On the Deduction Rule and the Number of Proof Lines (Extended Abstract) Maria Luisa Bonet¤ Samuel R. Buss¤ Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics U.C. Berkeley U.C. San Diego Berkeley, California 94720 La Jolla, California 92093 Abstract inference are also sound. A notable example of this is We introduce new proof systems for propositional the deduction rule which states that if a formula B has logic, simple deduction Frege systems, general deduc- a proof from an additional, extra-logical hypothesis A ` ⊃ tion Frege systems and nested deduction Frege systems, (in symbols, A B ) then there is a proof of A B . which augment Frege systems with variants of the This paper considers various strengthenings of this deduction rule. We give upper bounds on the lengths deduction rule and establishes upper bounds on the of proofs in these systems compared to lengths in proof-speedups obtained with these deduction rules. Frege proof systems. As an application we give a near-linear simulation of the propositional Gentzen By a \speedup" of a proof, we mean the amount sequent calculus by Frege proofs. The length of a that proofs can be shortened with additional inference proof is the number of steps or lines in the proof. rules. In this paper, the length of a proof is the number of lines in the proof; where a line consists A general deduction Frege proof system provides at either a formula or a sequent (depending on the proof most quadratic speedup over Frege proof systems. A system). We write B (and A ;:::;As B) nested deduction Frege proof system provides at most k 1 k a nearly linear speedup over Frege system where by to indicate that the formula B has Frege proof of · k lines (from the hypotheses A1;:::;As). More \nearly linear" is meant the ratio of proof lengths is T O(®(n)) where ® is the inverse Ackermann function. generally, we write \ k " to mean \provable in proof A nested deduction Frege system can linearly simulate system T with · k lines". If S and T are proof the propositional sequent calculus and hence a Frege systems we say that S can linearly (respectively, proof system can simulate the propositional sequent quadraticly) simulate T if, for any T -proof of k calculus with proof lengths bounded by O(n ¢ ®(n)). lines, there is an S -proof of the same (or sometimes As a technical tool, we introduce the serial transitive an equivalent) formula of O(k) lines (respectively, of closure problem: given a directed graph and a list of O(k2) lines). We say that T provides at most linear closure edges in the transitive closure of the graph, (respectively, quadratic speedup) over S if S can the problem is to derive all the closure edges. We give linearly (respectively, quadraticly) simulate T . a nearly linear bound on the number of steps in such a derivation when the graph is tree-like. An alternative, commonly used measure of the length of a propositional proof is the number of symbols in 1 Introduction the proof. This is the approach used, for instance, by Cook-Reckhow [3] and Statman [12]. It should be A Frege proof system is an inference system for noticed that the minimum number of lines in a Frege propositional logic in which the only rule of inference proof of a formula is polynomially related to the min- is modus ponens. Although it su±ces to have modus imum number of symbols in an extended Frege proof. ponens as the single inference rule to obtain a complete On the other hand, prior work on proof lengths in proof system, it is well-known that other modes of ¯rst-order logic has frequently measured the number ¤Supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-8902480 of lines in proofs; this includes [2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11] and others. We next de¯ne extensions to the Frege proof system We begin by de¯ning the main propositional proof that incorporate the deduction theorem as a rule of systems used in this paper. The logical connectives inference. For this purpose, the systems de¯ned below of all our systems are presumed to be :, _, ^ and have proofs in which the lines are sequents of the ² ⊃; however, our results hold for any complete set of form ¡ A; intuitively, the sequent means that the connectives. formulas in ¡ tautologically imply A: operationally, a sequent ¡ ² A means that A has been proved using De¯nition A Frege proof system (denoted F )is the formulas in ¡ as assumptions. characterized by: A general deduction Frege system (denoted dF ) incor- porates a strong version of the deduction rule. Each (1) A ¯nite set of axiom schemata. For example, a line in a general deduction Frege proof is a sequent of ⊃ ⊃ possible axiom schema is (A (B A)); A and the form ¡ ² A where A is a formula and ¡ is a set B represent arbitrary formulas. of formulas. When ¡ is empty, we write just ² A. (2) The only rule of inference is Modus Ponens (MP): The four valid axioms and inference rules in a general deduction Frege proof are: AA⊃B B ² A ¡ A an axiom (3) A proof in this system is a sequence of formulas fAg ² A ¡ Hypothesis A1;:::;An (also called `lines') where each Ai is ¡ ² A ⊃ B ¡ ² A either a substitution instance of an axiom schema 1 2 ¡ [ ² Modus Ponens or is inferred by Modus Ponens (MP) from some ¡1 ¡2 B Aj and Ak with j; k < i. ¡ ² B ¡Deduction Rule ¡ nfAg²A⊃B (4) The proof system must be consistent and com- dF plete. We write A1;:::;An k B to indicate that fA1;:::;Ang²B has a general deduction Frege proof The length of an F -proof is the number of lines in of · k lines. the proof; we write A to indicate that A has k Deduction Frege systems are quite general since they a Frege proof of length · k . We further write allow hypotheses to be \opened" and \closed" (i.e., A ;:::;As B to mean that B is provable from 1 k \assumed" and \discharged") in arbitrary order. A the hypotheses Ai with a Frege proof of · k lines; in more restrictive system is the nested deduction Frege other words, that there is a sequence of · k formulas proof system which requires the hypotheses to be each of which is one of the Ai 's, is an axiom, or is used in a `nested' fashion. The nested deduction inferred by modus ponens from earlier formulas such Frege systems are quite natural since the correspond that B is the ¯nal formula of the proof. Although we to the way mathematicians actually reason while have not speci¯ed the axiom schemata to be used in carrying out proofs. A second reason the nested a Frege proof system, it is easy to see that di®erent deduction Frege system seems quite natural is that we choices of axiom schemata will change the lengths of shall prove below that nested deduction Frege proof proofs only linearly. systems can simulate with linear size proofs both the The simplest form of the deduction theorem states propositional Gentzen sequent calculus and tree-like that if A ` B then ` A ⊃ B . This can be informally general deduction Frege proofs. phrased as a rule in the form The primary feature of the nested deduction Frege A ` B proof system is that hypotheses must be closed in A ⊃ B reverse order of their opening. And after a hypothesis which is called the 1-simple deduction rule; more is closed, any formula proved inside the scope of generally, the simple deduction rule is the hypothesis is now longer available. For example, a nested deduction Frege proof may look like the ` A1;:::An B following: A1 ⊃(¢¢¢(An ⊃B)¢¢¢) hA1i²A1 Hypothesis A1 opened by an example; the fragmentary ndF -proof given . above would be pictorially represented as: 2 hA1;A2i²A2 Hypothesis A2 opened A1 . 6 . 6 . 6 2. hA1;A2i²A3 6 6 A2 hA1i²A2 ⊃A3 Deduction Rule; A2 closed 6 6 6 4 . 6 . 6 h i² 6 A3 A1;A4 A4 Hypothesis A4 opened 6 ⊃ 6 2A2 A3 . 6 . 6 A4 6 6 hA ;A i²A 6 4 . 1 4 5 6 . hA1i²A4 ⊃A5 Deduction Rule; A4 closed 6 6 A5 . 6 . 6 A4 ⊃ A5 6 h i² 4 . A1 A6 . hi²A1 ⊃ A6 Deduction Rule; A1 closed A6 A1 ⊃ A6 A sequent in a nested deduction Frege (ndF ) proof Nested deduction Frege proofs are conceptually simple is of the form ¡ ² A where now ¡ is a sequence of and natural and, in practice, seem to simplify the pro- formulas. An ndF proof is a sequence of sequents cess of discovering proofs. Thus, it is surprising that ¡i ² Ai (i =1;2;:::;n) such that ¡ is taken to 0 a Frege proof system can simulate nested deduction be the empty sequence and, for each i, one of the Frege proofs with near linear size proofs: this fact is following holds: the content of our main theorems below. (a) ¡i =¡i¡1 and Ai is an axiom. 2 Summary of Results (b) ¡i =¡i¡1¤Ai. This opens an assumption, ¤ In this section we outline our primary results giving denotes concatenating a formula to the end of fairly sharp bounds on how much the deduction rule the sequence. can shorten proofs. Most of our results are stated in the form \If proof system X can prove a formula in ¤ ⊃ (c) ¡i¡1 is ¡i B and Ai is B Ai¡1 .
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