/ Lietuvos nacionalinė |m.Mažvydo biblioteka) STk Jj 1 4545 WEST 63rd STREET • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60629 TEL.: 312-585-9500 • FAX.: 312-585-8284 * [email protected] PEIERIODICALS THE I RIEM) Oct,:ober 21 , 1996 VOLUME 1 NUMBER 3 ENGLISH EDITION Saturday, September 21, 1996 Government Latvia Seems to Securities are out of Recognize Curonian As the President Sees It Demand Spit One of the main concerns of claration clearly committing the Vilnius, September 11, Vilnius, Sept. 11, (ELTA) — Lithuanian Americans, and United States to a policy of ear­ (ELTA) — Totai turnover at the Lithuanian Prime Minister perhaps all Baltic Americans ly admission of the Baltic States National Stock Exchange 391st Mindaugas Stankevičius and abroad is the issue of the Baltic into NATO. Admission criteria trade session held on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Povilas Gylys States acceptance into NATO. should be based on meeting September 11, vvas comparative- expect that Latvia is to recog­ They see it as the only certain definite standards such as a ly lovv, trade reaching 308,059 nize the Curonian Spit (Kuršių protection against possible ag- viable democratic government, litas only in shares as govern­ Nerija) to be a part of Lithua­ gresive movės from the neigh- a free market economy, civilian ment securities vvere out of nia’s Baltic Sea coast. bor in the East — Russia. On control of the military and other demand. Such a comment vvas made by numerous occasions Russian criteria already established by There vvas not a single offer them at the meeting of Stanke­ President Boris Yeltsin and NATO. presented to buy or sėli govern­ vičius vvith Latvian Prime leaders of other parties, in par­ 3. United States strategy to Minister Andris Skėlė, vvhere ticular, the nevvly reborn Com- bring about early realization of ment securities during Tues- day’s session. It vvas the first they discussed the situation munist Party expressed strong Baltic membership in NATO. case in the history of the Li­ related to frozen negotiations on opposition to all three Baltic 4. A statement regarding the thuanian Stock Exchange, the marine border of both Baltic States joining NATO. type and amount of assistance vvhen trade i n government secu­ neighbors. On July 6 of this year an alar- to be provided by the United rities failed. Investors are Positions of both statės differ- ming article vvas published in States to the Baltic States in the scared avvay from T-bills as in­ red greatly before the meeting the Moscovv bąsed daily nevvspa- interim period to help them The House of Parliament in Vilnius, Lithuania terest rates of government secu­ in the Latvian village of Nica. per Izvestia. It consisted of a meet the conditions vvhich vvill Photo by France* Siutas rities on the primary market Latvia proposed to dravv the summary from a confidential let- make early admission possible. are very lovv (just above 9 per­ border line taking Ventes Horn ter sent to US President Bill Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Another Chornobyl in cent), and nobody desires to deal in the Curonian Lagoon (Kuršių Clinton on the subject of NATO are good neighbors to Russia, Minister of Education Eastern Marios) as a reference point and the Baltic States. The and hope to remain so. Hovv- Europe? Takes Part in Prague vvith them, experts noted. During the session, share situated on the Lithuanian sho- Baltic Freedom Lague, Ine., bas­ ever, President Yeltsin’s alleg- Conference „Are vve risking another $66.2 million, about $35 million supply on the centrai market re and to ignore the long sand ed in Los Angeles, CA, reacted ed letter does not indicate such Chornobyl-type incident in is planned for programs in Uk- vvas 1.51 million shares, and spit lying vvestvvard from Ventes to that article by sending a let- intentions on the part of Russia. Eastern Europe?” is the ques- raine.) On July 16, the Senate Prague, Sept 12 (ELTA) — their demand totalled to Horn. ter of inųuiry to the White The Baltic American com­ tion being asked in Washington Appropriations Committee ap- Lithuanian Education and 468,000 shares. During the ses­ In this case, a potential oil House. They got a prompt rep- munity avvaits the clarification these days. The possible elosing proved the full request for fund- Science Minister Vladislavas sion there vvere shares of 82 field E-24 vvould fall to Latvia. ly from the President of United of your position on the issue of of the Department of Energy’s ing. That šame day, the House Domarkas took part at the se- companies traded. Lithuania does not agree vvith States. We submit to our rea- the Baltic States accession to International Nuclear Safety Appropriations Committee pro­ cond Central and East Euro- Financial brokers presented the proposal on Ventes Horn, ders texts of both letters. NATO. Program by Congress is causing vided no funding for the prog­ pean conference “Creating In­ 880 orders, out of vvhich 77 vvere since this horn is situated in the Valdis V. Pavlovskis this alarm among nuclear ex- ram. It is anticipated that nei- formation Society”, held in completed. During the session, inner vvaters of Lithuania. Mr. President: President perts. The program, initiated in ther the Senate nor the House Prague on Thursday, Sept. 12. July 11, 1996 there vvere 66 deals made on Stankevičius told journalists 1992, received zero support for fis- vvill change the actions of its The forum in Prague invited shares of seven enterprises. 89.2 after the meeting of the Lithua­ A matter of extreme impor- cal year 1Q97 by the Energy and respective Appropriations Com- about 300 ministers, scientists percent of the deals vvere made nian Defence Council that he tance to the Baltic American Dear Mr. Pavlovskis: Water Development Subcom­ mittees so the issue vvill be and researchers from tvvelve on the centrai market, the ręst agreed vvith Skėlė on hovv to Community needs clarification. mittee of the House Appropria- resolved by the House-Senate countries in the region. The con­ being direct. treat Lithuania’s shoreline, būt Your prompt attention to our re- T appreciated your letter con- tions Committee. Conference Coin&dttee after ference continued discussions of The largest increase at Tues- he did not tell any details. quest vvill be sincerely ap- cerning the security of the The International Nuclear both Houses of Congress have the most up-dated Information day’s session vvas in the value ‘‘When the decision of preciated. Baltic States and vvelcome the Safety Program originated from acted on the legislation. and communication equipment of commercial bank Vilniaus negotiating delegations is made, On July 6, 1996, the Russian chance to discuss some of the U.S. commitments made at the Since grassroots support for technologies and produetion Bankas shares (20 percent). you vvill be informed,” he said. nevvspaper „Izvestia” sum- points you raised. 1992 G-7 conference to provide the program could be critical, issues. Vilniaus Vingis Co and Biržai The Foreign Minister also vvas marized a confidential letter I vvant to assure you, une- assistance to Russia, Ukrine, individuals (especially consti- Creating Information society dairy shares vvere also traded in laconic. that the President of Russia, quivocally, that the policy of the Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech tuents) and organizations are is chaired by EU Commissar 20 percent higher prices. “There vvas some hope, that Boris Yeltsin, allegedly sent to United States tovyard the Baltic Republic, Hungry, Lithuania, encouraged to contact the House Martin Bangemann responsible Liteksas & Clavv Co share pri­ Latvians did recognize Curo­ you to “influence” your position statės remains constant; there and Slovakia in redueing risks Conferees urging that they ac- for industrial, Information and ces reduced by 16.67 percent, nian Spit as the part of Lithua­ on the issue of the Baltic States has been and is no “deal” vvith associated vvith the older Soviet cept the Senate provision of telecommunication sector. The Rokiškio Sūris Co share prices nia’s shore. Negotiations are accession to NATO. According Russia about the Baltic statės. - designed (RBMKs and funding the International forum vvas also honoured by decreased by 3.28 percent. confidential, vvait for eonerete to “Izvestia”, the letter vvas I met vvith the Presidents of WER440/230s) nuclear reactor. Nuclear Safety Program at Czech President Vaclav Havel. The largest deal on the 391st results,” he said. The next “harsh” in tone and reiterated Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (It vvas a RBMK reactor vvhich $66.2 million. The anticipated Beside the minister of educa­ trade session vvas made in round of the talks is not deter- Russia’s opposition to the Baltic on June 25, and confirmed to exploded at Chornobyl in 1986.) House Conferees are Represen- tion the forum invited Lithua­ Vilniaus bank shares, totai sum mined yet, he added. States membership in NATO.e them that the United States has Since International borders do tatives John Myers (R-IN), nian Ambassador to Prague of the deal reaching 224,400 Gylys also refused to comment The article further speculates an interest in the sovereignty, not deter the effects of a nuclear Harold Rogers (R-KY), Joe Jurgis Brėdikis and the specia- litas. on Lithuania’s possible respon­ that President Yeltsin’s letter independence and security of accident, other nations in the re­ Knollenberg (R-MI), Frank lists from Lithuanian Informa­ In all, demand for shares of 23 se, if Latvian Saeima (parlia­ did indeed influence you in the Baltic statės. I also stress- gion, such as Poland, Estonia, Riggs (R-CA), Rodney Freling- tion institute and Kaunas emissions vvas higher than sup­ ment) vvere to postpone ratifica- favor of Russia’s demand to ex- ed that the process of NATO’s Latvia, Romania, and Belarus, huysen (R-NJ), Jim Bunn (R- Techological University as vvell.
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