testi­ The twelve men carried their cure” as a therapeutic treatment mony. Chemical Foundation and transfer­ NAGGED 42 YEARS ST. LOUIS HAS NO annual convention of the Ameri­ suitcases with them. As they Blyth, 'Witter & Co., one of the for lameness has been abandoned Distributing printed cards to the red to American dye manufacturers. best known American Investment The federal government, under can Legion got under way. Easily trudged into the jury room tired by the compensation commission­ congregation, which testify to the 100,000 of the boys, who in ’17-18, lines showed on every face. banking houses, will head the signer’s unweavering faith in the the Harding administration, had i^merican end of the combination, ers. Patients are now ordered to HE KILLS HIS WIFE TIME FOR BUSINESS lost in the lower courts a suit to in groups of forty, crowded the fa­ Judge Julian W. Mack had not go to work. This new type of ad­ Integrity of the Angelus Temple mous eight cheveaux out of arrived at the time the jury le- while the J. Henry Schroeder Com­ pastor, Mrs. McPherson said: set aside this sale, which involved pany, an outstanding bond and justment in cases where the ail­ over 5,000 German patents and Prance’s best box cars, were on sumed its heated discussion. The ment is as much mental as physi­ "How many of you are members of hand to join in the festivities and cefer.dants, howevor, wic!i their banking house of the English the Klan? Take several hundred trade marks,, at a nominal consider­ Financial center, will act in similar cal has proven beneficial. Commis­ ation and at pri'vate sgle. receive the greetings of Pennsyl­ counsel, paced nervously through sioner Leo J. Noonan, of the First cards with you to the meetings and New Jersey Great-Grand­ vania and the Sesqui-Centennial. the crowded corridors, retiring later capacity on the other side of the get signatures.” Town Goes on Gigantic Holi­ Sapportis 'Wilson Act. District, said In a finding on a re­ Promptly at 10 o ’clock Nation­ to private rooms. Atlantic. The new alliance, to be Frame-up CSiarge. The government charged irregu­ quest for compensation. al Commander John R. McQuigg The length of time taken to date familiarly known as the A. B. C. Formerly it was the practice to Mention of the Kian as a poten­ father, 75, Beats Mate to day as It Awuts Home larity, Inadequack of price, unau­ thorized confiscation* of private called the convention to order in by the jury was said to establish a trust, will embrace the leading pay compensation in a lump sum tial source of strength confirmed the huge Sesqui-Centennial audi­ banks of France, Germany, Austria, earlier Indications that the evange­ property, and a conspiracy to create new record in New York, one pre­ in such cases with the idea of ef­ torium. National Chaplain, W. E. vious case showing a jury staying Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and fecting a cure by a long rest. This list centers her defense about a Death With a Chair. Coining of Its Heroes. a moqopoly in the American dry in­ Patrick delivered the invocation Belgium, the combined resources of charge of a "religious frame-up.” dustry. out thirty-niqe hours. was not satisfactory. and the 1926 assembly of Ameri­ Ask More Exhibits. which exceed a billion dollars. Always Got Worse. 'When Deputy District-Attorney The government contended ' the ca’s World War veterans had be­ execution order by President Wil­ Judge Mack convened court at To Finance Europe Most of those given lump sums, Joe Ryan and Captain of Detec­ Camden, N. J., Oct. 11.— Benja­ St. Louis, Oct. 11.— St. Louis to­ gun. The principal activities of the tives Herman Cline discovered that son, permitting the sale by Francis noon and announced the jury had Mr. Noonan declared today, re­ min Wallace, 75-year-old great day awaits its Cardinals, awaits Paris Fight Prompt. requested additional exhibits. These finance trust will revolve around turned to the commissioner’s of­ Kenneth Ormiston, former radio P. Garvin, then alien property cus­ For the most part, the first day’s grandfather, alleged to have killed with all the calm and quietude of todian. of the patents, to the Chem­ included “ the memorandum con­ the financing of governmental and fice when the money was spent, man employed at Mrs. McPher­ a grand opera rehearsal. The town program was to be taken up with industrial projects for the princi­ son’s Angelus Temple had spent his aged wife “ because he couldn’t ical Foundation of which he later cerning the conference on August complaining they were still dis­ might as well be closed to trade speeches of welcome and greet­ 2, 1921, between Miller, Williams pal European countries. Hereto­ abled. On the contrary, when the ten days in a Carmel-by-the-Sea stand her nagging,” calmly smoked and business. Those shops which became the head, was null and void ing, although some time during the cottage with a woman resembling because the President had no au­ and Johnson,” and a request for fore the bulk of this underwriting treatment has been work, the pa­ his pipe in jail here today while the are attempting to do business are day the Paris fight— final deter­ has been put through by the Mor­ the evangelist at a time when the thority to delegate this power, and records of Miller’s bond transac­ tient in every case, Mr. Noonan authorities investigated the strange little more than forums for expres­ mination of whether next year’s tions with his New York brokers. gan, Kuhn Loeb, Dillon Read and a said, has gathered himself togeth­ pastor claimed she was kidnapped, that even if the authority were convention is to go to Prance— case. sion o f opinions— absolutely una­ The memorandum was made out by few other American banking er, returned to his job and made Mrs. McPherson answered the nimous— on the greatness of the valid the sales wgre not made in will have its Inception. charge by declaring Ryan and Stalking into the Sunday school accordance with the executive or­ Miller, Williams and Johnson in houses.
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